This is my very first, and admittedly (at this point) simple foray into modding. Most are "plug-in" mods for the open-source mod Simple Ores 2 by AleXndrTheGr8st, who is awesome.
Link Removed
These mods require both Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace plug-in (latest version), and the Forge modloader. Forge can be acquired from the Forge website: http://files.minecra...minecraftforge/
Ashenwheat is an exception, as it is a stand-alone mod.
All mods for Minecraft 1.6.2 are for Simple Ores 1.0.2.x, and all mods for Minecraft 1.6.4 are for Simple Ores 1.2.x. The two versions are not compatible for Fusion Furnace recipes.
As you would have to have the Simple Ores 2 mod installed to run this, simply put the Zip files of the mods you want in the folder called "mods".
The recipe pack mods do not have, nor require, config files. All mods with content (Arsenic, Sterling Steel, etc.) and the higher dimension ore generators have config files.
Notes: I attempt to fix bugs in the mods as I am notified and as time and skill allow. However, these mods are presented as-is. No guarantee can be made against conflict with other mods. Also, using mods can void tech support from Mojang.
Always back up your save game before testing a new mod.
Tagging: The mods have tags under their name. The tags are:
Recipe: Mod is a recipe pack only (usually Fusion Furnace), no items / blocks / entities. No config file. Mod can be removed from game without loss of items.
Content: Adds content (items / blocks / entities). Has config file. Important to back up your game first, start Minecraft so the config file is created, close Minecraft, and check config files for ID conflicts.
DEPENDENT {Dependency}: Mod is dependent on a mod besides Simple Ores Simple Ores with Fusion Furnace, and that mod should be noted in {braces}. The mod marked "DEPENDENT" will have a hard dependency and will not work without that mod.
Soft Dependency {Dependency}: Mod has an optional dependency on another mod, which will unlock special features (usually recipes), but will work without that mod.
Optional: Mod may not fit the "spirit" of Simple Ores. Some may have a use for it, but it is not for everyone, and is not idea for mod packs.
DEPRECIATED: The mod is no longer of use, or of very limited use. Depreciated mods will generally be moved to a thread post.
In compliance with new file posting rules: These mods have 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 releases. Minecraft 1.7 is completely restructured, and I do not yet have 1.7 builds for these mods. Further, these mods do not "call home" or transmit any data to remote sites. "Recycle Your Silver" and "Classical Alchemy" will download a class from Google. See those mods and Only Silver by zot201 for more information.
As stated at the end of this article, it is always a good idea to do a virus scan of any downloaded file.
March 22, 2014: Ashenwheat is live!!! Ashenwheat is the mod that has been "indevelopment" for a few forevers, and is an independent mod (no dependencies).
March 18, 2014: Tungsten x16 was packaged with x32 icons. File now correct.
March 14, 2014: Happy Pi Day! Updates Simple Cobalt and Simple Tungsten. Other mods will be udpated in time.
March 12, 2014: Emergency bug fix for "Sterling & Black" (1.3.1), and updated to Simple Ores Addenda and Netherrocks Addenda.
Source Code: After the download link is " - (SRC)". The zip file pulled is the source code for that plug-in. This is done in good faith for other modders. Please be respectful, do not steal or claim another's work, and give attribution for derivatives of another's work. Thank you.
Compounding Chunks: All alloys that create small, medium, and large chunks should allow mixing of chunks. Also, chunks can be mixed to make one size larger or smaller. This can allow for more advanced alloy compounding in the future. The normal recipe patters are:
(build up)
3 medium -> 1 large
5 small -> 1 large
2 medium + 2 small -> 1 large
3 small -> 1 medium
(break down)
1 large -> 2 medium
1 medium -> 2 small
Note that compounding chunks is wasteful and inefficient. It is always best to create to the chunk size desired, which is usually large. Alloys that only make large chunks do not have compounding recipes.
Mod Pack Usage: As with Simple Ores, please give attribution to the source (me, for these), and please do not embed Ad Fly links. Also, please send me a link so I can see how it is packaged. (Purely curiosity on my part. )
This list contains the materials for all plug-in's below.
Materials are listed based on tool "uses". Note that the number of uses does not always directly mean stronger / weaker tools or armor. The defense value is "armor points" shown in Minecraft's display. Double this value for the defense point value in the code.
GG akkamaddi's "Golden Glitter"
SAaOL akkamaddi's "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace"
SCo akkamaddi's "Simple Cobalt"
ST akkamaddi's "Simple Tungsten"
SCth akkamaddi's "Simple Cthon"
S&B akkamaddi's "Sterling & Black"
HC akkamaddi's "Hadite Coal"
ClA akkamaddi's "Classical Alchemy"
The plug-ins are being updated. The recycling packs for the individual plug-ins is being incorporated into each one. "Simple Fusion Recycling", and the packs for Only Silver and Netherrocks, will remain separate.
To enable recycling, run Minecraft once, at least to the game menu. Close Minecraft and go to the config file for that plug-in. There will be a section near the end (or search for the word "recycling") that looks like:
B:"Enable Simple Arsenic item recycling recipes: false or true?"=false
Change false to true, save the file (be sure a .txt is not added to the file name), and re-start Minecraft. Recycling recipes will now work.
For clarity, MC is Minecraft, F is Forge, and SO is simple ores. To save space, images for Fusion Furnace recipes have been moved to this thread, which is available by hyperlinks in the various descriptions.
An independent mod, adding four "utility" crops. No dependencies.
Ashenwheat is presented first, because it is unique among my current mods. It is a small farming mod, adding four utility crops: Ashenwheat (a fuel, and can make charcoal), Ossidroot (can make Bonemeal), Thundergrass (can make gunpowder), and Scintillawheat (can make Glowstone Dust). For those that use Forestry, Calcified Ash (smelted Ossid Root) is regsitered as "dustAsh" to the Ore Dictionary, and should work as Ash in that mod's recipes.
The current version only has an x32 icon set, however the crops should blend fairly well. And x16 icon set will be available in the future.
For modders only: Ashenwheat was obfuscated with SRG names, so if anyone makes a dependency, that must also be obfuscated with SRG names. If you do not make mods, ignore this part.
Small Fusion Furnace recipe pack for generating clay, as well as mossy blocks.
This was my first successfully packaged mod, and so it is rather small. It is a set of Fusion Furnace recipes that involve clay. This is for those who use clay, but have stripped the local rivers bare, and so have a limited supply.
Using a clay lump as a catalyst, two dirt blocks (plain or grassy, and can be mixed) are consumed, leaving two clay lumps behind.
To reclaim baked clay, using a clay lump as a catalyst, and two brick blocks, two adobe block, or one of each, are consumed, leaving a block of (soft) clay. Additionally, stained hardened clay is a separate block from hardened clay. The recipes have been added. Two stained clay, or one with either bricks or plain hardened clay, will produced a clay block.
Two gravel blocks can be fused with a lump of clay, producing a cobblestone block. This is good for those who don't want to waste a pickaxe at their cobblestone generator.
Replacement to Simple Fusion Recycling. Additional features.
"akkamaddi's Simple Ores Addenda" (or "akkamaddi's Addenda") is a set of additional features for Simple Ores with the Fusion Furnace. It requires Simple Ores with the Fusion Furnace plug-in. This is an expansion on the older mod "Simple Fusion Recycling", which is included.
When installed, the Addenda initially does nothing. There are five sections in the config file, each of which has a Boolean set to false. If this is changed to true, that section is activated.
Enable Recycling
This enables the old Simple Fusion Recycling recipes. See the thread post for specific recipes and images.
SO mob equips
This will run a greatly expanded "JoinWorld" table, which will give skeletons and zombies a chance to appear with all Simple Ores base materials, including some equipment sets.This is also a weighted table, so single pieces are more common than sets, and copper and tin are more common than adamantium and onyx.
FF mob equips
Same as above, but slightly more rare. Again, the distribution is weighted, with Bronze being much more common than Sinisite. This is a separate toggle for those who would rather alloys not appear "in the wild".
SO chest gen
This is a greatly expanded table of Simple Ores base material items that can appear in chests. All the probabilities are rather low, but it should ensure a variety of finds. It also gives a small chance of getting copper and tin equipment in the starting bonus chest (including copper bucket and tin shears).
FF chest gen
As above, but a separate toggle for those who do not want alloys to appear "in the wild". There is also a small chance of getting a piece of Bronze equipment in the starting chest!
Higher dimension generation for Onyx
Using the same higher dimension settings as in Simple Ores, Onyx can be made to generate into higher dimensions that include Netherrack. (This includes dimension 0, the Overworld, for mods that add Nether biomes.) Currently, the "spawn into" block is hard-set to Netherrack.
(Recipe, DEPENDENT {Only Silver})
Fusion Furnace recipe pack to recycle Silver equipment from zot201's Only Silver.
The good developer zot201 has created a Simple Ores 2 plug-in that re-introduces the metal Silver, which was in Simple Ores 1 and removed in Simple Ores 2. Zot201 has extracted the code for Silver, made some updates, and returned Silver, from Silver ore to Silver armor to Silver bows, to Minecraft.
This mini-addition creates a set of Fusion Furnace recycling recipes, based on my main Simple Fusion Recycling recipes.
IMPORTANT : This addition requires Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace, and also has a hard dependency on Only Silver (the latest version is recommended).
If you do not have Simple Ores 2 and Only Silver 1.5.5 or higher, Minecraft will not start properly. Make sure you have the most recent Only Silver.
On to recycling! Reduce, re-use, recycle.
The basic recipe pattern in the Fusion Furnace is:
All items above presume Silver items. Items in Courier italics produce two recycled items, but require two gravel blocks and two coal / charcoal lumps. Recycle Your Silver only has these recipes for Silver. It is separate from the main Simple Fusion Recycling mod, and does not contain vanilla or Simple Ores 2 material recipes.
Recycle Your Silver may download part of the Google "guava" package, which is used in the Only Silver mod. This is for the "Optional" Item feature in his API file. The API file can be seen on the website for zot01's mod (link above). The specific import statement is:
(Recipe, DEPENDENT {Netherrocks plug-in for Simple Ores})
Additional functions for AleXndrTheGr8st's Netherrocks. This replaces "Recycle Your Netherrocks".
"akkamaddi's Netherrocks Addenda" is a set of additional features for the Simple Ores plug-in Netherrocks. It also requires the Fusion Furnace plug-in. This is an expansion on the older mod "Recycle Your Netherrocks", which is included.
When installed, the Addenda initially does nothing. There are three sections in the config file, each of which has a Boolean set to false. If this is changed to true, that section is activated.
Enable Recycling
This enables the old Recycle Your Netherrocks recipes. See the thread post for specific recipes and images.
Mob equips
This will run a greatly expanded "JoinWorld" table, which will give skeletons and zombies a chance to appear with all Netherrocks materials, including some equipment sets.This is also a weighted table, so single pieces are more common than sets, and Malachite is more common than Dragonstone. For the utility ores Argonite and Ashstone, mobs can appear equiped with sets that use either Iron or Malachite armor
Chest gen
This is a greatly expanded table of Netherrocks base material items that can appear in chests. All the probabilities are rather low, but it should ensure a variety of finds.
Higher Dimension Generation
Using the same higher dimension settings as in Simple Ores, the Netherrocks ores can be made to generate into higher dimensions that include Netherrack (or Glowstone for Illumenite). (This includes dimension 0, the Overworld, for mods that add Nether biomes.) Currently, the "spawn into" block is hard-set to Netherrack (and Glowstone).
Adds the materials arsenic, arsenide bronze, and arsenide gold, as well as old lace burial shrouds. Arsenic has no ore, and is derived entirely from the Fusion Furnace. Now with Tenebrium!
Long ago, people would preserve taxidermy with arsenic salts. Recently we have learned that the dark forces that create the zombies of Minecraftia use these same materials to preserve the spawned zombies! By using the magic of the Fusion Furnace, one can fuse rotten zombie flesh with either skeleton bones, or slime balls, to distill the minerals orpiment and realgar. This starts a chain of events to create ingots of refined arsenic. This can be used to make tools, but arsenic is a brittle metal, so it cannot make armor. Arsenic can be alloyed with copper to make arsenide bronze, and gold to make arsenide gold. These two alloys are strong enough to make armor as well as tools. Additionally, arsenide gold can be alloyed with obsidian blocks to make the glassy material Tenebrium, which makes very durable tools and armor.
Further, we have found that the arsenic sometimes preserves the Old Lace Shroud in which the undead was originally interred.
Arsenic tools are comparable to wood, though with a slightly higher durability, and a higher enchantability. They are repaired with arsenic ingots.
Arsenide Bronze tools are comparable with Bronze tools, but with a slightly higher durability, and higher enchantability. However, the are not as sharp, and a standard Bronze tools work a little faster. These items are repaired with arsenide bronze ingots.
Arsenide Gold tools are comparable to Gold, with a slightly lower enchantability, but a higher durability. These items are repaired with arsenide gold ingots.
Tenebrium is between diamond and onyx in most aspects except durability. The durability of tenebrium is exceptionally high.
On the left is an Old Lace Shroud. These are very weak, and not designed for protection. They only provide a single point of armor protection. They lack durability, and while they can be repaired with silk thread, are generally best broken down into a small stack of threads (four). However, an Old Lace Shroud is highly enchantable, with a max enchantment level of 24!
On the center-left is Arsenide Bronze. It is comparable to standard Bronze armor, though has a slightly higher enchantability.
On the center-right is Arsenide Gold. It has a slightly lower enchantability than Gold, but a higher durability.
And Tenebrium armor is on the right (on a storage block), which has a durability higher than Onyx.
So, to begin, one starts by distilling the minerals orpiment and realgar. The inefficient way to do it is on the crafting table. This method uses much more rotten flesh, and does not grant experience orbs.
A preferable way is to use the Fusion Furnace, as shown below.
The orpiment and realgar can be combined to make arsenide salts.
Orpiment and realgar can be smelted into small arsenic chunks, while arsenide salts can be smelted into a medium arsenic chunk.
There is also a secret recipe. If you want to use a few poisonous potatoes (don't use them all!), they can be used as a catalyst to fuse orpiment and realgar in the Fusion Furnace, making a large chunk.
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted to produce ingots.
