Curently this mod is in the Compileing prosses and i do not know if i can compile this because i have no experience of java. I used a minecraft mod maker to make this so if anyone can help me compile this it would be a big help. I will provide a download link for the files needed to be compiled when someone is willing to compile them for me.
This mod is going use modloader obviously.It will make blast glass and blast walls so you don't have to worry about creepers at all because it is blast resistent
Curently this mod is in the Compileing prosses and i do not know if i can compile this because i have no experience of java. I used a minecraft mod maker to make this so if anyone can help me compile this it would be a big help. I will provide a download link for the files needed to be compiled when someone is willing to compile them for me.
This mod is going use modloader obviously.It will make blast glass and blast walls so you don't have to worry about creepers at all because it is blast resistent
[Download Files Needed To Be Compiled]
No one has accepted the task of compileing it
[Email to send compiled mod files in zip]
[email protected]