Zoo and Wild Animals Mod: Rebuilt
Poll: What features should we add.
Ended Mar 1, 2018
I know this is an old post but I love the spotted hyena model. Can I get the spotted hyena model and texture since you guys aren't going to use it? anyone who sees this please personal message to me ASAP. Thanks.
It is way past memorial day, please post updates on this forum for those like me who aren't allowed on twitter
How do
How do I disable defacating!
Sorry for the long wait everyone! We now have some progress on the coding for the mod! For quicker updates and progress we are going to need more coders to join our team! If you have any experience in coding or know anyone who does please shoot them my way via [email protected]! Hope you all enjoy!
copying models doesn't count as original work
I know but i couldn't find the original model in any mod so I made it from what I saw
....so you copied someone else's models because you couldn't get the actual models?
Someone tell me how to disable the animals pooping, I can't open config, so my game lags.
Forgive me if this was already addressed, but is there a 1.7.10 version available? If not would it be possible to make a 1.7 version?
That breaks my heart, but thank you for the quick reply.
is there a discord?
also, i can help model.
My Discord ign is The_Naked_OwO#6969/308030940280520734, i don't add people i don't know though.
uhh, it expired?
My Discord ign is The_Naked_OwO#6969/308030940280520734, i don't add people i don't know though.
Question, how do you disable pooping? I know, in the config, but how? I can open the configure using Notepad, but like, what do I put in it to disable pooping? I tried different things and my attempts seemed to make the mod not work and I had to delete the mod and redownload it again so it will.
what I see in it
this is a picture before I experimented with the config
Your config file is corrupt delete it so the mod can remake it, and you change true to false on the pooping.
Alright I'll do that when I get back to my computer. Should I open the config with something else instead of notepad?
Notepad should be fine if not try notepad++
When I went to delete it, it didn't make a new config like you said. I loaded the game thinking that would do it but It crashed because of the missing config file. I'm gonna try redownloading my mod and using notepad++ to see if that will make a difference and see what I can do with the true and false thing you told me.
Alright sorry for double posting, I now have notepad++ and redownloaded the mod. This is what I'm seeing.
I didn't like it since I had difficulty trying to type so I used word pad, I did what you say and put false after poop like so
After I did that, I loaded minecraft, when i checked to see if the mod was working, it wasn't.
Am I doing something wrong? Should I not have 'false' be where it is? Is it still corrupted?