Hey LBL lol I'm back, and i think in order for the zanpakuto problem to be fixed you need to make a temporary clone of it in game so that when you charge the zanpakuto you reference to one of the temporary clones and that way it wouldnt change the npc's zanpakuto animation because they wouldnt be linked to the same one. Npcs could be linked to the original zanpakuto, while each player has his own temporary copy of the zanpakuto and references to the copy instead of all pointing to the same one and loading animations from the same one.
Yeah, I was thinking of something like that. I'll try it out soon.
Is it minecraft 1.5.1? Did you follow the installation instructions? Do you use Forge as well? And do you have any other mods installed?
I'm using 1.5.1, modloader, and this is only mod i'm using. I probably messed up somewhere in the installation, but as i said i'm new to this so should i be moving the whole folders or do I move the files.
I'm using 1.5.1, modloader, and this is only mod i'm using. I probably messed up somewhere in the installation, but as i said i'm new to this so should i be moving the whole folders or do I move the files.
you dont put in the whole folders. you take the contents of the "put in jar" folder and add them directly into the minecraft.jar
also you take all of the modloader.zip folders' contents and add them into the minecraft.jar.
not sure if the order you add them matters or not. pretty sure it doesn't though.
Seeleschneider when it is launched from the arc quincy slows you down if they destroy many blocks
but this mod works in multiplayer?
Yeah, I forgot to add in the shinigami attacking Wasp Hollows. I'll do that next update. That's really weird with the seeleschneider though, but I thought up a fix for it when I saw that picture. But no, this isn't a multiplayer mod, though I heard that it might work through LAN?
So i tried it again and they're still white I think there is something wrong with the texture but i'm not sure what I did wrong.
Ok, unzip minecraft.jar, and put all of the files from the ModLoader.zip into it. Then open Bleach ModV***.zip and put all of the files and two folders contained in "put in minecraft.jar" into the minecraft.jar. Delete META-INF and recompile it. Then put all of the "put in resources" files into the resources folder in the minecraft folder wherever you have it on your computer. That should work.
Ok, unzip minecraft.jar, and put all of the files from the ModLoader.zip into it. Then open Bleach ModV***.zip and put all of the files and two folders contained in "put in minecraft.jar" into the minecraft.jar. Delete META-INF and recompile it. Then put all of the "put in resources" files into the resources folder in the minecraft folder wherever you have it on your computer. That should work.
Use WinRAR, you won't have to uncompile them in the first place, just right-click minecraft.jar, hover over "open with", and click WinRAR. You can edit the files without uncompiling and therefore will not need to recompile. Open minecraft.jar like that, open ModLoader, drag the files in ModLoader into the window containing minecraft.jar, then open the bleach mod zip file, open the folder "put in minecraft jar", and drag those files into the window containing minecraft.jar. MAKE SURE YOU DELETE META-INF IN MINECRAFT.JAR. The mods will not work unless you do this.
LittleBreadLoaf is it okay if I record and post an installation tutorial?
Can you please work on making this mod, Forge compatible. I really like your idea, and really like how you created your system(Bankai, Hollow Mask, Zanpaktou, and Spirit Gauge thing)
Keep up the good work.
LittleBreadLoaf, do you think that once the current bugs are fixed, you could work on making this work for Forge? I use Magic Launcher and it would be handy if I could just add this mod to my mod list instead of overwriting files in the jar and stuff. I think a lot of us want a Forge version.
If you need help moving your mod to forge, perhaps you should send the source code to someone on the forge forums and see if you could enlist their help. And in case you missed it earlier, I'm pretty sure these are the mod's incompatibilities with forge. When using this mod in MagicLauncher, these errors were only visible when I tried to use this mod with forge.
Missing class member: public static final Ljava/lang/String; PERSISTED_NBT_TAG, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public I maxHealth, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Class member is not public: private I b, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Class member is not public: protected ()V h, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Class member is not public: protected (Lrh;)V a, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public (Lapa;ZI)F getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public (Ljava/lang/Object;ILaab;III)V openGui, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public Lwk; customCraftingMaterial, class: uq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
It would be cool if you had to choose between Shinigami and Quincy, so that you would only be able to use either one, not both.
Nah, dood. Remember, Ichigo was both (SPOILER ALERT- Those chapters were just translated) as well as a hollow, a fullbringer, and a Visored (Technically counts as hollow, but worth mentioning separately.), and just about everything else. The only thing he doesn't qualify as being is an Arrancar. So you shouldn't have to choose.
