Well, I'm back. Sorry it's been so long Thanks to everyone who's been following this, and especially Jrich144 for answering questions and everything else he's done. Also, joetheantipro for his help and sneak peak at upcoming hollow types.
We are now working on completely re-making the mod for Forge, which will hopefully be done in a few weeks. Also, a special surprise many of you have been waiting for may be in the next update Thank you for all the support.
Well, I'm back. Sorry it's been so long Thanks to everyone who's been following this, and especially Jrich144 for answering questions and everything else he's done. Also, joetheantipro for his help and sneak peak at upcoming hollow types.
We are now working on completely re-making the mod for Forge, which will hopefully be done in a few weeks. Also, a special surprise many of you have been waiting for may be in the next update Thank you for all the support.
Nice to see you back, hope you had a good holidays. No need to thank me, just helping out where I can. I look forward to the next update the the secret surprise....I like surprises.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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when you make the next update for forge can you please try to keep it modloader compatible ive tried installing forge over 20 times with no luck but modloader works for me every single time
that well turned litte, the next version to 1.6.2 or 1.5.2 will. minecraft 1.6.2 that the slow walk I would forge compatible version in 1.5.2. thanks hope the surprise.
Please try to make it possible to have big swords, it would be so mutch fun!
and i personally want forge compatibility more then a update for 1.6.2
big swords is on the to-do list, and has been for while. we planned on adding it when we finshed switching everything to forge, but by the time we get to the point when we could add that feature we may skip over it so we can get the 1.6.2/forge version out asap.
ok man i am racking my brain on how to get the lunar release ive tried everything. if u dont want to give away spoilers can u email it to me [email protected]
just make sure you've fulfilled all the requirements and keep pressing it. idk why, but the button doesn't always work. we'll be changing it in the next update most likely. we're planning on having the "z", "x", "c", and "v" keys used for the kido hotbar once it's implemented. there is actually going to be a handful of potential changes to the zanpaktuo and shikai in the next update.
I have a few ideas
FIRST. hollows attack mobs like pigs, cows, horses , ect. and have a %60 chance of dieing %40 chance of turning them into hollows
SECOND. 2 new dimensions Huaco mundo and the Soul Society in huaco mundo caves are replaced by the forest of menos and theres los noches wich has special arrancar/ espada NPC's and aizen and giving aizen your zompokto will turn you into a arrancar and the soul society has shinigamis that spawn more often and captain/ lieutenant NPC's killing one will give you there spot and there is captain robes that are SUPER expensive but worth it and allow you to use banki's that work with eatch diffrant shiki type
THIRD. small Japanese towns spawn with humans that have unique textures and include wholes and can have shops like urahadas shop and contain protals to the soul society and you can trade with the workers
FOURTH. soul form if you have the soul gloves or soul candy you can change you into soul form and it will automatically give you shinigami gear and a zompokto that does 7 damage in soul form and shinigami gear has gives you more armour then normal
just make sure you've fulfilled all the requirements and keep pressing it. idk why, but the button doesn't always work. we'll be changing it in the next update most likely. we're planning on having the "z", "x", "c", and "v" keys used for the kido hotbar once it's implemented. there is actually going to be a handful of potential changes to the zanpaktuo and shikai in the next update.
wait... KIDO!?!?!? does that mean 4 of hados and 4 bakudos well if there is 4 of watch can the hados please be #31 shakkaho #33 sokatsui #58 teran and #1 sho and for bakudos can they be #61 rikojokoro #4 hainawa #63 sajo sabaku and #73 tozansho
please use these ones
wait... KIDO!?!?!? does that mean 4 of hados and 4 bakudos well if there is 4 of watch can the hados please be #31 shakkaho #33 sokatsui #58 teran and #1 sho and for bakudos can they be #61 rikojokoro #4 hainawa #63 sajo sabaku and #73 tozansho
please use these ones
we plan on adding most of the hados and bakudos, and the hotbar is just the 4 you get to use at the click of the button, and they are entirely up to the player. the hot bar will also be used for abilities such as flash step. however, the kido bar, and abilities wont be till a few updates later.
This mod looked awesome until none of it worked. the swords dont work the sound doesn't work, the energy bar is completely nonexistent. i did exactly as the instructions said to install it, but it just doesn't work.
we plan on adding most of the hados and bakudos, and the hotbar is just the 4 you get to use at the click of the button, and they are entirely up to the player. the hot bar will also be used for abilities such as flash step. however, the kido bar, and abilities wont be till a few updates later.
we actually haven't bothered to think that far ahead yet... i imagine we'll add some sort of menu screen for browsing your unlocked kido moves and equipping them to the hotbar.
we actually haven't bothered to think that far ahead yet... i imagine we'll add some sort of menu screen for browsing your unlocked kido moves and equipping them to the hotbar.
well you could have beginner kidos and as you kill more hollows and get more spirit energy you could unlock more
well you could have beginner kidos and as you kill more hollows and get more spirit energy you could unlock more
That could be done. But if the makers are shooting for realistic (or as close to the anime/manga as they can get), then knowledge would have to be a factor also. Meaning, that you would have to somehow learn the kidos rather than just spontaneously know them when you become powerful enough.
Nice to see you back, hope you had a good holidays. No need to thank me, just helping out where I can. I look forward to the next update the the secret surprise....I like surprises.
I was asleep when he got back haha so I had no chance of being first post. And don't worry I am celebrating.
FIRST. hollows attack mobs like pigs, cows, horses , ect. and have a %60 chance of dieing %40 chance of turning them into hollows
SECOND. 2 new dimensions Huaco mundo and the Soul Society in huaco mundo caves are replaced by the forest of menos and theres los noches wich has special arrancar/ espada NPC's and aizen and giving aizen your zompokto will turn you into a arrancar and the soul society has shinigamis that spawn more often and captain/ lieutenant NPC's killing one will give you there spot and there is captain robes that are SUPER expensive but worth it and allow you to use banki's that work with eatch diffrant shiki type
THIRD. small Japanese towns spawn with humans that have unique textures and include wholes and can have shops like urahadas shop and contain protals to the soul society and you can trade with the workers
FOURTH. soul form if you have the soul gloves or soul candy you can change you into soul form and it will automatically give you shinigami gear and a zompokto that does 7 damage in soul form and shinigami gear has gives you more armour then normal
wait... KIDO!?!?!? does that mean 4 of hados and 4 bakudos well if there is 4 of watch can the hados please be #31 shakkaho #33 sokatsui #58 teran and #1 sho and for bakudos can they be #61 rikojokoro #4 hainawa #63 sajo sabaku and #73 tozansho
please use these ones
wait... how do you get each different kido?
well you could have beginner kidos and as you kill more hollows and get more spirit energy you could unlock more
That could be done. But if the makers are shooting for realistic (or as close to the anime/manga as they can get), then knowledge would have to be a factor also. Meaning, that you would have to somehow learn the kidos rather than just spontaneously know them when you become powerful enough.