This thread is now used for test builds for future versions and suggestions.
Please, leave suggestions for the mod, they will be listed below for future reference.
Update (30-10-2016):
An alpha version for 1.10.2 has been released! Lots of WIP stuff but there are some features that I need tested early on, so I do not create more issues in the long run. 10 mobs are included so far.
The mod will be available on Curseforge once finished.
Current content:
(Want to know the details on some of the mobs? Check the link at the top)
- Added configuration file which can be edited through the mods list in the main menu. It allows you to add new haunted tool, treasure slime and filch lizard loot. Examples are given in the menu. If you want to know the name of a specific item in Minecraft. Simply enable debug in the settings, tame a white treasure slime with a slimeball and right-click on it with that item, it will then show the modname, itemname and meta data. Weight = how common an item is. More options soon (like spawn settings).
- Chameleon is updated and works more reliably thanks to the BlockStates. Should not crash your game anymore no matter what block, but testing will probably prove me wrong ;P. Already confirmed to work with Forge Multipart and Chisel blocks. Please test on any block you can think of Tameable with melon, follows and sits. Spawns on plains. Drops camouflage dye using a loottable.
- Treasure Slime has been rewritten and now changes color depending on the item inside. It allows me and players to easily add items to its treasure pool using the configuration file. This means that Treasure Slimes can spawn with items from other mods if set in the config. The item inside is also rendered in 3d now.
- If a treasure slime is white and empty it can be tamed with a slimeball. The tamed Treasure Slime no longer changes color depending on how much dyes you feed it. You can instead simply put an item inside of it by right-clicking and it will change to the color of that item. It does not follow or sit yet.
- NEW MOB Grove Sprite (at least if you did not play the alpha for v1.1 for 1.7.10). It is still very WIP but it already chooses its colors and held sapling depending on the tree it spawns near to (including trees from mods). It also follows a player who is holding the same sapling or bonemeal. No other features yet, although they are WAY more stable now (they were causing lag before). Spawns in forests. Has custom sounds.
- Bewitched Tome updated, it is pretty much the same as before. Killing it will yield you a random enchanted book. Spawns underground.
- Haunted Tools are updated. Similar to the Treasure Slime, you will be able to add new kinds of tools from other mods into the pool it chooses from. Its health is now based on the tool's durability,the damage output is based on the tool's attack damage and movement speed is based on the tool's attack speed. This means that diamond tools are actually very dangerous, so I made all Haunted Tools passive agressive (meaning they only attack back when you attack them). In order to keep things "fair", there is a maximum health, speed and damage cap. Let me know what you think. Spawns like mobs.
- Festive Creeper updated, they now throw smaller tnt blocks which do less damage and take the mobGriefing setting into account. Powered festive creepers throw stronger tnt. Spawns like mobs.
- Support Creeper updated, they now only go for a mob that is not supported yet. Spawns like mobs.
- Rocket Creeper updated, they work exactly the same as before, but do not tumble around when not attacking anymore. Spawns like mobs.
- Brain Slime updated, can now stack on top of entities. Also damages helmets when an entity they attack wears one. Hopefully it all works correctly. It only attacks players and untameable animals, but you can shove it onto any creature that is not undead (like with a Minecart). Let me know if it causes issues. Spawns on beaches.
- Camouflage armor is updated and now shows stats in the tooltip. Crafted with camouflage dye and leather armor pieces. Put the armor piece in the crafting inventory again to toggle the camouflage ability. More features soon.
- NEW MOBFilch Lizard added! Steals shiny items from the player, which items can be edited in the config menu. Also has a chance to spawn with one of those items. Smacking it will make it drop its item and panic. After some time it will try to steal again. Will also grab the item from the ground if present. More features will be added. Spawns in deserts.
- The mobs now correctly use the DataWatcher and NBT system to sync variables to the client and save them when quiting.
- All entity renders now use the Layer system.
- Disclaimer: no loot for most mobs yet. Everything is subject to change. Back up your saves before testing!! Crashes might happen, if so, please send me the error log (PM or in a spoiler in a post below).
Plans for full release:
- Update all old content (including v1.1 stuff, although I might remove Sheepers Creepers mobs as they dont fit the mod well)
- Make more universal TamedEntity methods
- Smoothen animations
- Brain Slime Block
- Atmospheric mobs (hint)
- Give the player specific benefits when wearing the Camouflage armor.
- Correctly implement WorldGen.
- Add configuration options for pretty much everything.
What about the 1.7.10 version? Will you keep that updated with the new content?
- Sadly, no. I decided to fully invest my time into updating to 1.10.2. Having to downgrade back to 1.7.10 would simply be too much work and ineffecient. I do apologize if you were looking forward for a more stable release.
