just a little bit more of a wait. Us waiters have to be patient, i mean most of us dont no how to mod so we dont no how long it takes. So now we just got to wait patiently.
Hey, guys. It's me again(I know you all hate my ideas, just say it already) and today I've come with some cool features(well, they were supposed to be) about vizards and hollowfication that I imagine that could be added.
New items to be added:
-Small vizard mask fragment(crafted by a hollow mask fragment surrounded by eight reiatsu blocks)
-Medium vizard mask fragment(five small fragments and four reiatsu blocks)
-Big vizard mask fragment(8 medium fragments)
-10 or more different Unawaken Vizard Mask that can't be wore, do not resamble any mask that has already been added and are crafted by using 5, 6 or 7 Big Vizard Mask Fragments(Their recipes would not be avaliable at the forum nor anywhere at the mod, people would have to find them out alone.
-10 or more Awaken Vizard Mask
Pre-requisites(dunno if it's spelled right):
-3000 hollow kill count(there would be a counter that would start right after one acquired shikai and we couldn't see it except with an admin command)
-500 spiritual power(or 50% of the maximum possible)
-Be wearing full shinigami set
-Access to Hueco Mundo
-A lot of hollow mask fragments
-A lot of reiatsu
Getting the ability
-When talking to the zanpakuto(shift+RBM), after having the first three requirements above completed, there would be a random vizard mask(the ones explained in the first section) very big at the right of the hollow points. This mask can't be changed.
-When the players sees the mask for the first time, this means they should try finding out the recipe for the one shown. Remembering it can't be changed.
-When the player has managed to craft their correspondent unawaken mask, he would then need to go to Hueco Mundo. There, when right clicking the mask, the appearance would change drastically as if the playes was wearing the mask and totally different clothes, like full-hollow Ichigo. There would also be a HUGE strength, speed and defence boost, together with the inability to injure or be hurt by other players and being able to shoot ceros by a big amount of reiatsu. The amount of Menos Grande the player is able to defeat while in this form would define how many time he can be with the mask on. (1 Menos=5 ticks)
-When the player dies or goes back to the real world, if they shift+RMB their unawaken maks, it becomes a correspondent awaken mask.
-To enter the vizard mode, the player has to wear the awaken mask.
-If the player wants to try again, he can shift+RMB while holding the awaken mask for it to become an unawaken mask again. Note that if a player does this, the actual time for the mask would be manteined unless they were able to get a higher number of defeated Menos.
-All of the masks would have all of these abilities:
-All the masks would have one or two of these abilities
-Poisoning foes that are hit
-Causing slowness to foes
-Burning foes
-increasing health regeneration
-Causing weakness to the ones hit
-Medium defence increase instead of the small one
-Shunpo travels 50% more blocks
-Recovers a bit of reiatsu on each hit dealt
-Each mask would have one of this exclusive abilities(Still needing more ideas for this)
-Increases one heart on each hit
-Gives HUGE knockback when barehanded
-Allows shooting a Cero by pressing the right button when barehanded.
-Double damage+critical when jumping
-Doesn't take any damage when defending(can only defend for 1/2 the maximum mask time during each use)
-Allows double-Jumping and has damage boost while in air+critical.
-Leasts three times more.
-There's a 30 second cooldown between each use unless the player dies.
-Even thought some are harder to make, all the masks would be balanced. Or at least none would be OP or over-trash
-The maximum time is 200 seconds for normal masks and 10 minutes for the one with the "3x more" exclusive ability
-A player can't PvP while in the full-hollow form
-The masks don't use any reiatsu up while being used, but after they disappear the spiritual power goes down 300 points
This mod has by far the creepiest thing I have ever seen in minecraft.
The eyes on the ore hollow follow you. And also for some reason no matter what the brightness settings are
they're always visible from any distance no matter how far away I am.
