Growthcraft is a mod for Minecraft, that was originally developed by Gwafu. It aimed to improve the agricultural and farming aspects of the game. Improvements were added to the game included but were not limited to the addition of unique crops and fun ingame-hobbies. Gwafu has since moved on from Minecraft and released his source code for the Minecraft Modding community to fix the FluidStack issue that broke brewing. We have taken up the torch to continue his fine work as a Community Edition project.
We currently distribute the mod collection as a complete download or in a split jar bundle. Those that use the entire Growthcraft suite, you now only need to update a single mod.
We are currently only file hosting through the community GitHub releases and will be posting the compiled mods and hosting them on the Curse Forge site. Please refrained from hosting/posting your own versions of this mod. Instead, post your pull requests to the community edition so we can all benefit. If you find that you are having to go through a ad site to get to the mod please report it as that means the the CE team is not hosting that copy.
Terms regarding addition to modpacks
All that we ask is that you post a request to the GitHub repo and permission for the inclusion in your modpack will be automatically granted. We ask for you to post your mod index so that we can gauge future compatibility with other mod's.
Terms regarding texture packs
Go on. You're free. We all love you texture pack creators.
Q: Can I add your mods in my modpack?
A: Read the Copyright section above.
Q: Can I upload/host your mods in my/another site?
A: Read the Copyright section above.
Q: Can you upload the source files?
A: In July 2015 Gwafu posted the original source code. We have since made a significant number of improvements. Get the latest source code from our Github repo.
Q: I have an idea for a mod which really fits the theme of your mods. What should I do?
A: You can create a feature request in our GitHub project or fork the source and bring your idea to life with a pull request.
Q: Hey! You copied this mod!
A: Yes we did, from Gwafu's GitHub release of the source code, to continue his hard work after he announced that he was taking a break from Minecraft for awhile. He is listed as a collaborator for the Community Edition and we will always save a seat for him to return too. Additionally, mDiyo has joined the team with full rights to the mod.
Excellent. Perhaps now it won't be such an issue of "This is broken!!! *whine whine whine*" since people don't expect to find anything more than questions and comments in the comments.
Good to see this getting its own thread so that's it's easier to follow the updates. Going to be using this together with millenaire on my server. Could you possible make it so the rice works cross?
If I helped you in any way or agree in my ideas or posts, make sure you click that green arrow pointing up below my post or simply huggle me! I use 1.7.10 (Modded), so when I comment that I like a 1.8 mod, I will comment to downgrade to 1.7.10. I support no pics, no clicks. Suggestions that I think that are the best deserves a banner!
It is almost time to say goodbye to 1.7.10 because of the recent surge of big 1.9 mods.
Why MCreator sucks: jcm2606's file (doesn't open a new tab) He allows/welcomes anyone to link the file, so I put it here in my signature for people to know how MCreator functions. I thank jcm2606 (he's awesome) for creating the document/file and I'm just here to spread the word.
im too hoping for more general oredictionary support i use psychadelicraft with this mod (the visual effects of that mod are stunning) but would be nice if it did support ore dictionary for everything (even apples as i believe there are mods that add there own apples aswell like possible terrafirmacraft but i could be wrong)
I'll see with the guys working on coding to give some attention to oredict. And about the apples, we use the vanilla one, so it is already in sync with most mods.
'm glad to see this mod lives! It was always my favorite of the "extra kinds of crops" mods.
Is there any chance this can be released on CurseForge, too?
WIP. It will be posted here as soon as it's ready.
Good to see this getting its own thread so that's it's easier to follow the updates. Going to be using this together with millenaire on my server. Could you possible make it so the rice works cross?
Coincidently, I'm playing it with millenaire too, and I feel the same about it, at grapes and rice. But, as I said above, it's a OreDictionary thing, see the first quote I responded.
maybe we (and yh by we i mean who ever is developing these modules) should add a quick plan of whats being worked on to save repeat suggestions/requests
I'll see with Alatyami if he can put the To Do List on this thread. Me and Sunconure (specially) will keep it updated. We have lots of plans!
And thanks everyone for the support, we hope we're doing a good job on this awesome mod =D
This is great! I was expecting a new thread and was pleasantly surprised to find a new release as well! Its awesome to see this mod continue on and being actively developed by the people that loved playing it. I'd imagine Gwafu would be quite proud:)
I'm really glad that the mod had been combined into one jar but I see that the plan is to split it back up. Is there any way that you could also keep a combined version around? Gwafu mentioned before that the intention was to eventually just combine everything into one jar and use config settings to toggle features. I know that's a bit much so it would be great just to have a single jar for future releases.
