I want as many suggestion on new withers as everyone can give me. Do what proxwarrior33 did. Flood the comments with Wither suggestions. I want you guys to be a part of the team. If you do suggest a Wither and I implement it, you're name will be added to the list of people who helped to make this mod. The rules are:
1. The Withers must be within reason (nothing that's the size of a planet, or anything that would look just plain stupid.
2. The Wither can't be one that I've already made (or plan to make)
3. Nothing 18+ guys
4. The Wither must have a special ability
5. The Wither needs a way of summoning it (two items aren't necessarily required. For instance, combining two withers together, of crafting the wither in the crafting table)
Now go nuts. Fly my pretties, fly!
Give me stats and I might make it, so long as the wither follows the rule. Like what you did above.
I am back in business! The Mo' Withers mod shall be continued on, and all because I saved it in my Dropbox!
Here's the old list we came up with over Skype:
Mob - Creeper, Ender, Zombie, Dragon (Implemented), Guardian, Spider, Squid, Ghast, Blaze, Pig Zombie, Cave Spider (maybe) Underpowered Wither (Skeleton-like texture, no glowing eyes), Slime
Ad Wither (April Fools)
[url ="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066990-hardcore-ender-expansion"]
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Yay! I fixed 0.22 of the Mo' Wither mod! Enjoy patient fans!
Name: Witherian Priest
Description: A grand cultist who worships the wither and it's different variations. Through the process he has been granted powers similar to the withers. He resembles a village with a black robe grey/black skin, and an additional two heads. (If possible, rather than flying, he would walk.)
Health: 500
Skull Damage: 1-20
Speed: Very slow
Special Ability: Cultist Calling, he calls to arms his follow cultists. Plain villagers that wear black cloaks with normal colored skin. This assistance due just as much damage as a zombie with only half the health. However, they come in hordes per summoning.
Armor rating: Very poor
First Item: Emerald
Second Item: Wheat
Represents: Worship
Name: Hydral Wither
Description: A very large wither with rib bones along it's spine pointing towards the north, south, east, and west. All around itself in every direction are wither skulls in a large bundle.
Health: 1110
Skull Damage: 15.
Speed: Average
Special Ability: Head Hail, the skulls this wither fires come from all heads at once per shot. However, these heads have heavy weight and almost instantly begin to fall to the ground. However, they do have a large explosion radius that doesn't damage terrain. This acts sort of as a storm of skulls.
Armor rating: Poor
First Item: -
Second Item: -
Represents: Unison
The Hydral Wither is summoned upon 3 separate demented withers are spawned near eachother. The withers fuse into one monstrous entity.
Nice. Even if I don't respond, I want you guys to come up with ideas. Keep it up my fans!
Mo' Withers has been updated to 0.3, with Halloween's spookiness and all. 4 new Withers have joined the crowd.
Lol when did u make these withers?
Also, sick!
[url ="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066990-hardcore-ender-expansion"]
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To everyone asking what version this is in: Look at the tags at the top of the post.
1.8 Mobs Combat
[url ="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066990-hardcore-ender-expansion"]
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Please give more Wither suggestions. Some like the Cultist might become canon...oops, I've said too much.
BTW, yes, sirpokesprite, I consider the cultist to be a good idea. however, I might give it a different way of being found (to add uniqueness to the mod, and more room for more sculpture recipes).
The biggest update is coming to the Mo' Withers mod. It's been a long time since the last one. Your only hints are these three words:
[url ="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066990-hardcore-ender-expansion"]
[I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

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If you're still taking wither ideas, here's another one that came to mind.
Name: Lazurus' Wither
Description: A larger than average wither with a redish/netherack color and texture to it's bones that comes in 5 shapes. The first appears upon summoning it, a larger than average wither with a pair of hunched arms under it's left and right skull along with horns to each skull. The second lacks it's horns and arms except for it's center head. The third lacks all horns now and is the size of a normal wither. The fourth is now smaller than your average wither, is missing it's middle head, and has a paler tent to it's color. The last shape is only about the size of a skeleton with it's two skulls scrunched up at the tip of it's spine.
Health: 750/500/250/125/50
Skull Damage: 15-20/13-18/11-16/9-14/5
Speed: Very Slow/Slow/Average/Fast/Very Fast
Special Ability: Has the unique ability of having multiple lives. As it progresses, it grows weaker and weaker until it is entirely harmless to the player and is meerly a nuisance. It can then be right clicked once with a sword of any kind to obtain it's drops. At this lowest stage, it will tend to follow the player, pushing them around if it can. But if a hostile mob is nearby, it will do minor damage to it, always keeping close to put the enemy at a disadvantage.
Armor rating: Strong/Average/Poor/Very Poor/None
First Item: Regeneration Potion
Second Item: Poison Potion
Represents: Respawning
Would it be possible for you to make a mod with JUST the wither storm?
The Grand update of the Mo' Withers mod has finally arrived. Just check out 0.4 yourself, cause it's really big!
Finally it has a full story line!
--They won't die...They will return...muhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu......--
Go ahead and play, and report bugs.
you should make AndrDneehtfoerusaert wither