Older test version for 1.7.10 v1.1(unstable, disable all that crashes your world in the config, it will not be fixed for now):
= GroveSprite =
o Fixed sapling crash
o Cinder Sprite drops Cinder Sapling which grows a Cinder Tree. The tree burns, so watch out! Its leaves light up and can be worth a lot of emeralds to some Traveling Merchants, but you have to be quick to collect them. Cinder Logs = Cinder Planks = Cinder Stairs etc.
o Healing a Dead Sprite will give you either a Golden Apple or the new Precious Axe
= Filch Lizard =
o Limited spawn
= Dodo =
o Still a work in progress
o Has its own egg and meat
o Requires pumpkin seeds to mate
o Spawns on Mycelium
= Sheepers Creepers mobs - Blaze Cow - Sheeper - Ender Chicken =
o Got permission to update them, so I did.
o They work mostly the same as in their original mod
o Blaze Cow gives lava instead of milk. Blaze rods instead of raw beef. Requires nether wart to mate. Spawns on netherrack in the Overworld! Drops cooked beef as well.
o Sheeper gives gunpowder instead of wool. Blows up when panicing. Requires tnt to mate. Spawns on mossy cobblestone in the Overworld (above Y = 50).
o Ender Chicken lays enderpearls instead of eggs. Teleports while in the light, when hit or when in the water. Requires melon seeds to mate. Spawns on end stone in the Overworld (also during the night as it will probably teleport before you can see it during the day). Does NOT drop eye of ender as in the original mod, but does drop flint.[
= Traveling Merchant =
o More varied trades depending on the biome it spawns in
o Fixed a few items that showed incorrectly on its backpack
= Cave Gen =
o Gem Cave and Spider Cave gen were tweaked
So much has been changed which means that I probably forgot a bunch of stuff. Information on the new mobs will be available as soon as I set up a wiki. Anyway, Enjoy playing!
I've never heard of the Primitive Mod before, but this looks pretty good. I like the Traveling Merchant, the Lost Miner, the Haunted Tools, the Treasure and Brain Slimes, the Spider Family, the Bewitched Tome, the Summoners, and the Sheepmen. They seem pretty interesting and unique, plus they could easily fit within the Vanilla Minecraft. Do you also plan to make the Haunted Tools work for modded tools as well (E.G. The Clay tools in Claycraft, the tools introduced in Biomes O' Plenty and Twilight Forest, etc)?
Also, could i use this mod in my modpack?
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Teddwa (The Fakemon in my avatar) belongs to ReallyDarkAndWindie and that is used with permission from him.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
Click on this Spoiler to see misc. banners and whatnot!
@Cheeyev Interesting Idea. I need to figure out how I can detect tools from other mods if I want this to work. Maybe in the future. It would also need to be toggleable because some mods add some crazy powerfull weapons that you would get for free with Haunted Tools
You are free to use this in your modpack. Just make sure to credit me and to send me experiences people have with the mod. I really want to see people playing with it.
I might bring back the butterflies, but the code is extremely complex At least the customization stuff and the butterfly case/encyclopedia. I might bring back the mob, but wait with the additional features.
The foxes were in a very early state of development. All models were done, but behaviour was quite hard to get right. They will be the first mammel I would bring back, but it depends on if I ever get to it.
Also, I always press "reply" instead of "quote" >.> Multi-post yay
@Cheeyev Interesting Idea. I need to figure out how I can detect tools from other mods if I want this to work. Maybe in the future. It would also need to be toggleable because some mods add some crazy powerfull weapons that you would get for free with Haunted Tools
You are free to use this in your modpack. Just make sure to credit me and to send me experiences people have with the mod. I really want to see people playing with it.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Like Hackbaellchen's Emerald Mod has a Big Emerald Sword that does 14 damage, but whoo boy would it be challenging getting the poltergeist out of it if it attacked often. And thanks.
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Teddwa (The Fakemon in my avatar) belongs to ReallyDarkAndWindie and that is used with permission from him.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
Click on this Spoiler to see misc. banners and whatnot!
24 hours gone again, wasted in futility, welcome to minecraft modding, that is (unfortunately) our community.
(an ode to minecraft modding)
i keep making the same mistake, i think "oh, i've given them a few months, surely it'll be fixed by now" THAT is why i seem to ALWAYS be angry to some of you, my advice is to get the lead out.
there were nice things here, until the mod author threw a tantrum.
Oh, and an idea is that if a tool gets in contact with a ghost-ish hostile mob, there's a small chance that the tool you're using will become haunted and will go against you. (Of course, it goes out of your inventory and becomes a Haunted Tool mob thingy).
Fluttershy much? (I'm no Brony, but still, i wanted to make that reference.)
