Fingers crossed and double crossed into a knot. We are doing Avast, Spybot, and everything else we can to get my computer WORKING. So I'm REALLY hoping I will be able to play this mod I REALLY hope you guys get alot of followers and become popular with DayZ and minecraft fans alike. Rootin' for ya! And wish us luck with my computer. I'm posting this from my kindle.
Thanks for the support man! You've been a long time follower We wish you luck on your computer
Is the alpha releasing anytime soon? It's august 31st.
also will there be a server to play on?
Yea I am compiling everything right now. I just got back from a concert of some of my favorite bands (Aerosmith and Slash). A link should be on the website later tonight. The forum will take a while to be updated though because of minecraftforums being EXTREMELY buggy with posting.
JUST GOT MY COMPUTER FIXED!!! Downloading tomorrow morning!!
Glad to hear man! We hope you aren't disappointed with the mod's alpha pre-release. We wanted to finish the furniture and completely redo the gun mechanics but that will all be done in the first release (plus a whole lot more content)
Whatever version you installed forge and the Day-Z:MC SA mod on thats the version you should use. Just to be safe you should create a new version called "DayZ" so there isn't any confusion.
Whatever version you installed forge and the Day-Z:MC SA mod on thats the version you should use. Just to be safe you should create a new version called "DayZ" so there isn't any confusion.
Anyone that is still having trouble installing the mod I am creating a technic modpack so you won't have to go through the complex hustle of manually installing our mod. All you will have to do now is download the modpack, and the thechnic launcher. Then add the modpack to your technic launcher. I will post a link to the pack once it's finished
also will there be a server to play on?
Thanks for the support man! You've been a long time follower
Yea I am compiling everything right now. I just got back from a concert of some of my favorite bands (Aerosmith and Slash). A link should be on the website later tonight. The forum will take a while to be updated though because of minecraftforums being EXTREMELY buggy with posting.
The link will be here as soon as possible, I hope.
Yeah, I understand that now
DayZ: Minecraft SA
Glad to hear man!
If you follow the installation instructions it should work.
There is a tutorial on the forum. It lists step by step instructions on how to install the mod.
Give me a link to your crash log and i'll see what the problem is. The mod works fine for me, the rest of the dev's, and a few of my friends though
I didn't crash, it's just that nothing showed up. It was still vanilla
Are you sure you chose the right version in your mc profile
Whatever version you installed forge and the Day-Z:MC SA mod on thats the version you should use. Just to be safe you should create a new version called "DayZ" so there isn't any confusion.
Got it to work
Glad it works man