Update 1.5.0a:
- Re-Write in Progress
- Deleted some random gradle files that were conflicting with windows git.
- Added a creative tab called Minebound, this stores all of the items in the mod.
- Created pixels (not the currency system just yet)
This update is basically all technical and does really nothing in-game, just yet. I added a reference file for the proxys, name, version, etc. This also corresponds with IProxy and ServerProxy.
Currently I am working on the currency system (pixels). When mobs die, they drop a certain amount of pixels, depending on the mods level, and what level of planet you're on.
Update 1.8.0a: - Added the Spaceship Locker Tile Entity (Chest) This tile entity will not be able to be broken, even in creative mode. This is still a WIP block/tile entity.
Update 1.9.0: + Currently Working on Pixel Currency System + Added the Entity (Pixels) + Rendered the Entity (Pixels) + Added PlayerPickupEvent for Pixels + Working on GUI for Pixels
I will be reverting the 1.9.0a update back to 1.8.0, but changing the version to 2.0.0, the 1.9.0 update was to far ahead, and I am starting on the generation system (for the spaceship construct.)
2.4.0 adds some utilities, once we implement the space dimension, spaceship generation, and planet generation, we will be releasing the mod for the first alpha release.
- Re-Write in Progress
- Deleted some random gradle files that were conflicting with windows git.
- Added a creative tab called Minebound, this stores all of the items in the mod.
- Created pixels (not the currency system just yet)
- IProxy
- ServerProxy
- TileEntityMB
- GuiHandler
- Reference Files
This update is basically all technical and does really nothing in-game, just yet. I added a reference file for the proxys, name, version, etc. This also corresponds with IProxy and ServerProxy.
- Some quick fixes and what not.
- Added the Spaceship Locker Tile Entity (Chest)
This tile entity will not be able to be broken, even in creative mode.
This is still a WIP block/tile entity.
+ Currently Working on Pixel Currency System
+ Added the Entity (Pixels)
+ Rendered the Entity (Pixels)
+ Added PlayerPickupEvent for Pixels
+ Working on GUI for Pixels
- Updated TileEntityLocker
- Updated GuiLocker
- Updated ContainerLocker
- Added MBEventHandler
- Added lockerGui.png
- 17 New Blocks
- Registered New Blocks
- Implemented New Blocks to en_US.lang
Update 2.2.0a
- Small Code Cleanup.
1. Planet Generation
2. Spaceship Generation
3. Multiplayer
Those are the main focus' at the time.
Update 2.3.0