The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Kiragecko, wow! I am so pleased and bliss to hear such beautiful words! Deeply grateful you for your excellent clause. I played ruins and search for ruins-like mods is about 2-3 years ago and dream to create my own mod, because even to this day I have not found my own satisfaction in such type of mods due to lack or bends of the functional. Ruins mod which solving AtomicStryker use templates except schematics that makes process harder from my point of view, and also he have too much user configurable things that computer can solve. My first placemod attempts contained such uncomfortable things and I got rid of them. So mathematically any things that you need to configure is schematics, schematic's spawn-method accessory, density, relative rarity, and cosmetic, nothing more. So any possible mod shortcomings lies in the shortcomings of the solution algorithm that can be easily refined, reformed and fixed. My logic follows In this way. Thank you for your appreciation! You have inspired me very much!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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MaxiTheGamer15, Ok, Let me know your forge version, placemod version that you install and how you install it step by step. (Probably you forgot to put Placemod folder to root minecraft directory). Main question - can you see placemod in mods list in game main menu section "mods".
I have a few issues with the Schematics used. Where-in I have a survival World, and I was trying to add in place mod to make exploration a bit more fun. Basically Whats happening Is "Placemod" Has spawned a bunch of really awesome builds, however they are absolutely insanely Loaded on resources. Like a water tower that uses 300+ Blocks of iron. Or an underwater Glass Dome that has an absolute crapload of emerald and gold blocks.
I want to ask if it would be possible to add a config option that Checks schematics for Unreasonable amounts of resources and disables them. Or alternatively a method to Swap blocks out, so Instead of Iron/Gold/Emerald/Redstone blocks It would use Stone/Cobble/Obsidian/Glowstone etc. Please let me know soon as I need to do a full world Regen now, and I really dont want to manually have to go through each schematic and Remove valuable blocks/replace them by hand
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hello, JCMais, structures are not invisible they just were not rendered for some reason. These structures you will see after rejoining the world or reconnecting to server. In fact I have no clear idea why it happens (That happens with very large structures that can not be rendered entirely). Maybe It's forge bug. Fortunately it'snot critical and does not affect the game process.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hey, jasonmbrown, thank you for your comment. Yes I'm planing to make update very soon, but I can't exactly tell you the release date. Ok. I will try to add this function to make structures in the world a bit more balanced. Even more I can say that I have put together a new set of 2900+ schematics, that is really crazy number. I spent a lot of time sorting. Initially I have more than 6000 schematics and most of them weed out.
Hello, I am having a problem. Some of the buildings are using mod added blocks when they generate. For instance, there was a tower made of Buildcraft Builder blocks and lasers. This lags the game tremendously. I deleted the config file for Buildcraft thinking it might be smart enough to reassign its blocks. It didn't work. This means I will have to change block IDs on my own.
Anyhow, I really like your mod.
edit Buildcraft config doesn't have block IDs for 1710. I don't know what to do.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hello, scimuse, You need to find transaction message in common minecraft or server logs something like
[Placemod v2.4][PASTED = <path>.schematic][SPAWN TIME = 0,37s][POS = [X=-92;Y=58;Z=2031]][SIZE = [W=56;H=43;L=50]] etc for appropriate structure.
After that you can download mcedit and open your world, move to POS cordinates and remove your lagging structure.
Also remove this schematic (PASTED = <path>.schematic) from Placemod/Schematics folder and tell me schematic name and it's path I need to remove it from my collection.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hey, jasonmbrown, You can test new version (3.1 of placemod) if you want. Update contains balanced things like PREVENT_COMMAND_BLOCK,BALANCE_MODE, CHEST_LOOT_CHANCE options in mod configuration.
Also it have two cosmetic additions FORCE_LIFT, ROUGHNESS_FACTOR.
