A Brief History
Myths and Monsters was originally made by Uno165 with Sir_Deccy (formerly UKdeccy) later joining to help develop mobs and items.
Uno165 handed control of the mod in 2013; UKdeccy then enlisted HoopAWolf to assist with coding to attempt to continue development. The mod was soon abandoned after a few months of development due to both parties not having time to develop the mod.
6 years later we have decided to take advantage of the lockdown situation and resume development!
Development So Far
We have been working on the mod since April 2020 and are aiming for a November 2020 public release.
We are planning to include as many features as we can for this release but mainly this first release will be used as a test bed for future releases. We want the mod to fit in with the base game so things such as balancing spawn rates/creature stats will be super important! Anyway check below to see SOME of the mobs we have been working on!
If you are interested or know someone who maybe interested then please link them this thread and send myself a PM on here or tweet me at @UK_deccy
We have successfully started up our discord where much of our development management, discussion and testing will take place
Development is already going really well but we still really need additions to the team!
Do you have the link to the discord?
Random bump on this post but I would very much like to continue to develop this mod. Hoop is no longer available to code unfortunately and I work exclusively as management and on assets. If anyone can recommend a coder or is capable of coding please don't hesitate to message