Due to Minecraft Forums killing my thread format for the third time, I'm not going to bother re-writing it to the full extent.
Here is the barebones info. If MCF fix their post system then I'll do something a bit nicer...
FlenixRoads is a mod designed to give your world a great aesthetic overhaul. It adds all sorts of varied roads, and is the first (and currently only) road mod to have a realistic kerb system, with the road itself lowered to a 3/4 height block.
My modpack policy is very simple. All I ask is you contact me or post here to let me know you're using it, and include a link back to this thread in your permissions list.
Technic, however, is more complex. Due to their terrible approach to how they treat us modders, I don't allow it by default. You are free to argue your case, and if you have a good, professional-looking modpack I may allow you - but right now my mod will not load in a standard Technic pack.
Really nice mod, I particularly like the speedometer idea. I can see this being fairly popular once you expand into all the things you say you will. Good work
Done some models. Expect to see these in the next update in a few days time!
Standard UK direction bollard. Lights up too! (Always lit... unless you want redstone support?)
Street Lights, powered by Redstone. Both single and double sided; double (on) is shown.
Example of a street sign. I don't know how much I like this... but round signs would look out of place. Opinions?
(Also, the speedometer will show in KM/PH because Minecraft blocks are 1m, so should the speed signs be in KMPH too? This one is just a standard UK 30mph sign, like you see in villages.
And my favourite, the traffic light!
Fully working, with redstone. Apply current to the block it's placed on, and it will change from red to red/yellow, then to green. Removing the current changes it to yellow, then to red. Styled and mechanics based on UK traffic lights- I don't know if they're the same in USA?
Here's some other states:
I've also made a Cat's Eye (not shown). It's a very small block which can be placed onto any road and fits nicely at the lowered height! They emit light, and are perfect for lighting up dark roads if you don't want a street light.
Also in the update I'll try and get the Road Painter workbench done. I decided I'm going to use a custom 5x5 workbench for the road painting, it gives more freedom and logic to the painting recipes. The road block always goes in the middle, then the pattern can go in the spaces around it.
Everything else (so these lights etc) will be crafted in a normal bench. Only road painting is done in the custom bench.
Finally, the update will fix tar spawns to only spawn in Swamps, because they're way too common right now. I'll try and fix the bucket collection bug too; that works fine in my test environment but not anywhere else!
Any other bugs you want fixing? Or suggestions of what you want to see? I'm especially looking for USA input here. I live in the UK, so everything I'm doing is UK-styled but I don't want USA people to feel left out!
Done some models. Expect to see these in the next update in a few days time!
Standard UK direction bollard. Lights up too! (Always lit... unless you want redstone support?)
Street Lights, powered by Redstone. Both single and double sided; double (on) is shown.
Example of a street sign. I don't know how much I like this... but round signs would look out of place. Opinions?
(Also, the speedometer will show in KM/PH because Minecraft blocks are 1m, so should the speed signs be in KMPH too? This one is just a standard UK 30mph sign, like you see in villages.
And my favourite, the traffic light!
Fully working, with redstone. Apply current to the block it's placed on, and it will change from red to red/yellow, then to green. Removing the current changes it to yellow, then to red. Styled and mechanics based on UK traffic lights- I don't know if they're the same in USA?
Here's some other states:
I've also made a Cat's Eye (not shown). It's a very small block which can be placed onto any road and fits nicely at the lowered height! They emit light, and are perfect for lighting up dark roads if you don't want a street light.
Also in the update I'll try and get the Road Painter workbench done. I decided I'm going to use a custom 5x5 workbench for the road painting, it gives more freedom and logic to the painting recipes. The road block always goes in the middle, then the pattern can go in the spaces around it.
Everything else (so these lights etc) will be crafted in a normal bench. Only road painting is done in the custom bench.
Finally, the update will fix tar spawns to only spawn in Swamps, because they're way too common right now. I'll try and fix the bucket collection bug too; that works fine in my test environment but not anywhere else!
Any other bugs you want fixing? Or suggestions of what you want to see? I'm especially looking for USA input here. I live in the UK, so everything I'm doing is UK-styled but I don't want USA people to feel left out!
There are a couple of mods like this but it seams like they fell by the way side so I give you props on what you've done so far. All the models look great and the fact that you've made the lights redstone activated is something I've not seen I don't think. And as for the signs any round shapes you can add make minecraft better in my opion.It breaks up the monotinous landscape.Squares are good but other shapes are welcome too.Keep up the great work and anything you can add that differs from the minecraft norm(like round signs) is appriciated!
