DFCraft aims to turn minecraft SSP into what most people were thinking about minecraft further development - Dwarf-Fortress like 3d sandbox.
Description: Currently minecraft has gone too wrong. Npc villages with hose-nosed punchbags, 1 single boss with hp bar, enchanting system which based of random...what a mess.
This mod aims to add more crafting abilities, change almost all vanilla minecraft recipes, add new crafting stations, and more. List of new stuff that coming:
Embark Screen. (halfway through - base part and vertical sliders finished)
Wagon generation after player enters new world . (done)
More mobs: at least 1/4 of dwarf fortress' bestiary.(including replacing or altering default mobs)
Pigmen (model replacement) which will replace ugly hose-nosed people
More crafting stations: Anvil, Loom, Kitchen, Jeweler workshop (only for conversion of rough gems), tannery, Still etc.
New Smelting system: smelter instead of furnace, which will smelt 1 ore into few ingots, depending on what type of ore (look up http://dwarffortress...hp/Tetrahedrite - you'll receive copper bar and possibly silver bar;
Silver, Gold, Copper, iron and flux which will help making Bronze, pig iron and steel (No more not possible diamond armor). Also new smelting system and because of it correct ores: hematite, tetrahedrite and etc.
Nether changes to match 'eerie cavern'(hell) including very tough phantoms of different elements and of course Adamantine veins at deepest altitudes of hell.
New types of plants, which grow only in specific biomes (at worldspawn) such as strawberries, removal of 2 default mushrooms, replacing them with Plump helmets, Dimple cups, white caps. Keep in mind that Plump helmets and dimple cups cannot grow with big light amount or not on farmland neither overgrow into giant mushrooms. Basically they'll act like wheat, and final form should produce 1-2 mushrooms. To find them you'll need travel down to underground and search for natural mushroom spawn.
Clothing. At the first stages of the game it will be hard to obtain even basic iron armor, easiest way will be default clothes: Cobweb from cavespider, dimple cup dough and wool can be weaved into strings, which can be crafted into fabric roll. Fabric rolls can and should be crafted into clothing and few more things such as:
Fabric roll soaked in pig fat for ( read below )
Rope (something like insta-vine but placed directly in middle of block, and can be used to reach bottoms of caves without unnecessary mining.
BOOZE! Most of new plants can be brewed into Booze. Booze NOT giving you hallucinations like instablur, or stuff, but giving some small new buffs.(in development)
Torches. Notch had failed some of school classes, its not a secret - no-gender animals, chickens producing small chickens instead of direct eggs (i mean they popping out eggs, but not while breeding), but my biggest complain was about torches. You cannot make torch from stick and coal. With that said, i'd like to present you roman style torches. You'll need piece of fabric and melted pig fat (new drop). Soak fabric in fat and then wrap around torch. Note that these will burn out in 20~ minutes and you will and because of that i present you:
Lightstone Lantern. Yes, you will not be able to craft lighstone blocks from 9 heaps of dust no more. For this you will need to smelt heaps into crystals. However you will be able to craft lantern from it - smelt 1 lightstone dust heap into crystal. than use glass furnace to make small dome, than just combine dome, crystal and some stone to produce 1 Lightstone lantern. It will not burn out and you will be able to place it directly under celling, making it usable for interior and exterior. (also - 7 burnt out torches can be refueled with piece of fabric and 1 roll of pig fat)
And this not all...
World lifted 128 blocks up, epic caves!
Old Blocky Models made of .addbox - crap
New .obj models imported with turbomodelthigy
Models for tree logs and addition of 'better leaves' mod.
If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 90% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 10% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
looks nice, any idea how long before something will be released?
Let's see....i need to deal with alot of stuff. Including few new mobs and implementation of embarking screen. +ores +weapons....hm. Well i hope I'll have playable alpha in a half month maybe month.
Finally! Also, could you add Hidden Fun Stuff? Please?
Like what? Titans and forgotten beasts will be using randomly picked parts to represent them
(4 body types - taur, blob, ant-like 6 legged, mammal, 6 head/mouth types - bug grapples, gas spreader, mammal face..3 more to think through*makes mark in todo list*, various leg types and overall different attacks. (web spit, poisonous bite, ravaging strike etc).)
Um....i don't think so. You see - it will be somewhat mix between fortress mode and adventurer mode. Mostly because this is a pain to make df-like npcs at the moment. I'll see what i can do, but i don't think there be such feature in initial release.
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I can't wait for this to finish.
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This is a legendary engraving of ToadyOne by ToadyOne. ToadyOne is making an awesome gesture. This relates to the creation of Dwarf Fortress in the year 2004.
well 1.3 is out, get to work ;D your work looks fabulous so far, but don't rush yourself because of demand if that means putting out a alpha that really isn't ready, all it will do is put people off of your mod.
(gee that's a long name)
Currently minecraft has gone too wrong. Npc villages with hose-nosed punchbags, 1 single boss with hp bar, enchanting system which based of random...what a mess.
This mod aims to add more crafting abilities, change almost all vanilla minecraft recipes, add new crafting stations, and more.
List of new stuff that coming:
World lifted 128 blocks up, epic caves!
Old Blocky Models made of .addbox - crap
New .obj models imported with turbomodelthigy
Models for tree logs and addition of 'better leaves' mod.
New Chairs And Table block.
|| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ||
Let's see....i need to deal with alot of stuff. Including few new mobs and implementation of embarking screen. +ores +weapons....hm. Well i hope I'll have playable alpha in a half month maybe month.
Like what? Titans and forgotten beasts will be using randomly picked parts to represent them
(4 body types - taur, blob, ant-like 6 legged, mammal, 6 head/mouth types - bug grapples, gas spreader, mammal face..3 more to think through*makes mark in todo list*, various leg types and overall different attacks. (web spit, poisonous bite, ravaging strike etc).)
Um....i don't think so. You see - it will be somewhat mix between fortress mode and adventurer mode. Mostly because this is a pain to make df-like npcs at the moment. I'll see what i can do, but i don't think there be such feature in initial release.
I can't wait for this to finish.
Loyal, stubborn and straightforward, He'd follow a friend straight to Hell.
Signed Funky A.