Arsenic ingots can be combined in the Fusion Furnace to create small, medium, or large chunks of other alloys. Combining Arsenic with Copper creates Arsenide Bronze. Combining Arsenic with Gold creates Arsenide Gold. Ground rose dye catalyzes to create small chunks, more rotten zombie flesh creates medium chunks, and redstone dust creates large chunks.
To create Tenebrium, an arsenide gold ingot (a smelted ingot, not the unrefined large chunk) is fused with an obsidian block. Using rotten flesh creates a small tenebrium chunk, a gold nugget creates a medium chunk, and a piece of Nether quartz creates a large chunk. Chunks are combined or broken down as other chunks, and a large chunk is smelted into a tenebrium ingot.
Old Lace Shrouds cannot be created, but can be repaired with silk (if enchanted?), and can also be broken down into four silk threads.
There are storage blocks for the ingots. Below are Arsenide Gold, Arsenide Bronze, and Arsenic, along with their ingots. The picture of Tenebrium armor above shows the Tenebrium storage block.
Zombies and skeletons can appear with all of the Arsenide equipment (including Tenebrium), and the ingots and Old Lace Shrouds can appear in chests in various locations. Tenebrium does not appear in chests at this point.
Arsenic, arsenide bronze, and arsenide gold swords inflict the poison status. Arsenic swords (which are about a durable as wooden swords) inflict Poison long enough do do about five points of damage (2.5 hearts) over time. Arsenide bronze will do two points of damage, and arsenide gold will do three. Tenebrium does not inflict poison. Keep in mind that the Poison status does not affect undead or spiders.
Additionally (Thank you, Zot!), arsenide gold will affect werewolves from Mo' Creatures like Silver. There is a Boolean variable in the config file which can be changed to false to prevent this.
Pressure plates are now included! They are only made from arsenic. The imprint of the zombie face is faint, but it is there. The arsenic pressure plate works like a wooden pressure plate. It triggers whenever anything steps on it, and emits a redstone charge of 15.
Addenda: Steve was asking if, given that the Old Lace Shroud sometimes survives because it is heavily laced with arsenide salts to preserve the corpse, if it could be used in the Fusion Furnace. We tried to stuff one in the furnace, and to everyone's pleasant surprise, it works!
The Old Lace Shroud can be used as a catalyst:
If fused with two pieces of rotten zombie flesh, it produces one small pile of arsenide salts (which can be smelted into a medium arsenic chunk). If it is used as a catalyst with one piece of realgar and one piece of orpiment, it actually produces one large chunk of arsenic.
Steve was stuffing random things into the Fusion furnace, and found a way to create slime balls!
Oak leaves are shown, but any leave block will do. (Yes, they must be harvested with shears.) When a leaf block is combined with boiled cactus (cactus green dye), using zombie flesh as a catalyst, a slime ball is created. This could be of benefit to those who do not have access to large swamps.
IMPORTANT: Version 1.2.3 adds item registration. This changes causes all items to list an "item mismatch" the first time the new version is run. This is harmless and can be ignored. This version also incoporates recycling, and expands the chest and mob equipment generation. It is a recommended update.
Recycle Your Arsenides
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the Boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
The basic recipe pattern in the Fusion Furnace is:
Material: Old Lace ............... Recycles into: single Coal Ore block
Catalyst: charcoal ............... Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: Old Lace Shroud (Note, Old Lace Shrouds can be recycled, but only produce a single output, and can also be broken down into four strings through crafting. They also make excellent catalysts for making Arsenic.)
(Content, DEPENDENT {Only Silver})
Adds the alloys Sterling Steel and Black Silver.
The good developer Zot201 has created a Simple Ores 2 plug-in that re-introduces the metal Silver, which was in Simple Ores 1 and removed in Simple Ores 2. Zot201 has extracted the code for Silver, made some updates, and returned Silver, from Silver ore to Silver armor to Silver bows, to Minecraft.
This plug-in introduces two Silver alloys, Sterling Steel and Black Silver.
IMPORTANT : This addition requires Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace, and also has a hard dependency on Only Silver. While it should have a minimum requirement of Only Silver 1.5.5 (it uses the new API file), it is recommended to use the most recent version of Only Silver. Sterling Steel runs with Only Silver 1.6.6.
If you do not have Simple Ores 2 and Only Silver, Minecraft will not start properly. Make sure you have the most recent Only Silver.
Sterling Steel is an alloy that is durable, and largely maintains silver's high enchantability. It appears similar to iron equipment, but with a blueish tint. It can be used to create a full set of tools and armor.
Sterling Steel is stronger than standard silver, with a much higher durability, and only a small loss in enchantability.
Black Silver is an alloy that is very strong, being slightly more powerful than its component Onyx, and a higher enchantability. It can be used to create a full set of tools and armor.
Enchantability for armor is slightly higher than for tools for Sterling Steel and Black Silver.
Further, alloying silver into Sterling Steel enhances its natural magic, and the armor is innately enchanted. Wearing the Sterling Steel helmet, chest plate, and leggings together grants the magical (potion) ability Speed 1, which gives a small boost to movement speed. Wearing the Sterling Steel chest plate, leggings, and boots together grants the ability Jump 1, which increases jump height by half a block. This allows you to scale wood and stone fences. (The particle effects from the potion effects can be decreased in the game's display settings.)
Black Silver armor is similarly retains natural magic. A full set of Black Silver armor grants the temporary enchantment of Dig Speed 1.
Sterling Steel is created in the Fusion Furnace. One iron ingot and one silver ingot are mixed. Black Silver is created in a similar fashion, mixing Silver ingots with Onyx gems. The catalyst for Black Silver is a bit more unusual, being the chunks created for Sterling Steel. The refined ingots of Sterling Steel cannot be used; the raw chunks are dissolved as nucleation points for the Black Silver, leeching a small amount of Iron for durability.
Black Silver: Silver + Onlx : (SC) Small Sterling Steel Chunk (MC) Medium Sterling Steel Chunk (LC) Large Sterling Steel Chunk
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. It is best to always try to make large chunks. Large chunks are then smelted to produce ingots.
Ingots can also be crafted into a standard storage block. The storage blocks for Sterling Steel glow.
In the image above, the block is the only light source. Note that the light is not bright enough to be useful against mob spawning, but is noticeable at night or underground.
Additionally, the Sterling Steel blocks can sparkle. There is a Boolean variable in the config file:
# general
general {
B:"Make Me Sparkle, false or true"=false
Change the value from "false" to "true", and when you re-start your game, particles will appear around Sterling Steel storage blocks.
Sterling & Black recipes use metadata wildcards, so coal and charcoal are interchangeable. Also, in crafting recipes, "wood sticks" are the Ore Directory entry (following AleXndr's and Zot's standards), so wood sticks from mods that are registered will work with these recipes.
Sterling Steel can be used to create rails (not Black Silver), at a higher rate of return than plain iron (24 vs 16).
With Zot's kind explanation of his code, Black Silver (not Sterling Steel) is effective versus werewolves from the "Mo' Creatures" mod, just as normal Silver.
Version 1.1.3 adds item registration. If updating from a previous version, there will be "item mismatch" warnings on the first run. This is harmless and can be ignored. There were no content changes from 1.1.2.
Important:Version 1.2.0 changes the names in the code from the old "sterlingsteel" to "sterlingandblack". There are two important points. First, the initial item mismatch warnings, which can be ignored. Second, because the mod ID has changed, a new config file with the new name ("sterlingandblack.cfg") will be created. Move any changed item ID's, and re-enable recycling. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this was done to make the code more consistent when migrating to MC 1.7.
Recycle Your Sterling & Black
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Sterling & Black" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Material: Black Silver ........... Recycles into: Large Black Silver Chunk
Catalyst: Lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier italics produce two recycled chunks, but require two blocks of gravel and two lumps of coal / charcoal (only one lava bucket, as they don't stack).
Utility ore in the Nether. Can also be put in the Fusion Furnace with Iron to make Hadite Steel, and Tin to make Gestankenzinn.
Hadite Coal is a noxious, sulphurous, foul-stenched ore of the Nether. While not truly a "coal" , it is similar enough to be so named.
The ore itself is native to Netherrack. Due to internal heat, the ore actually glows, though not brightly. Further, when approached, the ore actually spits smoke and embers, making it quite noticeable.
When mined, which requires at least a stone (level 1) pick ax, a block of Hadite Coal Ore drops a chunk of Hadite Coal. These chunks of coal can be quite useful. Due to their density and sulphur content, Hadite Coal chunks burn hotter and much longer than standard coal. This is their primary use. A single piece of Hadite Coal will burn for over ten minutes. It burns a little longer than it takes a full stack of items to smelt in a furnace. (If using an Onyx Furnace, make sure you empty the output queue about half way through, as smelting will stop when the output queue hits a full stack.)
Nine pieces of Hadite Coal can also make a Hadite Coal storage block. The storage block glows from internal heat brighter than the ore block, but it is not bright enough to be good prevention against mob spawning. The heat of the storage block makes wisps of flame float around it. The coal block burns for about as long as ten chunks of Hadite Coal, meaning it will burn in a furnace for well over an hour.
In addition to being an excellent fuel, it is used in some recipes. Burning so well, one chunk of Hadite coal will make far more torches than a regular piece of coal. The (shaped) recipe below shows that one piece of Hadite Coal surrounded by eight sticks makes an entire stack of torches.
Further, due to the content of sulphur, Hadite Coal can be used in the Fusion Furnace to make gunpowder. If fused with a piece of flint, with a piece of regular coal or charcoal as a catalyst, it will make one pile of gunpowder.
It has also been discovered that Hadite Coal can be used to make two alloys. If combined with an Iron ingot, using gunpowder as a catalyst, it makes Hadite Steel. Hadite Steel looks patinaed and corroded due to the sulfur and other noxious substances However, it is surprisingly durable, and so make good tools. Similarly, it can be combined with Tin, catalyzed with coal or charcoal, creating Gestankenzinn. Gestankenzinn looks rusty and corroded, but is more durable than Iron.
Hadite Steel: Iron + Hadite Coal : (LC only) Gunpowder
These recipes create large chunks, which are smelted into ingots. Tool recipes are standard. The materials are not suitable for armor, given that they reek of foul stenches, and similarly the hoes make stunted crops.
The Hadite Coal config file contains two variables to enable the ore and storage blocks to emit particles:
# general
general {
B:"Hadite Block emits flames"=true
B:"Hadite Ore spits fire"=true
These enable the particle spawning around storage and ore blocks. They are “true” by default. Changing either (or both) to “false” will disable particles for that block, which may be useful to those with older computers.
Version 1.1.0, only available for MC 1.6.4, includes Hadite Steel and Gestankenzinn. Moving the older config files so the mod can re-create it, and then copying data as needed, is recommended. Further, the Hadite Coal ore spawn rate was dropped from 7 to 5. This is a recommended change. The original goal was large but uncommon beds of coal ore.
Version 1.1.5 incorporates recycling, and increases the stats of Hadite Steel and Gestankenzinn. If updating, remove the old "Recycle Your Hadite" plug-in and enable the recycling recipes.
Version 1.1.6 incorporates item registration. "Item mismatch" warnings will be generated the first time it runs. These can be ignored.
Recycle Your Hadite
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Hadite Coal" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the Boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
The recipes are fairly standard. The used tool is fused with a gravel block, using coal or charcoal as a catalyst.
While it is not common knowledge, Hadite Coal is actually a geologic precursor to the Nether gemstone Onyx, in the same way that coal is a precursor to diamond on the surface world. This is why Onyx smells of eggs when it is mined and cut; there are residual sulphur compounds after the heat and compression. (This does not rule out the rumor that ghasts find Onyx tasty, and tend to lick outcroppings when no one is around. This could also contribute to Onyx's funny smell.) Because of the similar chemistry, Hadite Coal can be used as a catalyst when recycling Onyx equipment. This works the same as the recipes shown in Simple Fusion Recycling, although the Hadite Coal lump replaces a bucket of lava. These recipes add to the recipes in Simple Fusion Recycling; they are not replacements. This does not work for the Onyx alloy Sinisite.
Golden Glitter is a plug-in to Simple Ores that add three new gold-based alloys. They are low-power, early game alloys, though two can be useful for those who play with redstone circuitry.
The alloys are Rose Gold, which is a copper alloy designed for early game, general use. The alloys Erubescent Gold, Scarlatite Gold, and Hephaestan Gold make powerful, though slightly brittle, swords, pickaxes, axes, and shovels (no hoes or armor).
The three alloys are designed to be early-game alloys. As such, they are simple to make, Also, they all make only large chunks, with no medium or large chunks. The recipes to make the alloys are here:
Rose Gold: Copper + Gold Nugget : (LC only) Rose dye
Erubescent Gold: Gold Ingot catalyst, two Redstone Dusts, LC only
Scarlatite Gold: Erubescent Gold Ingot catalyst, two Redstone Dusts, LC only
Hephaestan Gold: Scarlatite Gold Ingot catalyst, two Lava Buckets, LC only
These recipes make large chunks, and only large chunks, which are then smelted into ingots.
Rose Gold is an alloy of copper infused with a small amount of gold. This infusion of gold increases the corrosion resistance and durability of copper, and allows it to hold a sharper edge. Rose Gold is made by fusing a copper ingot with a gold nugget (not ingot), using rose dye as a catalyst. This allows a single gold ingot to make nine Rose Gold ingots. Rose Gold has a durability close to iron, and is a little faster than iron, with a higher enchantability than copper. However, the tools have the same mining level as copper, and the armor is only a little more effective than copper (if a bit more enchantable).
Erubescent Gold is a single gold ingot fused between two lumps of redstone. By absorbing the redstone, the gold becomes very energetic. It can take a very sharp edge, although the bursts of energy from use make it brittle and prone to shattering. Erubescent Gold, while brittle, is capable is mining obsidian. For those who cannot find diamonds or spare any for a pickax, an Erubescent Gold pickax will mine enough obsidian to make a nether portal, with a few extra pieces. However, it can also dig through stone very quickly, damaging the tool. This unstable energy also makes an Erubescent Gold sword very damaging, if prone to breaking during an extended battle.
