So, I've been playing the Quincies almost exclusively, and I'm a huge fan of Quincies in general
In fact, I hope the Quincies win the war with SS, even of Ywach is a bit of a \feminine cleaning product\
I've been looking at the lore to see the exact ways that most quincy techniques work, and I had a few ideas on how you could change (or completely overhaul) the way Quincies work in this mod, so that being a Quincy is just as immersive and interesting as being a Shinigami.
However, on the previous poll one of the most popular suggestions for change in the mod was major modifications to the Quincy mechanics, so I don't want to waste both our time by posting a massive essay on Quincies only for you to have already done what you will with them, and ignore the post.
So, if you would let me know as to the state of Quincies in the mod, I'd appreciate it.
Also, I apologize for the long post, I prefer to type with the best grammar I can.
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"There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you have avoided all other options, denied all diplomacy, and given all your will towards the battle, you have forfeited your rights, and chosen the least honorable path. It is your strength versus theirs, and if you decide to pull your punches, halt your blade, or declare certain actions deplorable, that is your own decision. Do not expect the same of me."
For some reason i cant get the mod working if i install forge for 1.6.2 minecraft does not launch. When i install the mod to 1.6.4 forge version mod does not seem to work i don't get any new items or mobs can someone help me ?
Odd. Are you dragging into the mods folder?
You should just install an instance of Forge for 1.6.2. Use the installer on and run the .jar. After that, run the instance, then drag the Bleach mod into the mods folder in .minecraft.
Lol at your name, btw. Alucard's such a badass, especially in the abridged version.
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Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
I've been looking at the lore to see the exact ways that most quincy techniques work, and I had a few ideas on how you could change (or completely overhaul) the way Quincies work in this mod, so that being a Quincy is just as immersive and interesting as being a Shinigami.
Yeah, we've been looking into that. But still, we could use some more ideas if you have them You can just do bullet points if you don't want it to be too long
P.S. Alucard is the best and unkillable badass and at least you read my " Christmas List " Abridged Ep. 4 lol
Just watched Ep. 4, didn't know it was out. Also, the 1.7 version should be out a little bit after 1.7 Forge is out.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Ive been looking at this and i though maybe quincy can have a customization in clothes they have like for there next form kinda and add different buffs for each so yea And i was thinking Like For The Zanpakuto If you add Cero To The Menos I think If You Use Your Zanpakuto and Hold Right Click and the Cero Hits you Your Spirit Energy Goes up like if its not full it goes up Thank You If You Read This
Yeah, we've been looking into that. But still, we could use some more ideas if you have them You can just do bullet points if you don't want it to be too long
This will be a bit of a sitdown, if you care to read it all.
An important distinction to make, before continuing, is that Quincies and Shinigami draw their powers from different sources.
Shinigami create their own power internally, which is called Reiryoku. Quincies draw Reishi, which is the physical materialization of Reiryoku that makes up most things relating to souls, from the world around them and redirect it, most commonly in the form of an arrow, but in other forms as well, such as a sword, or minigun (I didn't make that up. Search BG9, if you're okay with spoilers).
This provides grounds for some of the effects of Quincy items and techniques listed below, seeing as their power stems from a completely different area.
I would also recommend that you create a way to force a player to choose between Quincy and Shinigami, as in canon their abilities are extremely different, and being able to switch weapons and robes to gain the powers of the other faction is a little iffy considering the source of the power. A temporary fix would be a command that marks your character as a Quincy or Shinigami, and the techniques of the other group are restricted depending on which you choose. In survival, you don't have permission to change this once you've chosen.
Anyhow, on with the Quincy Stuff
Soul-Synthesized Silver Ingots
Would be Crafted with Reiastu and Iron Ingots, or Soul Quartz and Iron Ingots, or some combination thereof.
Used to craft Quincy Pendant, Sanrei Glove, Ginto, Seeleschneiders, and other Quincy Items.
Could also be crafted into a block for mass storage, or put in the crafting table to make decorative blocks.
Quincy Pendant
Crafted with Soul-Synthesized Silver, Lapis Lazuli, and String in some arrangement.
This would replace the Quincy Bow item, and would be activated in a manner similar to the Seeleschneider weaponry, being turned on and off.
When activated it would drain a small amount of Reiatsu to create a bow, which would continuosly drain energy while in use, but the arrows would have no cost. This bow would also be slightly weaker than the current Quincy Bow.