There are a couple of mods like this but it seams like they fell by the way side so I give you props on what you've done so far. All the models look great and the fact that you've made the lights redstone activated is something I've not seen I don't think. And as for the signs any round shapes you can add make minecraft better in my opion.It breaks up the monotinous landscape.Squares are good but other shapes are welcome too.Keep up the great work and anything you can add that differs from the minecraft norm(like round signs) is appriciated!
I looked around for mods like this before I made this actually. I started making this a few months ago, but then started again from scratch for 1.5 once I got the hang of Java a bit more.
All the mods I found did one thing I didn't want; they made you move faster. That's the main reason I made my own mod, for my server; I wanted to move at normal speed, they're just decorative. I figured it'd be nice to release for other people too
I might try making signs round, and see how it looks. There's a couple of ways I could do it, one involves learning how to use a new render engine. If not that, I could make it flat and texture it to be "round", or model it blocky-round. I'll post up some screenshots of how each would look later tonight
The problem with blocky-round is it would be hard for texture packs to support it, becuase the texture maps would be quite confusing. I don't know if texture packs will ever want to add my mod, but I want to try and keep it easy in case they do.
The traffic light is pretty good, but in the US it goes from red to yellow to green, never any two at the same time. Just wanted to let you know
Thanks for the info. In the UK, the red/yellow one is to tell you it's going from red to green, not green to red. I'll see if I can make it configurable, if not I'll keep it UK style as it's easier to see which way it's going.
Just an update, here's a screenshot of them in-game
The pole at the back is the street light, it's now 8m tall (I googled the average height :P)
Right now, I've got a rendering issue that things keep randomly disappearing. Also I've not coded in the rotation just yet, so it's not quite ready for a release. Finally, I need to tinker around with making the 30 sign round instead of square as per request
Those of you with a keen eye will notice something else new- the barriers! I was making a dual carriageway for fun and thought it could use some barriers.
Last piece of news; I'm going to make a config option, to toggle between Left-hand drive and Right-hand drive. It'll default to right (because that's what most of the real world uses). All this will do is switch a few textures over, for example the Bollard in the photo (This is "left" mode, the arrow is telling you to drive on the left)
Aiming to have Alpha 0.3 out for around Monday. Here's my checklist of what I still need to do for that to happen:
- Add redstone support to the traffic lights and street lamps
- Finish the redstone-supporting poles, which snap like IC2 cables (Used for Hanging Traffic Lights, not shown)
- Add Rotation
- Fix Vanishing Render Issue
The Leftie-toggle will be in a later version, for now I'm going to just remove any left-side blocks (But I'll leave the textures for when that's ready). ALL the toggle will do is change which textures it's using, it wont change anything data-wise.
One last thing. Anyone who's using this so far; did you change any block IDs? If so, what, to what, and why? I installed over 100 mods in a MultiMC instance, and tried to use ID's that none of those mods are using so hopefully this will work "out of the box", so if there's a mod that conflicts I'd love to know about it!
Thanks for the info. In the UK, the red/yellow one is to tell you it's going from red to green, not green to red. I'll see if I can make it configurable, if not I'll keep it UK style as it's easier to see which way it's going.
I actually made a typo there. But yes, you are correct, in the USA it goes green to go, then yellow to slow down, and red to stop, and then jumps back to green. It's kinda like a vertical loading bar where one dot is lit up, then it turns off and the one above lights up and repeats.
tl;dr It goes green to yellow to red and then repeat. You are correct.
I was working on the main roads of my server and I realized. Eventually, you're going to need to move vertically, whether it's to get over a mountain or whatever. So, the poll asks; which way should we handle this?
There are effectively only three options, but I allowed a style of multiple choice. I'll explain the three options in detail:
Option 1: Varied Height of the Basic Tarmac Block.
This is a relatively simple approach. Basically, for the basic black tarmac block you would be able to craft it at 1/8th height, 2/8ths, 3/8ths and so on, up to a full block. Right now, it's at 7/8ths. This would use metadata, and only be on the plain block (so no road markings), and would use one new ID.
