Hey guys don't forget, if you want to learn how to make the shikai zangetsu texture, p.m. me, i do know the mix!Im reposting that i have found it so that others can see!
This morning i was wondering, what are the other eatser eggs, and I have now unlocked a way to finding all of them! i just recently tested my method, it works! p.m. me to learn how! Btw, it was easier than i thoughout. Later today ill explore the easter egg shikais.
just uploaded ep 2 of my lets play. We actually get some stuff done in this video.
That LAN or server? 'Cause I'd love to join you if it's server. Totally not a plug for my channel for those of you who didn't see my install tutorial back in 1.5.1.
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Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
That LAN or server? 'Cause I'd love to join you if it's server. Totally not a plug for my channel for those of you who didn't see my install tutorial back in 1.5.1.
Server. But I white listed the server so i would need your username.
Server. But I white listed the server so i would need your username.
Ign's Xcaz21.
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Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Great mod. I've been a Bleach fan since the very first manga release, and so far I'm rather pleased with everything. However, I've come across 2 simple bugs that I'd like to resolve.
1, the blue spirit particle when activating shikai doesn't appear. From what I can tell, no other mods are causing conflict.
2, after finally maxing out kills, and gaining the neccessary spirit power, my shikai release is 'Rip apart'. However, the form of my shikai has the tendency to change into less useful forms when I need it most. My friends experience the same thing. Is this a configurable stat, or no?
Either way, keep up the good work. I'm excited for the next update.
Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Same. I'd like to be a regular as opposed to a special one-episode guest, though.
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Anima draconum, cor lapideum, (Soul of dragons, heart of stone,)
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
That LAN or server? 'Cause I'd love to join you if it's server. Totally not a plug for my channel for those of you who didn't see my install tutorial back in 1.5.1.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
Server. But I white listed the server so i would need your username.
Ign's Xcaz21.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
1, the blue spirit particle when activating shikai doesn't appear. From what I can tell, no other mods are causing conflict.
2, after finally maxing out kills, and gaining the neccessary spirit power, my shikai release is 'Rip apart'. However, the form of my shikai has the tendency to change into less useful forms when I need it most. My friends experience the same thing. Is this a configurable stat, or no?
Either way, keep up the good work. I'm excited for the next update.
Wait... does that mean there are ICE CREAM SHIKAIS!!!
Pm me the recipes. ALL OF THEM.
Something I didn't know about the Zangetsu Easter egg (only one I've discovered)... Getsuga. It's freaking awesome.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
sure i will need your ing too. Also do you guys have a mic.
<--IGN: JoeTheAntiPro
and yes, i do have a mic.
just pm me the details of when to get on and the server ip etc.
Specie carnis, sanguinis, et os, (Mask of flesh, blood, and bone,)
Surge ex tenebris, surge ex flamma, (Rise from darkness, rise from flame,)
Trans mundi, potestate, repetere, nos. (Across the worlds, your power, reclaim.)
ign: yorusihitori
It might be on anywhere from 3:00-8:00 central time.