This would eliminate some of the problems with Quincy combat at early levels, as the current cost per arrow isn't enough to engage multiple hollows until around 150-200 spirit energy, but also keep both sides balanced.
Sanrei Glove
In Bleach Canon, the Sanrei Glove increases the abilities of the Quincy by repelling Reishi in the air around the Quincy, forcing the Quincy to work far harder to materialize an arrow, improving their inherent ability to control Reishi.
The Sanrei Glove would be crafted by combining the Quincy Pendant with Soul Cloth and Soul-Synthesized Silver (plus other materials possibly) at a crafting table, and would slow reiatsu regeneration, add a cost the arrows fired, and slow the rate at which your character's reiatsu pool increases (if they can't absorb Reishi from the area, the Quincy can't use it).
However, once the Quincy has grown accoustumed to the Glove, the power of the arrow would increase (damage/knockback), drawing speed would be reduced, and the arrow speed would increase without raising the cost of the arrow.
Once Sanrei Glove "training" is completed, your character can gain access to the Vollstandig and Letz Stil techniques. Training would be considered complete when you have all of the beneficial effects of the Sanrei Glove, and a Spirit Energy level that is sufficiently high.
Letz Stil
When the Sanrei Glove is broken, the dampening field around a Quincy is removed, and their improved abilities when gathering Reishi become monstrous in proportion. They absorb Reishi at an insane rate, destroying items made of Reishi (structures in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, other souls) and convert them into energy for the Quincy to use. The power of the Quincy's arrows is increased exponentially, with individual arrows being capable of ripping a Bankai in half and blowing a massive hole in the Shinigami behind it.
Letz Stil has a massive weakness, in that the technique destroys the body's Reishi channels, reducing the Quincy to drastically low levels of power after the ability's duration is finished, sometimes even lower than their initial, untrained selves.
Used as an extreme last resort, this technique could be given a keybind once the Quincy reaches a certain Reiatsu level and has completed Sanrei Glove Training.
It would give the Quincy in question unlimited Spirit Energy for the duration, which would probably be around 30-60 seconds, and would destroy blocks that are associated with Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, and also kill any nearby plant-life. Arrows fired would destroy blocks as they pass and explode with massive force upon striking an entity (mob, lit TNT, and a few other things). They would also be granted an increased variant of Hirenkyaku for the duration.
After the duration ends, the Sanrei Glove is destroyed, and the Quincy's Reiastu pool is reduced to base, 50, or lower.
In Bleach Canon, the Vollstandig is the evolution of Quincy abilities to avoid the inherent weaknesses of the Letz Stil, giving a more practical power increase.
Vollstandig causes the Quincy's spirit weapon to mutate into a unique form, which grants two important abilities.
One, the Reishi absorbtion is increased to the point of limited world deterioration (not as potent as Letz Stil, perhaps plant life dying as the Quincy approaches).
Two, it increases the power of projectiles and melee weaponry by partially absorbing whomever is struck by the Vollstandig.
This could be implemented similar to Shikai, having your Hollow kill totals influence the mutation the Sanrei Glove makes when the quota is met. The quota for evolution to Vollstandig would need to be much higher than the requirements for Shikai, as Vollstandig is superior to Shikai, but theoretically weaker than Bankai
in power level.
Perhaps Vollstandig and Bankai could be added to the mod at the same time, to keep the factions balanced?
Vollstandig Type Ideas
Massive Bow
Fires extremely powerful arrows, but does so slowly, and inflicts a high knockback on both the Quincy and their target.
Golem Hollow kills would need to be the majority
Reishi Gun
Quickly fires cheap shots that require little to no energy, but do little damage, and have no knockback whatsoever.
Higher Rate of Fire/Burst Fire could be unlocked depending on how much Spirit Energy the wielder has.
Blaze Hollow kills would be the majority to unlock this Vollstandig.
Crossbow/Multiple Limbed Bow
Fires arrows VERY slowly at high cost. Pierces multiple targets and blocks, and induces a bleed debuff (Slow, DOT, Weaken, Etc.).
Would need Snake Hollow kills
Shield Bow
Fires arrows that do slightly higher damage than the Sanrei Glove
Could hold right-click to block, negating ranged attacks and weakening melee attacks.
I don't know what Hollow would need to be killed. Maybe one you haven't released yet?
