man i dont understand too much the lebnguage could u make me a resume ? please
I don't know what to make, but sure. First of all you can't look at AVP as one movie. Because it's not, it's a combonation of two movies, two species locked in battle against each other for thousands of years.
From Prometheus (it doesn't come right out and say it, but it does infer this) that the human race was an experiment created by the space jockeies and it failed so they created the Xenomorphs as a cleaner to wipe the planet clean of the humans. But the jockeies were done in by the combonation of the Xenos and a human team sent to the planet to investigate it.
The Predators on the other hand are a tribe of hunters seeking big and dangerous game. The Xenos Fit that bill. The Predators have neutral fellings towards the humans they still hunt them, but if they see that certain humans will fight with them they will accept them into the tribe.
The Xenos were a geneticly engineered bug that the Jockeies made as an weapon of mass destruction. thye have the ability to adapt to any enviroment and the ability to take on the traits of the any being the facehugger can fit on. The Xenos are extremely protective of their hive and even more towards the queen. they won't have single minded thoughts. They will have Hive Collective thoughts, much like bees. They can sense when a queen is alive, dead, or in danger and react as needed. If the queen is dead or gone out of range of communication, the last Xeno will morph into a queen. The last Facehugger when it finds a host will empregnate the host with a queen embryo like in Alien 3. Since the Xenos can take on the traits of their host anything can happen. Any decision made by the Xenos or the queen is for the Hive and the survival of the Hive alone. The Predators use the Xenos as a right of passage into their tribe.
Now to the one thing that most people don't get. How do the humans fit into this?
The humans were hunted by the Predators and Xenos alike but for different reasons. The Predators hunted the humans for game (also as a right of passage). The Xenos hunt and gather the humans to further the population of the hive. The humans didn't throw them selve's in the middle of the two. They didn't try to stop either of them. The humans only try to survive the attacks of the two species (with the acception of the "company"( i don't think they ever say the name of the company. If they do please tell me, I'll look it up in the movies as well.) which tries to further the Hive and use the Xenos as a weapon). Almost always the humans are never prepared for the two species.
The Earth can shake, the sky come down, the mountains all fall to the ground. But I will fear none. of these things, shelter me Lord underneath your wings.
Look preatorians are from the recent avp game for the xbox they are not fake or made up, search them to learn more and i don't know where u get this king alien from it's only the queen.Plus the queen has alien guards who i think are the preatorians and other alien protection from just regular aliens.
Look i get you love aliens but im pretty sure Ri5ux is basing it all from the avp movies and a little from the others not the books.Maybe in just the alien mod he'll add those things but this is only avp.
They are just called guards and now I know why i never heard of the pretorians they are from the xbox game i dont own an xbox and you can't just look at avp and say "Well this is it, it won't grow beyond this in these specific guide lines" because i won't just stop, it will sky rocket into a huge and epic mod (if you look at all the books and movies) and if your going to do a through and through job you need to atleast glance at the books and the movies leading up to avp and another thing the books are the back bone because they have details the movies don't and we don't know when he will start the Alien mod. (sorry for all the "and"s)
The Earth can shake, the sky come down, the mountains all fall to the ground. But I will fear none. of these things, shelter me Lord underneath your wings.
If you had taken the time to notice I said that i had seen ALMOST all movies and read ALMOST all books im not an expert on the Xeno species but I do know quite a bit about them, now my dad hes like an expert. He knows ALOT more about Xenos and Predators than me, he taught me alot of what he knows like since Xenos take on the traits of what ever they develope in (EX: Dog + Facehugger = Dog Alien (Alien 3)) and they can adapt to what ever enviroment they are in, they eradicate any and every life form on a planet, and if you watched and listened to the Science Officer in Alien then you would know that he said "they were an interesting combonation of animals, making them one tough S.O.B". Not an exact quote, in the exact quote he was refering to the one facehugger they had. The Xenos also think in "Hive Collective" So the only thought is "Protect the Hive at all costs". I also researched the "Pratorian" and now I know why I never heard of it. I do not own an Xbox. So I never played the AVP game. So, long story short, I know alot but not everything. I want to know everything I can, and soon i might, but not at this time. At this time I am currently going over all movies I've seen and books I've read to see if i missed anything and so far i'm not, but I'm still looking so there still is the possibility.
Oh and Happy Birthday Ri5ux my birthday is on Wednesday.
Alright, thanks for the happy bday. Happy birthday to you too Turning the server on for about 8 more hours, come join everyone!