Option 2: Varied Height multiple Blocks:
This is effectively the same as Option 1, except I'd use a few painted blocks too. I'd probably have the middle single stripe, side stripe and double yellow side, but I might add a few more on request. This would use one new ID PER ROTATION, so if I were to do the mentioned ones it'd add 11 new IDs. (middle single only has two rotations, the other two have four each and the basic tarmac is still only one)
Option 3: Tile Entity Slopes:
This would be cosmetically the best looking, and the most efficient in terms of IDs. The only issue is, when you're on Far render distance, they will de-render after about 64 blocks. This is a limitation of Minecraft itself.
I would stagger them to ascend 1/4th a block each, so that is 4 IDs per painted block, but I may be able to get all of them into one ID. I've seen other mods do it (Redpower with the microblocks for example) so it must be possible! If I can't do that, it will use 16 IDs.
The other two options are simply to have both Tile Entity and varied heights, with or without the extra varied height blocks.
Vote please! I prefer Tile Entites, but I'm interested to hear what you guys think.
I definitely love what your doing. I'm putting this one my favorite tab and will watch. I can't wait for the traffic lights.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Need a Builder???? Shoot me a private message, I can help.
^___^ This is Kitty. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Kitty to help him
(")_(") gain world domination.
Still no crafting recipes, and the new blocks don't have icons (Some do, but they're basic 10-second things).
There's an example of the Tile Entity style Ramp too. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WILL LOOk, I was just testing ideas with it. Right now, the ramps don't quite line up and each of the four parts has to be placed seperate. In the final version, you'll just place the block and it'll make a 4m long ramp automagically.
Finally, you might notice something called a Power Pole. This is WIP and doesn't do anything yet, but it will basically be a pole which transmits Redstone, so you can make things like hanging traffic lights and street lamps.
Redstone isn't working on anything yet either, sorry. Having issues with that as the texture rendering stuff is in a different class to the place you usually check for redstone power, and it's just not being very nice
I've just made a hi-res version of all the road blocks, and I'm gonna post it up in the main post.
It's 64x resolution, but I've only done the actual road blocks so far, I might do the other blocks soon though!
Texture pack makers; you are more than welcome to use the pack above directly in your pack or modify it as you see fit. All I ask is you add my name to your credits.txt (or make one if you don't have one already) - A link to this thread would be nice too
Playing with making signs round (as requested). Here's a few different ways I can do it.
Style one: Blocky, in shape and texture
Style two: Blocky shape, rounded texture:
(IMO I don't like this, but I've made it so I'll show it
Of course, the only difference is texture so I can release the alternative texture anyway. Unfortunately I can't make the shape round without changing how I render stuff, which I don't intend to do right now.
Let me know which you guys like the most! Personally, I'm with Option 1.
Also, I'd love to see some screenshots from people using Roads!
Last thing. I'll be releasing 0.3.3 tonight. Minor changes:
- Street lamp models are thicker and shorter, so they look a bit better now
- Ramps are the 4-in-one I mentioned before, but aren't functional yet
- Street lamps default emit light until I get redstone working (then they'll need power to emit light). I've turned down Cats Eye lighting too.
The ramps aren't QUITE done model-wise but it's a much better idea of what I'm doing with them. Don't use them too much yet, the ID will be changing in a later version. Still, you can see how they're going Next time I'm going to lower them 1/8th so they line up with the other roads as you'd expect, and tweak the model so they fit together properly.
Still no redstone, I'm having some issues with that right now.
Now this version is out, i'm going to start working on some crafting recipes.
Once the three things mentioned above (ramp models, redstone and crafting recipes) are done I'll want to get a few bug testers so I can move into beta. If you're interested, comment here and/or message me! Beta means I'll be putting the mod up in other places too (Right now it's only here, BukkitForge and on my forums) so more users = more suggestions = better stuff!
In being a tester? Cool, I'll note down your name and I'll PM you when I need testers
Been working on the crafting system last night and this morning.
When a roadblock is placed in the center of the grid, the block will physically appear on the platform there.
The table will have a tile entity, which means it'll store anything you place on the grid. It will only accept materials that can be used for road painting (So you can't use it as a chest I'm afraid ;))
Here's the GUI so far. Still needs some tinkering:
How crafting will work:
As you can see on the GUI, there is a shadow of a road block in the center. This is where you place your road block.
Then, you use paint cans or paint blobs in certain formations to mark lines. These are incredibly cheap as you'll need a lot of them!