Draining Broadsword
Works on principle similar to Seeleschneider, drains Health and Reishi upon striking, but rapidly drains Reiatsu when not striking an opponent.
Has "Quincy" look to it. Blues and Silvers, Geometric Shapes. It's definitely NOT a Zanpakuto.
Stalker Hollows need to be killed for this one.
Chain Spitter
Slowly Shoots Reishi Chains that slow target for five seconds, debuff stacks upon each successful hit.
First hit slows by 10%, second by 20%, third by 30%, etc. Each hit refreshes debuff duration.
Tenth hit completely immobilizes, but the effect is not refreshed upon subsequent hits.
No direct damage is dealt to the Quincy's enemy. Weapons like the Seeleschneider and Ginto would be needed to finish the enemy off.
Spider Hollow kills are needed to get this one.
Works as a siphon, by draining Reishi and forming a spinning, sword-like blade from energy gathered.
Your current version works very well, but perhaps have it do more damage to spiritual entities, and restore Reiatsu to the Quincy while used as a sword. It would also need to account for the Vollstandig modifications.
Also, change recipe to include Soul-Synthesized Silver, if that particular bit is implemented.
Small containers made of Soul-Synthesized Silver, they hold concentrated amounts of liquefied Reishi to be later used by the Quincy.
When these are re-implemented, they could be used as a fix for the Reiatsu potion people have been asking for. A Quincy could fill Ginto with a certain amount of Reiatsu beforehand, and can be drunk by a Quincy to restore Reiatsu at about ten points a second until Ginto is empty.
These could also be used as a power source for non-bow based Quincy Techniques. Said techniques would be more powerful depending upon how full the Ginto is when the technique is used.
While I do not know how you plan to implement kido, it wouldn't be far fetched to have the Quincy faction use these techniques instead of Kido on your Kido interface.
Canon Ginto-Based Techniques
Uses four Ginto to fill an area with solid reishi, cuts and damages whatever is inside the area surrounded by the Ginto. Is powerful enough to wound Menos-Class Hollows
Could be implemented as a large projectile that moves slowly, but does moderate-high damage.
Uses a single Ginto to create a film of liquid Reishi that hardens into a solid cage around whoever is struck by the Ginto.
Could be implemented as a projectile that freezes the opponent in place for a few seconds, and puts a custom 1x1x2 texture over the stricken opponent.
Vaporizes the Reishi contained in the Ginto to form a thick grayish gas. Can be used to cushion a harsh fall, or as a smokescreen diversion.
Could be implemented as a smokescreen that adds a feather-falling effect to the Quincy.
I think you know this one. It just needs a custom texture that makes a pillar of light emerge.
Gert Sprenger
Halts a fired Seeleschneider in mid-air, and forms a cage around the enemy. The cage drains Reiatsu from the enemy before being set off by a thrown Ginto, causing a powerful explosion contained by the cage.
Could be implemented as a 3x3x3 cube around the enemy, draining their energy for five seconds before detonating, doing roughly the same damage as Sprenger.
Must be destroyed by a sufficiently powerful attack from within to escape. The Quincy would have to equip this spell before firing a Seeleschneider, and use it again to detonate five seconds after the cage forms. Cage could emit more and more light as the time goes by before detonation.
This particular Ginto technique is only kind-of canon, as it was used in one of the movies. I argue that it should be included on the grounds that it is arguably the most powerful amoung the displayed Ginto Techniques, and can be used as finisher move by sufficiently powerful Quincy.
This is the canon Quincy movement technique. While I honestly have no idea how you plan to implement Shunpo, I'd like to request to take into consideration that Hirenkyaku works very differently from Shunpo.
Shunpo propels the Shinigami by gathering Reiryoku in the foot, before expelling it rapidly to propel single steps much further.
Hirenkyaku gathers Reishi in a wave-like current underneath the Quincy that is ridden in a similar fashion to a skateboard or surfboard.
While these techniques have the same general purpose in combat, they work on different mechanics, so I'd imagine that they're also used differently
Blut is the extreme concentration of Reishi in a Quincy's blood system that generates massive amounts of either offensive or defensive power.
The problem with the technique is that while one form is in effect, it strengthens one attribute while crippling the other. This power comes naturally to Quincy Nobleman, known as Echt Quincy, but an impure, or Gemischt Quincy, must train for years to achieve it.
