The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Maybe. I will need to make my own noise generation code to closely replicate vanilla, so adding that option won't be difficult, but even if I do it won't be officially supported in any way, and it will likely be a VM commandline option (something like -Dcubicchunks.generator.farlands=true). I want it for testing anyway because it's the easiest way to ensure that I got frequencies right (if frequencies are right, farlands will start at exactly the same location as in vanilla)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Depends on how old save format. Anything that uses MapDB - it will regenerate everything, because it won't see any regions. Older 3d region format - it will probably crash.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I had to modify the noise generator to generate farlands at all because it has them fixed. There is no download link, but it's open source and it shouldn't be hard to compile it (just like any forge mod now):
I think I already mentioned a few times in this thread how to compile it, but I will repeat again - if you have JVM 8 installed it's as simple as running gradlew build command (from the directory with the mod)
Do you want to put stuff in the OP? let me know. I can edit it for you.
I'd give you the thread somehow if I could.
I wanted to wait until I have at least save format stable and unchanging, but I guess I should finally make minecraftforum thread. When I make it (hopefully today) - you could link it it OP. I just hope WIP thread doesn't require me to add download links. If someone wants to use it in current state, I expect at least reading what I have to say about it, which includes warnings about potentially loosing compatibility with currently created saves, or the world irrecoverably breaking for no reaason.
I know what I could do to be almost sure future versions of the save format will be backwards compatible, but first I want the save format to contain 32x32x32 cubes (this should improve compression, and allow me to use 2kB or 4kB sectors without making save files huge).
Right now I'm in the middle of an important change to the "lower level" part of the mod - removing the Column class and replacing it with mixing into Chunk. This should make updating much less painful and compatibility a bit easier (at least compatibility with something like sponge which is planned). This will also include modifying OpacityIndex only when saving chunks, and not on every block update (which will make world generation faster).
I was able to get cubic chunks not crash on startup with sponge and sometimes even load some chunks, but that's all that worked. Even breaking blocks didn't work.
Maybe. I will need to make my own noise generation code to closely replicate vanilla, so adding that option won't be difficult, but even if I do it won't be officially supported in any way, and it will likely be a VM commandline option (something like -Dcubicchunks.generator.farlands=true). I want it for testing anyway because it's the easiest way to ensure that I got frequencies right (if frequencies are right, farlands will start at exactly the same location as in vanilla)
Cubic chunks discord server
I love how all but one of those screenshots just happened to be in an Extreme Hills biome. Seems rather appropriate.
What happens if I try to load a world with and older save format?
Depends on how old save format. Anything that uses MapDB - it will regenerate everything, because it won't see any regions. Older 3d region format - it will probably crash.
Cubic chunks discord server
I had to modify the noise generator to generate farlands at all because it has them fixed. There is no download link, but it's open source and it shouldn't be hard to compile it (just like any forge mod now):
I think I already mentioned a few times in this thread how to compile it, but I will repeat again - if you have JVM 8 installed it's as simple as running gradlew build command (from the directory with the mod)
Cubic chunks discord server
If you want to know how to do it, PM me. Noone will read it anyway when it's no longer the last page, so no point adding more posts about it here.
Cubic chunks discord server
Do you want to put stuff in the OP? let me know. I can edit it for you.
I'd give you the thread somehow if I could.
I wanted to wait until I have at least save format stable and unchanging, but I guess I should finally make minecraftforum thread. When I make it (hopefully today) - you could link it it OP. I just hope WIP thread doesn't require me to add download links. If someone wants to use it in current state, I expect at least reading what I have to say about it, which includes warnings about potentially loosing compatibility with currently created saves, or the world irrecoverably breaking for no reaason.
I know what I could do to be almost sure future versions of the save format will be backwards compatible, but first I want the save format to contain 32x32x32 cubes (this should improve compression, and allow me to use 2kB or 4kB sectors without making save files huge).
Right now I'm in the middle of an important change to the "lower level" part of the mod - removing the Column class and replacing it with mixing into Chunk. This should make updating much less painful and compatibility a bit easier (at least compatibility with something like sponge which is planned). This will also include modifying OpacityIndex only when saving chunks, and not on every block update (which will make world generation faster).
I was able to get cubic chunks not crash on startup with sponge and sometimes even load some chunks, but that's all that worked. Even breaking blocks didn't work.
Cubic chunks discord server
So there is my own cubic chunks WIP mod thread;
Cubic chunks discord server