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Teddwa (The Fakemon in my avatar) belongs to ReallyDarkAndWindie and that is used with permission from him.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
Click on this Spoiler to see misc. banners and whatnot!
Stable version of the mod for 1.7.10 is available at:
This thread is now used for test builds for future versions and suggestions.
Please, leave suggestions for the mod, they will be listed below for future reference.
Update (30-10-2016):
An alpha version for 1.10.2 has been released! Lots of WIP stuff but there are some features that I need tested early on, so I do not create more issues in the long run. 10 mobs are included so far.
Forge 1.10.2- or higher required.
Java 8 or higher required.
Download link: Primitive Mobs v1.1 alpha
The mod will be available on Curseforge once finished.
Current content:
(Want to know the details on some of the mobs? Check the link at the top)
- Added configuration file which can be edited through the mods list in the main menu. It allows you to add new haunted tool, treasure slime and filch lizard loot. Examples are given in the menu. If you want to know the name of a specific item in Minecraft. Simply enable debug in the settings, tame a white treasure slime with a slimeball and right-click on it with that item, it will then show the modname, itemname and meta data. Weight = how common an item is. More options soon (like spawn settings).
- Chameleon is updated and works more reliably thanks to the BlockStates. Should not crash your game anymore no matter what block, but testing will probably prove me wrong ;P. Already confirmed to work with Forge Multipart and Chisel blocks. Please test on any block you can think of
Tameable with melon, follows and sits. Spawns on plains. Drops camouflage dye using a loottable.
- Treasure Slime has been rewritten and now changes color depending on the item inside. It allows me and players to easily add items to its treasure pool using the configuration file. This means that Treasure Slimes can spawn with items from other mods if set in the config. The item inside is also rendered in 3d now.
- If a treasure slime is white and empty it can be tamed with a slimeball. The tamed Treasure Slime no longer changes color depending on how much dyes you feed it. You can instead simply put an item inside of it by right-clicking and it will change to the color of that item. It does not follow or sit yet.
- NEW MOB Grove Sprite (at least if you did not play the alpha for v1.1 for 1.7.10). It is still very WIP but it already chooses its colors and held sapling depending on the tree it spawns near to (including trees from mods). It also follows a player who is holding the same sapling or bonemeal. No other features yet, although they are WAY more stable now (they were causing lag before). Spawns in forests. Has custom sounds.
- Bewitched Tome updated, it is pretty much the same as before. Killing it will yield you a random enchanted book. Spawns underground.
- Haunted Tools are updated. Similar to the Treasure Slime, you will be able to add new kinds of tools from other mods into the pool it chooses from. Its health is now based on the tool's durability,the damage output is based on the tool's attack damage and movement speed is based on the tool's attack speed. This means that diamond tools are actually very dangerous, so I made all Haunted Tools passive agressive (meaning they only attack back when you attack them). In order to keep things "fair", there is a maximum health, speed and damage cap. Let me know what you think. Spawns like mobs.
- Festive Creeper updated, they now throw smaller tnt blocks which do less damage and take the mobGriefing setting into account. Powered festive creepers throw stronger tnt. Spawns like mobs.
- Support Creeper updated, they now only go for a mob that is not supported yet. Spawns like mobs.
- Rocket Creeper updated, they work exactly the same as before, but do not tumble around when not attacking anymore. Spawns like mobs.
- Brain Slime updated, can now stack on top of entities. Also damages helmets when an entity they attack wears one. Hopefully it all works correctly. It only attacks players and untameable animals, but you can shove it onto any creature that is not undead (like with a Minecart). Let me know if it causes issues. Spawns on beaches.
- Camouflage armor is updated and now shows stats in the tooltip. Crafted with camouflage dye and leather armor pieces. Put the armor piece in the crafting inventory again to toggle the camouflage ability. More features soon.
- NEW MOB Filch Lizard added! Steals shiny items from the player, which items can be edited in the config menu. Also has a chance to spawn with one of those items. Smacking it will make it drop its item and panic. After some time it will try to steal again. Will also grab the item from the ground if present. More features will be added. Spawns in deserts.
- The mobs now correctly use the DataWatcher and NBT system to sync variables to the client and save them when quiting.
- All entity renders now use the Layer system.
- Disclaimer: no loot for most mobs yet. Everything is subject to change. Back up your saves before testing!! Crashes might happen, if so, please send me the error log (PM or in a spoiler in a post below).
Plans for full release:
- Update all old content (including v1.1 stuff, although I might remove Sheepers Creepers mobs as they dont fit the mod well)
- Make more universal TamedEntity methods
- Smoothen animations
- Brain Slime Block
- Atmospheric mobs (hint)
- Give the player specific benefits when wearing the Camouflage armor.