Blut Vene hardens the Reishi in the Blood and turns a Quincy's skin into armor that can repel even Bankai attacks, while also weakening attacks to the point where they have little to no effect upon an enemy.
Blut Arterie forces Reishi to flow faster through access points in a Quincy's body, causing attacks to do horrifying damage, such as destroying Bankai after a few repeated hits, but it can also leave the Quincy extremely vulnerable, as the Reishi access points can more easily be accessed.
These could be implemented as a final tier of Quincy techniques, and could be toggled between Blut Vene, Blut Arterie, and No Effect by the Quincy.
After a brief period of approximately 3-5 seconds, the Blut would take effect. It would also require severe training of some sort, in order to compensate players not being Echt Quincies, and to keep the balance between the power levels of Quincy and Shinigami players.
A Quincy technique where the user creates countless threads of Reiastu to turn their body into a marionette puppet, using their power over Reishi manipulation to pull themselves along, even when impaired by injury, poison, or old age. A very rare technique, even during the prime of the Quincy race.
Could be implemented as a debuff protection that drains energy very rapidly. I'm not sure why I included this, but you could use it somehow, I'm sure.
Last one, I swear:
Hollow Allergy
As recently revealed by canon, Quincies and Hollows don't mix. At all. Ever. No, Seriously.
After death Quincy souls cannot turn into Hollows, and Hollows can't "digest" Quincies, due to the conflicting nature of Quincy and Hollow Reiatsu.
As such, it is impossible for a Quincy to Hollowify (so they wouldn't be able to don a Hollow Mask), and a Quincy Mob would take more damage when wounded by a Hollow than a Shinigami Mob.
This last bit is mostly just food for thought, as it would be a serious nerf to Quincies to be weaker to Hollow attacks (I assume Cero is in progress, looking at the texture files). It also explains that Quincies wouldn't be able to wear the hollow mask helms in the mod.
Okay, I know that was a fairly long list of ideas for the mod, but thank you for reading if you made it this far. I've notice before that my typed messages are hard to read, and are very bookish. I just had a very large amount of ideas, because I love Quincies. They're kickass.
I'm just going to say thanks for reading again, and leave before I embarass myself (further). Sorry for any spelling/formatting/grammar errors. I typed this in Notepad before moving it over, my internet went down while I was typing.
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"There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you have avoided all other options, denied all diplomacy, and given all your will towards the battle, you have forfeited your rights, and chosen the least honorable path. It is your strength versus theirs, and if you decide to pull your punches, halt your blade, or declare certain actions deplorable, that is your own decision. Do not expect the same of me."
This will be a bit of a sitdown, if you care to read it all.
Wow... That was very detailed, and informative! I didn't know half of those names Thank you very much for all the suggestions! Definitely food for thought. We'll try to incorporate a bunch of these features in for Quincies, as they are seriously lagging behind Soul Reapers with the introduction of Shikai.
When first creating this mod, I was shying away from a selection of whether you want to be Quincy or Soul Reaper, mainly because I thought it would be a lot of work, but also because I felt that it was just a mod. And as just a mod, it should incorporate the feelings and pieces of the anime, while keeping the original game intact. However, I've begun to realize that it would be much better to have the player choose between one or the other, as the abilities of each become more powerful and more separate from one another.
So, this has provided me with much to think about, and much to do... I think I'll start with a command, as you suggested, of switching between the two "classes", if you will. It will be much easier to begin, and we may throw in a permanent choice when you are first spawned, if it seems more prudent.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions, and the proper English and grammar.
I also would say that Quincies should be as powerful as Shinigamis. Quite a lot of people love Quincies (including me ^.^) and there are SOOOO many things that you could add about them. Currently, I prefer playing as a Shinigami, as they are SO much more powerful with Shikai and stuff. But that's the problem, right? I have done some battles against my friends -Shinigami vs Quincy- with about the same Spiritual Levels, and Quincies always lose... The difference in their power is huge. I would recommend doing something about it quite fast... I see that you have planned LOTS of stuff about Shinigamis, but not really anything about Quincies... Anyway, I just read HeadShot's comment -btw, wow! - and I felt the urge to mention something about it myself. The way I see it going, Shinigamis will have Shikai, Hollow masks, super abilities like Shunpo or Kido, and Quincies will still have just a bow -.-
Also, it just passed through my mind: A Zanpakuto naming system without the need of an anvil would be really good... I mean, I need 31 Iron just to name my Zanpakuto -.- Hope I helped at least a little... =)
Yeah, I'll see if I can change the naming system... It was just a lot easier, as the code was already in there. And besides, adds to the challenge! As for Quincies and Soul Reapers, we do have plans to increase the power of Quincies to match that of Soul Reapers. At the moment, however, there wasn't really a distinction between Quincies and Soul Reapers, as you can use both items in the mod That's probably going to change in the next few updates though
Doom, your server website is down. Says it needs more days. Also, where'd the LP server go?