I love the designs of the new fields, though it seems they need to generate some kind of base for them for when they generate in the air or over water, as currently they just float when that happens with open middles (with the rice field and bamboo pen having floating water), and the orchard and bamboo pen have the saplings/shoots pop off if they generate on sand. And to excavate their interiors properly too. Attachment to illustrate the problem. The latter seems to apply to the apiarist's house as well, since I found it full of sand and plants. And with the apiarist's house, I personally find the black and yellow checkerboarding and black stained windows to be a bit strong, though I can't disagree that it's thematic (though maybe stripes instead of checkers would look a little more fitting?). But this is much more of a taste and stylistic thing.
But it's looking great so far though, and I'm excited to see what new things there'll be!
As a request, do you think it would be possible to make the bamboo wall connect with glass panes, iron bars, and maybe even fences? And possibly mod versions of those too if possible (for example Chisel), though I'm not sure of the technicalities of that
This is great! I was expecting a new thread and was pleasantly surprised to find a new release as well! Its awesome to see this mod continue on and being actively developed by the people that loved playing it. I'd imagine Gwafu would be quite proud:)
I'm really glad that the mod had been combined into one jar but I see that the plan is to split it back up. Is there any way that you could also keep a combined version around? Gwafu mentioned before that the intention was to eventually just combine everything into one jar and use config settings to toggle features. I know that's a bit much so it would be great just to have a single jar for future releases.
Thanks for the support, glad you enjoy it! The plans are to have both files on (Split and Solo jars), ready to download, probably on the next release.
I love the designs of the new fields, though it seems they need to generate some kind of base for them for when they generate in the air or over water, as currently they just float when that happens with open middles (with the rice field and bamboo pen having floating water), and the orchard and bamboo pen have the saplings/shoots pop off if they generate on sand. And to excavate their interiors properly too. Attachment to illustrate the problem. The latter seems to apply to the apiarist's house as well, since I found it full of sand and plants. And with the apiarist's house, I personally find the black and yellow checkerboarding and black stained windows to be a bit strong, though I can't disagree that it's thematic (though maybe stripes instead of checkers would look a little more fitting?). But this is much more of a taste and stylistic thing.
But it's looking great so far though, and I'm excited to see what new things there'll be!
As a request, do you think it would be possible to make the bamboo wall connect with glass panes, iron bars, and maybe even fences? And possibly mod versions of those too if possible (for example Chisel), though I'm not sure of the technicalities of that
Keep it up guys!
Since I built the new models, I must me blamed for that (I thought that it could happen, but made nothing about it, to see how it goes, and gone bad). I'll fix it soon and the next release shall have it. About the connection with glass panes and etc, I tried to do it when I first built the Bamboo Yard, and I think we should work on that. Chisel interaction? Yeah, I need it. Do you think stripes are better than checkers on the apiary? I'll give it a shot, send a screenshot here and there. I'm actually considering remodelling it, a honeycomb-shaped house sounds cool for you?
Suggestions are always nice, so keep 'em coming. I'm the one working on that, so if you wanna PM me don't mind (It's good to have someone to discuss stylist and aesthetic stuff)
Since I built the new models, I must me blamed for that (I thought that it could happen, but made nothing about it, to see how it goes, and gone bad). I'll fix it soon and the next release shall have it. About the connection with glass panes and etc, I tried to do it when I first built the Bamboo Yard, and I think we should work on that. Chisel interaction? Yeah, I need it. Do you think stripes are better than checkers on the apiary? I'll give it a shot, send a screenshot here and there. I'm actually considering remodelling it, a honeycomb-shaped house sounds cool for you?
Suggestions are always nice, so keep 'em coming. I'm the one working on that, so if you wanna PM me don't mind (It's good to have someone to discuss stylist and aesthetic stuff)
if you make the apiary houses honey comb shaped, you should also make Blocks of Wax, Blocks of Honey Comb, Blocks of Honey, and a Grub Block. I've already got the Grub Block in mind as a cute block that has a bunch of squirmy little grubs moving around, that can also be crafted back into 9 grubs (also, cooked grubs :D)
Also, I"m aware their called Larva, I just started using grub and it stuck... lazy is lazy
if you make the apiary houses honey comb shaped, you should also make Blocks of Wax, Blocks of Honey Comb, Blocks of Honey, and a Grub Block. I've already got the Grub Block in mind as a cute block that has a bunch of squirmy little grubs moving around, that can also be crafted back into 9 grubs (also, cooked grubs :D)
Also, I"m aware their called Larva, I just started using grub and it stuck... lazy is lazy
This is a weird but cool suggestion, we can think on that. I'm not so sure how we could fit everything on the mod and make sense (actually I'm thinking really hard on that), but I'll bring it to the suggestions list. For now, we stick to the simple
So long as it fits in with the rest of the village houses and doesn't look out of place, it should look decent. I was thinking that instead of the wool checkers, the model it currently is could simply have stripes of birch and dark oak, which would look enough like bee stripes, but subtler and so more in-fitting with the rest of the village. And have normal panes as well; the black glass blocks make me feel like I'm in some city subway shelter or something...
