Ok so the stories are true. There is a mod watching us because someone deleted my post. I'll behave now XD
Lol no. There is no F5 on an iphone is there? XD anyways i read that you ised to write here during school time so i thought you knew of anything good.
xD lol sorry I didn't know you're using a phone..you can't ._. just refresh the page..T.T
[quote=VergiltheDarkSlayer;/members/VergiltheDarkSlayer;/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1445036-1-6-x-1-7-x-ssp-smp-mine-mine-no-mi-devil-fruits?comment=6056]Yeah I know the comparing thing won't stop but I guess some positive comparing would be better with no flaming and stuff,I know one does not simple stop all comparations, and I see what you did there with this cheat, also getting a bit offtopic, wynd do you plan on buying Pokemon Omega Ruby/ Alpha Sapphire, if yes, which one? I plan on buying Omega Ruby since I liked primal groundon more than primal kyogre
Omega Ruby I never liked kyogre (or water types)
Where would I find this custom devil fruit maker
Currently in my PC :)) don't worry if it'll work I'll post it here.
wynd can you help me i am trying to make a mod just to learn java script and i was wondering if you could tell me how to eat something and get effects like jump boost and like harming and nausea so please answer me i have been looking for tutorials everywhere and your my last hope
^^ sure..Sorry I didn't replay earlier but I was at school and I wanted to give 100% tested code
I'll assume you have basic knowledge of items and how to make them..if not go and learn HERE
First : you'll need an Item which extends ItemFood (if you don't want the eating animation and you want to make something like the DFs in this mod you can just extend Item) so..your item class should look like this
public class FoodMeat extends ItemFood
public FoodSeakingMeat(int par1, int par2, boolean par3)
super(par1, par2, par3);
public void onFoodEaten(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
super.onFoodEaten(par1ItemStack, par2World, par3EntityPlayer);
if (!par2World.isRemote)
So here in the onFootEaten() you'll need to put what effects you want..the if(!par2World.isRemote) is important don't miss it !
So inside the if statement you can make something like
par3EntityPlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.jump.id, time , level));
instead of Potion.jump.id you can add any potion minecraft has (or custom ones)
time - is obvious , how much the potion will last
level - I'm not even sure it's called a level..but it's the number after the potion..
So if you'd like to add Jump Boost III for 50 seconds you'd have something like :
par3EntityPlayer.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.jump.id, 50 , 2)); (yes 2 means level 3...0 means level 1)
Hope this helped..I'm not very good with explaining things >.>
[quote=PureBlack;/members/PureBlack;/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1445036-1-6-x-1-7-x-ssp-smp-mine-mine-no-mi-devil-fruits?comment=6065]Ok so when does the update come? I am impatient
You'll have to wait...
[quote=DerPikaa;/members/DerPikaa;/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1445036-1-6-x-1-7-x-ssp-smp-mine-mine-no-mi-devil-fruits?comment=6073]busoshoku is on servers in pvp to op alltimes one hit pls make it weaker maybe 10 dmg (5 hearts)
Hmmm...I'm not even sure how powerful it is now..the damage is based on how much doriki you have >.>
[quote=ilan221;/members/ilan221;/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/1445036-1-6-x-1-7-x-ssp-smp-mine-mine-no-mi-devil-fruits?comment=6074]now i can post the kuja bows what do you guys think
Um..it's kinda the same ? But instead of green you used light green (or something like that :)) )
that is true better is when its onlly allow to make Logia dmg not extra dmg or anything
Buso can touch anything with the same damage (which is based on doriki)..
And they really reach 6000 doriki without cheating ? I can't believe that... And if it's cheat, then just take busoshoku item...
And the problem is advertising for things which aren't related to this mod is that sound like spam.... And some would just go see it for dislike. Maybe you should think to that ? Orjust add the mod and start a new game ? (because of generation). Then i'll enjoy it, like some others... The fact is that the series which interest the others are the one with mods ^^
6000 doriki can be reached by fighting Arlongs.
Hey Wynd, can you make it so you gain 1/2 a heart of permanent health for every 100 doriki you gain in the next update?
Dont be stupid. All of them. Pretty underpowered against mobs from other mods. That is why Wynd is making a debug mode with 0 cooldown and sick damage. Idc if meigo can one hit a player, it needs to be more powerful. I want to use eg. Hie Hie vs The King. And i also want to become as powerful as they actually are in the manga.