For example, for the Double Yellow side (the image for the creative tab), you'd fill the two left columns with yellow paint. It works just like normal crafting, as soon as you put the last bit of paint down the final block will appear on the right (I forgot to draw the output on the GUI :P)
This table is only used for road block painting, nothing else. Everything else you make is done in the normal crafting table, including the actual road block.
Paint-wise, you can use three different things:
1. Paint Blobs. These are tiny bits of paint, and are just simple really.
2. Paint cans. These have durability, so you can place a can in one of the slots and it'll have X uses before it vanishes. They offer efficiency over a slightly higher cost than the blobs.
3. Vanilla dyes. These are a lot more expensive to use, but the option is there if you want to use them.
I'm not quite sure how I'll craft things yet. I'm thinking something along the lines of 8 dye + a bucket for the paint can, or one dye = 16 paint blobs. Paint can will probably have 128 durability, but you wont get the bucket back. Opinions please!
In being a tester? Cool, I'll note down your name and I'll PM you when I need testers
Yay! I'll be looking forward to that pm . Now that I am an official follower of this thread, it is my tradition to start to overload you with ideas and possible features. So, would you like some (many) ideas, or are you good for now?
Yay! I'll be looking forward to that pm . Now that I am an official follower of this thread, it is my tradition to start to overload you with ideas and possible features. So, would you like some (many) ideas, or are you good for now?
Ok, first, a concrete median for highways might be handy. Then, I though that it also might be handy to have a railroad crossing thing, because I have lots of minecarts running around my server. Once this mod goes out for multiplayer, it might be useful for aesthetics. It could be powered by redstone, and connected to each other through a frequency. So, if one gets powered by redstone, another on the same frequency will get powered. Therefore, you could set up a crossing like this=
Where = Road = Redstone = Crossing (both on frequency #76) = Rail = Detector Rail
To keep with the theme of Europe (I'm from the US), They would have the two red lights in the top for when they are activated, and the single yellow light on the bottom. If it is possible (I'm not sure if it is or not, the only coding experience I have is trying to set up a server ), the guarding bars could be able to be built on to, or have variable length. This way, we could customize the length of it according to the width of our street, with a limit of about 10 blocks of course.
And finally, my third and last idea I have right now, is just to make a streetlight like this one for residential areas.
Thank you for your time, and if you read all of that without skipping anything, I have a present for you in the spoiler:
Ok, first, a concrete median for highways might be handy. Then, I though that it also might be handy to have a railroad crossing thing, because I have lots of minecarts running around my server. Once this mod goes out for multiplayer, it might be useful for aesthetics. It could be powered by redstone, and connected to each other through a frequency. So, if one gets powered by redstone, another on the same frequency will get powered. Therefore, you could set up a crossing like this=
Where = Road = Redstone = Crossing (both on frequency #76) = Rail = Detector Rail
To keep with the theme of Europe (I'm from the US), They would have the two red lights in the top for when they are activated, and the single yellow light on the bottom. If it is possible (I'm not sure if it is or not, the only coding experience I have is trying to set up a server ), the guarding bars could be able to be built on to, or have variable length. This way, we could customize the length of it according to the width of our street, with a limit of about 10 blocks of course.
And finally, my third and last idea I have right now, is just to make a streetlight like this one for residential areas.
Thank you for your time, and if you read all of that without skipping anything, I have a present for you in the spoiler:
EDIT: just fixed up the images
OK, for #1 that can easily be done. I've just been using the sidewalk blocks, what kind of thing do you have in mind?
#2, a railroad crossing. Certainly an interesting idea.
I've actually been half working on the barrier already for use in a car park. The way I've had it planned, it could be used for this too (ignoring the frequency thing)
I don't think I'll do the frequency part to be honest. It's a good idea, but a lot of code for very little gain - you could easily just place some wire under the road to connect it up. If you really wanted it to be wireless, Chicken Bones has a pretty good wireless redstone mod (although it's not updated, but he's working on it).
So to clarify on that idea, you'd have a train line looking like this:
Then, when a cart lands on either of those two detector rails, the barriers open (Pretend the redstone is underground :P)
As for the length thing, That would be possible but very challenging; probably out of the scope of my capabilities for now. For now I'll just do the barriers like this, in the future I might add a new form which does as you requested. Ever heard of the Ugocraft mod? As far as I know, that's the only mod that's ever been able to do something of that kind of level, and noone has been able to recreate it since.
