Really enjoying this mod. Looking forward to the next update! I really like how the basic items like the chest and the trap door require a few more resources to make. I enjoy my minecraft as difficult as possible so I use a few other mods (spice of life, iguana tweaks, hunger overhaul, lycanites mobs, and a few no so hardcore mods like botania and flaxbeards steam), but what ends up happening is I get overwhelmed with items and food. You think maybe you could add a chest like item with maybe half the space as a chest? Like a basket or something that doesnt require the nuggets a chest does.
A low-capacity basket could add another use to gathering grass early in the game. I think it would need to have some other use to be really worth it, though. Maybe it could only have a single row of slots, not stack if there's anything in it, but be able to be picked up and moved without losing its contents?
Oh. Is this something I have to wait for the mod maker to do or is this something I can do myself? I don't know much about modding besides messing with config files.
About it, you just need to add them to the OreDictionnary.
They're already added to the ore dictionary as "nuggetIron". I'm pretty sure that is the standard dictionary entry that TC and other FTB mods use. I have yet to make recipes from this mod use the dictionary entries though (bug already added to the github). For now, I suggest adding a crafting recipe for TC nuggets -> BB nuggets with MineTweaker:
can u make it for 1.7.2 pls my 1.7.10 forge is not working kk pls it just shows a black screen
Please consider reading the FAQ before posting.
The reason you're getting a black screen is because 1.7.10 mods (like BetterBeginnings) are NOT necessarily compatible with Forge for 1.7.2, even with JVM arguments, which can only go so far. There are very few (if any) known mods for 1.7.10 that work with 1.7.2 out of the box. The fact that JVM arguments might be able fix this is frankly astounding. I suggest updating your other mods to 1.7.10 if possible. Modders who have chosen to update to 1.7 should have updated their mods to 1.7.10, the latest and most stable version of Forge.
Right now we have no plans on making or supporting a 1.7.2 version. MC 1.7.2 is a pretty much a dead version for modding, and there are only a very small number of mods that are at that version and not 1.7.10, Ars Magica 2 being the most notable (it's held back by the Animation API, whose author disappeared like Eloraam). In addition, MC 1.7.2 was very buggy, almost as buggy as 1.6.1 was when it first came out. If you would like to backport our code, feel free to do so; that's the beauty of Open-Source. We host our code on GitHub here.
The reason you're getting a black screen is because 1.7.10 mods (like BetterBeginnings) are NOT necessarily compatible with Forge for 1.7.2, even with JVM arguments, which can only go so far. There are very few (if any) known mods for 1.7.10 that work with 1.7.2 out of the box. The fact that JVM arguments might be able fix this is frankly astounding. I suggest updating your other mods to 1.7.10 if possible. Modders who have chosen to update to 1.7 should have updated their mods to 1.7.10, the latest and most stable version of Forge.
Right now we have no plans on making or supporting a 1.7.2 version. MC 1.7.2 is a pretty much a dead version for modding, and there are only a very small number of mods that are at that version and not 1.7.10, Ars Magica 2 being the most notable (it's held back by the Animation API, whose author disappeared like Eloraam). In addition, MC 1.7.2 was very buggy, almost as buggy as 1.6.1 was when it first came out. If you would like to backport our code, feel free to do so; that's the beauty of Open-Source. We host our code on GitHub here.
Well, this is awkward. I thought we we're talking about a 1.7.10 forge bug not a version incompatibility. I'm sorry I can't help you there with making this work with 1.7.2. Moral of Story: Look before you Leap.
Are there any positions open in texturing/modeling department?
I can effeminately help there as i have heaps of animating modeling and texturing experience.
Are there any positions open in texturing/modeling department?
I can effeminately help there as i have heaps of animating modeling and texturing experience.
We don't really have any official positions (at all), but if you submit enough stuff, you might find yourself to become part of the team. That's how iLiminate got in to helping me out.