Scarlatite Gold is made by re-fusing an Erubescent Gold ingot with two more lumps of redstone. It is even more powerful than Erubescent gold, but much more stable. It can mine very quickly, and is powerful enough to easily mine most known ores.
Hephaestan Gold is a powerful alloy with amazing cutting power, but not a high durability (still much higher than Scarlatite). It is made by fusing a Scarlatite Ingot with two buckets of lava. Because of this, the large chunks must be crafted individually.
Erubescent, Scarlatite, and Hephaestan Gold cannot be used to make armor, as it is far too brittle. Further, it is not used to make a hoe, as such would be a waste. (Hoes are not registered with a "mining level", so a wood hoe would be better.) It can be used to make axes and shovels for those in worlds where rare trees (and even rare dirts?) have “mining levels”. A Haphaestan Gold ax could fell the mightiest tree.
All recipes are standard, and support Ore Registry "sticks". Note that skeletons and zombies can appear with all Rose Gold equipment, as well as Erubescent or Scarlatite Gold swords.
An additional use of Erubescent and Scarlatite Gold is to infuse the Red Gold alloys into the rails, making them a source of redstone power. Using a shapeless recipe, mix three regular Rail blocks with an Erubescent Gold ingot, or seven with a Scarlatite Gold ingot.
The Red Gold Powered Rails act as normal rails in that they do not change the speed of a minecart, or activate special minecarts. However, they emit a continuous redstone charge up to 15 blocks. These can activate adjacent Activator or Powered rails, as well as other redstone circuitry / items. Also, Red Gold Rails emit a light as bright as a Jack-o-lantern (luminance 1.0), which help keep rail shafts well lit. Red Gold Rails can be straight, or will curve, unlike other special rails.
There are some additional features. The storage blocks for Erubescent and Scarlatite Gold glow. Erubescent Gold blocks glow only dimly, being a little brighter than moonlight. However, Scarlatite Gold blocks glow as bright as a jack-o-lantern, and will thus prevent nearby mob spawning.
All four blocks plus the rails have particles. These are configurable in the config file.
B:"Make Erubescent Gold Blocks sparkle, true or false"=true
B:"Make Hephaestan Gold Blocks sparkle, true or false"=true
B:"Make Red Gold Rails sparkle: true or false?"=true
B:"Make Rose Gold Blocks Hideous, false or true"=false
B:"Make Scarlatite Gold Blocks sparkle, true or false"=true
By default “Make Rose Gold Blocks Hideous” is false. If this is set to true, Rose Gold blocks will have a cloud of hearts. This is really intended for creative mode, unless you want to build your villagers a Tunnel of Love. The three options for “sparkle” make the Erubescent Gold block emit a small cloud of redstone particles, and Scarlatite Gold block will emit a larger cloud of redstone particles, along with a smaller cloud of white sparkles, while Hephaestan Gold emits redstone particles and flames. These can be disabled if it helps computer performance, but are set to true by default.
For those who enjoy redstone circuits. Erubescent, Scarlatite, and Hephaestan Gold blocks emit a permanent redstone pulse. A Scarlatite Gold block emits a pulse up to eleven (11) blocks away, while Erubescent Gold emits a pulse seven (7) blocks. Hephaestan only emits a charge for five (5) blocks. By comparison, a redstone block emits a pulse 15 blocks.
The Hephaestan sword harnesses the power of of the forge's flame. Being struck by the sword will ignite targets for a short time. (This is similar to the Fyrite sword from Netherrocks, but the fire does not last as long, and it cannot be used like a flint & steel.)
Lastly, Erubescent, Scarlatite, and Hephaestan Gold can affect werewolves from the "Mo' Creatures" mod. This can be disabled with a boolean in the config file.
Version 1.2.0 has a rather long change log, discussed more here. If you are updating, version 1.2.0 corrects an error with the Hephaestan tools section. It is recommended the user move the old config file elsewhere and copy over data as needed. Otherwise, at least remove "section 129" and let all the Hephaestan tools be listed in the same section.
Recycle Your Golden Glitter
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Golden Glitter" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Adds the ore Cobalt, and the alloys Blue Drift Steel, Blue Celadon, and Green Celadon.
The materials above are Cobalt (top), Blue Drift Steel, Blue Celadon, and Green Celadon. The armors below are Cobalt / Blue Drift Stee / Blue Celadon / Green Celadon. To the right is Cobalt Ore.
Cobalt is a hard, dense metal that is somewhat comparable to Mythril. It does not hold as sharp an edge, and has a lower enchantability, but has a higher durability. Mythril tools cut faster, but Cobalt last longer. Mythril armor provides slightly better defense, but Cobalt armor is more durable.
Cobalt Ore requires a pickaxe with a "level 2" rating (iron, bronze) or higher to mine.
Blue Drift Steel is an alloy of Cobalt and Iron. It is fused using coal / charcoal, gunpowder, or lapis powder (S/M/L). It is durable and hold a sharp edge. Further, Blue Drift Steel is very special in that when a full suit of armor is worn, it negates all damage from falling.
Blue Celadon is a very durable alloy of Cobalt and Mythril, approcaching Thyrium in strength. It is fused using redstone dust, lapis powder, or glowstone dust (S/M/L).
Green Celadon is a powerful alloy of Cobalt and Adamantium, being more powerful than Thyrium, but more difficult to produce. It is fused using lapis powder, glowstone dust, or an Emerald (S/M/L).
Blue Drift Steel: Cobalt + Iron : (SC) Coal / Charcoal (MC) Gunpowder (LC) Lapis Chunk
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
These materials can be used to make armor and the base tool set, all using standard recipes. The tool recipes use the Ore Directory stick entry, so mods with new wood should be compatible.
Mobs can appear in the world with all this equipment, including complete sets of armor.
Simple Cobalt for 1.6.4 uses ore generation based on Simple Ores. First, this means there is a maximum and minimum height that can be set in the settings. Second, the Higher Dimensions has been dropped, and Simple Cobalt uses higher dimension generation based on Simple Ores by AleXndr. Watch his video for instructions on how to use it.
Cobalt and Blue Drift Steel can be used to make rails, using the same recipe as iron. Cobalt will make a batch of 24 rails, while Blue Drift Steel will make a batch of 44 rails.
Recycle Your Cobalt
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Cobalt" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Material: Blue Drift Steel ....... Recycles into: Large Blue Drift Steel Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Blue Celadon ........... Recycles into: Large Blue Celadon Chunk
Catalyst: lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Green Celadon .......... Recycles into: Large Green Celadon Chunk
Catalyst: lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items (with the exception of Lava Buckets, which do not stack).
Note: Version 1.1.0 updates item registrations to follow upcoming MC 1.7 compliance. If you are updating from 1.0.x, the new registration causes "item mismatch" warnings on the first run. These are harmless, and can be ignored. Version 1.1.1 expands chest content and mob equipment generation, and Ore Dictionary registration should work better.
Tungsten is a very dense metal that is somewhat comperable to Adamantium. Due to its hardness, it is very difficult to work into passable tools. While its durability is higher than Adamantium, the tools are less functional than Iron. Its value is in the alloys. The "ceramic" alloys have only a smal boost in durability, but have a much higher mining speed and enchantability, and the armors have special powers. The "metallic" alloys have a very high boost to durability, while still having good stats.
Tungsten Ore requires a pickaxe with a "level 2" rating (iron, bronze) or higher to mine. It only appears very deep in the ground, around the same level as Diamond.
Tungsten Carbide is a Tungsten ceramic. The durability is a little higher than Tungsten, but it can be more easily worked into a very sharp edge. Tungsten is fused with baked bricks using bone meal, coal / charcoal, or gunpowder (S/M/L). Tungsten Carbide will distribute impact and presure. A full suit of Tungsten Carbide will protect the wearer from falling blocks and anvils, and prevents damage from being burried.
Valfram is a powerful ceramic made with a Netherrack base. Tungsten is fused with a baked Netherrack brick using gunpowder, glowstone, or a lava bucket. (S/M/L). Valfram is naturally heat resistant. When a full suit of Valfram armor is worn, damage from fire and lava is negated.
Tungsten Steel is an alloy made with Tungsten and Iron, using Tin as a catalyst (L only). It is comparable to diamond, though with a mining level of two.
Prasinos, the green alloy, is Tungsten fused with Adamantium, using glowstone dust, magma cream, or blaze powder (S/M/L). It has a a very high durability, and the tools have a high harvest level.
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
These materials can be used to make armor and the base tool set, all using standard recipes. The tool recipes use the Ore Directory stick entry, so mods with new wood should be compatible.
Mobs can appear in the world with all this equipment, including complete sets of armor.
Simple Tungsten uses ore generation based on Simple Ores. First, this means there is a maximum and minimum height that can be set in the settings. Second, the Higher Dimensions has been dropped, and Simple Cobalt uses higher dimension generation based on Simple Ores by AleXndr. Watch his video for instructions on how to use it.
Recycle Your Tungsten
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Tungsten" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Cthon is a very rare, tainted, toxic ore found in the Nether. It is comparable to Dragonstone, but more rare, and more difficult to prepare. Mobs can also (very rarely) appear with this equipment.
When the ore is found, it requires a pickaxe rated level 4 or higher to successfully mine. Diamond will not mine Cthon. At this point, the materials that will successfully mine Cthon are Onyx (Simple Ores), Dragonstone (Netherrocks, presuming GitHub matches the download), Scarlatite Gold and Hephaestan Gold (Golden Glitter), Green Celadon (Simple Cobalt), Black Silver (Sterling & Black), Tenebrium (Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace), Prasinos (Simple Tungsten), and, of course, Cthon.
Cthon ore drops one, and only one, Mephitic Cthon Chunk. Due to its innate resistance to magic, the Fortune enchantment does not work on Cthon ore. The Mephitic Cthon Chunk is too caustic and toxic to be used directly. It must be purified, and what purifies it is something simple that is not found in the Nether. It must be fused with a block of ice. Cthon is also highly reactive with Gold, and so a Gold Nugget is the catalyst to refine a Mephitic Cthon Chunk into an Elutriated Cthon Chunk.
The Elutriated Cthon Chunk can then be smelted in a normal furnace to produce a Cthon ingot. The Cthon ingot can be used to craft armor and a complete basic tool set, using standard recipes. (The tool recipes should be compatible with most mods that add wood.)
If a full suit of Cthon armor is worn, its innate resistance to magic gives it a very special function. The complete set prevents the Wither status from doing damage. The Wither status will still take effect, causing weakness, but it will not cause a loss of health.
Recycle Your Cthon
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Cthon" ffor the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Note that because of Cthon's reactivity to Gold (specificly, Gold's reactivity to the many noxious taintings in Cthon), a Gold ingot must be used to recycle Cthon.
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items (with the exception of Lava Buckets, which do not stack).
Note: Version 1.1.0 updates item registrations to follow upcoming MC 1.7 compliance. If you are updating from 1.0.x, the new registration causes "item mismatch" warnings on the first run. These are harmless, and can be ignored.
"Stannum" has been replaced by "Classical Alchemy".
Classical Alchemy
(Content, Soft Dependency {"Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace"} to unlock Tomb Bronze creation recipes)
Refined alchemical forms of copper and tin, Cuprum and Stannum, which can be used to make Pyropus Bronze and Pulchrum Bronze, and Tomb Bronze (requires Simple Arsenic).
Classical Alchemy will be a mod that contains highly refined versions of Copper and Tin. These materials can be used to produce two types of Bronze. A third type, Tomb Bronze, can be found in chests and worn by mobs. If the mod "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace" is present, Tomb Bronze can be created.
The base metals are Cuprum, a highly refined Copper, and Stannum, a highly refined Tin. These metals are to their progenators similar to what Steel is to Iron. Both are created by combining two ingots of the base metal. Using coal / charcoal as the catalyst produces a small chunk, bonemeal produces a medium chunk, and gunpowder produces a large chunk. The materials Cuprum and Stannum are stronger than Iron.
Combining Cuprum and Stannum produces an alchemically enhanced form of Bronze called Pyropus Bronze (often called "Red Bronze" by historians). Pyropus uses the same catalysts as regular Bronze. Pyropus is comparable to Mythril, though a little less durable. It takes enchantments well.
Fusing Pyropus with Gold ingots, using redstone dust as a catalyst (only produces large chunks), produces Pulchrum Bronze. Pulchrum is far less durable than Pyropus, and even slightly less durable than Cuprum. However, Pulchrum can hold a very sharp cutting edge. Pulchrum is valuable becuase its sharp edge gives it a harvest level of 3, meaning it can harvest Obsidian and Onyx. Because of its otherwise low durability and inability to handle shear stress, it cannot be used to make a functional suit of armor.
Tomb Bronze is a special material. It is Bronze that has sit in the ground for centuries, or longer. In particular, it is found in graves, which is why it is most commonly found in dungeon chests and on the undead monsters of the darkness. Time, deep burial, and many think necrotic energies, make Tomb Bronze a very special material. Though it appears heavily patinaed and corroded, it is actually more durable than Mythril. It takes a very sharp edge, makes an excellent suit of armor, and is also highly enchantable.
If the player has the mod "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace" installed, a recipe to make Tomb Bronze is enabled. It is made by fusing Pyropus and Arsenide Bronze. using a catalyst of rotten flesh produces a small chunk, redstone produces a medium chunk, and glowstone dust produces a large chunk. Also, and Old Lace Shroud can be used as a catalyst to make large Tomb Bronze chunks. Tomb Bronze can also harvest Obsidian and Onyx.
If the player does not have "Simple Arsenic", then Tomb Bronze becomes a found-only material.
Stannum: Tin + Tin : (SC) Coal / Charcoal (MC) Bonemeal (LC) Gunpowder
The Arsenide Bronze ingot and Old Lace Shroud items are from Simple Arsenic. Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
Tool and armor recipes are standard. Cuprum, Stannum, and Pyropus can make a full set of tools and armor. Tomb Bronze can make all tools and armor except the hoe, as residual necrotic energy tends to make the ground unfertile. Pulchrum can only be used for tools, and is too beautiful to be used for hoes.
Stannum armor also has the very unique ability of being able to diffuse kinetic energy in specific, very vertical situations. Specifically, when clad in a full set of Stannum armor, you will take no damage from falling anvils.
