um if you dont calll that mager i dont know what youd call mager
I have three classifications for bugs:
Major - crashes the game randomly. I'll fix immedietly
Minor - crashes the game when a certain event happens (for example, if you right clicked stone with a carrot and it crashed). I fix this for the next version
Trivial - The kind of thing you have. Graphic bugs usually, nothing game-breaking, and often exist more because of my laziness and "I'll fix it later" attitude.
Onto the bug in question, it's actually a bug in the Minecraft code. Try making a road out of enchanting tables or ender portals, the exact same thing happens. It's simply a bug in how it renders, nothing I can do about it.
On a slightly related note, pushing an update now which fixes a light bug in the generic blocks (eg concrete). Thanks to cproo12 for reporting it, but thanks revoked for the amount he pestered me to fix it
I have discoverd a huge problem here. If you use Flans Mod veichles on your roads, the cars won't work. They just stand still, and sometimes they might move a little bit. It will take an hour to move one block. And a roadmod without cars is just for decoration. It is cool for decoration, but even better as a working road
If this is something that could be fixed, then I (and proberly alot of others) be happy.
I have discoverd a huge problem here. If you use Flans Mod veichles on your roads, the cars won't work. They just stand still, and sometimes they might move a little bit. It will take an hour to move one block. And a roadmod without cars is just for decoration. It is cool for decoration, but even better as a working road If this is something that could be fixed, then I (and proberly alot of others) be happy.
Sorry never got the email about this message.
It's an issue entirely on Flan's end. It's a bit better in the most recent version, but still not perfect. Frankly, steering alone in Flan's cars is too buggy for real usage..
you guys should contact covertjaguar the creator of railcraft, or the technic team to set up a modern minecraft industry mod.. pack... thing...
Why would CJ have anything to do with it?
And sorry, but technic is literally the only pack I'm not letting use my mods. As soon as I can get Greg to tell me how I'll be using that lovely anti-technic code Gregtech has.
I probably should have mentioned that my mods are 1.6.4 now.
However the point isn't important; The way I (and most other devs) compile the mods mean they should work on both 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 anyway. My server is still 1.6.2, but it's running the 1.6.4 versions of my mods
Hey, firstly thanks for this amazing mod. But I have to say, it's not compatible with 1.6.4.
While testing upgrading my server to 1.6.4 I got some problems. So I deleted minecraft on my local pc and reinstalled it by enabling mod after mod. Then FlenixRoads figured out to be the problem.
How to produce:
- clean .minecraft
- install minecraft through launcher
- go to profile->edit and select release 1.6.4
- start minecraft and exit
- install forge (I use Forge 9.11.0:,12491.0.html)
- select forge as profile, start minecraft and exit after loading
- place FlenixRoads-0.5.0-PRERELEASE_3 in mods folder
- start launcher and minecraft
- error: pastebin
Without meaning to sound like a ****... You do need to update the mod to use it with 1.6.4. PR3 is pretty outdated...
I instinctly opened the spoiler inside your download section without reading the text in your opening thread and downloaded the "latest" of these packs...
Thank you, it's working now! :-) One suggestion: Would be really nice to get those "reflectors" you see on landside roads: Maybe it is possible to implement those with a small lighting radius as reflections aren't possible in minecraft so they have light level let's say 6 or 8 or so. Also I can imagine a big city with street reflectors at midroad as seen in Dubai's highways.
Should be quite easy to do. I'll do them the same style I'm doing Cats Eyes in the next update; they will appear to be lit up, but won't actually EMIT light. Clever little opengl rendering trick I've discovered
Yes we too. Cars would be really nice. In the meantime we use galacticraft moon buggy's. You have to refill them so with ic2 you can build a little environment. But fuel consuming cars would be really nice.