Wait, so I CAN use magic launcher for this mod but without forge? Could you explain how?
Edit: And can I use modloader with magic launcher so I don't have to overwrite anything?
You can install this mod with magic launcher, but it's a bit of a pain to do. To do this, you have to do the following:
1) Install Modloader. (For now, this mod doesn't work so well if you try to use forge. It crashes anytime you try to break a block in survival mode)
2) Put the files from "put in resources" in resources.
3) Move all the files from "put into minecraft jar" into it's own compressed zip file.
4) Add the new compressed zip file to the Magic Launcher. It should be able to work that way.
BTW I'd like some feedback on how I did. That was my first video ever, and I'd like to know how I did. I'm planning on becoming a Youtuber just like SkyDoesMinecraft, AntVenom, and all the others like them. I'm probably not going to be just as popular, but hey, a kid can dream. Thanks.
Over 4000 Downloads!
Thanks to all you who have made this mod so popular, I really didn't know it would be! To borrow a phrase from _JAD3N, keep the love alive
I'll be starting up modding again this weekend, as my calculus final will be over! An update could come soon including bug fixes brought to attention and possibly (don't hold your breath) a more Forge-compatible version.
I have chosen 8 types of Shikai that will hopefully start to get implemented soon. The types each have an opposite, which are Fire, Ice, Poison, Healing, Earth, Wind, Light and Dark. Speaking of which, YOUcan help design the Shikai! Visit this forum thread to see the rules, and submit your own artwork that will be considered for being implemented into the mod. Each Shikai type will have multiple styles, so YOUR design could become a part of this mod.
And speaking of art, there has been a sad turnout for the Screenshot Contest. Anything that captures the essence of this mod can be sent to [email protected], and your image will end up on the original post, representing our mod. To give you a taste of what we're looking for, here is an example by BrandonKgp13: Note: Not all features depicted above are currently implemented
Over 4000 Downloads!
Thanks to all you who have made this mod so popular, I really didn't know it would be! To borrow a phrase from _JAD3N, keep the love alive
I'll be starting up modding again this weekend, as my calculus final will be over! An update could come soon including bug fixes brought to attention and possibly (don't hold your breath) a more Forge-compatible version.
I have chosen 8 types of Shikai that will hopefully start to get implemented soon. The types each have an opposite, which are Fire, Ice, Poison, Healing, Earth, Wind, Light and Dark. Speaking of which, YOUcan help design the Shikai! Visit this forum thread to see the rules, and submit your own artwork that will be considered for being implemented into the mod. Each Shikai type will have multiple styles, so YOUR design could become a part of this mod.
And speaking of art, there has been a sad turnout for the Screenshot Contest. Anything that captures the essence of this mod can be sent to [email protected], and your image will end up on the original post, representing our mod. To give you a taste of what we're looking for, here is an example by BrandonKgp13: Note: Not all features depicted above are currently implemented
That's it for now!
I thought there would have been a bigger turn out for the screenshot contest, I might as well finish my entry and enter it lol. I think I will also take part in the shikai/bankai designs.
As much as I'd like to help with the shikai/bankai designs, I have little to no artistic skill. I can try to find a good screen for the contest, but I'll only do it if I come across something naturally on my single player world that would look good.
Wait, no, please don't. Please no. Please let us have shikai from the show, such as Ichigo and such, but let us pick elements for them. Such as a fire Zangetsu, ice Zangetsu, etc etc.. But no ''elemental shikais'' because that's uninteresting and dumb imho.
EDIT: Oops, I double posted. Can an admin merge this with my above post?
chill dude. each type of shikai will have a couple different appearances to choose from. some will even resemble, or be identical to ones from the show. also he plans on adding more non-elemental shikais in later updates. we want people to feel like they are their own original character with a unique shikai, and bankai. also we want to let people get the abilities and weapons of their favorite characters from the show if they so choose.
Is it minecraft 1.5.1? Did you follow the installation instructions? Do you use Forge as well? And do you have any other mods installed?
Yeah, I was thinking of something like that. I'll try it out soon.