Well, this is awkward. I thought we we're talking about a 1.7.10 forge bug not a version incompatibility. I'm sorry I can't help you there with making this work with 1.7.2. Moral of Story: Look before you Leap.
Sorry about the confusion. Most of it was directed towards brandon_57 there. My understanding is that you can't run 1.7.10 mods in a 1.7.2 version of Forge, but his wording made it unclear.
We don't really have any official positions (at all), but if you submit enough stuff, you might find yourself to become part of the team. That's how iLiminate got in to helping me out.
Sorry about the confusion. Most of it was directed towards brandon_57 there. My understanding is that you can't run 1.7.10 mods in a 1.7.2 version of Forge, but his wording made it unclear.
Well, I currently have a mod that is made in 1.7.10, but works in 1.7.2 also. So, it really depends on the mod. My guess, if it changes internal workings, than it probably won't work; otherwise, it probably should.
Hi, I'm the one who suggested the Roughin' It mod and am in charge of the team making it (with glacially slow progress, but it's still sort of in development). Whenever I come across a mod that's similar to mine, I take the time to point out that I am never stingy with my ideas, and that therefore you are free to borrow any aspects of my proposal that might help your mod. Cheers!
As far as critique:
Chopping one flint against another to make a flint knife: Perfect. Not sure the graphic for the "flint knife" supports this conceit. But, using knives to get sticks, leather strips, etc., that's perfect too.
I like the idea of the better crafting bench, especially as regards making string and such not part of the shaped part of the recipe. Kudos for the idea.
Not sure what I think about the recipe for the pickaxe. Is bone really harder than stone? I'm surprised this isn't based on flint. I have really mixed feelings about it.
Splitting the furnace into three distinct roles is pleasing to me, though I don't think it would work well in vanilla; it's great for a mod. I am not so pleased with the upgraded ones, but that's just my playstyle; I doubt I'd ever get high enough in the tech tree to use them, so no biggie (though I'd love to be able to disable them in the config, so they don't even show up in creative menu). The smelter's process requiring gravel is odd (I'm not enough aware of IRL smelting to know if this is a reasonable move or not), and why is refined fuels required but charcoal still okay? I'd expect you'd have to use coal blocks or higher.
No feedback on the infusing system, though the GUI looks pretty neat
The string and twine is interesting, though I wonder how much it'll be weirdly balanced with HarvestCraft (which has cotton) and Ex Nihilo (which has silkworms). Though I could see a patch that makes Ex Nihilo's silkworms drop bits of silk (from your mod) instead of string, which'd make more sense anyway. HarvestCraft's recipe for cloth is two string for one cloth, so yours actually outdoes theirs slightly.
I'd suggest making more use of clay (it's a major resource for the low-tech world), having some sort of early bucket that'll hold water and milk but not lava (like the Wooden Bucket, or a clay jug perhaps... makes sense for clay because it'd be waterproof, maybe clay would be necessary for a wooden bucket recipe?), having foliage drop sticks or maybe a "branch" that needs to be refined via knife into sticks (just having a higher percentage of saplings is bad, because it creates way more trees), allowing a way to gather rainwater (like in Ex Nihilo)....
We've been trying to get a decent "random junk from dirt" thing going, the problem being that there's an infinite loop (you can get resources from dirt you already got resources from, basically) and we're having trouble figuring out how to avoid that, short of destroying the dirt (as Ex Nihilo's sifters do) or changing it into a new block entirely. But it fits in with general low-tech scrubbiness.
Also: Please consider alternatives for players who avoid killing animals. The alternatives can be more difficult but they should be possible, and not as rare or random as finding cobwebs in abandoned mineshafts or bones in pyramids.
ETA: Oh, and have "Animals drop bones and bone shards" either configgable (my preference) or happen also on Easy.
My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
Not sure what I think about the recipe for the pickaxe. Is bone really harder than stone? I'm surprised this isn't based on flint. I have really mixed feelings about it.
