[1.7.10] [1.8] [V0.0.7] Elemental Witches Mod (Server Fix, New Witches, New Pets)
Poll: Event rewards, given to all?
Ended Jul 31, 2017
Hell is unfair,Life is unfair.The Life is equal to Hell
AIR WITCH: Shoots air-balls that knock you back really far, summons Birds that peck you, throws you HIGH up into the air, and when she's low on health, she makes a tornado.
WATER WITCH: Places water everywhere, regens when she's in water, throws Ice Blocks at you, summons Water Demons, and when she's low on health, she summons a GIANT SEA SERPENT to help her.
EARTH WITCH: Puts dirt everywhere, grows trees on you so you get stuck in them, throws rocks and big rocks at you, summons Stone Golems to help her, and when she's low on health, she makes small mountains! On top of you!
Those are just a couple of ideas, but I'm sure you have more. LUV DIS MOD!
Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be amused.
Thanks xD and pretty nice ideas you have there! and oh, here's a little tip..: use a Fire resistant potion
Thanks and may the witch be with you..
Hoop, maybe make an addon with this mod and thaumcraft. I'd like to summons some fire bats or lightning golems with my silver wood wand
I will add something for that >:) no need for addons
errr...sounds kind of OP, doesn't it?
They do not spawn anywhere currently(hence the WIP) you can only spawn them through the spawn eggs!
Oooooohhhhhhh, sounds great >:D
They are not op
..What? When I think of Earth, I think of rocks and trees and nature and things of that matter. When I think of water, I think of rivers and ice cubes and stuff. Ice melts into water. Leaves decompose into the Earth. They are the same thing!
Earth + water + air = leaf
water is in no way ice, and earth is in no way leaf.
There you go, saxon's explanation says it all!
This is the start to something amazing! These first two mobs are so well done, I can't wait to see what the others will do!
Leaf Witch
Krill13's Models
A Amazing mod spotlight! Thanks
Good ideas! I will consider some of them!
- Air Witch
- Earth Witch
- Decrease their health from 100 to 80
- New skills for the Lightning Witch
- New Items(currently does nothing :P)
Items, y u no work DDDDD:
If you want the link to any of these mods, due to MCForum restrictions, you can't click to see the mod; instead, just search it. PM me for help.
Mod makers: Feel free to PM me if you want a signature, we can discuss it! They're normally free, though if you do special donator perks for your mod, I normally charge a small fee of gaining those donator perks. I find it to be a fair price. ^^