Map Wars will be a Modification where players can Host or Join Counter Strike like Games in Minecraft with a custom Map. The Players can decide which team they want to join and which weapon they want to wear. Everything is handled by the Modification itself, meaning that it generates the Maps automatically and detects which team has won.
The Modification will be Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible (Singleplayer against Bots and Multiplayer against real players or bots)
Progress / Idea
You can create/host a game or join a game!
The Mod will automatically look for an already opened game!
The Host will get this screen where he can choose the Map and see all Players who join!
Sniper Scope
Currently there are 4 Base weapons: Pistol, Shotgun, Sniper and Machine Gun.
I don't know if they should be changed or kept just like this. Let me know in the comments.
Blue Team Armor
The only map that currently works.
Progress List (will be updated)
- Interface and Settings
- Achievements
- Win Detection
- Map Generation
- Weapons
- Weapons as 3D Model
- Muiltiple Hosts support (more than one game at a time)
- Bots
- More Modes than Team Deathmatch (suggestions!!)
- More than just one map
- More Stuff in this list soon
We need your suggestions
Please tell us what you think of this Idea so far and what should be changed/added into the Mod. If you like this Mod Idea support it with a +1.
If you have any suggestions please write them in the comments.
Also if you have a map idea feel free to tell me or build it yourself and send me a link of it. If it's good enough it will be added into the Game with credit to the mapmaker of course.
Can I try making a map, and are there requirements for them?
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Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Ok More mode games if you dont know the games just look them up :Search and destroy,One in the chamber,Gun game,Domination,Capture the flag,Team defender,Kill comform,Free for all,Survival mode (MObs)and infected
Map Wars will be a Modification where players can Host or Join Counter Strike like Games in Minecraft with a custom Map. The Players can decide which team they want to join and which weapon they want to wear.
Everything is handled by the Modification itself, meaning that it generates the Maps automatically and detects which team has won.
The Modification will be Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible (Singleplayer against Bots and Multiplayer against real players or bots)
It's forge compatible
Yeah we also planned on doing normal deathmatch
This mod is cool!
+1'd the post.
Hey, guys. Quote me if you want me to respond. Otherwise I'll have no idea what the hell you want with me.
Friend Code: 1263-6258-8121 (Poison)
Friend Safaris: Poison: Swalot, Whirlipede, Seviper.
Hope i helped
I've been waiting to come out mod like this
how do i play it