Recycle Your Classical Alchemy
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Classical Alchemy" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items.
Recycling recipes for Tomb Bronze do not require the "Simple Arsenic" mod be present. "Simple Arsenic" is only required to create Tomb Bronze.
IMPORTANT: The old mod "Stannum" should be removed, and replaced with "Classical Alchemy". A new config file will be created. Move any changed mod ID's from the old "stannum.cfg" to "classicalalchemy.cfg", and re-enable recycling.
To comply with full disclosure, please note that the class reflection code in the mod makes the three following imports from the Google Code Base.
(Optional, Recipe)
Small recipe pack for creating saplings.
A complete description and downloads have been moved to post #245.
Fusion Spawner Eggs
(Optional, Recipe)
Small recipe pack for creating spawn eggs of common mobs.
The complete description and downloads have been moved to post #245.
Higher Dimension Generation for Simple Ores: Tiny, Small, and Large arrays
Higher Dimension Generation for Only Silver: Tiny, Small, and Large arrays
(Optional, DEPENDENT {Only Silver})
The Higher Dimension Generator for Only Silver is officially depreciated. Archived details are in post #219.
Thank you for your time, and any constructive criticism is welcome. I have more work intended, as I learn things.
As for the downloads, please note that some antivirus products see Java code as suspicious. These downloads should be safe, but running a virus scan on any downloaded file is a good idea.
On a constructive note: I suggest getting pictures up for recipes. Simply take a screenshot (F2) while you have all the ingredients in their places, and then crop the picture to be just the crafting/smelting screen.
I'll get a Plugin section up on the SimpleOres post soon
On a constructive note: I suggest getting pictures up for recipes. Simply take a screenshot (F2) while you have all the ingredients in their places, and then crop the picture to be just the crafting/smelting screen.
Thank you!
I will get images when I have a good chunk of time. I have some screen shots already. I will likely do animated GIF's, as you have, to safe space. With the recycling, though, I have to just get examples. I should have this done by the weekend.
Just wanted to drop by and say I'm loving the Recycling mod. Thank you for a way to get rid of all this gold crap zombies drop!
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[Scott]: Things I have managed to get in the last five minutes, in order of ascending importance: cobblestone, planks, lapis lazuli, redstone, gold, coal, diamond. VERY LOST.
Just wanted to drop by and say I'm loving the Recycling mod. Thank you for a way to get rid of all this gold crap zombies drop!
That is exactly why I made it! It got depressing throwing a dozen or so gold armor items into lava just to make inventory space.
Oh, and there will be a small update later this evening, slightly nerfing diamond and onyx recycling.
Edit: The change is done. Diamond and onyx recycle to one to two ingots, not blocks. I had some concern over how this could be abused on a multi-player server. Then, I saw a YouTube video of Fortune 1000 demonstrated on Lapis and Diamond ore blocs.
On a constructive note: I suggest getting pictures up for recipes. Simply take a screenshot (F2) while you have all the ingredients in their places, and then crop the picture to be just the crafting/smelting screen.
Done. The connection through MediaFire seems to only pass the top layer of animated GIF's, so I had to do sprite sheets.
Added Recycle Your Silver, to include zot201's Only Silver add-in. It has a hard dependency on Only Silver, requires a minimum of version 1.1.1, and only contains recipes to recycle silver.
The inflicting of the machinations of my mind onto the world has begun.
This has not yet escaped eclipse, angels and ministers of grace preserve us, but one day it shall.
As the re-release of Simple Ores 2 is a bit off, I am planning this: There will be a core mod, which is entirely new content, and an extension mod, which will have the Simple Ores Fusion Furnace recipes, which will include copper. There will be a vanilla crafting recipe, which is far less efficient. The Fusion Furnace recipes, which are much more efficient for ore creation, will also be for alloying.
This way, when Simple Ores 2 is updated, and, as AleXnder has said, the Fusion Furnace recipes break, the extension mod will be deleted. As all the item information will be in the core mod, it will all be protected, and the user can resume playing, though without creating the new alloys, and chunk creation will be much more expensive. When Simple Ores is updated, I will release an all-in-one mod.
I've also created small, medium, and large chunks. It is always more efficient to go to the largest chunk size, but chunk will be available for the possibility of mixing/compounding alloys by chunks rather than only through the Fusion Furnace. Large chunks will be smelted into ores.
The items above in the inventory space, except the diamond pick axe, are all new.
*headtilts* What's this about a re-release of Simple Ores?
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[Scott]: Things I have managed to get in the last five minutes, in order of ascending importance: cobblestone, planks, lapis lazuli, redstone, gold, coal, diamond. VERY LOST.
*headtilts* What's this about a re-release of Simple Ores?
AleXndr has said a few times on his threat that Simple Ores 2 (and it was Simple Ores 2, not 1, sorry, I will edit) will go through an overhaul. From what it sounds like, to the user, it will become two mods. The core mod will be the basic ores. The second will be the Fusion Furnace and alloys, so people can take or leave that.
He has also said that NetherRocks will become a second optional plug-in to Simple Ores 2.
The overhaul will also have an API, which will make it easier to have external mods use Simple Ores 2 material, like the Fusion Furnace.
The main issue here is that since the Fusion Furnace will change, mods that use the Fusion Furnace will break. Given that my first two mods are entirely FF recipes, I have to prepare for both of these to break and need an update. However, since they don't add material content (items or blocks), they can be safely deleted, and recycling will resume once I update my mods. (Or, you can keep making mossy cobblestone and mossy bricks.)
One of the things that I am hoping for is that with the API's, I can have my main Recycling mod use IF clauses or something so that recipe sets will load, or not, depending on what you have. With what I expect now, I would like Simple Fusion Recycling to include the vanilla materials, Simple Ores 2 metals, Fusion alloys, and Netherrocks. However, if all goes well, if you don't have Netherrocks, those recipes will simply not load, and the Recycling mod will not throw an error to the user. If AleXndr were to add a second extension, say, Snow And Ice Ores, as a plug-in to Simple Ores 2, that would also go in the main Recycling pack, but again, the code would be inert if you don't want Snow And ice Ores.
Oh, okay. Yeah, I've seen that stuff about him overhauling SimpleOres 2. Sounds like you've got your plans under control too. *rattles pom-pons*
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[Scott]: Things I have managed to get in the last five minutes, in order of ascending importance: cobblestone, planks, lapis lazuli, redstone, gold, coal, diamond. VERY LOST.
akka, you make a good point about preserving the content when SimpleOres 2 next updates, however most of the update will literally just require some package changes for the plugins. I'll do a bit of a pre-release for you, so you can get your mods updated
I was hoping to have the update out around now, but I'm having issues getting the latest version of Forge running in MCP. I do a lot of my coding through proxies (at work :P), and the Forge installer doesn't agree so well with proxies. I'll try again today, and hopefully will have more luck
akka, you make a good point about preserving the content when SimpleOres 2 next updates, however most of the update will literally just require some package changes for the plugins. I'll do a bit of a pre-release for you, so you can get your mods updated
It's also me. I work full time, and I have to do a fair bit of the housework. I cannot guarantee that any given evening I can have 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time. Even if you have a tutorial "So easy even akka can do it!", it may take me a few days to get to it.
Edit: As a side note, I do have some incentive to dive into eclipse. You have no idea how badly I want one of those arsenic storage blocks in the ground outside my front door as a "welcome mat". I was also told that I have a moral obligation unto the universe to turn that into a pressure plate. I will try, and will probably base it off wood, or use the metadata value to make it related to wood. If nothing else, there should be a zombie-faced carpet.
So, I have Arsenic converted to the Simple Ores plug-in format. I've also gotten my first config file to work. Right now, I have the three items to turn into arsenic chunks, the small/medium/large arsenic chunks, and the storage block. At this point, I will add crafting, smelting, and Fusion recipes, and add the large chunks, ingots, and storage blocks for the two alloys. At that point, I will likely do a very early pre-release. There will be no tools or armor at this point. Such things will come later.
It was in a creative copy of my world used for testing in the live client.
I have one recipe mistake to fix. Then, I will add the chunks, ingots, and storage blocks for red bronze and red gold.
I will also have Fusion Furnace and crafting table recipes for creating orpiment and realgar. The crafting table recipes will use eight zombie flesh, whereas the Fusion Furnace will use two (plus a fuel item). The crafting table version is good if you don't want to wait, or if you've used a sword with Looting at your zombie grinder (four zombie flesh per zombie!) and just need to get rid of some zombie meat, but you don't get XP. There are different ways to get to a large arsenic chunk, which is smelted, depending on speed vs. lots of zombie flesh, and if you have a certain rare catalyst.
As I've said, i will likely have an early-release at that point. There will be no tools or armor at this point. That will eventually arrive, as well as a boolean item in the config file that will allow an alternate (non-zombie-ghost) texture for the arsenic block.
The left is the alloy Red Gold (Fusion Furnace, gold + arsenic), the center is Red Bronze (Fusion Furnace, copper + arsenic), and the right is arsenic (derived from zombie flesh).
I'm going to take a break from coding for the evening. If able I will continue tomorrow.
The intent is that Red Bronze will have a slightly higher durability than Bronze (probably around 420-440), and slightly higher enchantability, while Red Gold will have a similar small advantage over Gold (probably a durability around 48-52). Arsenic will be used only to make a sword. It will have good damage, but be more brittle than gold. Also, if I am able, arsenic swords will have a high chance of inflicting poison, if that is possible, and Red Bronze and Red Gold will have a low chance of inflicting poison. None of this is in the code yet, though.
If anyone is interested in having the way-too-early version posted, let me know.
I have 32x item images to use as "blanks", and I have what appears to be a functioning arsenic sword and shovel. I will be doing a full tool set for arsenic, but no armor. The tools will be on par with wood tools, but slightly higher durability (very slightly). I will then be using those tools to create the arsenide bronze and gold tools, which will be more useful. After getting this, the next "big thing" will be making armor textures and making that work. I also have to make sure item repair works.
This is my very first, and admittedly (at this point) simple foray into modding. Most are "plug-in" mods for the open-source mod Simple Ores 2 by AleXndrTheGr8st, who is awesome.
These mods require both Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace plug-in (latest version), and the Forge modloader. Forge can be acquired from the Forge website: http://files.minecra...minecraftforge/
Ashenwheat is an exception, as it is a stand-alone mod.
All mods for Minecraft 1.6.2 are for Simple Ores 1.0.2.x, and all mods for Minecraft 1.6.4 are for Simple Ores 1.2.x. The two versions are not compatible for Fusion Furnace recipes.
As you would have to have the Simple Ores 2 mod installed to run this, simply put the Zip files of the mods you want in the folder called "mods".
The recipe pack mods do not have, nor require, config files. All mods with content (Arsenic, Sterling Steel, etc.) and the higher dimension ore generators have config files.
Notes: I attempt to fix bugs in the mods as I am notified and as time and skill allow. However, these mods are presented as-is. No guarantee can be made against conflict with other mods. Also, using mods can void tech support from Mojang.
Always back up your save game before testing a new mod.
Tagging: The mods have tags under their name. The tags are:
As stated at the end of this article, it is always a good idea to do a virus scan of any downloaded file.
Minecraft 1.6.2: Post #254 has the final repository for the plugins build for Minecraft 1.6.2 / Simple Ores 1.0.2.x. My intent is that these will not be updated in the future, though I would be open to persuasion.
Compounding Chunks: All alloys that create small, medium, and large chunks should allow mixing of chunks. Also, chunks can be mixed to make one size larger or smaller. This can allow for more advanced alloy compounding in the future. The normal recipe patters are:
(build up)
3 medium -> 1 large
5 small -> 1 large
2 medium + 2 small -> 1 large
3 small -> 1 medium
(break down)
1 large -> 2 medium
1 medium -> 2 small
Note that compounding chunks is wasteful and inefficient. It is always best to create to the chunk size desired, which is usually large. Alloys that only make large chunks do not have compounding recipes.
Mod Pack Usage: As with Simple Ores, please give attribution to the source (me, for these), and please do not embed Ad Fly links. Also, please send me a link so I can see how it is packaged. (Purely curiosity on my part.
This list contains the materials for all plug-in's below.
A list containing all Simple Ores family materials can be found in this thread post.
Materials are listed based on tool "uses". Note that the number of uses does not always directly mean stronger / weaker tools or armor. The defense value is "armor points" shown in Minecraft's display. Double this value for the defense point value in the code.