Bleach Mod
I'm using 1.5.1, modloader, and this is only mod i'm using. I probably messed up somewhere in the installation, but as i said i'm new to this so should i be moving the whole folders or do I move the files.
you dont put in the whole folders. you take the contents of the "put in jar" folder and add them directly into the minecraft.jar
also you take all of the modloader.zip folders' contents and add them into the minecraft.jar.
not sure if the order you add them matters or not. pretty sure it doesn't though.
So i tried it again and they're still white I think there is something wrong with the texture but i'm not sure what I did wrong.
Yeah, I forgot to add in the shinigami attacking Wasp Hollows. I'll do that next update. That's really weird with the seeleschneider though, but I thought up a fix for it when I saw that picture. But no, this isn't a multiplayer mod, though I heard that it might work through LAN?
Ok, unzip minecraft.jar, and put all of the files from the ModLoader.zip into it. Then open Bleach ModV***.zip and put all of the files and two folders contained in "put in minecraft.jar" into the minecraft.jar. Delete META-INF and recompile it. Then put all of the "put in resources" files into the resources folder in the minecraft folder wherever you have it on your computer. That should work.
Bleach Mod
ok how do i recompile the files?
Use WinRAR, you won't have to uncompile them in the first place, just right-click minecraft.jar, hover over "open with", and click WinRAR. You can edit the files without uncompiling and therefore will not need to recompile. Open minecraft.jar like that, open ModLoader, drag the files in ModLoader into the window containing minecraft.jar, then open the bleach mod zip file, open the folder "put in minecraft jar", and drag those files into the window containing minecraft.jar. MAKE SURE YOU DELETE META-INF IN MINECRAFT.JAR. The mods will not work unless you do this.
LittleBreadLoaf is it okay if I record and post an installation tutorial?
Keep up the good work.
Go for it
I'll try
Bleach Mod
Missing class member: public static final Ljava/lang/String; PERSISTED_NBT_TAG, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public I maxHealth, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Class member is not public: private I b, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Class member is not public: protected ()V h, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Class member is not public: protected (Lrh;)V a, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public (Lapa;ZI)F getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public (Ljava/lang/Object;ILaab;III)V openGui, class: sq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Missing class member: public Lwk; customCraftingMaterial, class: uq, mod: Bleach 1.2.0.zip
Nah, dood. Remember, Ichigo was both (SPOILER ALERT- Those chapters were just translated) as well as a hollow, a fullbringer, and a Visored (Technically counts as hollow, but worth mentioning separately.), and just about everything else. The only thing he doesn't qualify as being is an Arrancar. So you shouldn't have to choose.
1) Install Modloader. (For now, this mod doesn't work so well if you try to use forge. It crashes anytime you try to break a block in survival mode)
2) Put the files from "put in resources" in resources.
3) Move all the files from "put into minecraft jar" into it's own compressed zip file.
4) Add the new compressed zip file to the Magic Launcher. It should be able to work that way.
BTW I'd like some feedback on how I did. That was my first video ever, and I'd like to know how I did. I'm planning on becoming a Youtuber just like SkyDoesMinecraft, AntVenom, and all the others like them. I'm probably not going to be just as popular, but hey, a kid can dream. Thanks.
Over 4000 Downloads!
Thanks to all you who have made this mod so popular, I really didn't know it would be! To borrow a phrase from _JAD3N, keep the love alive
I'll be starting up modding again this weekend, as my calculus final will be over! An update could come soon including bug fixes brought to attention and possibly (don't hold your breath) a more Forge-compatible version.
I have chosen 8 types of Shikai that will hopefully start to get implemented soon. The types each have an opposite, which are Fire, Ice, Poison, Healing, Earth, Wind, Light and Dark. Speaking of which, YOU can help design the Shikai! Visit this forum thread to see the rules, and submit your own artwork that will be considered for being implemented into the mod. Each Shikai type will have multiple styles, so YOUR design could become a part of this mod.
And speaking of art, there has been a sad turnout for the Screenshot Contest. Anything that captures the essence of this mod can be sent to [email protected], and your image will end up on the original post, representing our mod. To give you a taste of what we're looking for, here is an example by BrandonKgp13:
Note: Not all features depicted above are currently implemented
That's it for now!
Bleach Mod
I thought there would have been a bigger turn out for the screenshot contest, I might as well finish my entry and enter it lol. I think I will also take part in the shikai/bankai designs.
As much as I'd like to help with the shikai/bankai designs, I have little to no artistic skill. I can try to find a good screen for the contest, but I'll only do it if I come across something naturally on my single player world that would look good.