Maybe you can add a NPC village that are near to oceans with unique buildings like lighthouses and shipyards with boats in them
To be honest, that is a future plan, but it will come later.
Honestly, I have not had very much time to work on this mod, as finals are coming up for me, but winter break may lead to some new stuff coming out :3
I'm not totally sure if the nets work as intended, I walked into some net blocks and I didn't notice any real speed difference, the only thing I did notice was my inability to jump. P.S Why not add buried treasure? Spawning below sand or dirt (a few blocks down) is a chest containing various stashed goods, whether it be emergency supplies for someone preparing to be marooned or a chest full of gold. As a slight indicator to them there could be an "X" block at the surface looking largely like the surrounding grass/sand but with an indented "X" on the top, to mark the spot.
I'm not really sure that it works as intended either, I was planing on reworking it at some point, but I have not had tons of time :/
Well, the idea is good, and I will likely try something to that effect, but it could work somewhat diferently
I really love this mod especially how well it works with the archimedes' ship mod and I was wondering if I add a link to this mod may I use it in my modded pirates vs ninjas survival series.
plus the ghosts are to OP while I was making a mod showcase I tried to cage it and when it escaped I tried to kill it with lava harming potions health potions and a fully enchanted diamond sword
I really love this mod especially how well it works with the archimedes' ship mod and I was wondering if I add a link to this mod may I use it in my modded pirates vs ninjas survival series.
plus the ghosts are to OP while I was making a mod showcase I tried to cage it and when it escaped I tried to kill it with lava harming potions health potions and a fully enchanted diamond sword
Yeah, you can feel free to use it in your survival series.
And yeah, the Ghosts are kinda op, however, they are suppose to be really hard, the trick is to not drown while fighting them, because they don't really hurt you to bad otherwise (though the do hit you if you run into them, but they do not move towards you... On purpose) I may nerf them somewhat in the future though, thanks for the feedback
Hey man! I really like the idea of your mod and you seem to be a great person. I read all the comments and some had great ideas and you all listened to them. I got 2 questions. I have a question though. Is it now compatible for servers and with ships mod?
Hey man! I really like the idea of your mod and you seem to be a great person. I read all the comments and some had great ideas and you all listened to them. I got 2 questions. I have a question though. Is it now compatible for servers and with ships mod?
As to your questions, I just added a version that should be server compatible. However, I am not entirely sure what you mean by 'ships mod' but I think that this mod should be compatible with basically everything that uses forge.
Ships mod is a mod that allows to select blocks (ships) and to direct them on water which is really usefull on a pirate server :). However, did you add a defined a cannon to your mod? Like the form of a real one that you can charge with stone balls and that you light with flint and steel? If not, could you? I could tell you the recipe if you like. Thanks again for your time.
Ps : If stone balls are too complicated or demands too many work to insert in the mod, we can use the grenades that you already insert
Ships mod is a mod that allows to select blocks (ships) and to direct them on water which is really usefull on a pirate server . However, did you add a defined a cannon to your mod? Like the form of a real one that you can charge with stone balls and that you light with flint and steel? If not, could you? I could tell you the recipe if you like. Thanks again for your time.
Ps : If stone balls are too complicated or demands too many work to insert in the mod, we can use the grenades that you already insert
Yeah, I know what ships mods do, and this should be compatible with any of them, if you know of one that isn't you can feel free to tell me, but it should be fine.
As for cannons, they are kinda in the works at the moment.
Looking forward to being able to use a stable server build! ((Hopefully for 1.6.4, as I do not plan on upgrading any time in the near future.))
I'll be watching,
Hopefully the server test that I just uploaded will be compatible, I there is one server that I am pretty sure uses it, so I am pretty sure it works, but perhaps not the best, if there is a problem I will try to address it quickly
I really appreciate your work! I am currently setting up a server with your mod as the main one. Here's a link to the site (Temporary! I honestly find it ugly for the moment ^^ The real one will be created in 2 weeks, but all the informations are there) :
I wish I could have your permission to use it since I'll build a custom launcher to make it ez-access for everyone (it will update automatically the mods when an update is out.)
I really appreciate your work! I am currently setting up a server with your mod as the main one. Here's a link to the site (Temporary! I honestly find it ugly for the moment ^^ The real one will be created in 2 weeks, but all the informations are there) :
I wish I could have your permission to use it since I'll build a custom launcher to make it ez-access for everyone (it will update automatically the mods when an update is out.)
Thanks in advance,
Firstly, thanks
In other news, you can set up your launcher to auto update if you need to, you have my permission.
This is actually pretty epic. It wont work with my current setup, but i am making a new profile/pack just for this mod. A pirate/ocean themed pack will be pretty cool. Its private (just for me actually), but I will let you know how it turns out, right now, I am thinking: Archimede's Ships, UgoCraft (have you SEEN that video !?! its ALL pirate, lol ), Mariculture and Aqua Culture. Hmmmm what else....???
This is actually pretty epic. It wont work with my current setup, but i am making a new profile/pack just for this mod. A pirate/ocean themed pack will be pretty cool. Its private (just for me actually), but I will let you know how it turns out, right now, I am thinking: Archimede's Ships, UgoCraft (have you SEEN that video !?! its ALL pirate, lol ), Mariculture and Aqua Culture. Hmmmm what else....???
To be honest, that is a future plan, but it will come later.
Honestly, I have not had very much time to work on this mod, as finals are coming up for me, but winter break may lead to some new stuff coming out :3
Well, that would be fine, but I will likely not add things just to add them, they need to serve a purpose, and at least vaguely fit with the theme
I'm not really sure that it works as intended either, I was planing on reworking it at some point, but I have not had tons of time :/
Well, the idea is good, and I will likely try something to that effect, but it could work somewhat diferently
Well, I guess that would be cool, not perhaps the most in theme, but I will think about it
plus the ghosts are to OP while I was making a mod showcase I tried to cage it and when it escaped I tried to kill it with lava harming potions health potions and a fully enchanted diamond sword
Greetings guys and gals steampunkmage here
Yeah, you can feel free to use it in your survival series.
And yeah, the Ghosts are kinda op, however, they are suppose to be really hard, the trick is to not drown while fighting them, because they don't really hurt you to bad otherwise (though the do hit you if you run into them, but they do not move towards you... On purpose) I may nerf them somewhat in the future though, thanks for the feedback
As to your questions, I just added a version that should be server compatible. However, I am not entirely sure what you mean by 'ships mod' but I think that this mod should be compatible with basically everything that uses forge.
Ps : If stone balls are too complicated or demands too many work to insert in the mod, we can use the grenades that you already insert
I'll be watching,
Yeah, I know what ships mods do, and this should be compatible with any of them, if you know of one that isn't you can feel free to tell me, but it should be fine.
As for cannons, they are kinda in the works at the moment.
Hopefully the server test that I just uploaded will be compatible, I there is one server that I am pretty sure uses it, so I am pretty sure it works, but perhaps not the best, if there is a problem I will try to address it quickly
I wish I could have your permission to use it since I'll build a custom launcher to make it ez-access for everyone (it will update automatically the mods when an update is out.)
Thanks in advance,
Firstly, thanks
In other news, you can set up your launcher to auto update if you need to, you have my permission.
No problem
Thanks, hope it works well for you