That's partly from my original suggestion, though they've given it their own recipe. It's actually based on documented prehistoric tools, which were indeed made from bone or animal horn. While it certainly isn't a better material than stone, it is a stronger material than wood, and can be less brittle than flint. It's probably not entirely realistic to be able to mine with it, but it's more so than the vanilla wood tools, and saves going the Terra Firma Craft route of strewing loose rocks to knap tool heads out of at worldgen.
Splitting the furnace into three distinct roles is pleasing to me, though I don't think it would work well in vanilla; it's great for a mod. I am not so pleased with the upgraded ones, but that's just my playstyle; I doubt I'd ever get high enough in the tech tree to use them, so no biggie (though I'd love to be able to disable them in the config, so they don't even show up in creative menu). The smelter's process requiring gravel is odd (I'm not enough aware of IRL smelting to know if this is a reasonable move or not), and why is refined fuels required but charcoal still okay? I'd expect you'd have to use coal blocks or higher.
The use of gravel and charcoal was again based on my (admittedly limited) research. As to use of charcoal and not coal, I can only say that is what the information I dug up indicated. The gravel is there to fill the role of a flux material that is also a part of the real-world process. I chose gravel over a new resource, since there's no way to really say what's in it for sure, and because I felt it needed more uses. Here's the quote from wikipedia (which other sources I looked at seemed to confirm).
Smelting uses heat and a chemical reducing agent to decompose the ore, driving off other elements as gasses or slag and leaving just the metal behind. The reducing agent is commonly a source of carbon such as coke, or in earlier times charcoal. The carbon (or carbon monoxide derived from it) removes oxygen from the ore, leaving behind elemental metal. The carbon is thus oxidized in two stages, producing first carbon monoxide and then carbon dioxide. As most ores are impure, it is often necessary to use flux, such as limestone, to remove the accompanying rock gangue as slag.
Also: Please consider alternatives for players who avoid killing animals. The alternatives can be more difficult but they should be possible, and not as rare or random as finding cobwebs in abandoned mineshafts or bones in pyramids.
ETA: Oh, and have "Animals drop bones and bone shards" either configgable (my preference) or happen also on Easy.
First of all, I totally agree with you about having more config options, both with regards to bone shards, and to the "tech" portion of the mod. Secondly, I think I can see a way to work in some non-violent resource access.
For string, we already have plans for getting twine, made from plant fibres.
As for the pick, I'd first like to remind einsteinsci about my suggestion to add bone shards to the drop tables for zombies and skeletons.
Secondly, I'd like to suggest a flint pick and bone hatchet to match there being both a bone and a flint knife (possibly making all three equivalent, rather than the differing stats the two knives have now). While it might be a little unrealistic, it would be no more so than currently.
I'm not going to quote those last two posts, they're way to long :P.
I think I've heard of Roughin' It, though I am yet to play it. I'll look into it so I don't end up stepping on anyone's toes. I'm already working with Paleoneos to try and get our featuresets to match up well, as his mod (I don't think it has a name yet) will sort of extend the Terrafirmacraft-like aspects of gameplay a bit further, as well as provide some integration with other mods.
I do believe I already implemented bones and shards dropping from zombies and skeletons (though I think that zombies don't drop bone shards). These options are already configurable. The configuration for it was probably in 0.8.4, but again I'm not sure.
Pick/Hatchet swap? You got it. I just need to do some texturing and refactoring.
I really like how the infusion system turned out, I think it alleviates a lot of the grind while maintaining balance when it comes to repairing tools.
I am already trying to figure out a way to obtain gravel from cobblestone without adding a one-purpose block (*cough* MFR Composter *cough*). Once 1.8 comes out I might add the ability to grind the other stones up into gravel as well, or be able to use them outright in the smelters.
Also, any idea how to upgrade forge from 1180 to 1221? I tried following Pahimar's tutorial of changing the string in build.gradle an then running the gradlew stuff, but it's still at 1180.
About it, you just need to add them to the OreDictionnary.