But I'm certainly interested in how the honeycomb house will look It sounds like you have some ideas already, but as a suggestion, how about like the square, doorless houses, with plank walls bordered by logs, but obviously hexagonal, and then maybe with slabs on top like the blacksmith's (but wood)?
Am I doing something wrong or has anyone else had issues with the bees in the latest version? I'm having no issues getting any bees from the apiary. But no luck getting any honey or honeycombs at all. :C
Am I doing something wrong or has anyone else had issues with the bees in the latest version? I'm having no issues getting them from the apiary. But No luck getting any honey or honeycombs at all. :C
I haven't really worked with the bees that much, what's wrong? Are the bees not producing honey? Or can't you find honeycombs from the hives? Reply me and we shall see what we can do.
So long as it fits in with the rest of the village houses and doesn't look out of place, it should look decent. I was thinking that instead of the wool checkers, the model it currently is could simply have stripes of birch and dark oak, which would look enough like bee stripes, but subtler and so more in-fitting with the rest of the village. And have normal panes as well; the black glass blocks make me feel like I'm in some city subway shelter or something...
But I'm certainly interested in how the honeycomb house will look It sounds like you have some ideas already, but as a suggestion, how about like the square, doorless houses, with plank walls bordered by logs, but obviously hexagonal, and then maybe with slabs on top like the blacksmith's (but wood)?
I'll try to release some screenshots tomorrow (until Sunday at least), and I'll try whatever you guys suggest me. I tried to do the apiary easily detected by minimaps (with the checkers and strong colors) for people who play with village multiplier mods (Better Villages like, to mark it as an interesting point) but not so away from the village builds style. The purpose of the black glass was to make it similar to nets used on real apiaries, but I think it got kinda harsh.
I haven't really worked with the bees that much, what's wrong? Are the bees not producing honey? Or can't you find honeycombs from the hives? Reply me and we shall see what we can do.
What I've seen is that they don't produce any honey or honey combs, Went AFK for a little while with a few apiaries and got a bunch of bees, but no honey whatsoever. Do I need to plant flowers around the apiaries to produce honey or is this a bug.
What I've seen is that they don't produce any honey or honey combs, Went AFK for a little while with a few apiaries and got a bunch of bees, but no honey whatsoever. Do I need to plant flowers around the apiaries to produce honey or is this a bug.
Yeah you need some flowers around it to produce honey, and empty combs are found by breaking the bee hives, you need them to produce honey too, but I'm almost sure that they replicate with the honey production.
Growthcraft is a mod for Minecraft, that was originally developed by Gwafu. It aimed to improve the agricultural and farming aspects of the game. Improvements were added to the game included but were not limited to the addition of unique crops and fun ingame-hobbies. Gwafu has since moved on from Minecraft and released his source code for the Minecraft Modding community to fix the FluidStack issue that broke brewing. We have taken up the torch to continue his fine work as a Community Edition project.
We currently distribute the mod collection as a complete download or in a split jar bundle. Those that use the entire Growthcraft suite, you now only need to update a single mod.
Download Beta and Production Releases:
1.12.2 (Forge 2768) Releases
Growthcraft 4.1.0 | Aug 24, 2019
Growthcraft | Aug 7, 2019
Growthcraft | Apr 3, 2019
Growthcraft | Aug 20, 2018
Growthcraft 4.0.x | Jun 2, 2018
1.11.2 (Forge 2386) Alpha Releases
Growthcraft 3.0.x | Mar 25, 2018
1.7.10 (Forge 1448)
Growthcraft 2.3.1 | Oct 12, 2015
Growthcraft 2.2.2 | Aug 14, 2015
Release Notes:
Growthcraft CE 3.0 Alpha Releases
Growthcraft CE 2.7.0
Growthcraft CE 2.6.2
Growthcraft CE 2.5.0
Growthcraft CE 2.4.0
Growthcraft CE 2.3.1
Growthcraft CE 2.3.0
Growthcraft CE 2.2.2 Villager Release
Curse Forge Project Site
To see what we are currently working on, visit out new GitHub Project Board for Growthcraft 4.0
Submit feature request via our GitHub Issue Tracker.