- Correctly implement WorldGen.
- Add configuration options for pretty much everything.
- Much more!
Preview Image:
Stay up to date with progress on the mod by following me on twitter:
What about the 1.7.10 version? Will you keep that updated with the new content?
- Sadly, no. I decided to fully invest my time into updating to 1.10.2. Having to downgrade back to 1.7.10 would simply be too much work and ineffecient. I do apologize if you were looking forward for a more stable release.
Older test version for 1.7.10 v1.1(unstable, disable all that crashes your world in the config, it will not be fixed for now):
Download v1.1WIP for 1.7.10:
Forge: or higher
= GroveSprite =
o Fixed sapling crash
o Cinder Sprite drops Cinder Sapling which grows a Cinder Tree. The tree burns, so watch out! Its leaves light up and can be worth a lot of emeralds to some Traveling Merchants, but you have to be quick to collect them. Cinder Logs = Cinder Planks = Cinder Stairs etc.
o Healing a Dead Sprite will give you either a Golden Apple or the new Precious Axe
= Filch Lizard =
o Limited spawn
= Dodo =
o Still a work in progress
o Has its own egg and meat
o Requires pumpkin seeds to mate
o Spawns on Mycelium
= Sheepers Creepers mobs - Blaze Cow - Sheeper - Ender Chicken =
o Got permission to update them, so I did.
o They work mostly the same as in their original mod
o Blaze Cow gives lava instead of milk. Blaze rods instead of raw beef. Requires nether wart to mate. Spawns on netherrack in the Overworld! Drops cooked beef as well.
o Sheeper gives gunpowder instead of wool. Blows up when panicing. Requires tnt to mate. Spawns on mossy cobblestone in the Overworld (above Y = 50).
o Ender Chicken lays enderpearls instead of eggs. Teleports while in the light, when hit or when in the water. Requires melon seeds to mate. Spawns on end stone in the Overworld (also during the night as it will probably teleport before you can see it during the day). Does NOT drop eye of ender as in the original mod, but does drop flint.[
= Traveling Merchant =
o More varied trades depending on the biome it spawns in
o Fixed a few items that showed incorrectly on its backpack
= Cave Gen =
o Gem Cave and Spider Cave gen were tweaked
So much has been changed which means that I probably forgot a bunch of stuff. Information on the new mobs will be available as soon as I set up a wiki. Anyway, Enjoy playing!
Older version:
Download Link:
Mob Update Requests:
- Sheepers Creepers
- Moo' Cows Mod
- Bellthorn
- Two More Insects
- Succubus
- Stalker
- Firehazurd's Suggestions
o Harpy
o Glutton
o Magman
o Golem
- Enderslimes
- Gryphon
- New Ghast/Baby Ghast
- Skeleton King
- Cereberus
- Fisherman villager
- Troll
- Possessed Enchantment
My mods: Archmagus, BetterBoneMeal, BetterVanilla, Brewing-API, NaturalArmors, and PluckableChickens!
Also, 1.8 is taking forever to update, so you're fine!
This was one of my favorite mods in 1.4 & 1.5.
Also, thanks for the support guys.
You're welcome!
I'mma see if the crash is fixed!NVM, it was my derpiness.Anyways, what will happen to the butterflies and foxes?
seriously, im smiling from ear to ear now.
will all of this be backwards compatible with 1.7.2?
Also, could i use this mod in my modpack?
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
You are free to use this in your modpack. Just make sure to credit me and to send me experiences people have with the mod. I really want to see people playing with it.
Pun aside, I'm stoked to see this mod making a return!
I can't wait for it to be completed once more, and to see even more interesting mobs :3
I might bring back the butterflies, but the code is extremely complex
The foxes were in a very early state of development. All models were done, but behaviour was quite hard to get right. They will be the first mammel I would bring back, but it depends on if I ever get to it.
Also, I always press "reply" instead of "quote" >.> Multi-post yay
Yeah, I know what you mean. Like Hackbaellchen's Emerald Mod has a Big Emerald Sword that does 14 damage, but whoo boy would it be challenging getting the poltergeist out of it if it attacked often. And thanks.
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
24 hours gone again, wasted in futility, welcome to minecraft modding, that is (unfortunately) our community.
(an ode to minecraft modding)
i keep making the same mistake, i think "oh, i've given them a few months, surely it'll be fixed by now" THAT is why i seem to ALWAYS be angry to some of you, my advice is to get the lead out.
there were nice things here, until the mod author threw a tantrum.
Fluttershy much? (I'm no Brony, but still, i wanted to make that reference.)
Click on this spoiler to see mods and ideas that I support!
- Enchanted Book updated
- Mimic updated
Please, test the spawn rates :3
sheep villagers next?