When you post a mod: "No pics no clicks" and "MCreator = bad ~99% of the time"
Don't forget to read the crashlog before reporting the crash. It might tell you why it's crashing.
Sorry if my spelling is bad, I'm learning english...
My mod ideas:
Why do evil poeple always want to control the world?
If you need ideas, I may be able to give you some...
Warning status: Unbanned
They're already added to the ore dictionary as "nuggetIron". I'm pretty sure that is the standard dictionary entry that TC and other FTB mods use. I have yet to make recipes from this mod use the dictionary entries though (bug already added to the github). For now, I suggest adding a crafting recipe for TC nuggets -> BB nuggets with MineTweaker:
Just paste this line of code into a .zs file in your .minecraft/scripts. The directory should appear after launching Minecraft once with MineTweaker.
Try adding this to the JVM Arguments: -Dforge.forceNoStencil=true
Trust Me. I had the same problem.
Please consider reading the FAQ before posting.
The reason you're getting a black screen is because 1.7.10 mods (like BetterBeginnings) are NOT necessarily compatible with Forge for 1.7.2, even with JVM arguments, which can only go so far. There are very few (if any) known mods for 1.7.10 that work with 1.7.2 out of the box. The fact that JVM arguments might be able fix this is frankly astounding. I suggest updating your other mods to 1.7.10 if possible. Modders who have chosen to update to 1.7 should have updated their mods to 1.7.10, the latest and most stable version of Forge.
Right now we have no plans on making or supporting a 1.7.2 version. MC 1.7.2 is a pretty much a dead version for modding, and there are only a very small number of mods that are at that version and not 1.7.10, Ars Magica 2 being the most notable (it's held back by the Animation API, whose author disappeared like Eloraam). In addition, MC 1.7.2 was very buggy, almost as buggy as 1.6.1 was when it first came out. If you would like to backport our code, feel free to do so; that's the beauty of Open-Source. We host our code on GitHub here.
Well, this is awkward. I thought we we're talking about a 1.7.10 forge bug not a version incompatibility. I'm sorry I can't help you there with making this work with 1.7.2. Moral of Story: Look before you Leap.
I can effeminately help there as i have heaps of animating modeling and texturing experience.
Be involved in the Survival of Modding in the Post-Notch Era. Enigma + M3L + LiteLoader/API + BlazeLoader {ALL Open-Source!}
We don't really have any official positions (at all), but if you submit enough stuff, you might find yourself to become part of the team. That's how iLiminate got in to helping me out.
Sorry about the confusion. Most of it was directed towards brandon_57 there. My understanding is that you can't run 1.7.10 mods in a 1.7.2 version of Forge, but his wording made it unclear.
Well, I currently have a mod that is made in 1.7.10, but works in 1.7.2 also. So, it really depends on the mod. My guess, if it changes internal workings, than it probably won't work; otherwise, it probably should.
Please read THIS before making a suggestion
And support the ability to add paintings and records!
Anyone know how to load a test environment with another mod?, fixed it.
As far as critique:
Chopping one flint against another to make a flint knife: Perfect. Not sure the graphic for the "flint knife" supports this conceit. But, using knives to get sticks, leather strips, etc., that's perfect too.
I like the idea of the better crafting bench, especially as regards making string and such not part of the shaped part of the recipe. Kudos for the idea.
Not sure what I think about the recipe for the pickaxe. Is bone really harder than stone? I'm surprised this isn't based on flint. I have really mixed feelings about it.
Splitting the furnace into three distinct roles is pleasing to me, though I don't think it would work well in vanilla; it's great for a mod. I am not so pleased with the upgraded ones, but that's just my playstyle; I doubt I'd ever get high enough in the tech tree to use them, so no biggie (though I'd love to be able to disable them in the config, so they don't even show up in creative menu). The smelter's process requiring gravel is odd (I'm not enough aware of IRL smelting to know if this is a reasonable move or not), and why is refined fuels required but charcoal still okay? I'd expect you'd have to use coal blocks or higher.