Cars are planned but not til post-release. There'll just be a few, they'll hopefully be pretty fast (Aiming to go up to 20bps or 72km/h), and will use both standard fuels or some may be electric for IC2 too. There will be things to support the cars before then though of course (ores for the metals, new liquids for the fuels etc), I'll TRY and get them in for the next update so people can have them in world gen, but they'll certainly be in by 1.7
The staff have kindly removed it before I even got there. Don't suppose you know the guys name, or if anyone replied to it? Was he using AdFly, if so do you have a copy of the link so I can DCMA it and get him banned from AdFly?
first of all I would like to say I love this mod, it makes my cities look a lot better than using Stone for roads...
If its alright could I request more road signs like the stop sign, Railroad crossing's(because I use train craft with this)
Also more yellow lines would be nice too.
Keep up the great work!
In the future you and naiten should work together to make a level crossing for rails of war and flenix roads
We've already discussed this. He is going to add the required stuff to do it, as my mod is open-source and his isn't it's much easier for him to add the required code. That means you'll have to wait for him to finish his core to do it
If in the mean time RoW becomes open-source, I'll do it instead.
+1 for Tile Entities for slopes, I assume that's the same way as conveyor belts from [cannot remember which major mod]. They're actual slopes and it looks much better than "jerking up" like stairs.
I'd hardly consider that "major", but I'll try and get it fixed for the next update.
um if you dont calll that mager i dont know what youd call mager
I have three classifications for bugs:
Major - crashes the game randomly. I'll fix immedietly
Minor - crashes the game when a certain event happens (for example, if you right clicked stone with a carrot and it crashed). I fix this for the next version
Trivial - The kind of thing you have. Graphic bugs usually, nothing game-breaking, and often exist more because of my laziness and "I'll fix it later" attitude.
Onto the bug in question, it's actually a bug in the Minecraft code. Try making a road out of enchanting tables or ender portals, the exact same thing happens. It's simply a bug in how it renders, nothing I can do about it.
On a slightly related note, pushing an update now which fixes a light bug in the generic blocks (eg concrete). Thanks to cproo12 for reporting it, but thanks revoked for the amount he pestered me to fix it
If this is something that could be fixed, then I (and proberly alot of others) be happy.
Sorry never got the email about this message.
It's an issue entirely on Flan's end. It's a bit better in the most recent version, but still not perfect. Frankly, steering alone in Flan's cars is too buggy for real usage..
Why would CJ have anything to do with it?
And sorry, but technic is literally the only pack I'm not letting use my mods. As soon as I can get Greg to tell me how I'll be using that lovely anti-technic code Gregtech has.
However the point isn't important; The way I (and most other devs) compile the mods mean they should work on both 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 anyway. My server is still 1.6.2, but it's running the 1.6.4 versions of my mods
Without meaning to sound like a ****... You do need to update the mod to use it with 1.6.4. PR3 is pretty outdated...
No worries
Should be quite easy to do. I'll do them the same style I'm doing Cats Eyes in the next update; they will appear to be lit up, but won't actually EMIT light. Clever little opengl rendering trick I've discovered
Cars are planned but not til post-release. There'll just be a few, they'll hopefully be pretty fast (Aiming to go up to 20bps or 72km/h), and will use both standard fuels or some may be electric for IC2 too. There will be things to support the cars before then though of course (ores for the metals, new liquids for the fuels etc), I'll TRY and get them in for the next update so people can have them in world gen, but they'll certainly be in by 1.7
The staff have kindly removed it before I even got there. Don't suppose you know the guys name, or if anyone replied to it? Was he using AdFly, if so do you have a copy of the link so I can DCMA it and get him banned from AdFly?
first of all I would like to say I love this mod, it makes my cities look a lot better than using Stone for roads...
If its alright could I request more road signs like the stop sign, Railroad crossing's(because I use train craft with this)
Also more yellow lines would be nice too.
Keep up the great work!
We've already discussed this. He is going to add the required stuff to do it, as my mod is open-source and his isn't it's much easier for him to add the required code. That means you'll have to wait for him to finish his core to do it
If in the mean time RoW becomes open-source, I'll do it instead.
Thanks for the great work so far.
please can you make a vehicle mod wit this..?