This thread was marked as Locked by master801.
Slow =( School is taking up most of my time. I'll have it updated as soon as I can, but no guarantees on when that is.
Currently, no, they don't. However, I am planning to make each wand either have a random personality or have it be based on core. As they don't have any semblance of a personality yet, you can tell I'm still working on it =)
Unfortunately I have been unable to be on my computer for the past week due to some family problems. I am attempting to get it ready to release, however it may be a while as I'm working on some other projects right now.
Unfortunately I have put a hold on developing this mod for now. I simply don't have the time and motivation to maintain it. Don't worry though, I will probably come back to it at some point.
Thanks! I have thought about making a core mod, but I never got round to it =)
Ya know, apparently I actually unfollowed this thread! It's about 2:00 in the morning rn, and I decided to come scroll the post for old time's sake. I haven't worked on this mod in absolutely ages... Been occupied with other projects. However, going through this post really reminded me of how much support this mod had going for it, and I kinda want to reboot it. So... You can expect to *maybe* finally see a version 0.0.5 in the nearish future... But I'm not gonna guarantee anything XD
Best mod ever
Can you make the spell projectiles look cooler? They are only white small blocks
They shouldn't be... Make sure you're using the latest version.
Seeing as we finally have a modder who actually replies *cough* ComputerCraft *cough* I have a request and I would be really grateful if you could fulfill it...
Please release a 1.5.2 version!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!
I would love you for all eternity!!! That came out wrong XD
On the other hand the mod is AWESOME! Have some diamonds!
This is a very impressive mod. you did a good job with it. but would i sugest lowering the spell amount? because atm i can just spam bombardo maxima and blow the sh*t out of everthing with no end. xD
Thank you! Sadly, this mod is no longer being updated. I may return to it at some point in the future, but I don't know if or when I will.
wait, why arent you working on it anymore?
I haven't worked on this mod in a very long time... I just lost interest too much to make time for it. At this point I'm not even completely sure I have the half-updated files from last time I worked on it, though I think I do. I just have other things I need to do, and it hasn't made much sense to reboot a project that hasn't been worked on majorly in 6 months to a year just to drop it again. I may go back to it eventually, but... Not in the forseeeable future unless it's suddenly in huge demand.