Zoo and Wild Animals Mod: Rebuilt
Poll: What features should we add.
Ended Mar 1, 2018
Here is the Updated Hyena Model. Also Once again we need CODERS AND TEXTURERS IN ORDER TO GET THIS MOD TO COME TO LIFE. If you are a good texture of even mediocre give it a try. You can contact me at [email protected] if you want to help or now some people I could contact if you think they can help Thank you.
even though i suck at modding. i just know a mod with this much animals will make me die. because all i look for is a mod with a ton of mobs. and looking at what you plan to add, it makes me think I'm in heaven
Thanks, its people like you (and myself) that like mods with lots of mobs, that make me want to make this mod and work so hard on the models such as the Rhino one (which took me like an hour! :wacko:) Also is there any animal in particular that you want me to do or one on the list you want me to do next?
I will do lots of wild dogs and cats but unfortunately I will be limited wild animals as too many mods do domestic animals. However I am current working on the Cheetah and Amur Leopard Models for this mod.
what if you did some fictional mobs like a living cucumber. then you could do some extinct mobs like dino's and sabre-toothed cats. some cardinals and parrots and other birds i would like. and i didn't see underwater life in the list, i would really like an octopus. maybe some squirrels and other rodents. Lastly what about a komodo dragon. Now you don't have to do everything, but I'm just going all out with my ideas to make this mod perfect. And i also want to ask has anybody bothered to help code or texture your mod yet.
No one has although at least one person wanted to how to contact me in the future, so as of now the mod is just some really baller models.
This is the new model for a very fuzzy little Australian, the Wombat. Once Again we need CODERS in order to really bring this mod to light and don't e afraid to suggest your favorite wild animal that you want to see or an animal on the list you want us to do next.
Here is the massive Polar Bear model. I will be making a new biome known as the sea ice biome where they can hunt walruses. Again please we need CODERS TO MAKE THIS MODE COME TO LIFE.
Thanks for the support and helping by building some excitement for a lesser known mod. And we plan to do most of the animals you suggested in this version of the mod and the rest in part 2 of the mod. And if there is any animal in particular on the list that you would want to see given a model just reply back.
This is the new Male Sumatran Orangutan Model. I will release the female model soon. Hope you guys like it
This is the African Ground Pangolin a rare animal that a surprising amount of people suggested I did.SO here it is I hope u all like it and finally we still need a coder to really pull this mod together.
I Love the rhino
Here is the model of the Harp Seal to help add some life to the frozen tundra and will populate the new biome coming in this mod the Polar Sea Ice. Again we still need a CODER. PLZ
WE currently have a person who is working on the textures but if you would like to try coding email me at [email protected] what animal from the list you think you would want to try coding and we can discuss how that will work out okay!
Here is the new model for the common Gharial Male the female model is the same but without the massive bulb on the nose. We now have a texture and a person who can do some coding but we could use another with all of the animals that need coding. Also if you want a specific animal done just reply to this mod or put in on the google docs link.
Here is a model of a lowland gorilla male that will finish off the last of the great ape models. I hope u guys enjoy these models but I also want to know what other group of animals should I focus on finishing next. The rhinoceroses, the bears, or maybe the crocodiles, comment and reply to let me know.
Here is the huge Nile Hippopotamus complete with giant tusks that allow them to battle do battle to each other.
Here are the new completed models guys. This is amazing and now we have a new logo this mod is jumping by leaps and bounds.
What old model would you all like to see brought to life first by our texture creator/ modeler. Are you hyped to see gorillas and orangutans or would you rather witness the finished rhinoceros. Reply and comment on which ones you want and the one which was suggested the most will be top priority for both texturing and coding. If you don't know all of the animals created so far just open the surprise in the description.