Sir I am sorry, but if you can find that exact quote for me then I will gladly take it into consideration. Otherwise I believe we stated we had no set dates.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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From what I can read in that quote is that Unitato was sending a copy of what he had to Wiz by the end of the first week... that is not a release, thats passing data to another member... I see no "this will be out this day". There's also an estimation and still no claim... Is basic comprehension just not understood by folk anymore?
People should not be so rude over their own misinterpretations... How about this, it will be out when they actually say it WILL be out
This is why the crew over at Blizzard adopted the trademark symbol on legitimate posts about releases. To stop the same sort of people becoming incensed over incorrect information. Mind you... people still have a go. The internet is the worlds biggest Fight Club.
Listening to Brisingr on Audiobook as I type this (Eragon learns that he's dumb and needs a whetstone for his falchion)... This'll be my first post in the forums too. I really hope this continues to be updated. I love the idea. Currently I'm playing the AVP mod, but this sounds so much better. Either way, update soon, but update right! You got my interest.
I'm not a member of the development team, and the only thing I would be good at would be Public relations.
People should not be so rude over their own misinterpretations... How about this, it will be out when they actually say it WILL be out
This is why the crew over at Blizzard adopted the trademark symbol on legitimate posts about releases. To stop the same sort of people becoming incensed over incorrect information. Mind you... people still have a go. The internet is the worlds biggest Fight Club.
Did you have spawn structures on?
*insert witty phrase here*
-Cremora, Kriegan 040-R32-2525304-RAED
Why are you calling elvish? Its got a name, the ancient language.
I may be crazy, or maybe you're the crazy one, time will spill it soon enough
click us, or we die
I don't think there is going to be one, there isn't enough demand for it. Most mods are 1.7.2+ anyway.