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Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Hey doom Hows it going. Optazon (a.k.a. Tosen here) just got back into minecraft
this mod has come a looooong way since i last looked at it. Good job Littlebreadloaf.
Also, to whoever wanted that fairytail mod, the only suggestion i can give you is to ask someone else to look into it.
a good way to go about it could be something similar to a bukkit plugin called magicspells. but as a mod. last time i configured the plugin i made it shoot out blocks or fire (the one used to craft chainmail.) you can use the plugin to inspire ideas for the mod.
good luck.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions, and the proper English and grammar.
You're Welcome
I wish I could help out with this mod in more ways than just throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks, but unfortunately my coding ability is dismal. If you want an ugly HTML/CSS page, I'm your guy. Anything else and... well.... you ever hear the saying about monkeys and typewriters?
Anyhow, yeah, I've got plenty of ideas for this mod, and I'll probably throw them at you whenever they seem prudent. By the way, is the Shikai design topic still open to submissions, and if so, is there a particular format that you require, such as image size, file type, etc.?
How do I get the sword labeled "anduril.png"? I've tried every combination I can think of and it's driving me absolutely insane trying to obtain it.
Good job so far, can't wait to see what's in store.
"There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you have avoided all other options, denied all diplomacy, and given all your will towards the battle, you have forfeited your rights, and chosen the least honorable path. It is your strength versus theirs, and if you decide to pull your punches, halt your blade, or declare certain actions deplorable, that is your own decision. Do not expect the same of me."
hi i have an idea for the mod, why not make it so that the player can have a hollow form? like say you are wearing a hollow mask, if you wear the mask for too long all the armor or clothing you have equipped to your character (can also work without equipped armor or cloths) with be replaced with a hollows body (acts like game armor) and the look will be determined by which mask you are wearing like say your wearing the stalker hollows mask you will have a specific form for wearing that mask, and say your friend is wearing the golem hollow mask, his/her hollow form would be a lot different from yours, not only that but they will also give you certain boosts (speed, strength, fire resistance, ect.) as well as when pushing a bind key you can fire a cero blast.
Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
I wish I could help out with this mod in more ways than just throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks, but unfortunately my coding ability is dismal. If you want an ugly HTML/CSS page, I'm your guy. Anything else and... well.... you ever hear the saying about monkeys and typewriters?
Anyhow, yeah, I've got plenty of ideas for this mod, and I'll probably throw them at you whenever they seem prudent. By the way, is the Shikai design topic still open to submissions, and if so, is there a particular format that you require, such as image size, file type, etc.?
How do I get the sword labeled "anduril.png"? I've tried every combination I can think of and it's driving me absolutely insane trying to obtain it.
Good job so far, can't wait to see what's in store.
Any time! If you have ideas, we'd love to hear them. Because contrary to popular belief, we aren't springs of eternal imagination that have brilliant ideas about how to implement every feature
Oh and yeah, that sword isn't attainable... sorry
Any time! If you have ideas, we'd love to hear them. Because contrary to popular belief, we aren't springs of eternal imagination that have brilliant ideas about how to implement every feature
Oh and yeah, that sword isn't attainable... sorry
Yeah, I was wondering about that. I used my "secret technique" to find the Easter egg zanpakuto, and when I successfully created that zanpakuto, it just had the texture of a different one. I found that odd.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
New blocks are for decoration at this point, they have no real purpose besides that.... at this point.
I would say Bankai's are still a fair way off judging from what the mod team has been telling us. So don't expect them any time soon.
In fact, I hope the Quincies win the war with SS, even of Ywach is a bit of a \feminine cleaning product\
I've been looking at the lore to see the exact ways that most quincy techniques work, and I had a few ideas on how you could change (or completely overhaul) the way Quincies work in this mod, so that being a Quincy is just as immersive and interesting as being a Shinigami.