..............Mining Lv...Uses...Mining Speed...Damage....Enchant..From
Erubescent Gold . 3 ...... 18 ...... x16 ......... 3 ...... 22 .... GG
Scarlatite Gold . 5 ...... 38 ...... x18 ......... 4 ...... 28 .... GG
Arsenide Gold ... 1 ...... 56 ...... x12 ......... 2 ...... 20 .... SAaOL
Arsenic ......... 1 ...... 62 ...... x2 .......... 2 ...... 10 .... SAaOL
Hephaestan Gold . 7 ...... 222 ..... x28 ......... 5 ...... 30 .... GG
Rose Gold ....... 1 ...... 240 ..... x9 .......... 1 ...... 14 .... GG
Pulchrum Bronze . 3 ...... 336 ..... x12 ......... 3 ...... 22 .... ClA
Cuprum .......... 2 ...... 345 ..... x9 .......... 2 ...... 10 .... ClA
Stannum ......... 2 ...... 380 ..... x8.5 ........ 2 ...... 10 .... ClA
Gestankenzinn ... 2 ...... 400 ..... x4 .......... 1 ...... 13 .... HC
Hadite Steel .... 3 ...... 520 ..... x6.5 ........ 2 ...... 13 .... HC
Arsenide Bronze . 2 ...... 640 ..... x9.5 ........ 2 ...... 9 ..... SAaOL
Sterling Steel .. 3 ...... 570 ..... x9 .......... 2 ...... 26 .... S&B
Pyropus Bronze .. 2 ...... 840 ..... x11 ........ 3 ...... 18 .... ClA
Tomb Bronze ..... 3 ...... 920 ..... x14 ......... 3 ...... 28 .... ClA
Cobalt .......... 2 ...... 960 ..... x7 .......... 2 ...... 8 ..... SCo
Blue Drift Steel. 2 ...... 1240 .... x13 ......... 2 ...... 16 .... SCo
Tungsten ........ 2 ...... 1320 .... x4.5 ........ 2 ...... 6 ..... ST
Tungsten Carbide. 2 ...... 1360 .... x15 ......... 3 ...... 12 .... ST
Valfram ......... 3 ...... 1420 .... x15 ......... 3 ...... 12 .... ST
Tungsten Steel .. 2 ...... 1680 .... x10 ......... 3 ...... 8 ..... ST
Blue Celadon .... 3 ...... 1740 .... x20 ......... 5 ...... 24 .... SCo
Green Celadon ... 4 ...... 2120 .... x24 ......... 6 ...... 26 .... SCo
Prasinos ........ 4 ...... 2640 .... x13 ......... 5 ...... 9 ..... ST
Black Silver .... 5 ...... 3460 .... x16 ......... 6 ...... 22 .... S&B
Tenebrium ....... 4 ...... 3820 .... x9 .......... 3 ...... 17 .... SAaOL
Cthon ........... 5 ...... 4350 .... x22 ......... 7 ...... 2 ..... SCth
.................Ench....Dur...Helm Def...Chest Def...Leg Def...Boot Def
Old Lace Shroud . 24 .... 4 .... ~~ ........ 0.5 ........ ~~ ....... ~~ from: SAaOL
Arsenide Gold ... 22 .... 12 ... 1.0 ....... 3.0 ........ 1.5 ...... 0.5
Rose Gold ....... 14 .... 10 ... 1.0 ....... 2.0 ........ 1.0 ...... 0.5
Cuprum .......... 9 ..... 13 ... 1.0 ....... 2.0 ........ 1.5 ...... 1.0
Stannum ......... 10 .... 14 ... 1.0 ....... 2.0 ........ 1.5 ...... 1.0
Arsenide Bronze . 9 ..... 16 ... 1.5 ....... 2.5 ........ 1.5 ...... 0.5
Sterling Steel .. 28 .... 18 ... 1.5 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.5
Pyropus Bronze .. 18 .... 20 ... 2.0 ....... 2.5 ........ 2.0 ...... 1.0
Tomb Bronze ..... 28 .... 24 ... 2.0 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 2.0
Cobalt .......... 8 ..... 24 ... 1.5 ....... 2.0 ........ 1.5 ...... 1.5
Blue Drift Steel. 16 .... 26 ... 1.5 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 1.5
Tungsten ........ 8 ..... 24 ... 1.5 ....... 2.0 ........ 1.5 ...... 1.5
Tungsten Carbide. 12 .... 26 ... 2.0 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 2.0
Valfram ......... 20 .... 28 ... 2.0 ....... 3.5 ........ 3.0 ...... 2.0
Tungsten Steel .. 7 ..... 30 ... 2.0 ....... 3.5 ........ 3.0 ...... 2.0
Blue Celadon .... 24 .... 30 ... 2.0 ....... 3.0 ........ 2.5 ...... 2.0
Green Celadon ... 26 .... 44 ... 2.5 ....... 4.5 ........ 4.0 ...... 2.5
Prasinos ........ 11 .... 45 ... 2.5 ....... 4.5 ........ 3.5 ...... 2.5
Black Silver .... 24 .... 48 ... 2.5 ....... 4.5 ........ 3.5 ...... 2.5
Tenebrium ....... 17 .... 52 ... 2.0 ....... 4.0 ........ 4.0 ...... 2.0
Cthon ........... 2 ..... 66 ... 2.5 ....... 4.5 ........ 4.0 ...... 2.5
GG akkamaddi's "Golden Glitter"
SAaOL akkamaddi's "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace"
SCo akkamaddi's "Simple Cobalt"
ST akkamaddi's "Simple Tungsten"
SCth akkamaddi's "Simple Cthon"
S&B akkamaddi's "Sterling & Black"
HC akkamaddi's "Hadite Coal"
ClA akkamaddi's "Classical Alchemy"
The plug-ins are being updated. The recycling packs for the individual plug-ins is being incorporated into each one. "Simple Fusion Recycling", and the packs for Only Silver and Netherrocks, will remain separate.
To enable recycling, run Minecraft once, at least to the game menu. Close Minecraft and go to the config file for that plug-in. There will be a section near the end (or search for the word "recycling") that looks like:
Change false to true, save the file (be sure a .txt is not added to the file name), and re-start Minecraft. Recycling recipes will now work.
For clarity, MC is Minecraft, F is Forge, and SO is simple ores. To save space, images for Fusion Furnace recipes have been moved to this thread, which is available by hyperlinks in the various descriptions.
An independent mod, adding four "utility" crops. No dependencies.
Ashenwheat is presented first, because it is unique among my current mods. It is a small farming mod, adding four utility crops: Ashenwheat (a fuel, and can make charcoal), Ossidroot (can make Bonemeal), Thundergrass (can make gunpowder), and Scintillawheat (can make Glowstone Dust). For those that use Forestry, Calcified Ash (smelted Ossid Root) is regsitered as "dustAsh" to the Ore Dictionary, and should work as Ash in that mod's recipes.
Ashenwheat is described in much more detail in this post. Please read this for a full description.
The current version only has an x32 icon set, however the crops should blend fairly well. And x16 icon set will be available in the future.
For modders only: Ashenwheat was obfuscated with SRG names, so if anyone makes a dependency, that must also be obfuscated with SRG names. If you do not make mods, ignore this part.
Download: Ashenwheat
(MC 1.6.4 / F965 / no dependencies) - (SRC)
x16 tile set by Big_Bantha (thank you!)
Clay and Cobblestone Fusion Recipes
Small Fusion Furnace recipe pack for generating clay, as well as mossy blocks.
This was my first successfully packaged mod, and so it is rather small. It is a set of Fusion Furnace recipes that involve clay. This is for those who use clay, but have stripped the local rivers bare, and so have a limited supply.
The recipes are:
catalyst ----------- [clay lump]
[dirt block] ----> [clay lump x2] <- [dirt block]
[grass block] -> [clay lump x2] <- [dirt block]
[grass block] -> [clay lump x2] <- [grass block]
[brick block] ---------> [clay block] <- [brick block]
[baked clay block] -> [clay block] <- [brick block]
[baked clay block] -> [clay block] <- [baked clay block]
Using a clay lump as a catalyst, two dirt blocks (plain or grassy, and can be mixed) are consumed, leaving two clay lumps behind.
To reclaim baked clay, using a clay lump as a catalyst, and two brick blocks, two adobe block, or one of each, are consumed, leaving a block of (soft) clay. Additionally, stained hardened clay is a separate block from hardened clay. The recipes have been added. Two stained clay, or one with either bricks or plain hardened clay, will produced a clay block.
catalyst --------------- [clay lump]
[gravel block] -> [cobblestone block] <- [gravel block]
Two gravel blocks can be fused with a lump of clay, producing a cobblestone block. This is good for those who don't want to waste a pickaxe at their cobblestone generator.
catalyst --------------- [bonemeal]
[cobblestone block] -> [mossy cobblestone block] <- [vines]
[stone brick block] ---> [mossy stone brick block] <-- [vines]
Download: Simple Clay and Cobblestone
(MC 1.6.4 / F965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC)
akkamaddi's Simple Ores Addenda
Replacement to Simple Fusion Recycling. Additional features.
"akkamaddi's Simple Ores Addenda" (or "akkamaddi's Addenda") is a set of additional features for Simple Ores with the Fusion Furnace. It requires Simple Ores with the Fusion Furnace plug-in. This is an expansion on the older mod "Simple Fusion Recycling", which is included.
akkamaddi's Addenda is described in much more detail in this post. Please read this for a full description.
When installed, the Addenda initially does nothing. There are five sections in the config file, each of which has a Boolean set to false. If this is changed to true, that section is activated.
Enable Recycling
This enables the old Simple Fusion Recycling recipes. See the thread post for specific recipes and images.
SO mob equips
This will run a greatly expanded "JoinWorld" table, which will give skeletons and zombies a chance to appear with all Simple Ores base materials, including some equipment sets.This is also a weighted table, so single pieces are more common than sets, and copper and tin are more common than adamantium and onyx.
FF mob equips
Same as above, but slightly more rare. Again, the distribution is weighted, with Bronze being much more common than Sinisite. This is a separate toggle for those who would rather alloys not appear "in the wild".
SO chest gen
This is a greatly expanded table of Simple Ores base material items that can appear in chests. All the probabilities are rather low, but it should ensure a variety of finds. It also gives a small chance of getting copper and tin equipment in the starting bonus chest (including copper bucket and tin shears).
FF chest gen
As above, but a separate toggle for those who do not want alloys to appear "in the wild". There is also a small chance of getting a piece of Bronze equipment in the starting chest!
Higher dimension generation for Onyx
Using the same higher dimension settings as in Simple Ores, Onyx can be made to generate into higher dimensions that include Netherrack. (This includes dimension 0, the Overworld, for mods that add Nether biomes.) Currently, the "spawn into" block is hard-set to Netherrack.
Download: akkamaddi's Addenda
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC)
Recycle Your Silver
(Recipe, DEPENDENT {Only Silver})
Fusion Furnace recipe pack to recycle Silver equipment from zot201's Only Silver.
The good developer zot201 has created a Simple Ores 2 plug-in that re-introduces the metal Silver, which was in Simple Ores 1 and removed in Simple Ores 2. Zot201 has extracted the code for Silver, made some updates, and returned Silver, from Silver ore to Silver armor to Silver bows, to Minecraft.
This mini-addition creates a set of Fusion Furnace recycling recipes, based on my main Simple Fusion Recycling recipes.
IMPORTANT : This addition requires Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace, and also has a hard dependency on Only Silver (the latest version is recommended).
If you do not have Simple Ores 2 and Only Silver 1.5.5 or higher, Minecraft will not start properly. Make sure you have the most recent Only Silver.
On to recycling! Reduce, re-use, recycle.
The basic recipe pattern in the Fusion Furnace is:
catalyst ------- [coal/charcoal]
[Silver Item] --> [ore output] <--- [Gravel block]
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Silver ................. Recycles into: Silver ore
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe, rod, bow
All items above presume Silver items. Items in Courier italics produce two recycled items, but require two gravel blocks and two coal / charcoal lumps. Recycle Your Silver only has these recipes for Silver. It is separate from the main Simple Fusion Recycling mod, and does not contain vanilla or Simple Ores 2 material recipes.
Recycle Your Silver may download part of the Google "guava" package, which is used in the Only Silver mod. This is for the "Optional" Item feature in his API file. The API file can be seen on the website for zot01's mod (link above). The specific import statement is:
Download: Recycle Your Silver
(MC 1.6.4 / F965 / SO 1.2.x) - (SRC)
akkamaddi's Netherrocks Addenda
(Recipe, DEPENDENT {Netherrocks plug-in for Simple Ores})
Additional functions for AleXndrTheGr8st's Netherrocks. This replaces "Recycle Your Netherrocks".
"akkamaddi's Netherrocks Addenda" is a set of additional features for the Simple Ores plug-in Netherrocks. It also requires the Fusion Furnace plug-in. This is an expansion on the older mod "Recycle Your Netherrocks", which is included.
akkamaddi's Netherrrocks Addenda is described in much more detail in this post. Please read this for a full description.
When installed, the Addenda initially does nothing. There are three sections in the config file, each of which has a Boolean set to false. If this is changed to true, that section is activated.
Enable Recycling
This enables the old Recycle Your Netherrocks recipes. See the thread post for specific recipes and images.
Mob equips
This will run a greatly expanded "JoinWorld" table, which will give skeletons and zombies a chance to appear with all Netherrocks materials, including some equipment sets.This is also a weighted table, so single pieces are more common than sets, and Malachite is more common than Dragonstone. For the utility ores Argonite and Ashstone, mobs can appear equiped with sets that use either Iron or Malachite armor
Chest gen
This is a greatly expanded table of Netherrocks base material items that can appear in chests. All the probabilities are rather low, but it should ensure a variety of finds.
Higher Dimension Generation
Using the same higher dimension settings as in Simple Ores, the Netherrocks ores can be made to generate into higher dimensions that include Netherrack (or Glowstone for Illumenite). (This includes dimension 0, the Overworld, for mods that add Nether biomes.) Currently, the "spawn into" block is hard-set to Netherrack (and Glowstone).
Download: akkamaddi's Netherrocks Addenda
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x / NR plug-in version) - (SRC)
Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace
Adds the materials arsenic, arsenide bronze, and arsenide gold, as well as old lace burial shrouds. Arsenic has no ore, and is derived entirely from the Fusion Furnace. Now with Tenebrium!
Long ago, people would preserve taxidermy with arsenic salts. Recently we have learned that the dark forces that create the zombies of Minecraftia use these same materials to preserve the spawned zombies! By using the magic of the Fusion Furnace, one can fuse rotten zombie flesh with either skeleton bones, or slime balls, to distill the minerals orpiment and realgar. This starts a chain of events to create ingots of refined arsenic. This can be used to make tools, but arsenic is a brittle metal, so it cannot make armor. Arsenic can be alloyed with copper to make arsenide bronze, and gold to make arsenide gold. These two alloys are strong enough to make armor as well as tools. Additionally, arsenide gold can be alloyed with obsidian blocks to make the glassy material Tenebrium, which makes very durable tools and armor.
Further, we have found that the arsenic sometimes preserves the Old Lace Shroud in which the undead was originally interred.
Arsenic tools are comparable to wood, though with a slightly higher durability, and a higher enchantability. They are repaired with arsenic ingots.
Arsenide Bronze tools are comparable with Bronze tools, but with a slightly higher durability, and higher enchantability. However, the are not as sharp, and a standard Bronze tools work a little faster. These items are repaired with arsenide bronze ingots.
Arsenide Gold tools are comparable to Gold, with a slightly lower enchantability, but a higher durability. These items are repaired with arsenide gold ingots.
Tenebrium is between diamond and onyx in most aspects except durability. The durability of tenebrium is exceptionally high.
On the left is an Old Lace Shroud. These are very weak, and not designed for protection. They only provide a single point of armor protection. They lack durability, and while they can be repaired with silk thread, are generally best broken down into a small stack of threads (four). However, an Old Lace Shroud is highly enchantable, with a max enchantment level of 24!