Come on guys you're leaving us waiting on our toes for you to announce the update for the mod.
keep your cool guys. when the update comes out entirely depends on some bug testing on a server later today, so if we're lucky we might not find anymore serious bugs. and if that's the case, then we'll update tonight or sometime tomorrow. BUT if we do find anymore gamebreaking bugs, then i cant make a prediction on how long it will take to fix them.
the testing did not go well... the mod is still not compatible with servers...
keep your cool guys. when the update comes out entirely depends on some bug testing on a server later today, so if we're lucky we might not find anymore serious bugs. and if that's the case, then we'll update tonight or sometime tomorrow. BUT if we do find anymore gamebreaking bugs, then i cant make a prediction on how long it will take to fix them.
update: the testing did not go well... the mod is still not compatible with servers...
Are the bugs major or do you think that they can be fixed in a short amount of time?
Sorry i don't mean to be pushy, but i'm just curious.
Correction, QUINCIES are polar opposite to hollows. This was revealed a few months ago Iin the manga. It's a major plot point that I wan't go into very much, but using a hollow mask is literally impossible for a Quincy.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you have avoided all other options, denied all diplomacy, and given all your will towards the battle, you have forfeited your rights, and chosen the least honorable path. It is your strength versus theirs, and if you decide to pull your punches, halt your blade, or declare certain actions deplorable, that is your own decision. Do not expect the same of me."
Correction, QUINCIES are polar opposite to hollows. This was revealed a few months ago Iin the manga. It's a major plot point that I wan't go into very much, but using a hollow mask is literally impossible for a Quincy.
Dont read spoiler if you dont want spoilers guys
But Ichigos Mom was a quincy if i remember correctly, so ichigo is half quincy and he has/had a hollow mask, my friend spoiled a bit to me but im not caught up to that yet.
Again, sorry for the holdup guys. Here's what's been going on IRL: Finished finals, then had jury duty last week, and was at my brother's wedding literally 3 hours ago. Bugs seem to be surrounding a memory leak with packet handling (possibly). The server isn't saving things like faction and spiritual energy. So:
I finally have some time to work on this, at least for a while. But since we've kept you waiting so long, I'm going to put up a poll, and check it tomorrow night, see if you want it now or not. I don't know how long it will take to fix this memory leak, I'm not sure what's wrong with it. So there, it's up to you.
I voted to wait, because i run myself a little server and me and friend friend play coop on this with the lanteacraft mod. So as long as it works on server ill be haps, if not i say to wait bread
Definitely wait on the update. The people who are voting to "hurry up and release" are going to be the people that come back and complain about bugs that you warned them about. We've collectively waited several months, so a few more weeks certainly can't hurt anything.
But Ichigos Mom was a quincy if i remember correctly, so ichigo is half quincy and he has/had a hollow mask, my friend spoiled a bit to me but im not caught up to that yet.
I'll respond with my own spoiler bit, sorry if you haven't gotten this far, but for the sake of clarifying things I feel it needs to be said.
Tite Kubo hasn't given a reason for Ichigo being able to exist yet, but I can assure you that Quincies are completely incompatible with Hollows. At the start of the Quincy War story arc, the Shinigami were getting the crap beaten out of them by the Quincies, because the Quincies were using a medallion-like object to steal the bankai of whichever shinigami they were facing. However, some people noted that the Quincies couldn't take Ichigo's bankai. The reason for this is that Quincy and Hollow Reiryoku are the polar opposites of each other, so when stealing the bankai of somebody that is part hollow (such as Ichigo or any of the Vizard that rejoined Soul Society) the Quincy immediately loses control. This was proven in context by two things: 1. Kensei and Rose were able to use their bankai without interference from their opponent, and 2. Hitsugaya was about to lose his fight when he was given a pill of condensed Hollow Reiryoku. This pill temporarily(?not sure on this, we haven't seen Hitsugaya since?) turned Hitsugaya into a Vizard, as seen by the Hollow mask that formed along with his bankai, which also looked more sinister than usual.
