He hasn't really been active in a while. Probably bogged down with AP classes, or something...
...or something.
Not gone, not forgotten, just buried under a mountain of C++ code. Booked 166 hours in the second half of August (do the math). I'm hoping things will slow down next week.
I've DL'ed three problem maps showing the orphan glitch, but I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
Really glad to see this mod isn't abandoned! Good luck in your studies!
Heh... thanks... but I program (and do other things) for a living.
This particular project is a key management system for secure satellite communications... near 100k lines of code, but I wrote most of it several years ago.
Heh... thanks... but I program (and do other things) for a living.
This particular project is a key management system for secure satellite communications... near 100k lines of code, but I wrote most of it several years ago.
Every now and then the boats will break, by witch I mean that some times large parts will disapear and the boat will be rendered un-useable. any Ideas?
could it be posible to add a side plug in for more well biger respise for boats ( i dident know you made boats throuh coking XD ) maybe a new spehsall crafting tabel for the people that want complex resepise ( weird people like me ).
I'm thinking the boat controls are a little too complex for a simple AI... and I'm not really interested in AI development.
all under standeble reasons but "if there are cannons there is battle if there is battle there is sombody to fight" unles you chainge youre mind about adding cannons in the fucher and in reallety the pirate ships (AKA ships piloted by mobs) will really come into play when you add biger ships like the gallion and walking on deck.
so ether far in the fucher or a completely new side mod for this mod
I'm back from Fiji. I miss anything?
Still Small Boats, and not Large Ships, I see. Shame. Get back to me by quoting this post if you can.
He hasn't really been active in a while. Probably bogged down with AP classes, or something...
...or something.
Not gone, not forgotten, just buried under a mountain of C++ code. Booked 166 hours in the second half of August (do the math). I'm hoping things will slow down next week.
I've DL'ed three problem maps showing the orphan glitch, but I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
Heh... thanks... but I program (and do other things) for a living.
This particular project is a key management system for secure satellite communications... near 100k lines of code, but I wrote most of it several years ago.
How goes the cabin on the Hoy?
Satellites, eh?
As if we didn't have enough metal chunks falling on my house already.
What if we clad a ship in metals from a melted down space-thingy. We could call it the funkyclad.
Satellites? What?
ouh now thats a nice idea dimonds for you
all under standeble reasons but "if there are cannons there is battle if there is battle there is sombody to fight" unles you chainge youre mind about adding cannons in the fucher and in reallety the pirate ships (AKA ships piloted by mobs) will really come into play when you add biger ships like the gallion and walking on deck.
so ether far in the fucher or a completely new side mod for this mod
Haha, no. Magic Launcher is not useless. It's significantly easier to use than the standard Minecraft launcher, which isn't designed for editing mods.
With Magic Launcher, multiple instances aren't necessary. Just select the mods you want, and go.
Magic Launcher does not make any incompatibilities. If it doesn't work, you installed it wrong.
The reason it isn't working is because you didn't install it correctly. You don't even have a working forge environment set up.
What are you even trying to say? Stop spreading false information.