However, on the previous poll one of the most popular suggestions for change in the mod was major modifications to the Quincy mechanics, so I don't want to waste both our time by posting a massive essay on Quincies only for you to have already done what you will with them, and ignore the post.
So, if you would let me know as to the state of Quincies in the mod, I'd appreciate it.
Also, I apologize for the long post, I prefer to type with the best grammar I can.
Odd. Are you dragging into the mods folder?
You should just install an instance of Forge for 1.6.2. Use the installer on and run the .jar. After that, run the instance, then drag the Bleach mod into the mods folder in .minecraft.
Lol at your name, btw. Alucard's such a badass, especially in the abridged version.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Yeah, we've been looking into that. But still, we could use some more ideas if you have them
Bleach Mod
Just watched Ep. 4, didn't know it was out. Also, the 1.7 version should be out a little bit after 1.7 Forge is out.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
This will be a bit of a sitdown, if you care to read it all.
An important distinction to make, before continuing, is that Quincies and Shinigami draw their powers from different sources.
Shinigami create their own power internally, which is called Reiryoku. Quincies draw Reishi, which is the physical materialization of Reiryoku that makes up most things relating to souls, from the world around them and redirect it, most commonly in the form of an arrow, but in other forms as well, such as a sword, or minigun (I didn't make that up. Search BG9, if you're okay with spoilers).
This provides grounds for some of the effects of Quincy items and techniques listed below, seeing as their power stems from a completely different area.
I would also recommend that you create a way to force a player to choose between Quincy and Shinigami, as in canon their abilities are extremely different, and being able to switch weapons and robes to gain the powers of the other faction is a little iffy considering the source of the power. A temporary fix would be a command that marks your character as a Quincy or Shinigami, and the techniques of the other group are restricted depending on which you choose. In survival, you don't have permission to change this once you've chosen.
Anyhow, on with the Quincy Stuff
Soul-Synthesized Silver Ingots
Would be Crafted with Reiastu and Iron Ingots, or Soul Quartz and Iron Ingots, or some combination thereof.
Used to craft Quincy Pendant, Sanrei Glove, Ginto, Seeleschneiders, and other Quincy Items.
Could also be crafted into a block for mass storage, or put in the crafting table to make decorative blocks.
Quincy Pendant
Crafted with Soul-Synthesized Silver, Lapis Lazuli, and String in some arrangement.
This would replace the Quincy Bow item, and would be activated in a manner similar to the Seeleschneider weaponry, being turned on and off.
When activated it would drain a small amount of Reiatsu to create a bow, which would continuosly drain energy while in use, but the arrows would have no cost. This bow would also be slightly weaker than the current Quincy Bow.
This would eliminate some of the problems with Quincy combat at early levels, as the current cost per arrow isn't enough to engage multiple hollows until around 150-200 spirit energy, but also keep both sides balanced.
Sanrei Glove
In Bleach Canon, the Sanrei Glove increases the abilities of the Quincy by repelling Reishi in the air around the Quincy, forcing the Quincy to work far harder to materialize an arrow, improving their inherent ability to control Reishi.
The Sanrei Glove would be crafted by combining the Quincy Pendant with Soul Cloth and Soul-Synthesized Silver (plus other materials possibly) at a crafting table, and would slow reiatsu regeneration, add a cost the arrows fired, and slow the rate at which your character's reiatsu pool increases (if they can't absorb Reishi from the area, the Quincy can't use it).
However, once the Quincy has grown accoustumed to the Glove, the power of the arrow would increase (damage/knockback), drawing speed would be reduced, and the arrow speed would increase without raising the cost of the arrow.
Once Sanrei Glove "training" is completed, your character can gain access to the Vollstandig and Letz Stil techniques. Training would be considered complete when you have all of the beneficial effects of the Sanrei Glove, and a Spirit Energy level that is sufficiently high.
Letz Stil
When the Sanrei Glove is broken, the dampening field around a Quincy is removed, and their improved abilities when gathering Reishi become monstrous in proportion. They absorb Reishi at an insane rate, destroying items made of Reishi (structures in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, other souls) and convert them into energy for the Quincy to use. The power of the Quincy's arrows is increased exponentially, with individual arrows being capable of ripping a Bankai in half and blowing a massive hole in the Shinigami behind it.