So, in short, it's pretty much impossible for a Quincy to use a Hollow mask. While *spoiler* is an exception, I also wouldn't be surprised if we find out *spoiler* is part Soul King too, somehow.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you have avoided all other options, denied all diplomacy, and given all your will towards the battle, you have forfeited your rights, and chosen the least honorable path. It is your strength versus theirs, and if you decide to pull your punches, halt your blade, or declare certain actions deplorable, that is your own decision. Do not expect the same of me."
To clarify what LBL said for the people who aren't certain what he meant, the mod works fine when playing on your own on a single player saved game. The problem is that when the mod is played on a server, it will not remember certain things, so to speak. this makes the mod almost worthless for multiplayer, because the bug will ruin just about all the work you've put in. This makes it, in a sense, so that the update is only half done, and people would be asking for a "fix" update within a few weeks, which really won't appease anybody.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"There is no such thing as a fair fight. When you have avoided all other options, denied all diplomacy, and given all your will towards the battle, you have forfeited your rights, and chosen the least honorable path. It is your strength versus theirs, and if you decide to pull your punches, halt your blade, or declare certain actions deplorable, that is your own decision. Do not expect the same of me."
Definitely wait on the update. The people who are voting to "hurry up and release" are going to be the people that come back and complain about bugs that you warned them about. We've collectively waited several months, so a few more weeks certainly can't hurt anything.
Also, pertaining to this:
I'll respond with my own spoiler bit, sorry if you haven't gotten this far, but for the sake of clarifying things I feel it needs to be said.
Tite Kubo hasn't given a reason for Ichigo being able to exist yet, but I can assure you that Quincies are completely incompatible with Hollows. At the start of the Quincy War story arc, the Shinigami were getting the crap beaten out of them by the Quincies, because the Quincies were using a medallion-like object to steal the bankai of whichever shinigami they were facing. However, some people noted that the Quincies couldn't take Ichigo's bankai. The reason for this is that Quincy and Hollow Reiryoku are the polar opposites of each other, so when stealing the bankai of somebody that is part hollow (such as Ichigo or any of the Vizard that rejoined Soul Society) the Quincy immediately loses control. This was proven in context by two things: 1. Kensei and Rose were able to use their bankai without interference from their opponent, and 2. Hitsugaya was about to lose his fight when he was given a pill of condensed Hollow Reiryoku. This pill temporarily(?not sure on this, we haven't seen Hitsugaya since?) turned Hitsugaya into a Vizard, as seen by the Hollow mask that formed along with his bankai, which also looked more sinister than usual.
So, in short, it's pretty much impossible for a Quincy to use a Hollow mask. While *spoiler* is an exception, I also wouldn't be surprised if we find out *spoiler* is part Soul King too, somehow.
I think Ichigo can use a hollow mas because he has balancer(shinigami) powers, which would be pretty much like isshin turning part human/part shinigami to contain masaki, which was part hollow/part quincy.
So either way, quincy still can't use hollow mask
Personally I'm voting for a release soon because I don't really player multiplayer ever. nor do I complain of bugs. I just fix them myself when I got the time and/or patience for it.
New items to be added:
-Small vizard mask fragment(crafted by a hollow mask fragment surrounded by eight reiatsu blocks)
-10 or more Awaken Vizard Mask
-500 spiritual power(or 50% of the maximum possible)
-Be wearing full shinigami set
-Access to Hueco Mundo
-A lot of hollow mask fragments
-A lot of reiatsu
-When the players sees the mask for the first time, this means they should try finding out the recipe for the one shown. Remembering it can't be changed.
-When the player has managed to craft their correspondent unawaken mask, he would then need to go to Hueco Mundo. There, when right clicking the mask, the appearance would change drastically as if the playes was wearing the mask and totally different clothes, like full-hollow Ichigo. There would also be a HUGE strength, speed and defence boost, together with the inability to injure or be hurt by other players and being able to shoot ceros by a big amount of reiatsu. The amount of Menos Grande the player is able to defeat while in this form would define how many time he can be with the mask on. (1 Menos=5 ticks)
-When the player dies or goes back to the real world, if they shift+RMB their unawaken maks, it becomes a correspondent awaken mask.
-To enter the vizard mode, the player has to wear the awaken mask.