Developer Chat in Discord
We are going to be using the FTB Gamepedia Wiki unless some one submits a request for a better platform.
©2014 - Gwafu, All Rights Reserved. Gwafu has given mDiyo full rights for continuing the plugin. mDiyo has extended this to the Growthcraft Comminity Edition development team and is part of the dev team. If you have any concerns regarding copyright, please feel free to reach out to Gwafu to have them addressed.
Terms regarding file hosting
We are currently only file hosting through the community GitHub releases and will be posting the compiled mods and hosting them on the Curse Forge site. Please refrained from hosting/posting your own versions of this mod. Instead, post your pull requests to the community edition so we can all benefit. If you find that you are having to go through a ad site to get to the mod please report it as that means the the CE team is not hosting that copy.
Terms regarding addition to modpacks
All that we ask is that you post a request to the GitHub repo and permission for the inclusion in your modpack will be automatically granted. We ask for you to post your mod index so that we can gauge future compatibility with other mod's.
Terms regarding texture packs
Go on. You're free. We all love you texture pack creators.
Q: Can I add your mods in my modpack?
A: Read the Copyright section above.
Q: Can I upload/host your mods in my/another site?
A: Read the Copyright section above.
Q: How to...?
A: Read our GitHub Wiki or read Gwafu's Original Growthcraft Manual.
Q: Can you upload the source files?
A: In July 2015 Gwafu posted the original source code. We have since made a significant number of improvements. Get the latest source code from our Github repo.
Q: I have an idea for a mod which really fits the theme of your mods. What should I do?
A: You can create a feature request in our GitHub project or fork the source and bring your idea to life with a pull request.
Q: Hey! You copied this mod!
A: Yes we did, from Gwafu's GitHub release of the source code, to continue his hard work after he announced that he was taking a break from Minecraft for awhile. He is listed as a collaborator for the Community Edition and we will always save a seat for him to return too. Additionally, mDiyo has joined the team with full rights to the mod.
Excellent. Perhaps now it won't be such an issue of "This is broken!!! *whine whine whine*" since people don't expect to find anything more than questions and comments in the comments.
Good to see this getting its own thread so that's it's easier to follow the updates. Going to be using this together with millenaire on my server. Could you possible make it so the rice works cross?
I'm glad to see this mod lives! It was always my favorite of the "extra kinds of crops" mods.
Is there any chance this can be released on CurseForge, too?
A revival of the mod? YES!
If I helped you in any way or agree in my ideas or posts, make sure you click that green arrow pointing up below my post or simply huggle me! I use 1.7.10 (Modded), so when I comment that I like a 1.8 mod, I will comment to downgrade to 1.7.10. I support no pics, no clicks. Suggestions that I think that are the best deserves a banner!
It is almost time to say goodbye to 1.7.10 because of the recent surge of big 1.9 mods.
Why MCreator sucks: jcm2606's file (doesn't open a new tab) He allows/welcomes anyone to link the file, so I put it here in my signature for people to know how MCreator functions. I thank jcm2606 (he's awesome) for creating the document/file and I'm just here to spread the word.
500+ huggles? U wot, m8?
I'll see with the guys working on coding to give some attention to oredict. And about the apples, we use the vanilla one, so it is already in sync with most mods. WIP. It will be posted here as soon as it's ready.
Coincidently, I'm playing it with millenaire too, and I feel the same about it, at grapes and rice. But, as I said above, it's a OreDictionary thing, see the first quote I responded.
I'll see with Alatyami if he can put the To Do List on this thread. Me and Sunconure (specially) will keep it updated. We have lots of plans!
And thanks everyone for the support, we hope we're doing a good job on this awesome mod =D
This is great! I was expecting a new thread and was pleasantly surprised to find a new release as well! Its awesome to see this mod continue on and being actively developed by the people that loved playing it. I'd imagine Gwafu would be quite proud:)
I'm really glad that the mod had been combined into one jar but I see that the plan is to split it back up. Is there any way that you could also keep a combined version around? Gwafu mentioned before that the intention was to eventually just combine everything into one jar and use config settings to toggle features. I know that's a bit much so it would be great just to have a single jar for future releases.