Yes, but these fruit are made for this mod, not to kill others mobs. And as far as I can remember, even if he does it, it's because you were asking for it, right ?
And because all people were asking for customs dfs, he had in mind from now a moment to create a gui which will be used for creating customs dfs without codes knowledges, and you'll can make a fruit as OP as you want. That's why I don't think to touch the cooldown is a good idea. And minecraft and manga are different, there had been always some problems betweens those two (like cut amob/people member with ope : how should it be ?). Meigo isn't enough powerful ? Then, how many heart it should be damage ? (Note that I'm not agressive, just curious to see what kind of battle you want).
Do you know The King from orespawn? He has 6000+ Health and deals 1000+ damage. In addition he is flying. So... In the debug mode a rankyaku could damage about 100+? Anyway, it is an option in the config and is off by default. OR wynd could just add a bunch of lines in the config so we can set damage ourselves. Btw I need the Debug Mode for many reasons.
Dont be stupid. All of them. Pretty underpowered against mobs from other mods. That is why Wynd is making a debug mode with 0 cooldown and sick damage. Idc if meigo can one hit a player, it needs to be more powerful. I want to use eg. Hie Hie vs The King. And i also want to become as powerful as they actually are in the manga.
Meigo deals about 50 damage Im pretty sure it can one hit kill even a diamond gear player if not he will only have about 2-3 hearts probaly, also you seriously want to compare this mod with orespawn,
orespawn is a unecessary OP mod, with a very stupid fanbase too
well if you don't know what I mean with stupid fanbase is because that some people are saying the godzilla mod copied orespawn just because godzilla got a buff and now he has about 10000 of health and deals 1000 of damage and they think the creator did this to make him stronger than mobzilla...but I don't want to carry problems to here so lets just forget about this.
Can u make a short description what do which attack ? "Fishman only"
I made one a little time ago but here it is:
Uchimizu: it send water projectiles dealing 10 damage each
Two Fishman Engine: It makes you swim even faster while activated
Samehada Shotei: its like tekkai but without slowness
Soshark: a single projectile which deals 10 damage but breaks even obsidian
Murasame: a water shark that deals 25 damage
Karakusagawara Seiken: its kinda hard to explain but it deals alot of damage to any hostile mobs close to you
Sorry for the double post but I forgot to quote this thing
and also wynd why murasame is in the fishman karate since it is in the fishmen jujutsu.
I'm not sure of anything... In that case, you need more something like a strategy than a high way of hitting. To say... in first, the yami yami, because it allow to eat two fruits, always a good thing (and maybe you can blind him for some times with kurouzu ? Think you can use black hole in air, too). Then, if he fly, if you don't want to be bombard, then take a fruit which allow to fly. In first case, I would think to tori tori phenix, but I'm not sure that it work as well. Then, take moku moku, it's a logia, so some wound can be dodge, and white blow make him slow. I don't have seen it, and so some things can be just stupid to say, but I'm going to test it to see...
Where can I find the download ? The one I have found is very crashy...
Meigo deals about 50 damage Im pretty sure it can one hit kill even a diamond gear player if not he will only have about 2-3 hearts probaly, also you seriously want to compare this mod with orespawn,
orespawn is a unecessary OP mod, with a very stupid fanbase too
well if you don't know what I mean with stupid fanbase is because that some people are saying the godzilla mod copied orespawn just because godzilla got a buff and now he has about 10000 of health and deals 1000 of damage and they think the creator did this to make him stronger than mobzilla...but I don't want to carry problems to here so lets just forget about this.
Still Wynd will add the debug mode because i need it for testing. And other stuff. So not only battle bosses but also battle other players on a sick scale. We dont talk diamond here, I mean near unbreakable. Also I know i may behave a little reckless or stubborn, but i REALLY want to do this. So... Debug Mode FTW.
well you learn something new everyday ;3
xD lol sorry I didn't know you're using a phone..you can't ._. just refresh the page..T.T
Omega Ruby
Currently in my PC :)) don't worry if it'll work I'll post it here.
^^ sure..Sorry I didn't replay earlier but I was at school and I wanted to give 100% tested code
First : you'll need an Item which extends ItemFood (if you don't want the eating animation and you want to make something like the DFs in this mod you can just extend Item) so..your item class should look like this
Hope this helped..I'm not very good with explaining things >.>
You'll have to wait...