And of course new schematic set with 2900 schematics !
thank you for your reply. i don't have the time right now to fly around looking for broken structures and i removed your mod from my pack. for now. there is a program that lets you search files within a directory. it is called WinGrep. if you point the program at the placemod schematic directory and have it search for the item IDs 177 179 186 188 191 it will list all files with those numbers in it. buildcraft is using ids 176 through 200 and 167 through 171.
if i had nothing else to do right now i would help you with this. also there are newer programs than wingrep, i don't know the names. i hope this helps. i really like your mod.
edit. i looked up the ids on the MC wiki. for some reason buildcraft is using vanilla block ids for some fences and dark oak stuff. it is a BC problem in other words. i guess if no one else has a problem, it isn't one.
edit edit after testing, i have come to the conclusion that some of the schematics were made in 1.8 and 1.9. these versions add new blocks. these blocks coincide with buildcraft blocks. BC has no way to edit the item IDs.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hello, scimuse, I can filter schematics with any id's that I want, any metadata and even any Tile Entities more properly just using NBTTag API. For example I can use NBTTag library for python, all filtering is 4 lines of code - not problem for me and not a reason to do this. I don't think that grep is correct way to disassemble schematic insides, but I will not resist and respect your choice. All you can help me is just tell me what structure from my collection causes lags or block name that causes this lags, because it's problem of suspected schematic or maybe it unpredictable id distribution for me and I should now what's going on here. And of course I can't test by myself because it's very rare happening and depends from your mod collection. I have many mods in my collection including buildcraft and I have no lags.
Hi @Ternsip, I didn't installed the new version yet, but I saw that you added a new config option "balanceMode", does it give us the ability to set which blocks it should replace or that is internal?
just have one question. so the mod is in my folder and schematics is too i just extracted the zip file into mods folder but none of the schematics are spawning? how do i fix that? did i put it in the folder wrong?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Yes, You extracted schematics zip file into wrong folder. Instead you should extract schematics to your .minecraft root folder. To make Placemod folder stay inside .minecraft root. Read Installation.
1. Download and unzip the Schematics and put over %appdata%/.minecraft/Placemod/Schematics folder.
Can you make this compatible with blocks from other mods, because I'am making a modpack,and when the structures I made won't spawn properly(Converted mod to vannilla IDs or missing blocks).
Kiragecko, wow! I am so pleased and bliss to hear such beautiful words! Deeply grateful you for your excellent clause. I played ruins and search for ruins-like mods is about 2-3 years ago and dream to create my own mod, because even to this day I have not found my own satisfaction in such type of mods due to lack or bends of the functional. Ruins mod which solving AtomicStryker use templates except schematics that makes process harder from my point of view, and also he have too much user configurable things that computer can solve. My first placemod attempts contained such uncomfortable things and I got rid of them. So mathematically any things that you need to configure is schematics, schematic's spawn-method accessory, density, relative rarity, and cosmetic, nothing more. So any possible mod shortcomings lies in the shortcomings of the solution algorithm that can be easily refined, reformed and fixed. My logic follows In this way. Thank you for your appreciation! You have inspired me very much!
MaxiTheGamer15, Ok, Let me know your forge version, placemod version that you install and how you install it step by step. (Probably you forgot to put Placemod folder to root minecraft directory). Main question - can you see placemod in mods list in game main menu section "mods".
@Ternsip Some structures are spawning invisible, do you know what would be causing this?
I have a few issues with the Schematics used. Where-in I have a survival World, and I was trying to add in place mod to make exploration a bit more fun. Basically Whats happening Is "Placemod" Has spawned a bunch of really awesome builds, however they are absolutely insanely Loaded on resources. Like a water tower that uses 300+ Blocks of iron. Or an underwater Glass Dome that has an absolute crapload of emerald and gold blocks.
I want to ask if it would be possible to add a config option that Checks schematics for Unreasonable amounts of resources and disables them. Or alternatively a method to Swap blocks out, so Instead of Iron/Gold/Emerald/Redstone blocks It would use Stone/Cobble/Obsidian/Glowstone etc. Please let me know soon as I need to do a full world Regen now, and I really dont want to manually have to go through each schematic and Remove valuable blocks/replace them by hand
Hello, JCMais, structures are not invisible they just were not rendered for some reason. These structures you will see after rejoining the world or reconnecting to server. In fact I have no clear idea why it happens (That happens with very large structures that can not be rendered entirely). Maybe It's forge bug. Fortunately it'snot critical and does not affect the game process.
Hey, jasonmbrown, thank you for your comment. Yes I'm planing to make update very soon, but I can't exactly tell you the release date. Ok. I will try to add this function to make structures in the world a bit more balanced. Even more I can say that I have put together a new set of 2900+ schematics, that is really crazy number. I spent a lot of time sorting. Initially I have more than 6000 schematics and most of them weed out.
I look forwards to It Ternsip =) good luck Sorting the Schematics!
