i came to this forum, after a long time, expecting to see like 2 pages of comments... i see one comment.... "sigh"
anyway next time i talk to pure we are moving this to the mods section and it's gonna be drago's mods, this will be a [WIP] in there, also i will make a website (using webs.com of course... i like easy and free... even though i hate webs...) and there will be other mods on that forum ex.
Prototype mod
More Ores
Please can I test, Ive been looking for a good sea mod for AGES and would love to play and report any MAJOR bugs in the mod (no tedious little shits like "HEY TEH MOD DUN WURK U FUKKAH")
Please can I test, Ive been looking for a good sea mod for AGES and would love to play and report any MAJOR bugs in the mod (no tedious little shits like "HEY TEH MOD DUN WURK U FUKKAH")
Not looking for testers and we do not have a testable build yet, but because you sound very exited you can test, might no tbe for 2 months though, and please try to spread the word about this mod around, we need more support
Idk if that really matters.. as long as you have an account....
Anyway if you are working on this mod in any way for us please add me on steam my steam name is Drago1128
If you do not add me we are assumed that you are not working for us anymore.
Looks like this this could be a brilliant mod when it comes out. Favorititing it now. I can't wait to see how it comes out. i know i won't be disappointed.
Thanks all of you guys but pure's dead for about 2 weeks... idk what he even has done.. we need an expert ...
Any way im back, first of all have we got any more modders? because if we do... well yeh thats great! Also just as a update, i have had absolutely no progress with anything due to GCSE's and SAT's. Progress with new sea biomes and ports, I have no idea how to do that with modloader and bairly any clues on how to do it with out, and my OS keeps shooting its self so...goodbye fedora hello ubuntu(i still have the mod code its on a usb). So just as a idea on what i can do easly, Items, Blocks, Pirates(the ones that sound like ghasts and don't do much), Overlays(like the item bar), I have been able to do GUI's but I forgot..., wepons & armor, tools, basicly nothing to difficult but I can do the above proficiently. So all in all we need some one who can: make mobs and do stuff with biomes.
we have a new modder , also we need a good way to talk together, so you better be on steam more and he better have steam, so you guys can work together
Also to other people who want this out soon, and or now, it will be a long time until it comes out, also no beta testers yet, we'll find beta testers once we, have a beta... though i think the mod will be done in about 2 months if there is no interruptions :D.
Only just, i have reached the limit of my java & modding knowledge and so have large headaches now from fix java and failed atempts at get sea biomes more common, and making custom mobs . So i have had to go back to the old version that has ghast pirates, flintlock pistols that shoot cubes, bullets, bottles o' rum and something else i can't remember.SO to sum that all up, I need to learn more...
k i've decided, pure, may you make us a website? with private chat channels (typing) maybe for the modders.if possible, it also needs a blog, and iamapenguimbait is a skinner for us now so you'll have to add him as an admin too thanks pure
anyway next time i talk to pure we are moving this to the mods section and it's gonna be drago's mods, this will be a [WIP] in there, also i will make a website (using webs.com of course... i like easy and free... even though i hate webs...) and there will be other mods on that forum ex.
Prototype mod
More Ores
Not looking for testers and we do not have a testable build yet, but because you sound very exited you can test, might no tbe for 2 months though, and please try to spread the word about this mod around, we need more support
1: Wats FMC
2: I'll have to ask pure about FMC because idk if he will be able to use it
How will you help? modding texturing what?
Idk if that really matters.. as long as you have an account....
Anyway if you are working on this mod in any way for us please add me on steam my steam name is Drago1128
If you do not add me we are assumed that you are not working for us anymore.
Thanks all of you guys but pure's dead for about 2 weeks... idk what he even has done.. we need an expert ...
we have a new modder , also we need a good way to talk together, so you better be on steam more and he better have steam, so you guys can work together
Also to other people who want this out soon, and or now, it will be a long time until it comes out, also no beta testers yet, we'll find beta testers once we, have a beta... though i think the mod will be done in about 2 months if there is no interruptions :D.
i have some ideas for the mod.
i would be very happy to help with skins and testing the game
I can also make screenshots and videos
k i've decided, pure, may you make us a website? with private chat channels (typing) maybe for the modders.if possible, it also needs a blog, and iamapenguimbait is a skinner for us now