On the center-left is Arsenide Bronze. It is comparable to standard Bronze armor, though has a slightly higher enchantability.
On the center-right is Arsenide Gold. It has a slightly lower enchantability than Gold, but a higher durability.
And Tenebrium armor is on the right (on a storage block), which has a durability higher than Onyx.
So, to begin, one starts by distilling the minerals orpiment and realgar. The inefficient way to do it is on the crafting table. This method uses much more rotten flesh, and does not grant experience orbs.
A preferable way is to use the Fusion Furnace, as shown below.
The orpiment and realgar can be combined to make arsenide salts.
Orpiment and realgar can be smelted into small arsenic chunks, while arsenide salts can be smelted into a medium arsenic chunk.
There is also a secret recipe. If you want to use a few poisonous potatoes (don't use them all!), they can be used as a catalyst to fuse orpiment and realgar in the Fusion Furnace, making a large chunk.
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted to produce ingots.
Arsenic ingots can be combined in the Fusion Furnace to create small, medium, or large chunks of other alloys. Combining Arsenic with Copper creates Arsenide Bronze. Combining Arsenic with Gold creates Arsenide Gold. Ground rose dye catalyzes to create small chunks, more rotten zombie flesh creates medium chunks, and redstone dust creates large chunks.
To create Tenebrium, an arsenide gold ingot (a smelted ingot, not the unrefined large chunk) is fused with an obsidian block. Using rotten flesh creates a small tenebrium chunk, a gold nugget creates a medium chunk, and a piece of Nether quartz creates a large chunk. Chunks are combined or broken down as other chunks, and a large chunk is smelted into a tenebrium ingot.
Arsenide Bronze: Arsenic + Copper : (SC) Red dye (MC) Rotten Flesh (LC) Redstone Dust
Arsenide Gold: Arsenic + Gold : (SC) Red dye (MC) Rotten Flesh (LC) Redstone Dust
Tenebrium: Obsidian block + Arsenide Gold : (SC) Rotten Flesh (MC) Gold Nugget (LC) Netherquartz
Recipes for tools and armor are standard.
Old Lace Shrouds cannot be created, but can be repaired with silk (if enchanted?), and can also be broken down into four silk threads.
There are storage blocks for the ingots. Below are Arsenide Gold, Arsenide Bronze, and Arsenic, along with their ingots. The picture of Tenebrium armor above shows the Tenebrium storage block.
Zombies and skeletons can appear with all of the Arsenide equipment (including Tenebrium), and the ingots and Old Lace Shrouds can appear in chests in various locations. Tenebrium does not appear in chests at this point.
Arsenic, arsenide bronze, and arsenide gold swords inflict the poison status. Arsenic swords (which are about a durable as wooden swords) inflict Poison long enough do do about five points of damage (2.5 hearts) over time. Arsenide bronze will do two points of damage, and arsenide gold will do three. Tenebrium does not inflict poison. Keep in mind that the Poison status does not affect undead or spiders.
Additionally (Thank you, Zot!), arsenide gold will affect werewolves from Mo' Creatures like Silver. There is a Boolean variable in the config file which can be changed to false to prevent this.
Pressure plates are now included! They are only made from arsenic. The imprint of the zombie face is faint, but it is there. The arsenic pressure plate works like a wooden pressure plate. It triggers whenever anything steps on it, and emits a redstone charge of 15.
Addenda: Steve was asking if, given that the Old Lace Shroud sometimes survives because it is heavily laced with arsenide salts to preserve the corpse, if it could be used in the Fusion Furnace. We tried to stuff one in the furnace, and to everyone's pleasant surprise, it works!
The Old Lace Shroud can be used as a catalyst:
If fused with two pieces of rotten zombie flesh, it produces one small pile of arsenide salts (which can be smelted into a medium arsenic chunk). If it is used as a catalyst with one piece of realgar and one piece of orpiment, it actually produces one large chunk of arsenic.
Steve was stuffing random things into the Fusion furnace, and found a way to create slime balls!
Oak leaves are shown, but any leave block will do. (Yes, they must be harvested with shears.) When a leaf block is combined with boiled cactus (cactus green dye), using zombie flesh as a catalyst, a slime ball is created. This could be of benefit to those who do not have access to large swamps.
IMPORTANT: Version 1.2.3 adds item registration. This changes causes all items to list an "item mismatch" the first time the new version is run. This is harmless and can be ignored. This version also incoporates recycling, and expands the chest and mob equipment generation. It is a recommended update.
Recycle Your Arsenides
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the Boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
The basic recipe pattern in the Fusion Furnace is:
catalyst ------------- [rotten flesh]
[Arsenide Item] -> [chunk output] <- [Gravel block]
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Arenic ................. Recycles into: Large Arsenic Chunk
Catalyst: Rotten Flesh ........... Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe, pressure plate
Material: Arenide Bronze ......... Recycles into: Large Arsenide Bronze Chunk
Catalyst: Rotten Flesh ........... Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Arenide Gold ........... Recycles into: Large Arsenide Gold Chunk
Catalyst: Rotten Flesh ........... Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Old Lace ............... Recycles into: single Coal Ore block
Catalyst: charcoal ............... Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: Old Lace Shroud (Note, Old Lace Shrouds can be recycled, but only produce a single output, and can also be broken down into four strings through crafting. They also make excellent catalysts for making Arsenic.)
Material: Tenebrium .............. Recycles into: Large Tenebrium Chunk
Catalyst: Rotten Flesh ........... Second item: Nether Quartz
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier italics produce two recycled ingots, but also require two rotten flesh catalysts and two blocks of gravel or chunks of Nether Quartz.
Download: Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
Sterling & Black (was "Sterling Steel")
(Content, DEPENDENT {Only Silver})
Adds the alloys Sterling Steel and Black Silver.
The good developer Zot201 has created a Simple Ores 2 plug-in that re-introduces the metal Silver, which was in Simple Ores 1 and removed in Simple Ores 2. Zot201 has extracted the code for Silver, made some updates, and returned Silver, from Silver ore to Silver armor to Silver bows, to Minecraft.
This plug-in introduces two Silver alloys, Sterling Steel and Black Silver.
IMPORTANT : This addition requires Simple Ores 2 with the Fusion Furnace, and also has a hard dependency on Only Silver. While it should have a minimum requirement of Only Silver 1.5.5 (it uses the new API file), it is recommended to use the most recent version of Only Silver. Sterling Steel runs with Only Silver 1.6.6.
If you do not have Simple Ores 2 and Only Silver, Minecraft will not start properly. Make sure you have the most recent Only Silver.
Sterling Steel is an alloy that is durable, and largely maintains silver's high enchantability. It appears similar to iron equipment, but with a blueish tint. It can be used to create a full set of tools and armor.
Sterling Steel is stronger than standard silver, with a much higher durability, and only a small loss in enchantability.
Black Silver is an alloy that is very strong, being slightly more powerful than its component Onyx, and a higher enchantability. It can be used to create a full set of tools and armor.
Enchantability for armor is slightly higher than for tools for Sterling Steel and Black Silver.
Further, alloying silver into Sterling Steel enhances its natural magic, and the armor is innately enchanted. Wearing the Sterling Steel helmet, chest plate, and leggings together grants the magical (potion) ability Speed 1, which gives a small boost to movement speed. Wearing the Sterling Steel chest plate, leggings, and boots together grants the ability Jump 1, which increases jump height by half a block. This allows you to scale wood and stone fences. (The particle effects from the potion effects can be decreased in the game's display settings.)
Black Silver armor is similarly retains natural magic. A full set of Black Silver armor grants the temporary enchantment of Dig Speed 1.
Sterling Steel is created in the Fusion Furnace. One iron ingot and one silver ingot are mixed. Black Silver is created in a similar fashion, mixing Silver ingots with Onyx gems. The catalyst for Black Silver is a bit more unusual, being the chunks created for Sterling Steel. The refined ingots of Sterling Steel cannot be used; the raw chunks are dissolved as nucleation points for the Black Silver, leeching a small amount of Iron for durability.
Sterling Steel: Iron + Silver : (SC) Coal / Charoal (MC) Lapis Chunk (LC) Glowstone Dust
Black Silver: Silver + Onlx : (SC) Small Sterling Steel Chunk (MC) Medium Sterling Steel Chunk (LC) Large Sterling Steel Chunk
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. It is best to always try to make large chunks. Large chunks are then smelted to produce ingots.
Ingots can also be crafted into a standard storage block. The storage blocks for Sterling Steel glow.
In the image above, the block is the only light source. Note that the light is not bright enough to be useful against mob spawning, but is noticeable at night or underground.
Additionally, the Sterling Steel blocks can sparkle. There is a Boolean variable in the config file:
Change the value from "false" to "true", and when you re-start your game, particles will appear around Sterling Steel storage blocks.
Sterling & Black recipes use metadata wildcards, so coal and charcoal are interchangeable. Also, in crafting recipes, "wood sticks" are the Ore Directory entry (following AleXndr's and Zot's standards), so wood sticks from mods that are registered will work with these recipes.
Sterling Steel can be used to create rails (not Black Silver), at a higher rate of return than plain iron (24 vs 16).
With Zot's kind explanation of his code, Black Silver (not Sterling Steel) is effective versus werewolves from the "Mo' Creatures" mod, just as normal Silver.
Version 1.1.3 adds item registration. If updating from a previous version, there will be "item mismatch" warnings on the first run. This is harmless and can be ignored. There were no content changes from 1.1.2.
Important:Version 1.2.0 changes the names in the code from the old "sterlingsteel" to "sterlingandblack". There are two important points. First, the initial item mismatch warnings, which can be ignored. Second, because the mod ID has changed, a new config file with the new name ("sterlingandblack.cfg") will be created. Move any changed item ID's, and re-enable recycling. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this was done to make the code more consistent when migrating to MC 1.7.
Recycle Your Sterling & Black
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Sterling & Black" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Sterling Steel ......... Recycles into: Large Sterling Steel Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Black Silver ........... Recycles into: Large Black Silver Chunk
Catalyst: Lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier italics produce two recycled chunks, but require two blocks of gravel and two lumps of coal / charcoal (only one lava bucket, as they don't stack).
Download: Sterling & Black
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC)- (x16 icon set)
Hadite Coal
Utility ore in the Nether. Can also be put in the Fusion Furnace with Iron to make Hadite Steel, and Tin to make Gestankenzinn.
Hadite Coal is a noxious, sulphurous, foul-stenched ore of the Nether. While not truly a "coal" , it is similar enough to be so named.
The ore itself is native to Netherrack. Due to internal heat, the ore actually glows, though not brightly. Further, when approached, the ore actually spits smoke and embers, making it quite noticeable.
When mined, which requires at least a stone (level 1) pick ax, a block of Hadite Coal Ore drops a chunk of Hadite Coal. These chunks of coal can be quite useful. Due to their density and sulphur content, Hadite Coal chunks burn hotter and much longer than standard coal. This is their primary use. A single piece of Hadite Coal will burn for over ten minutes. It burns a little longer than it takes a full stack of items to smelt in a furnace. (If using an Onyx Furnace, make sure you empty the output queue about half way through, as smelting will stop when the output queue hits a full stack.)
Nine pieces of Hadite Coal can also make a Hadite Coal storage block. The storage block glows from internal heat brighter than the ore block, but it is not bright enough to be good prevention against mob spawning. The heat of the storage block makes wisps of flame float around it. The coal block burns for about as long as ten chunks of Hadite Coal, meaning it will burn in a furnace for well over an hour.
In addition to being an excellent fuel, it is used in some recipes. Burning so well, one chunk of Hadite coal will make far more torches than a regular piece of coal. The (shaped) recipe below shows that one piece of Hadite Coal surrounded by eight sticks makes an entire stack of torches.
Further, due to the content of sulphur, Hadite Coal can be used in the Fusion Furnace to make gunpowder. If fused with a piece of flint, with a piece of regular coal or charcoal as a catalyst, it will make one pile of gunpowder.
It has also been discovered that Hadite Coal can be used to make two alloys. If combined with an Iron ingot, using gunpowder as a catalyst, it makes Hadite Steel. Hadite Steel looks patinaed and corroded due to the sulfur and other noxious substances However, it is surprisingly durable, and so make good tools. Similarly, it can be combined with Tin, catalyzed with coal or charcoal, creating Gestankenzinn. Gestankenzinn looks rusty and corroded, but is more durable than Iron.
Hadite Steel: Iron + Hadite Coal : (LC only) Gunpowder
Gestankenzinn: Tin + Hadite Coal : (LC only) Coal / Charcoal
These recipes create large chunks, which are smelted into ingots. Tool recipes are standard. The materials are not suitable for armor, given that they reek of foul stenches, and similarly the hoes make stunted crops.
The Hadite Coal config file contains two variables to enable the ore and storage blocks to emit particles:
These enable the particle spawning around storage and ore blocks. They are “true” by default. Changing either (or both) to “false” will disable particles for that block, which may be useful to those with older computers.
Version 1.1.0, only available for MC 1.6.4, includes Hadite Steel and Gestankenzinn. Moving the older config files so the mod can re-create it, and then copying data as needed, is recommended. Further, the Hadite Coal ore spawn rate was dropped from 7 to 5. This is a recommended change. The original goal was large but uncommon beds of coal ore.
Version 1.1.5 incorporates recycling, and increases the stats of Hadite Steel and Gestankenzinn. If updating, remove the old "Recycle Your Hadite" plug-in and enable the recycling recipes.
Version 1.1.6 incorporates item registration. "Item mismatch" warnings will be generated the first time it runs. These can be ignored.
Recycle Your Hadite
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Hadite Coal" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the Boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
The recipes are fairly standard. The used tool is fused with a gravel block, using coal or charcoal as a catalyst.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Hadite Steel ........... Recycles into: Large Hadite Steel Chunk
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel
Material: Gestankenzinn .......... Recycles into: Large Gestankenzinn Chunk
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel
While it is not common knowledge, Hadite Coal is actually a geologic precursor to the Nether gemstone Onyx, in the same way that coal is a precursor to diamond on the surface world. This is why Onyx smells of eggs when it is mined and cut; there are residual sulphur compounds after the heat and compression. (This does not rule out the rumor that ghasts find Onyx tasty, and tend to lick outcroppings when no one is around. This could also contribute to Onyx's funny smell.) Because of the similar chemistry, Hadite Coal can be used as a catalyst when recycling Onyx equipment. This works the same as the recipes shown in Simple Fusion Recycling, although the Hadite Coal lump replaces a bucket of lava. These recipes add to the recipes in Simple Fusion Recycling; they are not replacements. This does not work for the Onyx alloy Sinisite.