Hello, I am having a problem. Some of the buildings are using mod added blocks when they generate. For instance, there was a tower made of Buildcraft Builder blocks and lasers. This lags the game tremendously. I deleted the config file for Buildcraft thinking it might be smart enough to reassign its blocks. It didn't work. This means I will have to change block IDs on my own.
Anyhow, I really like your mod.
edit Buildcraft config doesn't have block IDs for 1710. I don't know what to do.
Hello, scimuse, You need to find transaction message in common minecraft or server logs something like
[Placemod v2.4][PASTED = <path>.schematic][SPAWN TIME = 0,37s][POS = [X=-92;Y=58;Z=2031]][SIZE = [W=56;H=43;L=50]] etc for appropriate structure.
After that you can download mcedit and open your world, move to POS cordinates and remove your lagging structure.
Also remove this schematic (PASTED = <path>.schematic) from Placemod/Schematics folder and tell me schematic name and it's path I need to remove it from my collection.
Hey, jasonmbrown, You can test new version (3.1 of placemod) if you want. Update contains balanced things like PREVENT_COMMAND_BLOCK,BALANCE_MODE, CHEST_LOOT_CHANCE options in mod configuration.
Also it have two cosmetic additions FORCE_LIFT, ROUGHNESS_FACTOR.
And of course new schematic set with 2900 schematics !

thank you for your reply. i don't have the time right now to fly around looking for broken structures and i removed your mod from my pack. for now. there is a program that lets you search files within a directory. it is called WinGrep. if you point the program at the placemod schematic directory and have it search for the item IDs 177 179 186 188 191 it will list all files with those numbers in it. buildcraft is using ids 176 through 200 and 167 through 171.
if i had nothing else to do right now i would help you with this. also there are newer programs than wingrep, i don't know the names. i hope this helps. i really like your mod.
edit. i looked up the ids on the MC wiki. for some reason buildcraft is using vanilla block ids for some fences and dark oak stuff. it is a BC problem in other words. i guess if no one else has a problem, it isn't one.
edit edit after testing, i have come to the conclusion that some of the schematics were made in 1.8 and 1.9. these versions add new blocks. these blocks coincide with buildcraft blocks. BC has no way to edit the item IDs.
Hello, scimuse, I can filter schematics with any id's that I want, any metadata and even any Tile Entities more properly just using NBTTag API. For example I can use NBTTag library for python, all filtering is 4 lines of code - not problem for me and not a reason to do this. I don't think that grep is correct way to disassemble schematic insides, but I will not resist and respect your choice. All you can help me is just tell me what structure from my collection causes lags or block name that causes this lags, because it's problem of suspected schematic or maybe it unpredictable id distribution for me and I should now what's going on here. And of course I can't test by myself because it's very rare happening and depends from your mod collection. I have many mods in my collection including buildcraft and I have no lags.
Thank you very much for your care.
Hi @Ternsip, I didn't installed the new version yet, but I saw that you added a new config option "balanceMode", does it give us the ability to set which blocks it should replace or that is internal?
Hello, JCMais, It's internally replaces the most expensive blocks to cheaper.
Blocks.bedrock -> Blocks.cobblestone
Blocks.iron_block -> Blocks.mossy_cobblestone
Blocks.gold_block -> Blocks.stonebrick
Blocks.diamond_block -> Blocks.mossy_cobblestone
Blocks.lapis_block -> Blocks.stonebrick
Blocks.emerald_block -> Blocks.mossy_cobblestone
Blocks.wool -> Blocks.log
Blocks.beacon -> Blocks.quartz_block
just have one question. so the mod is in my folder and schematics is too i just extracted the zip file into mods folder but none of the schematics are spawning? how do i fix that? did i put it in the folder wrong?
Yes, You extracted schematics zip file into wrong folder. Instead you should extract schematics to your .minecraft root folder. To make Placemod folder stay inside .minecraft root. Read Installation.
1. Download and unzip the Schematics and put over %appdata%/.minecraft/Placemod/Schematics folder.
version 3.3 of placemod don't like 1.9.4 and don't want to load with it
I assume that it's not updated but you say it's supposed to work with 1.9.X
hope I will be able to play it in 1.9.4
look awesome
I would like to introduce this mod in MCBBS, may I?
Hello Ternsip
Can you make this compatible with blocks from other mods, because I'am making a modpack,and when the structures I made won't spawn properly(Converted mod to vannilla IDs or missing blocks).
Im getting a bunch of the structures buried into the ground and some even spawn into eachother. any way i can fix that?