The traffic lights could just work the same as normal ones, activated via the same redstone current that opens the barriers.
And the residential light... something like this?
(Suggest any edits, that's not final yet :P)
FlenixRoads is a mod designed to give your world a great aesthetic overhaul. It adds all sorts of varied roads, and is the first (and currently only) road mod to have a realistic kerb system, with the road itself lowered to a 3/4 height block.
Download: http://www.silvania.co.uk/mods/downloads
My modpack policy is very simple. All I ask is you contact me or post here to let me know you're using it, and include a link back to this thread in your permissions list.
Technic, however, is more complex. Due to their terrible approach to how they treat us modders, I don't allow it by default. You are free to argue your case, and if you have a good, professional-looking modpack I may allow you - but right now my mod will not load in a standard Technic pack.
Thanks for the support!
Standard UK direction bollard. Lights up too! (Always lit... unless you want redstone support?)
Street Lights, powered by Redstone. Both single and double sided; double (on) is shown.
Example of a street sign. I don't know how much I like this... but round signs would look out of place. Opinions?
(Also, the speedometer will show in KM/PH because Minecraft blocks are 1m, so should the speed signs be in KMPH too? This one is just a standard UK 30mph sign, like you see in villages.
And my favourite, the traffic light!
Fully working, with redstone. Apply current to the block it's placed on, and it will change from red to red/yellow, then to green. Removing the current changes it to yellow, then to red. Styled and mechanics based on UK traffic lights- I don't know if they're the same in USA?
Here's some other states:
I've also made a Cat's Eye (not shown). It's a very small block which can be placed onto any road and fits nicely at the lowered height! They emit light, and are perfect for lighting up dark roads if you don't want a street light.
Also in the update I'll try and get the Road Painter workbench done. I decided I'm going to use a custom 5x5 workbench for the road painting, it gives more freedom and logic to the painting recipes. The road block always goes in the middle, then the pattern can go in the spaces around it.
Everything else (so these lights etc) will be crafted in a normal bench. Only road painting is done in the custom bench.
Finally, the update will fix tar spawns to only spawn in Swamps, because they're way too common right now. I'll try and fix the bucket collection bug too; that works fine in my test environment but not anywhere else!
Any other bugs you want fixing? Or suggestions of what you want to see? I'm especially looking for USA input here. I live in the UK, so everything I'm doing is UK-styled but I don't want USA people to feel left out!
There are a couple of mods like this but it seams like they fell by the way side so I give you props on what you've done so far. All the models look great and the fact that you've made the lights redstone activated is something I've not seen I don't think. And as for the signs any round shapes you can add make minecraft better in my opion.It breaks up the monotinous landscape.Squares are good but other shapes are welcome too.Keep up the great work and anything you can add that differs from the minecraft norm(like round signs) is appriciated!
I looked around for mods like this before I made this actually. I started making this a few months ago, but then started again from scratch for 1.5 once I got the hang of Java a bit more.
All the mods I found did one thing I didn't want; they made you move faster. That's the main reason I made my own mod, for my server; I wanted to move at normal speed, they're just decorative. I figured it'd be nice to release for other people too
I might try making signs round, and see how it looks. There's a couple of ways I could do it, one involves learning how to use a new render engine. If not that, I could make it flat and texture it to be "round", or model it blocky-round. I'll post up some screenshots of how each would look later tonight
The problem with blocky-round is it would be hard for texture packs to support it, becuase the texture maps would be quite confusing. I don't know if texture packs will ever want to add my mod, but I want to try and keep it easy in case they do.
Thanks for the info. In the UK, the red/yellow one is to tell you it's going from red to green, not green to red. I'll see if I can make it configurable, if not I'll keep it UK style as it's easier to see which way it's going.
The pole at the back is the street light, it's now 8m tall (I googled the average height :P)
Right now, I've got a rendering issue that things keep randomly disappearing. Also I've not coded in the rotation just yet, so it's not quite ready for a release. Finally, I need to tinker around with making the 30 sign round instead of square as per request
Those of you with a keen eye will notice something else new- the barriers! I was making a dual carriageway for fun and thought it could use some barriers.
