Hello, I am trying to create a new mod called Eat Your Veggies, a directly inspiration to the a mod from the game Don't Starve, made by Joeshmocoolstuff. The idea of the mod is to have a ramdomly generated list of foods and have to base your diet only around those foods. Once you've eaten an item from the list, that item is gone, and you'll have to forage for another item. This list can be customized to have variable lengths, rarity filters, mod filters and other stuffs. I'll see what I can do to make the mod work.
Hello, I am trying to create a new mod called Eat Your Veggies, a directly inspiration to the a mod from the game Don't Starve, made by Joeshmocoolstuff. The idea of the mod is to have a ramdomly generated list of foods and have to base your diet only around those foods. Once you've eaten an item from the list, that item is gone, and you'll have to forage for another item. This list can be customized to have variable lengths, rarity filters, mod filters and other stuffs. I'll see what I can do to make the mod work.