Zoo and Wild Animals Mod: Rebuilt
Poll: What features should we add.
Ended Mar 1, 2018
Not happening
1.8 is pretty much dead i would reccomend moving to a more popular version i tried to make a modpack based around this but i had very little options
its still a great mod still
I'm not coding this mod anymore
We will see which versions we are coding Im sure we will include 1.10 versions
I definitely can't, and I doubt the new coder will be able to
I do NOT work on this mod anymore, I don't have permission legally to give you any models or art, I can only give you code but I probably won't (I wrote 'not' in caps so you read it properly not aggressively).
I coded the mod, but then I quit out of respect for the others on the team I will not give you any models.
It's funny, not annoying. kkkkk
Just saying.
Now seriously, I just saw the new animals now.
You added the Zebra duiker because of my suggestion? If yes, thanks. If no, forget the thanks (jk).
Ayyy, im not sure if they changed it... but I textured the zebra duiker
Will work this mod in 1.8.9 ??
Update this mod for 1.8.9 please please
Please read the rules before posting a comment asking us on updating to a specific version.
New models look so cool!
I have found a new thread, why do not you introduce it?
wow ...
> Dragões de gelo e fogo Mod ♡
> Fósseis e Arqueologia Revival Mod ♡
> JurassicCraft Mod ♡
> Animania ♡
Guy's get ready for a special reveal on Memorial Day! Zoo and Wild Animals Mod: Rebuilt has regained steam and is ready to return to regular updates!