No feedback on the infusing system, though the GUI looks pretty neat
The string and twine is interesting, though I wonder how much it'll be weirdly balanced with HarvestCraft (which has cotton) and Ex Nihilo (which has silkworms). Though I could see a patch that makes Ex Nihilo's silkworms drop bits of silk (from your mod) instead of string, which'd make more sense anyway. HarvestCraft's recipe for cloth is two string for one cloth, so yours actually outdoes theirs slightly.
I'd suggest making more use of clay (it's a major resource for the low-tech world), having some sort of early bucket that'll hold water and milk but not lava (like the Wooden Bucket, or a clay jug perhaps... makes sense for clay because it'd be waterproof, maybe clay would be necessary for a wooden bucket recipe?), having foliage drop sticks or maybe a "branch" that needs to be refined via knife into sticks (just having a higher percentage of saplings is bad, because it creates way more trees), allowing a way to gather rainwater (like in Ex Nihilo)....
We've been trying to get a decent "random junk from dirt" thing going, the problem being that there's an infinite loop (you can get resources from dirt you already got resources from, basically) and we're having trouble figuring out how to avoid that, short of destroying the dirt (as Ex Nihilo's sifters do) or changing it into a new block entirely. But it fits in with general low-tech scrubbiness.
Also: Please consider alternatives for players who avoid killing animals. The alternatives can be more difficult but they should be possible, and not as rare or random as finding cobwebs in abandoned mineshafts or bones in pyramids.
ETA: Oh, and have "Animals drop bones and bone shards" either configgable (my preference) or happen also on Easy.
My YouTube channel is currently on hiatus, but I hope to get back to it at some point. Content is fairly random, but can be enjoyable, and is mostly game footage (mostly random Minecraft clips) from my nephews and me. Most popular MC vid so far is the one Vechs laughed at on Twitter!
That's partly from my original suggestion, though they've given it their own recipe. It's actually based on documented prehistoric tools, which were indeed made from bone or animal horn. While it certainly isn't a better material than stone, it is a stronger material than wood, and can be less brittle than flint. It's probably not entirely realistic to be able to mine with it, but it's more so than the vanilla wood tools, and saves going the Terra Firma Craft route of strewing loose rocks to knap tool heads out of at worldgen.
The use of gravel and charcoal was again based on my (admittedly limited) research. As to use of charcoal and not coal, I can only say that is what the information I dug up indicated. The gravel is there to fill the role of a flux material that is also a part of the real-world process. I chose gravel over a new resource, since there's no way to really say what's in it for sure, and because I felt it needed more uses. Here's the quote from wikipedia (which other sources I looked at seemed to confirm).
First of all, I totally agree with you about having more config options, both with regards to bone shards, and to the "tech" portion of the mod. Secondly, I think I can see a way to work in some non-violent resource access.
I think I've heard of Roughin' It, though I am yet to play it. I'll look into it so I don't end up stepping on anyone's toes. I'm already working with Paleoneos to try and get our featuresets to match up well, as his mod (I don't think it has a name yet) will sort of extend the Terrafirmacraft-like aspects of gameplay a bit further, as well as provide some integration with other mods.
I do believe I already implemented bones and shards dropping from zombies and skeletons (though I think that zombies don't drop bone shards). These options are already configurable. The configuration for it was probably in 0.8.4, but again I'm not sure.
Pick/Hatchet swap? You got it. I just need to do some texturing and refactoring.
I really like how the infusion system turned out, I think it alleviates a lot of the grind while maintaining balance when it comes to repairing tools.
I am already trying to figure out a way to obtain gravel from cobblestone without adding a one-purpose block (*cough* MFR Composter *cough*). Once 1.8 comes out I might add the ability to grind the other stones up into gravel as well, or be able to use them outright in the smelters.
Also, any idea how to upgrade forge from 1180 to 1221? I tried following Pahimar's tutorial of changing the string in build.gradle an then running the gradlew stuff, but it's still at 1180.