Image in post #248.
Material: Onyx (SO) .............. Recycles into: Onyx gem
Catalyst: Hadite Coal ............ Second item: netherrack block
Other recyclable items: onyx bow, onyx rod, onyx door, onyx shears, onyx furnace
Download: Hadite Coal
(MC 1.6.4 / F965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
Golden Glitter
Adds four gold alloys
Golden Glitter is a plug-in to Simple Ores that add three new gold-based alloys. They are low-power, early game alloys, though two can be useful for those who play with redstone circuitry.
The alloys are Rose Gold, which is a copper alloy designed for early game, general use. The alloys Erubescent Gold, Scarlatite Gold, and Hephaestan Gold make powerful, though slightly brittle, swords, pickaxes, axes, and shovels (no hoes or armor).
The three alloys are designed to be early-game alloys. As such, they are simple to make, Also, they all make only large chunks, with no medium or large chunks. The recipes to make the alloys are here:
Rose Gold: Copper + Gold Nugget : (LC only) Rose dye
Erubescent Gold: Gold Ingot catalyst, two Redstone Dusts, LC only
Scarlatite Gold: Erubescent Gold Ingot catalyst, two Redstone Dusts, LC only
Hephaestan Gold: Scarlatite Gold Ingot catalyst, two Lava Buckets, LC only
These recipes make large chunks, and only large chunks, which are then smelted into ingots.
Rose Gold is an alloy of copper infused with a small amount of gold. This infusion of gold increases the corrosion resistance and durability of copper, and allows it to hold a sharper edge. Rose Gold is made by fusing a copper ingot with a gold nugget (not ingot), using rose dye as a catalyst. This allows a single gold ingot to make nine Rose Gold ingots. Rose Gold has a durability close to iron, and is a little faster than iron, with a higher enchantability than copper. However, the tools have the same mining level as copper, and the armor is only a little more effective than copper (if a bit more enchantable).
Erubescent Gold is a single gold ingot fused between two lumps of redstone. By absorbing the redstone, the gold becomes very energetic. It can take a very sharp edge, although the bursts of energy from use make it brittle and prone to shattering. Erubescent Gold, while brittle, is capable is mining obsidian. For those who cannot find diamonds or spare any for a pickax, an Erubescent Gold pickax will mine enough obsidian to make a nether portal, with a few extra pieces. However, it can also dig through stone very quickly, damaging the tool. This unstable energy also makes an Erubescent Gold sword very damaging, if prone to breaking during an extended battle.
Scarlatite Gold is made by re-fusing an Erubescent Gold ingot with two more lumps of redstone. It is even more powerful than Erubescent gold, but much more stable. It can mine very quickly, and is powerful enough to easily mine most known ores.
Hephaestan Gold is a powerful alloy with amazing cutting power, but not a high durability (still much higher than Scarlatite). It is made by fusing a Scarlatite Ingot with two buckets of lava. Because of this, the large chunks must be crafted individually.
Erubescent, Scarlatite, and Hephaestan Gold cannot be used to make armor, as it is far too brittle. Further, it is not used to make a hoe, as such would be a waste. (Hoes are not registered with a "mining level", so a wood hoe would be better.) It can be used to make axes and shovels for those in worlds where rare trees (and even rare dirts?) have “mining levels”. A Haphaestan Gold ax could fell the mightiest tree.
All recipes are standard, and support Ore Registry "sticks". Note that skeletons and zombies can appear with all Rose Gold equipment, as well as Erubescent or Scarlatite Gold swords.
An additional use of Erubescent and Scarlatite Gold is to infuse the Red Gold alloys into the rails, making them a source of redstone power. Using a shapeless recipe, mix three regular Rail blocks with an Erubescent Gold ingot, or seven with a Scarlatite Gold ingot.
The Red Gold Powered Rails act as normal rails in that they do not change the speed of a minecart, or activate special minecarts. However, they emit a continuous redstone charge up to 15 blocks. These can activate adjacent Activator or Powered rails, as well as other redstone circuitry / items. Also, Red Gold Rails emit a light as bright as a Jack-o-lantern (luminance 1.0), which help keep rail shafts well lit. Red Gold Rails can be straight, or will curve, unlike other special rails.
There are some additional features. The storage blocks for Erubescent and Scarlatite Gold glow. Erubescent Gold blocks glow only dimly, being a little brighter than moonlight. However, Scarlatite Gold blocks glow as bright as a jack-o-lantern, and will thus prevent nearby mob spawning.
All four blocks plus the rails have particles. These are configurable in the config file.
By default “Make Rose Gold Blocks Hideous” is false. If this is set to true, Rose Gold blocks will have a cloud of hearts. This is really intended for creative mode, unless you want to build your villagers a Tunnel of Love. The three options for “sparkle” make the Erubescent Gold block emit a small cloud of redstone particles, and Scarlatite Gold block will emit a larger cloud of redstone particles, along with a smaller cloud of white sparkles, while Hephaestan Gold emits redstone particles and flames. These can be disabled if it helps computer performance, but are set to true by default.
For those who enjoy redstone circuits. Erubescent, Scarlatite, and Hephaestan Gold blocks emit a permanent redstone pulse. A Scarlatite Gold block emits a pulse up to eleven (11) blocks away, while Erubescent Gold emits a pulse seven (7) blocks. Hephaestan only emits a charge for five (5) blocks. By comparison, a redstone block emits a pulse 15 blocks.
The Hephaestan sword harnesses the power of of the forge's flame. Being struck by the sword will ignite targets for a short time. (This is similar to the Fyrite sword from Netherrocks, but the fire does not last as long, and it cannot be used like a flint & steel.)
Lastly, Erubescent, Scarlatite, and Hephaestan Gold can affect werewolves from the "Mo' Creatures" mod. This can be disabled with a boolean in the config file.
Version 1.2.0 has a rather long change log, discussed more here. If you are updating, version 1.2.0 corrects an error with the Hephaestan tools section. It is recommended the user move the old config file elsewhere and copy over data as needed. Otherwise, at least remove "section 129" and let all the Hephaestan tools be listed in the same section.
Recycle Your Golden Glitter
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Golden Glitter" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Rose Gold .............. Recycles into: Large Rose Gold Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Erubescent Gold ........ Recycles into: Large Erubescent Gold Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel
Material: Scarlatite Gold ........ Recycles into: Large Scarlatite Gold Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel
Material: Hephaestan Gold ........ Recycles into: Large Hephaestan Gold Chunk
Catalyst: Lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel
Items in Courier italics produce two recycled ingots, but require two gravel blocks and two coal / charcoal lumps.
Download: Golden Glitter
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
Simple Cobalt
Adds the ore Cobalt, and the alloys Blue Drift Steel, Blue Celadon, and Green Celadon.
The materials above are Cobalt (top), Blue Drift Steel, Blue Celadon, and Green Celadon. The armors below are Cobalt / Blue Drift Stee / Blue Celadon / Green Celadon. To the right is Cobalt Ore.
Cobalt is a hard, dense metal that is somewhat comparable to Mythril. It does not hold as sharp an edge, and has a lower enchantability, but has a higher durability. Mythril tools cut faster, but Cobalt last longer. Mythril armor provides slightly better defense, but Cobalt armor is more durable.
Cobalt Ore requires a pickaxe with a "level 2" rating (iron, bronze) or higher to mine.
Blue Drift Steel is an alloy of Cobalt and Iron. It is fused using coal / charcoal, gunpowder, or lapis powder (S/M/L). It is durable and hold a sharp edge. Further, Blue Drift Steel is very special in that when a full suit of armor is worn, it negates all damage from falling.
Blue Celadon is a very durable alloy of Cobalt and Mythril, approcaching Thyrium in strength. It is fused using redstone dust, lapis powder, or glowstone dust (S/M/L).
Green Celadon is a powerful alloy of Cobalt and Adamantium, being more powerful than Thyrium, but more difficult to produce. It is fused using lapis powder, glowstone dust, or an Emerald (S/M/L).
Blue Drift Steel: Cobalt + Iron : (SC) Coal / Charcoal (MC) Gunpowder (LC) Lapis Chunk
Blue Celadon: Cobalt + Mythril : (SC) Redstone Dust (MC) Lapis Chunk (LC) Glowstone Dust
Green Celadon: Cobalt + Adamantium : (SC) Lapis Chunk (MC) Glowstone Dust (LC) Emerald
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
These materials can be used to make armor and the base tool set, all using standard recipes. The tool recipes use the Ore Directory stick entry, so mods with new wood should be compatible.
Mobs can appear in the world with all this equipment, including complete sets of armor.
Simple Cobalt for 1.6.4 uses ore generation based on Simple Ores. First, this means there is a maximum and minimum height that can be set in the settings. Second, the Higher Dimensions has been dropped, and Simple Cobalt uses higher dimension generation based on Simple Ores by AleXndr. Watch his video for instructions on how to use it.
Cobalt and Blue Drift Steel can be used to make rails, using the same recipe as iron. Cobalt will make a batch of 24 rails, while Blue Drift Steel will make a batch of 44 rails.
Recycle Your Cobalt
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Cobalt" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Cobalt ................. Recycles into: Cobalt Ore
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Blue Drift Steel ....... Recycles into: Large Blue Drift Steel Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Blue Celadon ........... Recycles into: Large Blue Celadon Chunk
Catalyst: lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Green Celadon .......... Recycles into: Large Green Celadon Chunk
Catalyst: lava bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items (with the exception of Lava Buckets, which do not stack).
Note: Version 1.1.0 updates item registrations to follow upcoming MC 1.7 compliance. If you are updating from 1.0.x, the new registration causes "item mismatch" warnings on the first run. These are harmless, and can be ignored. Version 1.1.1 expands chest content and mob equipment generation, and Ore Dictionary registration should work better.
Download: Simple Cobalt
(MC 1.6.4, F 965, SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
Simple Tungsten
Adds the overworld ore Tungsten, and two alloys Tungsten Carbide and Valfram.
Tungsten, Tungsten Carbide, and Valfram equipment above, Tungsten ore above right.
Tungsten, Tungsten Carbide, Valfram, Tungsten Steel, and Prasinos armor below.
Tungsten is a very dense metal that is somewhat comperable to Adamantium. Due to its hardness, it is very difficult to work into passable tools. While its durability is higher than Adamantium, the tools are less functional than Iron. Its value is in the alloys. The "ceramic" alloys have only a smal boost in durability, but have a much higher mining speed and enchantability, and the armors have special powers. The "metallic" alloys have a very high boost to durability, while still having good stats.
Tungsten Ore requires a pickaxe with a "level 2" rating (iron, bronze) or higher to mine. It only appears very deep in the ground, around the same level as Diamond.
Tungsten Carbide is a Tungsten ceramic. The durability is a little higher than Tungsten, but it can be more easily worked into a very sharp edge. Tungsten is fused with baked bricks using bone meal, coal / charcoal, or gunpowder (S/M/L). Tungsten Carbide will distribute impact and presure. A full suit of Tungsten Carbide will protect the wearer from falling blocks and anvils, and prevents damage from being burried.
Valfram is a powerful ceramic made with a Netherrack base. Tungsten is fused with a baked Netherrack brick using gunpowder, glowstone, or a lava bucket. (S/M/L). Valfram is naturally heat resistant. When a full suit of Valfram armor is worn, damage from fire and lava is negated.
Tungsten Steel is an alloy made with Tungsten and Iron, using Tin as a catalyst (L only). It is comparable to diamond, though with a mining level of two.
Prasinos, the green alloy, is Tungsten fused with Adamantium, using glowstone dust, magma cream, or blaze powder (S/M/L). It has a a very high durability, and the tools have a high harvest level.
Tungsten Carbide: Tungsten + Brick (baked clay) : (SC) Bonemeal (MC) Coal / Charcoal (LC) Gunpowder
Valfram: Tungsten + Netherbrick (baked Netherrack) : (SC) Gunpowder (MC) Glowstone Dust (LC) Lava Bucket
Tungsten Steel: Tungsten + Iron : (LC only) Tin ingot
Prasinos: Tungsten + Adamantium : (SC) Glowstone Dust (MC) Magma Cream (LC) Blaze Powder
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
These materials can be used to make armor and the base tool set, all using standard recipes. The tool recipes use the Ore Directory stick entry, so mods with new wood should be compatible.
Mobs can appear in the world with all this equipment, including complete sets of armor.
Simple Tungsten uses ore generation based on Simple Ores. First, this means there is a maximum and minimum height that can be set in the settings. Second, the Higher Dimensions has been dropped, and Simple Cobalt uses higher dimension generation based on Simple Ores by AleXndr. Watch his video for instructions on how to use it.
Recycle Your Tungsten
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Tungsten" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Tungsten ............... Recycles into: Tungsten Ore
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Tungsten Carbide ....... Recycles into: Large Tungsten Carbide Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: clay lump
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Valfram ................ Recycles into: Large Valfram Chunk
Catalyst: Lava Bucket ............ Second item: Netherrack block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Tungsten Steel ....... Recycles into: Large Tungsten Steel Chunk
Catalyst: Coal / Charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Prasinos ................ Recycles into: Large Prasinos Chunk
Catalyst: Lava Bucket ............ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items (with the exception of Lava Buckets, which do not stack).
Download: Simple Tungsten
(MC 1.6.4, F 965, SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
Simple Cthon
Very rare but powerful Nether ore.
Cthon is a very rare, tainted, toxic ore found in the Nether. It is comparable to Dragonstone, but more rare, and more difficult to prepare. Mobs can also (very rarely) appear with this equipment.
When the ore is found, it requires a pickaxe rated level 4 or higher to successfully mine. Diamond will not mine Cthon. At this point, the materials that will successfully mine Cthon are Onyx (Simple Ores), Dragonstone (Netherrocks, presuming GitHub matches the download), Scarlatite Gold and Hephaestan Gold (Golden Glitter), Green Celadon (Simple Cobalt), Black Silver (Sterling & Black), Tenebrium (Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace), Prasinos (Simple Tungsten), and, of course, Cthon.
