Any other idea requests for the prerelease on thursday? I dont have a lot of the stuff in it yet, like discs and mobs and stuff, but I am open to new ideas!!!
You should add an outlands to your TRON mod. and there you will find hostile glitch bugs, just like in the real TRON. and, just like testificate villages, you may be able to sometimes wander across Bostrumite Colonys out there. I would just stick to yellow programs for the outlands. Also could you add more curve to the wheels in tron? I know its asking for much saying in minecraft circles don't even exist but even a little curve will make it look much more better than it being boxy. Also could you make multiple bikes, like the Gen-4 and the Gen-5? Maybe even the classic Gen-2?
Edit: Another thing to add would be the game grid, so we can have some fun fighting. Also when making the discs could you make multiple ones with different pyshics? Maybe one being moderate speed but a boomerang (like in the movies) and another being a faster speed but must be picked up where it fell.
Edit again: Could you also change the way we get into TRON? having a wierd looking red gate doesn't seem much TRON, maybe using the system they used to make cauldrons and brewing stands you could make the machine in the movie and you right click it and then it starts up and teleports your player.entite into TRON. and then in TRON have a bright white light somewhere near where you started and when your player.entitie comes into contact with it, it brings you back to earth.
To Glardian:
Thank you so much for your interest in the mod (you are one of the few who seem to like it). And I agree with the red gate being a bit wierd, but it was what I could do at the time. I plan on adding a computer, (similar to computercraft, but it will use python, not lua), and making the "user" type a secret phrase like Sam did in the movie to get to the grid. Or maybe typing the phrase will activate a laser that beams them to the grid. I don't know yet. But I like the ideas you have mentioned, so I might use some of them. And the reason the wheels are square is because I am really lazy, and didnt feel like adding more work.
can someone please do a quick how to install video? this looks like the most fun mod i've ever seen but i am having trouble installing it. i already have modloader, but it just won't work. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!
I have __finally__ started work on updating it to 1.2.5. I just have a few more little errors to sort out, then I will post it. In the newest version there are light cycles and a few other things. Should be out by thursday or friday, then i get to do the fun job of updating it __again__.
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!
Yes. It is compatible with minecraft 1.1. It says 1 because it is our first release
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!
Please leave feedback!
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!
Edit: Another thing to add would be the game grid, so we can have some fun fighting. Also when making the discs could you make multiple ones with different pyshics? Maybe one being moderate speed but a boomerang (like in the movies) and another being a faster speed but must be picked up where it fell.
Edit again: Could you also change the way we get into TRON? having a wierd looking red gate doesn't seem much TRON, maybe using the system they used to make cauldrons and brewing stands you could make the machine in the movie and you right click it and then it starts up and teleports your player.entite into TRON. and then in TRON have a bright white light somewhere near where you started and when your player.entitie comes into contact with it, it brings you back to earth.
Thank you so much for your interest in the mod (you are one of the few who seem to like it). And I agree with the red gate being a bit wierd, but it was what I could do at the time. I plan on adding a computer, (similar to computercraft, but it will use python, not lua), and making the "user" type a secret phrase like Sam did in the movie to get to the grid. Or maybe typing the phrase will activate a laser that beams them to the grid. I don't know yet. But I like the ideas you have mentioned, so I might use some of them. And the reason the wheels are square is because I am really lazy, and didnt feel like adding more work.
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!
IGN: Partatoes
Hope I was helpful!