Alright, thanks for the happy bday. Happy birthday to you too
Turning the server on for about 8 more hours, come join everyone!
Sorry i wish i could but i'm at the Daycare my mom owns and they don't have the computer compatable with minecraft. I will when i get home though at around 6.
The Earth can shake, the sky come down, the mountains all fall to the ground. But I will fear none. of these things, shelter me Lord underneath your wings.
They are just called guards and now I know why i never heard of the pretorians they are from the xbox game i dont own an xbox and you can't just look at avp and say "Well this is it, it won't grow beyond this in these specific guide lines" because i won't just stop, it will sky rocket into a huge and epic mod (if you look at all the books and movies) and if your going to do a through and through job you need to atleast glance at the books and the movies leading up to avp and another thing the books are the back bone because they have details the movies don't and we don't know when he will start the Alien mod. (sorry for all the "and"s)
You see the one thing i like about the movies is their great stories and how it's not only just has aliens killing people but a story to it.Now in my opinion the books i don't like because they ruin the story by adding weird aliens and different alien hybrids.I only really like what the directors came up with for the movies.But alien 4 and predator 2 in my opinion were just rip offs of alien 2 and predator 2 was just basically killing, poor story.
Now for the mod to grow Ri5ux can just add stuff from the new upcoming games and maybe he could add a few stuff from the book if they make sense and i think there making a sequel to Prometheus so yeah.
Also please let this be the last post about this, just keep it to yourself and i will too after this post because were just spamming up the comments.
As of 9/21/12, 8:53 P.M.
-[1.3.2][1.8] AliensVsPredator.jar
-Minecraft version1.3.2
1. Drones have no official texture.
2. Facehugger does not attack Steve or attach itself to
his face.
3. Facehuggers do not attach to marines faces
4. Spawning chestbursters when matured grow into Xeno
runners( Perhaps use defualt chestburster but have them
become different type of Xeno when originating from
a certain host?)
5. shouldnt all the Xenos who are either warrior, drone,
and Praetorian be the same as your beta drone model?
excluding the Quadropedal Xeno
6. How the hell do I shoot the gun? Were do I get the ammo
for it?(M4 Carbine)
7. Is HUD mask broken still? or is their a key to use it?
8. Queen breeding seems to lay eggs in a confined space where there is no room to lay them.
they appear be to out on the outside of the wall. Picture provided below. the numbers of eggs kept growing over time.
9. Alien eggs seem to hatch when their is no host nearby.
As of 9/21/12, 8:53 P.M.
-[1.3.2][1.8] AliensVsPredator.jar
-Minecraft version1.3.2
1. Drones have no official texture. Mentioned earlier. this is normal
2. Facehugger does not attack Steve or attach itself to
his face. Possibly in 1.8b
3. Facehuggers do not attach to marines faces Possibly in 1.8b
4. Spawning chestbursters when matured grow into Xeno
runners( Perhaps use defualt chestburster but have them
become different type of Xeno when originating from
a certain host?) I will work on this system when I have more time
5. shouldnt all the Xenos who are either warrior, drone,
and Praetorian be the same as your beta drone model?
excluding the Quadropedal Xeno Good point. I will consider some changes.
6. How the hell do I shoot the gun? Were do I get the ammo
for it?(M4 Carbine) Bullets, check out the recipes section on the thread's main post (in screenshots spoiler)
7. Is HUD mask broken still? or is their a key to use it? It is confirmed that it's still broken.
8. Queen breeding seems to lay eggs in a confined space where there is no room to lay them.
they appear be to out on the outside of the wall. Picture provided below. the numbers of eggs kept growing over time. This will be improved & fixed over time.
9. Alien eggs seem to hatch when their is no host nearby. I will check the code.
When will you server become dedicated? If not okay. But if it does how much money do you want to raise? P.s are shops gonna be player run? I dont know cause I haven't been on it yet. Cause I can't I am never on when server gets turned on
For as long as I run a server, I am going to do it myself. I will never trust my server in the hands of someone else, and I will never spend money hosting a server. That would be a complete waste and foolish idea. I do all of this voluntary (Mod, Host a server, etc.).
The Earth can shake, the sky come down, the mountains all fall to the ground. But I will fear none. of these things, shelter me Lord underneath your wings.