Last piece of news; I'm going to make a config option, to toggle between Left-hand drive and Right-hand drive. It'll default to right (because that's what most of the real world uses). All this will do is switch a few textures over, for example the Bollard in the photo (This is "left" mode, the arrow is telling you to drive on the left)
Aiming to have Alpha 0.3 out for around Monday. Here's my checklist of what I still need to do for that to happen:
- Add redstone support to the traffic lights and street lamps
- Finish the redstone-supporting poles, which snap like IC2 cables (Used for Hanging Traffic Lights, not shown)
- Add Rotation
- Fix Vanishing Render Issue
The Leftie-toggle will be in a later version, for now I'm going to just remove any left-side blocks (But I'll leave the textures for when that's ready). ALL the toggle will do is change which textures it's using, it wont change anything data-wise.
One last thing. Anyone who's using this so far; did you change any block IDs? If so, what, to what, and why? I installed over 100 mods in a MultiMC instance, and tried to use ID's that none of those mods are using so hopefully this will work "out of the box", so if there's a mod that conflicts I'd love to know about it!
I actually made a typo there. But yes, you are correct, in the USA it goes green to go, then yellow to slow down, and red to stop, and then jumps back to green. It's kinda like a vertical loading bar where one dot is lit up, then it turns off and the one above lights up and repeats.
tl;dr It goes green to yellow to red and then repeat. You are correct.
I was working on the main roads of my server and I realized. Eventually, you're going to need to move vertically, whether it's to get over a mountain or whatever. So, the poll asks; which way should we handle this?
There are effectively only three options, but I allowed a style of multiple choice. I'll explain the three options in detail:
Option 1: Varied Height of the Basic Tarmac Block.
This is a relatively simple approach. Basically, for the basic black tarmac block you would be able to craft it at 1/8th height, 2/8ths, 3/8ths and so on, up to a full block. Right now, it's at 7/8ths. This would use metadata, and only be on the plain block (so no road markings), and would use one new ID.
Option 2: Varied Height multiple Blocks:
This is effectively the same as Option 1, except I'd use a few painted blocks too. I'd probably have the middle single stripe, side stripe and double yellow side, but I might add a few more on request. This would use one new ID PER ROTATION, so if I were to do the mentioned ones it'd add 11 new IDs. (middle single only has two rotations, the other two have four each and the basic tarmac is still only one)
Option 3: Tile Entity Slopes:
This would be cosmetically the best looking, and the most efficient in terms of IDs. The only issue is, when you're on Far render distance, they will de-render after about 64 blocks. This is a limitation of Minecraft itself.
I would stagger them to ascend 1/4th a block each, so that is 4 IDs per painted block, but I may be able to get all of them into one ID. I've seen other mods do it (Redpower with the microblocks for example) so it must be possible! If I can't do that, it will use 16 IDs.
The other two options are simply to have both Tile Entity and varied heights, with or without the extra varied height blocks.
Vote please! I prefer Tile Entites, but I'm interested to hear what you guys think.
^___^ This is Kitty. Copy and
(='.'=) paste Kitty to help him
(")_(") gain world domination.
I've added a few Tile Entity things. I wasn't planning on releasing just yet but I think I'm going to be a bit busy over the next few weeks.
Still no crafting recipes, and the new blocks don't have icons (Some do, but they're basic 10-second things).
There's an example of the Tile Entity style Ramp too. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WILL LOOk, I was just testing ideas with it. Right now, the ramps don't quite line up and each of the four parts has to be placed seperate. In the final version, you'll just place the block and it'll make a 4m long ramp automagically.
Finally, you might notice something called a Power Pole. This is WIP and doesn't do anything yet, but it will basically be a pole which transmits Redstone, so you can make things like hanging traffic lights and street lamps.
Redstone isn't working on anything yet either, sorry. Having issues with that as the texture rendering stuff is in a different class to the place you usually check for redstone power, and it's just not being very nice
Hey guys.
I've just made a hi-res version of all the road blocks, and I'm gonna post it up in the main post.
It's 64x resolution, but I've only done the actual road blocks so far, I might do the other blocks soon though!
Texture pack makers; you are more than welcome to use the pack above directly in your pack or modify it as you see fit. All I ask is you add my name to your credits.txt (or make one if you don't have one already) - A link to this thread would be nice too
Style one: Blocky, in shape and texture
Style two: Blocky shape, rounded texture:
(IMO I don't like this, but I've made it so I'll show it
Of course, the only difference is texture so I can release the alternative texture anyway. Unfortunately I can't make the shape round without changing how I render stuff, which I don't intend to do right now.