I love the designs of the new fields, though it seems they need to generate some kind of base for them for when they generate in the air or over water, as currently they just float when that happens with open middles (with the rice field and bamboo pen having floating water), and the orchard and bamboo pen have the saplings/shoots pop off if they generate on sand. And to excavate their interiors properly too. Attachment to illustrate the problem. The latter seems to apply to the apiarist's house as well, since I found it full of sand and plants. And with the apiarist's house, I personally find the black and yellow checkerboarding and black stained windows to be a bit strong, though I can't disagree that it's thematic (though maybe stripes instead of checkers would look a little more fitting?). But this is much more of a taste and stylistic thing.
But it's looking great so far though, and I'm excited to see what new things there'll be!
As a request, do you think it would be possible to make the bamboo wall connect with glass panes, iron bars, and maybe even fences? And possibly mod versions of those too if possible (for example Chisel), though I'm not sure of the technicalities of that
Keep it up guys!
Super excited to see a proper release of the community-built Growthcraft! Looking forward to seeing how this great mod can get better.
Thanks for the support, glad you enjoy it! The plans are to have both files on (Split and Solo jars), ready to download, probably on the next release.
Since I built the new models, I must me blamed for that (I thought that it could happen, but made nothing about it, to see how it goes, and gone bad). I'll fix it soon and the next release shall have it. About the connection with glass panes and etc, I tried to do it when I first built the Bamboo Yard, and I think we should work on that. Chisel interaction? Yeah, I need it. Do you think stripes are better than checkers on the apiary? I'll give it a shot, send a screenshot here and there. I'm actually considering remodelling it, a honeycomb-shaped house sounds cool for you?
Suggestions are always nice, so keep 'em coming. I'm the one working on that, so if you wanna PM me don't mind (It's good to have someone to discuss stylist and aesthetic stuff)
Yay! We do our best. Suggestions are always welcome =D
if you make the apiary houses honey comb shaped, you should also make Blocks of Wax, Blocks of Honey Comb, Blocks of Honey, and a Grub Block. I've already got the Grub Block in mind as a cute block that has a bunch of squirmy little grubs moving around, that can also be crafted back into 9 grubs (also, cooked grubs :D)
lazy is lazy
Also, I"m aware their called Larva, I just started using grub and it stuck...
This is a weird but cool suggestion, we can think on that. I'm not so sure how we could fit everything on the mod and make sense (actually I'm thinking really hard on that), but I'll bring it to the suggestions list. For now, we stick to the simple
That honeycombed shape idea is Great! Much better than the checks.
So long as it fits in with the rest of the village houses and doesn't look out of place, it should look decent. I was thinking that instead of the wool checkers, the model it currently is could simply have stripes of birch and dark oak, which would look enough like bee stripes, but subtler and so more in-fitting with the rest of the village. And have normal panes as well; the black glass blocks make me feel like I'm in some city subway shelter or something...
But I'm certainly interested in how the honeycomb house will look
It sounds like you have some ideas already, but as a suggestion, how about like the square, doorless houses, with plank walls bordered by logs, but obviously hexagonal, and then maybe with slabs on top like the blacksmith's (but wood)?
Am I doing something wrong or has anyone else had issues with the bees in the latest version? I'm having no issues getting any bees from the apiary. But no luck getting any honey or honeycombs at all. :C
I haven't really worked with the bees that much, what's wrong? Are the bees not producing honey? Or can't you find honeycombs from the hives? Reply me and we shall see what we can do.
I'll try to release some screenshots tomorrow (until Sunday at least), and I'll try whatever you guys suggest me. I tried to do the apiary easily detected by minimaps (with the checkers and strong colors) for people who play with village multiplier mods (Better Villages like, to mark it as an interesting point) but not so away from the village builds style. The purpose of the black glass was to make it similar to nets used on real apiaries, but I think it got kinda harsh.
I'll do my best. Looks like the checkers didn't pleased the players.
What I've seen is that they don't produce any honey or honey combs, Went AFK for a little while with a few apiaries and got a bunch of bees, but no honey whatsoever. Do I need to plant flowers around the apiaries to produce honey or is this a bug.
Yeah you need some flowers around it to produce honey, and empty combs are found by breaking the bee hives, you need them to produce honey too, but I'm almost sure that they replicate with the honey production.
Glad to see this has been picked up. Definitely one of my favourite mods.
Woot! Thanks, friend! I've been missing this mod, ain't nothing like it. Ever.