Letz Stil has a massive weakness, in that the technique destroys the body's Reishi channels, reducing the Quincy to drastically low levels of power after the ability's duration is finished, sometimes even lower than their initial, untrained selves.
Used as an extreme last resort, this technique could be given a keybind once the Quincy reaches a certain Reiatsu level and has completed Sanrei Glove Training.
It would give the Quincy in question unlimited Spirit Energy for the duration, which would probably be around 30-60 seconds, and would destroy blocks that are associated with Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, and also kill any nearby plant-life. Arrows fired would destroy blocks as they pass and explode with massive force upon striking an entity (mob, lit TNT, and a few other things). They would also be granted an increased variant of Hirenkyaku for the duration.
After the duration ends, the Sanrei Glove is destroyed, and the Quincy's Reiastu pool is reduced to base, 50, or lower.
In Bleach Canon, the Vollstandig is the evolution of Quincy abilities to avoid the inherent weaknesses of the Letz Stil, giving a more practical power increase.
Vollstandig causes the Quincy's spirit weapon to mutate into a unique form, which grants two important abilities.
One, the Reishi absorbtion is increased to the point of limited world deterioration (not as potent as Letz Stil, perhaps plant life dying as the Quincy approaches).
Two, it increases the power of projectiles and melee weaponry by partially absorbing whomever is struck by the Vollstandig.
This could be implemented similar to Shikai, having your Hollow kill totals influence the mutation the Sanrei Glove makes when the quota is met. The quota for evolution to Vollstandig would need to be much higher than the requirements for Shikai, as Vollstandig is superior to Shikai, but theoretically weaker than Bankai
in power level.
Perhaps Vollstandig and Bankai could be added to the mod at the same time, to keep the factions balanced?
Vollstandig Type Ideas
Massive Bow
Works as a siphon, by draining Reishi and forming a spinning, sword-like blade from energy gathered.
Your current version works very well, but perhaps have it do more damage to spiritual entities, and restore Reiatsu to the Quincy while used as a sword. It would also need to account for the Vollstandig modifications.
Also, change recipe to include Soul-Synthesized Silver, if that particular bit is implemented.
Small containers made of Soul-Synthesized Silver, they hold concentrated amounts of liquefied Reishi to be later used by the Quincy.
When these are re-implemented, they could be used as a fix for the Reiatsu potion people have been asking for. A Quincy could fill Ginto with a certain amount of Reiatsu beforehand, and can be drunk by a Quincy to restore Reiatsu at about ten points a second until Ginto is empty.
These could also be used as a power source for non-bow based Quincy Techniques. Said techniques would be more powerful depending upon how full the Ginto is when the technique is used.
While I do not know how you plan to implement kido, it wouldn't be far fetched to have the Quincy faction use these techniques instead of Kido on your Kido interface.
Canon Ginto-Based Techniques
This is the canon Quincy movement technique. While I honestly have no idea how you plan to implement Shunpo, I'd like to request to take into consideration that Hirenkyaku works very differently from Shunpo.
Shunpo propels the Shinigami by gathering Reiryoku in the foot, before expelling it rapidly to propel single steps much further.
Hirenkyaku gathers Reishi in a wave-like current underneath the Quincy that is ridden in a similar fashion to a skateboard or surfboard.
While these techniques have the same general purpose in combat, they work on different mechanics, so I'd imagine that they're also used differently
Blut is the extreme concentration of Reishi in a Quincy's blood system that generates massive amounts of either offensive or defensive power.
The problem with the technique is that while one form is in effect, it strengthens one attribute while crippling the other. This power comes naturally to Quincy Nobleman, known as Echt Quincy, but an impure, or Gemischt Quincy, must train for years to achieve it.
After a brief period of approximately 3-5 seconds, the Blut would take effect. It would also require severe training of some sort, in order to compensate players not being Echt Quincies, and to keep the balance between the power levels of Quincy and Shinigami players.
A Quincy technique where the user creates countless threads of Reiastu to turn their body into a marionette puppet, using their power over Reishi manipulation to pull themselves along, even when impaired by injury, poison, or old age. A very rare technique, even during the prime of the Quincy race.
Could be implemented as a debuff protection that drains energy very rapidly. I'm not sure why I included this, but you could use it somehow, I'm sure.