Let me know which you guys like the most! Personally, I'm with Option 1.
Also, I'd love to see some screenshots from people using Roads!
Last thing. I'll be releasing 0.3.3 tonight. Minor changes:
- Street lamp models are thicker and shorter, so they look a bit better now
- Ramps are the 4-in-one I mentioned before, but aren't functional yet
- Street lamps default emit light until I get redstone working (then they'll need power to emit light). I've turned down Cats Eye lighting too.
The ramps aren't QUITE done model-wise but it's a much better idea of what I'm doing with them. Don't use them too much yet, the ID will be changing in a later version. Still, you can see how they're going
Still no redstone, I'm having some issues with that right now.
Now this version is out, i'm going to start working on some crafting recipes.
Once the three things mentioned above (ramp models, redstone and crafting recipes) are done I'll want to get a few bug testers so I can move into beta. If you're interested, comment here and/or message me! Beta means I'll be putting the mod up in other places too (Right now it's only here, BukkitForge and on my forums) so more users = more suggestions = better stuff!
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In being a tester? Cool, I'll note down your name and I'll PM you when I need testers
Been working on the crafting system last night and this morning.
When a roadblock is placed in the center of the grid, the block will physically appear on the platform there.
The table will have a tile entity, which means it'll store anything you place on the grid. It will only accept materials that can be used for road painting (So you can't use it as a chest I'm afraid ;))
Here's the GUI so far. Still needs some tinkering:
How crafting will work:
As you can see on the GUI, there is a shadow of a road block in the center. This is where you place your road block.
Then, you use paint cans or paint blobs in certain formations to mark lines. These are incredibly cheap as you'll need a lot of them!
For example, for the Double Yellow side (the image for the creative tab), you'd fill the two left columns with yellow paint. It works just like normal crafting, as soon as you put the last bit of paint down the final block will appear on the right (I forgot to draw the output on the GUI :P)
This table is only used for road block painting, nothing else. Everything else you make is done in the normal crafting table, including the actual road block.
Paint-wise, you can use three different things:
1. Paint Blobs. These are tiny bits of paint, and are just simple really.
2. Paint cans. These have durability, so you can place a can in one of the slots and it'll have X uses before it vanishes. They offer efficiency over a slightly higher cost than the blobs.
3. Vanilla dyes. These are a lot more expensive to use, but the option is there if you want to use them.
I'm not quite sure how I'll craft things yet. I'm thinking something along the lines of 8 dye + a bucket for the paint can, or one dye = 16 paint blobs. Paint can will probably have 128 durability, but you wont get the bucket back. Opinions please!
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I love ideas, fire away!
To keep with the theme of Europe (I'm from the US), They would have the two red lights in the top for when they are activated, and the single yellow light on the bottom. If it is possible (I'm not sure if it is or not, the only coding experience I have is trying to set up a server
And finally, my third and last idea I have right now, is just to make a streetlight like this one for residential areas.
Thank you for your time, and if you read all of that without skipping anything, I have a present for you in the spoiler:
EDIT: just fixed up the images
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OK, for #1 that can easily be done. I've just been using the sidewalk blocks, what kind of thing do you have in mind?
#2, a railroad crossing. Certainly an interesting idea.
I've actually been half working on the barrier already for use in a car park. The way I've had it planned, it could be used for this too (ignoring the frequency thing)
I don't think I'll do the frequency part to be honest. It's a good idea, but a lot of code for very little gain - you could easily just place some wire under the road to connect it up. If you really wanted it to be wireless, Chicken Bones has a pretty good wireless redstone mod (although it's not updated, but he's working on it).
So to clarify on that idea, you'd have a train line looking like this:
Then, when a cart lands on either of those two detector rails, the barriers open (Pretend the redstone is underground :P)
As for the length thing, That would be possible but very challenging; probably out of the scope of my capabilities for now. For now I'll just do the barriers like this, in the future I might add a new form which does as you requested. Ever heard of the Ugocraft mod? As far as I know, that's the only mod that's ever been able to do something of that kind of level, and noone has been able to recreate it since.
The traffic lights could just work the same as normal ones, activated via the same redstone current that opens the barriers.
And the residential light... something like this?
(Suggest any edits, that's not final yet :P)