Cthon ore drops one, and only one, Mephitic Cthon Chunk. Due to its innate resistance to magic, the Fortune enchantment does not work on Cthon ore. The Mephitic Cthon Chunk is too caustic and toxic to be used directly. It must be purified, and what purifies it is something simple that is not found in the Nether. It must be fused with a block of ice. Cthon is also highly reactive with Gold, and so a Gold Nugget is the catalyst to refine a Mephitic Cthon Chunk into an Elutriated Cthon Chunk.
The Elutriated Cthon Chunk can then be smelted in a normal furnace to produce a Cthon ingot. The Cthon ingot can be used to craft armor and a complete basic tool set, using standard recipes. (The tool recipes should be compatible with most mods that add wood.)
If a full suit of Cthon armor is worn, its innate resistance to magic gives it a very special function. The complete set prevents the Wither status from doing damage. The Wither status will still take effect, causing weakness, but it will not cause a loss of health.
Recycle Your Cthon
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Simple Cthon" ffor the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Note that because of Cthon's reactivity to Gold (specificly, Gold's reactivity to the many noxious taintings in Cthon), a Gold ingot must be used to recycle Cthon.
Material: Cthon .................. Recycles into: Elutriated Cthon Chunk
Catalyst: Gold ingot ............. Second item: Netherrack block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items (with the exception of Lava Buckets, which do not stack).
Note: Version 1.1.0 updates item registrations to follow upcoming MC 1.7 compliance. If you are updating from 1.0.x, the new registration causes "item mismatch" warnings on the first run. These are harmless, and can be ignored.
Download: Simple Cthon
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
"Stannum" has been replaced by "Classical Alchemy".
Classical Alchemy
(Content, Soft Dependency {"Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace"} to unlock Tomb Bronze creation recipes)
Refined alchemical forms of copper and tin, Cuprum and Stannum, which can be used to make Pyropus Bronze and Pulchrum Bronze, and Tomb Bronze (requires Simple Arsenic).
Classical Alchemy will be a mod that contains highly refined versions of Copper and Tin. These materials can be used to produce two types of Bronze. A third type, Tomb Bronze, can be found in chests and worn by mobs. If the mod "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace" is present, Tomb Bronze can be created.
The base metals are Cuprum, a highly refined Copper, and Stannum, a highly refined Tin. These metals are to their progenators similar to what Steel is to Iron. Both are created by combining two ingots of the base metal. Using coal / charcoal as the catalyst produces a small chunk, bonemeal produces a medium chunk, and gunpowder produces a large chunk. The materials Cuprum and Stannum are stronger than Iron.
Combining Cuprum and Stannum produces an alchemically enhanced form of Bronze called Pyropus Bronze (often called "Red Bronze" by historians). Pyropus uses the same catalysts as regular Bronze. Pyropus is comparable to Mythril, though a little less durable. It takes enchantments well.
Fusing Pyropus with Gold ingots, using redstone dust as a catalyst (only produces large chunks), produces Pulchrum Bronze. Pulchrum is far less durable than Pyropus, and even slightly less durable than Cuprum. However, Pulchrum can hold a very sharp cutting edge. Pulchrum is valuable becuase its sharp edge gives it a harvest level of 3, meaning it can harvest Obsidian and Onyx. Because of its otherwise low durability and inability to handle shear stress, it cannot be used to make a functional suit of armor.
Tomb Bronze is a special material. It is Bronze that has sit in the ground for centuries, or longer. In particular, it is found in graves, which is why it is most commonly found in dungeon chests and on the undead monsters of the darkness. Time, deep burial, and many think necrotic energies, make Tomb Bronze a very special material. Though it appears heavily patinaed and corroded, it is actually more durable than Mythril. It takes a very sharp edge, makes an excellent suit of armor, and is also highly enchantable.
If the player has the mod "Simple Arsenic, and Old Lace" installed, a recipe to make Tomb Bronze is enabled. It is made by fusing Pyropus and Arsenide Bronze. using a catalyst of rotten flesh produces a small chunk, redstone produces a medium chunk, and glowstone dust produces a large chunk. Also, and Old Lace Shroud can be used as a catalyst to make large Tomb Bronze chunks. Tomb Bronze can also harvest Obsidian and Onyx.
If the player does not have "Simple Arsenic", then Tomb Bronze becomes a found-only material.
Stannum: Tin + Tin : (SC) Coal / Charcoal (MC) Bonemeal (LC) Gunpowder
Cuprum: Copper + Copper : (SC) Coal / Charcoal (MC) Bonemeal (LC) Gunpowder
Pyropus Bronze: Stannum + Cuprum : (SC) Bonemeal (MC) Gunpowder (LC) Redstone Dust
Pulchrum Bronze: Pyropus Bronze + Gold : (LC only) Redstone Dust
Tomb Bronze: Pyropus Bronze + Arsenide Bronze : (SC) Rotten Flesh (MC) Redstone Dust (LC) Glowstone Dust, or Old Lace Shroud
The Arsenide Bronze ingot and Old Lace Shroud items are from Simple Arsenic. Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
Tool and armor recipes are standard. Cuprum, Stannum, and Pyropus can make a full set of tools and armor. Tomb Bronze can make all tools and armor except the hoe, as residual necrotic energy tends to make the ground unfertile. Pulchrum can only be used for tools, and is too beautiful to be used for hoes.
Stannum armor also has the very unique ability of being able to diffuse kinetic energy in specific, very vertical situations. Specifically, when clad in a full set of Stannum armor, you will take no damage from falling anvils.
Recycle Your Classical Alchemy
Recycling recipes based on "Simple Fusion Recycle" are incorporated in "Classical Alchemy" for the materials in the mod. To enable these recipes, change the boolean for the entry "enable recycling recipes" from false to true. See the "Recycling" section.
Images for this have been moved to post #248.
Material: Cuprum ................. Recycles into: Large Cuprum Chunk
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Stannum ................ Recycles into: Large Stannum Chunk
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Pyropus Bronze ......... Recycles into: Large Pyropus Bronze Chunk
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Material: Pulchrum Bronze ........ Recycles into: Large Pulchrum Bronze Chunk
Catalyst: coal / charcoal ........ Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel
Material: Tomb Bronze ............ Recycles into: Large Tomb Bronze Chunk
Catalyst: rotten flesh ........... Second item: gravel block
Recyclable items: helm, chest plate, leggings, boots, sword, pickaxe, axe, shovel, hoe
Items in Courier New Italics produce two items, but require two input items.
Recycling recipes for Tomb Bronze do not require the "Simple Arsenic" mod be present. "Simple Arsenic" is only required to create Tomb Bronze.
IMPORTANT: The old mod "Stannum" should be removed, and replaced with "Classical Alchemy". A new config file will be created. Move any changed mod ID's from the old "stannum.cfg" to "classicalalchemy.cfg", and re-enable recycling.
To comply with full disclosure, please note that the class reflection code in the mod makes the three following imports from the Google Code Base.
Download: Classical Alchemy
(MC 1.6.4 / F 965 / SO 1.3.x) - (SRC) - (x16 icon set)
Simple Saplings
(Optional, Recipe)
Small recipe pack for creating saplings.
A complete description and downloads have been moved to post #245.
Fusion Spawner Eggs
(Optional, Recipe)
Small recipe pack for creating spawn eggs of common mobs.
The complete description and downloads have been moved to post #245.
Higher Dimension Generation for Simple Ores: Tiny, Small, and Large arrays
The Higher Dimension generator for Simple Ores is officially depreciated. Archived details are in post #219.
Higher Dimension Generation for Only Silver: Tiny, Small, and Large arrays
(Optional, DEPENDENT {Only Silver})
The Higher Dimension Generator for Only Silver is officially depreciated. Archived details are in post #219.
Thank you for your time, and any constructive criticism is welcome. I have more work intended, as I learn things.
As for the downloads, please note that some antivirus products see Java code as suspicious. These downloads should be safe, but running a virus scan on any downloaded file is a good idea.
On a constructive note: I suggest getting pictures up for recipes. Simply take a screenshot (F2) while you have all the ingredients in their places, and then crop the picture to be just the crafting/smelting screen.
I'll get a Plugin section up on the SimpleOres post soon
Thank you!
I will get images when I have a good chunk of time. I have some screen shots already. I will likely do animated GIF's, as you have, to safe space. With the recycling, though, I have to just get examples. I should have this done by the weekend.
That is exactly why I made it! It got depressing throwing a dozen or so gold armor items into lava just to make inventory space.
Oh, and there will be a small update later this evening, slightly nerfing diamond and onyx recycling.
Edit: The change is done. Diamond and onyx recycle to one to two ingots, not blocks. I had some concern over how this could be abused on a multi-player server. Then, I saw a YouTube video of Fortune 1000 demonstrated on Lapis and Diamond ore blocs.
Done. The connection through MediaFire seems to only pass the top layer of animated GIF's, so I had to do sprite sheets.
Looking good
The inflicting of the machinations of my mind onto the world has begun.
This has not yet escaped eclipse, angels and ministers of grace preserve us, but one day it shall.
As the re-release of Simple Ores 2 is a bit off, I am planning this: There will be a core mod, which is entirely new content, and an extension mod, which will have the Simple Ores Fusion Furnace recipes, which will include copper. There will be a vanilla crafting recipe, which is far less efficient. The Fusion Furnace recipes, which are much more efficient for ore creation, will also be for alloying.
This way, when Simple Ores 2 is updated, and, as AleXnder has said, the Fusion Furnace recipes break, the extension mod will be deleted. As all the item information will be in the core mod, it will all be protected, and the user can resume playing, though without creating the new alloys, and chunk creation will be much more expensive. When Simple Ores is updated, I will release an all-in-one mod.
I've also created small, medium, and large chunks. It is always more efficient to go to the largest chunk size, but chunk will be available for the possibility of mixing/compounding alloys by chunks rather than only through the Fusion Furnace. Large chunks will be smelted into ores.
The items above in the inventory space, except the diamond pick axe, are all new.
AleXndr has said a few times on his threat that Simple Ores 2 (and it was Simple Ores 2, not 1, sorry, I will edit) will go through an overhaul. From what it sounds like, to the user, it will become two mods. The core mod will be the basic ores. The second will be the Fusion Furnace and alloys, so people can take or leave that.
He has also said that NetherRocks will become a second optional plug-in to Simple Ores 2.
The overhaul will also have an API, which will make it easier to have external mods use Simple Ores 2 material, like the Fusion Furnace.
The main issue here is that since the Fusion Furnace will change, mods that use the Fusion Furnace will break. Given that my first two mods are entirely FF recipes, I have to prepare for both of these to break and need an update. However, since they don't add material content (items or blocks), they can be safely deleted, and recycling will resume once I update my mods. (Or, you can keep making mossy cobblestone and mossy bricks.)
One of the things that I am hoping for is that with the API's, I can have my main Recycling mod use IF clauses or something so that recipe sets will load, or not, depending on what you have. With what I expect now, I would like Simple Fusion Recycling to include the vanilla materials, Simple Ores 2 metals, Fusion alloys, and Netherrocks. However, if all goes well, if you don't have Netherrocks, those recipes will simply not load, and the Recycling mod will not throw an error to the user. If AleXndr were to add a second extension, say, Snow And Ice Ores, as a plug-in to Simple Ores 2, that would also go in the main Recycling pack, but again, the code would be inert if you don't want Snow And ice Ores.
I apologize for any confusion.
Edit: And I have put 2's in the post above.
Oh, and I assume you know about zot201's Only Silver addition?
OnlySilver: a lost ore from SimpleOres!
I was hoping to have the update out around now, but I'm having issues getting the latest version of Forge running in MCP. I do a lot of my coding through proxies (at work :P), and the Forge installer doesn't agree so well with proxies. I'll try again today, and hopefully will have more luck
It's also me. I work full time, and I have to do a fair bit of the housework. I cannot guarantee that any given evening I can have 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time. Even if you have a tutorial "So easy even akka can do it!", it may take me a few days to get to it.
Edit: As a side note, I do have some incentive to dive into eclipse. You have no idea how badly I want one of those arsenic storage blocks in the ground outside my front door as a "welcome mat". I was also told that I have a moral obligation unto the universe to turn that into a pressure plate. I will try, and will probably base it off wood, or use the metadata value to make it related to wood. If nothing else, there should be a zombie-faced carpet.
It was in a creative copy of my world used for testing in the live client.
I have one recipe mistake to fix. Then, I will add the chunks, ingots, and storage blocks for red bronze and red gold.
I will also have Fusion Furnace and crafting table recipes for creating orpiment and realgar. The crafting table recipes will use eight zombie flesh, whereas the Fusion Furnace will use two (plus a fuel item). The crafting table version is good if you don't want to wait, or if you've used a sword with Looting at your zombie grinder (four zombie flesh per zombie!) and just need to get rid of some zombie meat, but you don't get XP. There are different ways to get to a large arsenic chunk, which is smelted, depending on speed vs. lots of zombie flesh, and if you have a certain rare catalyst.
As I've said, i will likely have an early-release at that point. There will be no tools or armor at this point. That will eventually arrive, as well as a boolean item in the config file that will allow an alternate (non-zombie-ghost) texture for the arsenic block.
The left is the alloy Red Gold (Fusion Furnace, gold + arsenic), the center is Red Bronze (Fusion Furnace, copper + arsenic), and the right is arsenic (derived from zombie flesh).
The item list and ID's are:
I'm going to take a break from coding for the evening. If able I will continue tomorrow.
The intent is that Red Bronze will have a slightly higher durability than Bronze (probably around 420-440), and slightly higher enchantability, while Red Gold will have a similar small advantage over Gold (probably a durability around 48-52). Arsenic will be used only to make a sword. It will have good damage, but be more brittle than gold. Also, if I am able, arsenic swords will have a high chance of inflicting poison, if that is possible, and Red Bronze and Red Gold will have a low chance of inflicting poison. None of this is in the code yet, though.
If anyone is interested in having the way-too-early version posted, let me know.
Otherwise, my testing is being supervised.