Last one, I swear:
Hollow Allergy
As recently revealed by canon, Quincies and Hollows don't mix. At all. Ever. No, Seriously.
After death Quincy souls cannot turn into Hollows, and Hollows can't "digest" Quincies, due to the conflicting nature of Quincy and Hollow Reiatsu.
As such, it is impossible for a Quincy to Hollowify (so they wouldn't be able to don a Hollow Mask), and a Quincy Mob would take more damage when wounded by a Hollow than a Shinigami Mob.
This last bit is mostly just food for thought, as it would be a serious nerf to Quincies to be weaker to Hollow attacks (I assume Cero is in progress, looking at the texture files). It also explains that Quincies wouldn't be able to wear the hollow mask helms in the mod.
Okay, I know that was a fairly long list of ideas for the mod, but thank you for reading if you made it this far. I've notice before that my typed messages are hard to read, and are very bookish. I just had a very large amount of ideas, because I love Quincies. They're kickass.
I'm just going to say thanks for reading again, and leave before I embarass myself (further). Sorry for any spelling/formatting/grammar errors. I typed this in Notepad before moving it over, my internet went down while I was typing.
Wow... That was very detailed, and informative! I didn't know half of those names
When first creating this mod, I was shying away from a selection of whether you want to be Quincy or Soul Reaper, mainly because I thought it would be a lot of work, but also because I felt that it was just a mod. And as just a mod, it should incorporate the feelings and pieces of the anime, while keeping the original game intact. However, I've begun to realize that it would be much better to have the player choose between one or the other, as the abilities of each become more powerful and more separate from one another.
So, this has provided me with much to think about, and much to do... I think I'll start with a command, as you suggested, of switching between the two "classes", if you will. It will be much easier to begin, and we may throw in a permanent choice when you are first spawned, if it seems more prudent.
Again, thanks for all the suggestions, and the proper English and grammar.
Bleach Mod
Yeah, I'll see if I can change the naming system... It was just a lot easier, as the code was already in there. And besides, adds to the challenge!
Sort of... I don't really know how to go about that though...
Bleach Mod
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
i no longer run that (my brother does
) server the lets play one will still come up randomly.
Last i heard he was learning to code websites himself.
this mod has come a looooong way since i last looked at it. Good job Littlebreadloaf.
Also, to whoever wanted that fairytail mod, the only suggestion i can give you is to ask someone else to look into it.
a good way to go about it could be something similar to a bukkit plugin called magicspells. but as a mod. last time i configured the plugin i made it shoot out blocks or fire (the one used to craft chainmail.) you can use the plugin to inspire ideas for the mod.
good luck.
You're Welcome
I wish I could help out with this mod in more ways than just throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks, but unfortunately my coding ability is dismal. If you want an ugly HTML/CSS page, I'm your guy. Anything else and... well.... you ever hear the saying about monkeys and typewriters?
Anyhow, yeah, I've got plenty of ideas for this mod, and I'll probably throw them at you whenever they seem prudent. By the way, is the Shikai design topic still open to submissions, and if so, is there a particular format that you require, such as image size, file type, etc.?
How do I get the sword labeled "anduril.png"? I've tried every combination I can think of and it's driving me absolutely insane trying to obtain it.
Good job so far, can't wait to see what's in store.
hi i have an idea for the mod, why not make it so that the player can have a hollow form? like say you are wearing a hollow mask, if you wear the mask for too long all the armor or clothing you have equipped to your character (can also work without equipped armor or cloths) with be replaced with a hollows body (acts like game armor) and the look will be determined by which mask you are wearing like say your wearing the stalker hollows mask you will have a specific form for wearing that mask, and say your friend is wearing the golem hollow mask, his/her hollow form would be a lot different from yours, not only that but they will also give you certain boosts (speed, strength, fire resistance, ect.) as well as when pushing a bind key you can fire a cero blast.
I was about to say, when...
I successfully create the Anduril zanpakuto, it shows the texture of that other Wind Easter Egg zanpakuto.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Any time! If you have ideas, we'd love to hear them. Because contrary to popular belief, we aren't springs of eternal imagination that have brilliant ideas about how to implement every feature
Oh and yeah, that sword isn't attainable... sorry
Bleach Mod
Yeah, I was wondering about that. I used my "secret technique" to find the Easter egg zanpakuto, and when I successfully created that zanpakuto, it just had the texture of a different one. I found that odd.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)