Anything under AVP 3 sucked because they had horrific graphics, looked like 20 year old games. AVP 3 has graphics like the games now.
graphics are not what makes a game fun if what replyed was true you wold not have minecraft or any vido game. graphics are only a small part of a game not the full game aspect.
the thing is dude its not about graphics its about gameplay and fun, otherwise why the hell are we all playing minecraft lol ;P.
Minecraft's graphics are intended to be like this. We aren't trying to get it as good as possible. Unlike when the creators of AVP 1 and 2, they were trying to achieve the best graphics possible.
graphics are not what makes a game fun if what replyed was true you wold not have minecraft or any vido game. graphics are only a small part of a game not the full game aspect.
I think that you are partly wrong. I don't think Minecrafts graphics are low quality and they aren't. If they were, you guys could all have 200 FPS without a problem. Minecrafts graphics are very intense, they just look blocky because they were mean't to. Notch didn't want to create a high quality game, he wanted to create a fun game.
I think that you are partly wrong because I honestly can't play old style games without getting bored. I played AVP 1 and 2 and eventually just quit playing them period because they had such low quality, boring graphics. AVP 3 doesn't have the best gameplay, but I still play it over and over because it has high quality graphics.
I mean, would you play minecraft if the blocks were only 1 solid color? Grass=green, dirt=brown, stone=gray, etc.
Hey Ri5ux. Absolutely love the mod and I can't say anything but good things about it.
I have a few things though that I had hoped you could respond on and possibly implement.
First; Is it possible to up the returns when making iron walls/grating/etc? To build an entire base around those awesome blocks would take crap-tons of material. Any chance of getting x16 returns instead of x4?
And secondly; any plans to implement a capture system for the xeno's? I would very much like to create a research lab in my world.
Sorry if this has already been addressed. Really didn't want to skim back through 60 pages.
For your first question, I am rather confused. What do you mean by "returns"?
For the second question, yes, there will be a way. Not sure when though.
Well, some idiot took over my server while I wasn't paying attention, destroyed the map, and I had a backup but my hard drive on the server failed before I could recover it... ... I am putting in a new Hard Drive right now.
That's not what he is asking. He is asking how to install it on a mac, not if it can be installed on a mac.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Got Microsoft Windows 7 installed back on my desktop/server computer. Going to start setting stuff back up.
r u going to put the server?
btw its the same but u need to get to the ~/Library/Application Support/ and theres minecraft.jar
and u changeit to .zip (the minecraft.jar) deleit meta-inf **** put forge then u go to mods file and put the mod
and its done ,finito and salave
we use HD texturepacks
a fun game
Minecraft's graphics are intended to be like this. We aren't trying to get it as good as possible. Unlike when the creators of AVP 1 and 2, they were trying to achieve the best graphics possible.
Well, I still use the default texture pack, even though my PC is capable of using 256x256 texture packs.
Maybe, just maybe.
I think that you are partly wrong. I don't think Minecrafts graphics are low quality and they aren't. If they were, you guys could all have 200 FPS without a problem. Minecrafts graphics are very intense, they just look blocky because they were mean't to. Notch didn't want to create a high quality game, he wanted to create a fun game.
I think that you are partly wrong because I honestly can't play old style games without getting bored. I played AVP 1 and 2 and eventually just quit playing them period because they had such low quality, boring graphics. AVP 3 doesn't have the best gameplay, but I still play it over and over because it has high quality graphics.
I mean, would you play minecraft if the blocks were only 1 solid color? Grass=green, dirt=brown, stone=gray, etc.
My point is that it isn't always about Gameplay.
For your first question, I am rather confused. What do you mean by "returns"?
For the second question, yes, there will be a way. Not sure when though.
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
Taken care of.
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
Well, some idiot took over my server while I wasn't paying attention, destroyed the map, and I had a backup but my hard drive on the server failed before I could recover it...
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
actualy u can instalit on mac
i didit
You will have to give me some time to access a mac.
They don't work. 1.3 Broke them.
That's not what he is asking. He is asking how to install it on a mac, not if it can be installed on a mac.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Got Microsoft Windows 7 installed back on my desktop/server computer. Going to start setting stuff back up.
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
no... He wants a video, and I am going to make it.
Download the AliensVsPredator Minecraft Mod today at
r u going to put the server?
btw its the same but u need to get to the ~/Library/Application Support/ and theres minecraft.jar
and u changeit to .zip (the minecraft.jar) deleit meta-inf **** put forge then u go to mods file and put the mod
and its done ,finito and salave
I would suggest looking at the AVP wiki for other xeno or pred mobs