-If the player wants to try again, he can shift+RMB while holding the awaken mask for it to become an unawaken mask again. Note that if a player does this, the actual time for the mask would be manteined unless they were able to get a higher number of defeated Menos.
-All of the masks would have all of these abilities:
-Medium jump increase
-Medium damage increase
-Small knockback increase
-Small defence increase
-Double SP regeneration
-Causing slowness to foes
-Burning foes
-increasing health regeneration
-Causing weakness to the ones hit
-Medium defence increase instead of the small one
-Shunpo travels 50% more blocks
-Recovers a bit of reiatsu on each hit dealt
-Gives HUGE knockback when barehanded
-Allows shooting a Cero by pressing the right button when barehanded.
-Double damage+critical when jumping
-Doesn't take any damage when defending(can only defend for 1/2 the maximum mask time during each use)
-Allows double-Jumping and has damage boost while in air+critical.
-Leasts three times more.
-There's a 30 second cooldown between each use unless the player dies.
-Even thought some are harder to make, all the masks would be balanced. Or at least none would be OP or over-trash
-The maximum time is 200 seconds for normal masks and 10 minutes for the one with the "3x more" exclusive ability
-A player can't PvP while in the full-hollow form
-The masks don't use any reiatsu up while being used, but after they disappear the spiritual power goes down 300 points
The eyes on the ore hollow follow you. And also for some reason no matter what the brightness settings are
they're always visible from any distance no matter how far away I am.
the testing did not go well... the mod is still not compatible with servers...
Are the bugs major or do you think that they can be fixed in a short amount of time?
Sorry i don't mean to be pushy, but i'm just curious.
Correction, QUINCIES are polar opposite to hollows. This was revealed a few months ago Iin the manga. It's a major plot point that I wan't go into very much, but using a hollow mask is literally impossible for a Quincy.
Dont read spoiler if you dont want spoilers guys
Again, sorry for the holdup guys. Here's what's been going on IRL: Finished finals, then had jury duty last week, and was at my brother's wedding literally 3 hours ago. Bugs seem to be surrounding a memory leak with packet handling (possibly). The server isn't saving things like faction and spiritual energy.
I finally have some time to work on this, at least for a while. But since we've kept you waiting so long, I'm going to put up a poll, and check it tomorrow night, see if you want it now or not. I don't know how long it will take to fix this memory leak, I'm not sure what's wrong with it. So there, it's up to you.
Bleach Mod
Also, pertaining to this:
I'll respond with my own spoiler bit, sorry if you haven't gotten this far, but for the sake of clarifying things I feel it needs to be said.
Tite Kubo hasn't given a reason for Ichigo being able to exist yet, but I can assure you that Quincies are completely incompatible with Hollows. At the start of the Quincy War story arc, the Shinigami were getting the crap beaten out of them by the Quincies, because the Quincies were using a medallion-like object to steal the bankai of whichever shinigami they were facing. However, some people noted that the Quincies couldn't take Ichigo's bankai. The reason for this is that Quincy and Hollow Reiryoku are the polar opposites of each other, so when stealing the bankai of somebody that is part hollow (such as Ichigo or any of the Vizard that rejoined Soul Society) the Quincy immediately loses control. This was proven in context by two things: 1. Kensei and Rose were able to use their bankai without interference from their opponent, and 2. Hitsugaya was about to lose his fight when he was given a pill of condensed Hollow Reiryoku. This pill temporarily(?not sure on this, we haven't seen Hitsugaya since?) turned Hitsugaya into a Vizard, as seen by the Hollow mask that formed along with his bankai, which also looked more sinister than usual.
So, in short, it's pretty much impossible for a Quincy to use a Hollow mask. While *spoiler* is an exception, I also wouldn't be surprised if we find out *spoiler* is part Soul King too, somehow.
I think Ichigo can use a hollow mas because he has balancer(shinigami) powers, which would be pretty much like isshin turning part human/part shinigami to contain masaki, which was part hollow/part quincy.
So either way, quincy still can't use hollow mask