[1.7.10] [1.8] [V0.0.7] Elemental Witches Mod (Server Fix, New Witches, New Pets)
Poll: Event rewards, given to all?
Ended Jul 31, 2017
Np, hope you can get it back!
[url ="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1066990-hardcore-ender-expansion"]
[I just took the Minecraft Noob test! Check out what I scored. Think you can beat me?!

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If you can't find a jar file of it left online there are several players (like me) that still have one. We can always send you a copy.
If regular is Vanilla then what flavor is your Minecraft?
Hey Hoopa, will this ever be a thing again?
Updates on the mod can be found here
I don't know if anybody else knows about this, but there is a secret Sand witch that cant be spawned naturally, occasionally when I enter or leave a dimension or relog I sometimes get a sand shard that is not implemented, also I found the witch when I was messing around with the Custom NPCs mob cloner. Of course its completely broken as it is a chaotic mess that doesn't take any form of damage EXCEPT for hitting it with a shovel (noticed it does use its abilities when attacked but doesn't actually have agro on the mob that hits it) and most of its attacks are stolen from the other witches (though it has its own version of the Dark witch's evil face mark, its own sand witch minions and sandstone shelter similar to the Earth witch, and a sand golem that is modeled differently but seems to work like a giant mount similar to the Nature Witch's Massive Ent). Anyways I feel a little interested in it and I'm wondering if it's going to be included with the rest of the witches in the Myths and Monsters mod eventually.
Here are the images of the Sand Witch and its unimplemented content:
(Btw the words in the achievement has the NBT color tag &k that scrambles the letters, but the length matches the other achievements thus spelling out: "Sand Witch Eliminated")
Hello, nice to meet you, I'm ESTEBAN1303YT, a creator of addons for Minecraft Bedrock I wanted to know if you allow me to do a port of your mod of elemental witches for minecraft bedrock in addon mode.
so uh HoopaWolf, if you still look at this page, is the integration still in progress? Also will the Sand Witch eventually be fully finished? Just wondering if this mod is still acknowledged and hasn't left the light.
someone alive? i tried to download the mod but i can´t access. could someone help me?
What do you mean you can't access? The download link is at the bottom of the first page and takes you to Adfocus, click on the skip button in the top right corner. The mod file is in Dropbox, click on the download button in the top right.
it seems that adfocus didn't work, now i can acess without problem