Hmmm...I'm not even sure how powerful it is now..the damage is based on how much doriki you have >.>
Um..it's kinda the same ? But instead of green you used light green (or something like that :)) )
Buso can touch anything with the same damage (which is based on doriki)..
...that's not related with this mod ._.
rokuougan link: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Rokushiki/Rokuogan
Hundred brick fist link(its the first one under kuroobis techniques): http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Fishman_Karate
when you said luccy I was thinking about luffy's alternate persona but im going to assume you mean lucci :P.
Beli and bounty are just for show I beleive and doriki is similar to your power level.
6000 doriki can be reached by fighting Arlongs.
Hey Wynd, can you make it so you gain 1/2 a heart of permanent health for every 100 doriki you gain in the next update?
The Yuki Yuki can't fly. Monet can fly because she is a harpee (A winged woman).
No offense, but you should read the main page. It's ok to ask, but there is also lots of helpful information although wynd could make it a bit better.
Belly Nothing
Bounty Nothing
500 Soru
1000 Geppo
1700 Tekkai
2100 Kenbunshoku Haki
2700 Rankyaku
3200 Shigan
4000 Busoshoku Haki
4500 Kami-E
6000 Haoshoku Haki
500 Uchimizu
1000 Two Fish Engine
1700 Samehada Shotei
2100 Kenbunshoku Haki
2700 Soshark
3200 Murasame
4000 Busoshoku Haki
4500 Karakusagawara Seiken
6000 Haoshoku Haki
Doriki Drop
1 - Marine , Pirate , Skeleton , Zombie , Pigmen , Creeper , Spider
3 - Coby , Shu , Enderman , Blaze , Ghast , Silverfish , Witch , Alvida , Pearl , Gin
5 - Bastille , Momonga , Ronse , Smoker , Stainless , Strawberry , Kuroobi , Chew , Krieg
15 - Pacifista
25 - EnderDragon , Witcher , Arlong
40 - Mihawk
50 - Lucci
Dont be stupid. All of them. Pretty underpowered against mobs from other mods. That is why Wynd is making a debug mode with 0 cooldown and sick damage. Idc if meigo can one hit a player, it needs to be more powerful. I want to use eg. Hie Hie vs The King. And i also want to become as powerful as they actually are in the manga.
Do you know The King from orespawn? He has 6000+ Health and deals 1000+ damage. In addition he is flying. So... In the debug mode a rankyaku could damage about 100+? Anyway, it is an option in the config and is off by default. OR wynd could just add a bunch of lines in the config so we can set damage ourselves. Btw I need the Debug Mode for many reasons.
Meigo deals about 50 damage Im pretty sure it can one hit kill even a diamond gear player if not he will only have about 2-3 hearts probaly, also you seriously want to compare this mod with orespawn,
orespawn is a unecessary OP mod, with a very stupid fanbase too
well if you don't know what I mean with stupid fanbase is because that some people are saying the godzilla mod copied orespawn just because godzilla got a buff and now he has about 10000 of health and deals 1000 of damage and they think the creator did this to make him stronger than mobzilla...but I don't want to carry problems to here so lets just forget about this.
I made one a little time ago but here it is:
Uchimizu: it send water projectiles dealing 10 damage each
Two Fishman Engine: It makes you swim even faster while activated
Samehada Shotei: its like tekkai but without slowness
Soshark: a single projectile which deals 10 damage but breaks even obsidian
Murasame: a water shark that deals 25 damage
Karakusagawara Seiken: its kinda hard to explain but it deals alot of damage to any hostile mobs close to you
Sorry for the double post but I forgot to quote this thing
and also wynd why murasame is in the fishman karate since it is in the fishmen jujutsu.
when goro goro user transform their devil fruit ability's should become stronger just like luffys gears change his moves
also the user should be able to revive
This is... Just... no... There is no way.
Still Wynd will add the debug mode because i need it for testing. And other stuff. So not only battle bosses but also battle other players on a sick scale. We dont talk diamond here, I mean near unbreakable. Also I know i may behave a little reckless or stubborn, but i REALLY want to do this. So... Debug Mode FTW.
what's new in the 2.2+?
can someone tell me