Ri one thing you mentioned earlier was a villager role assignment for the xenos. So is it that the villagers in-game switch roles when one hierarchy is killed? If yes then I would think that if the xenos need to establish a hierarchy(Queen) in which one xeno is randomly selected to morph into another stage to work towards being a queen. Not sure how that would work in coding though. I believe others mentioned on the forums that the hive block should spread. Does it do that at all? And like when their is a Queen should it be that after say 5 min. she goes into breeding phase? and a automatic hive block surrounds her in a certain radius? Also like in order for the hive block to spread xenos should walk on them a few times?
Finally I got this forum thing figured out... Anyway about the mac version, for my mac the console is bugged and it wont open so if you would have the time could you set up a already modded Minecraft.jar with Forge and set a download for it? That would be helpful to a large amount of us mac users...
Finally I got this forum thing figured out... Anyway about the mac version, for my mac the console is bugged and it wont open so if you would have the time could you set up a already modded Minecraft.jar with Forge and set a download for it? That would be helpful to a large amount of us mac users...
From Prometheus (it doesn't come right out and say it, but it does infer this) that the human race was an experiment created by the space jockeies and it failed so they created the Xenomorphs as a cleaner to wipe the planet clean of the humans. But the jockeies were done in by the combonation of the Xenos and a human team sent to the planet to investigate it.
The Predators on the other hand are a tribe of hunters seeking big and dangerous game. The Xenos Fit that bill. The Predators have neutral fellings towards the humans they still hunt them, but if they see that certain humans will fight with them they will accept them into the tribe.
The Xenos were a geneticly engineered bug that the Jockeies made as an weapon of mass destruction. thye have the ability to adapt to any enviroment and the ability to take on the traits of the any being the facehugger can fit on. The Xenos are extremely protective of their hive and even more towards the queen. they won't have single minded thoughts. They will have Hive Collective thoughts, much like bees. They can sense when a queen is alive, dead, or in danger and react as needed. If the queen is dead or gone out of range of communication, the last Xeno will morph into a queen. The last Facehugger when it finds a host will empregnate the host with a queen embryo like in Alien 3. Since the Xenos can take on the traits of their host anything can happen. Any decision made by the Xenos or the queen is for the Hive and the survival of the Hive alone. The Predators use the Xenos as a right of passage into their tribe.
Now to the one thing that most people don't get. How do the humans fit into this?
The humans were hunted by the Predators and Xenos alike but for different reasons. The Predators hunted the humans for game (also as a right of passage). The Xenos hunt and gather the humans to further the population of the hive. The humans didn't throw them selve's in the middle of the two. They didn't try to stop either of them. The humans only try to survive the attacks of the two species (with the acception of the "company"( i don't think they ever say the name of the company. If they do please tell me, I'll look it up in the movies as well.) which tries to further the Hive and use the Xenos as a weapon). Almost always the humans are never prepared for the two species.
Alright, thanks for the happy bday. Happy birthday to you too
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
Now for the mod to grow Ri5ux can just add stuff from the new upcoming games and maybe he could add a few stuff from the book if they make sense and i think there making a sequel to Prometheus so yeah.
Also please let this be the last post about this, just keep it to yourself and i will too after this post because were just spamming up the comments.
Also Happy Birthday Ri5ux
Because its You forgot the dash
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
-[1.3.2][1.8] AliensVsPredator.jar
-Minecraft version1.3.2
1. Drones have no official texture.
2. Facehugger does not attack Steve or attach itself to
his face.
3. Facehuggers do not attach to marines faces
4. Spawning chestbursters when matured grow into Xeno
runners( Perhaps use defualt chestburster but have them
become different type of Xeno when originating from
a certain host?)
5. shouldnt all the Xenos who are either warrior, drone,
and Praetorian be the same as your beta drone model?
excluding the Quadropedal Xeno
6. How the hell do I shoot the gun? Were do I get the ammo
for it?(M4 Carbine)
7. Is HUD mask broken still? or is their a key to use it?
8. Queen breeding seems to lay eggs in a confined space where there is no room to lay them.
they appear be to out on the outside of the wall.
Picture provided below. the numbers of eggs kept growingover time.9. Alien eggs seem to hatch when their is no host nearby.
Cant post pictures on here apparently
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
For as long as I run a server, I am going to do it myself. I will never trust my server in the hands of someone else, and I will never spend money hosting a server. That would be a complete waste and foolish idea. I do all of this voluntary (Mod, Host a server, etc.).
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
Look at what I found. lol I thought it was a regular xenomorph from a distance in the dark then I lit up the room.
*sorry if I am asking a redundant question*
FAQ maybe?
Lewshizz out.
Oh well do you have a way?
I cannot do that, it is highly illegal... Sorry.
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at