Ok, lets get this done and over with. im writing this in advance because i KNOW how this community is. I expect I'll get reported but... hey, its to keep... 'them'... out.
If you still want to ask go ahead. please, I encourage it. Im looking forward to seeing your total disregard for the obvious 15+ pages of that same question from members JUST LIKE YOU who DONT want to read the CLEARLY POSTED forum and subforum RULES. Just dont cry when staff decide to check the 20+ reports on YOU and decide a temp/perm ban is in order.
I cant name them but people who sit here and post 'Update to MC X.X.X' have lead to MANY modders jumping ship and abandoning their projects permanently. Some I assume even go as far as removing all copies of their mod. So if you don't wish to see another mod go down the metaphorical toilet, READ and FOLLOW the rules.
Thank you for your time. I expect many that NEED to read this wont but anyhow I hope this dose have an IMpact on those that bother to follow the age old rule: 'read first and last two pages,' but anyhow I thank you.
Ok, lets get this done and over with. im writing this in advance because i KNOW how this community is. I expect I'll get reported but... hey, its to keep... 'them'... out.
If you still want to ask go ahead. please, I encourage it. Im looking forward to seeing your total disregard for the obvious 15+ pages of that same question from members JUST LIKE YOU who DONT want to read the CLEARLY POSTED forum and subforum RULES. Just dont cry when staff decide to check the 20+ reports on YOU and decide a temp/perm ban is in order.
I cant name them but people who sit here and post 'Update to MC X.X.X' have lead to MANY modders jumping ship and abandoning their projects permanently. Some I assume even go as far as removing all copies of their mod. So if you don't wish to see another mod go down the metaphorical toilet, READ and FOLLOW the rules.
Thank you for your time. I expect many that NEED to read this wont but anyhow I hope this dose have an IMpact on those that bother to follow the age old rule: 'read first and last two pages,' but anyhow I thank you.
Yours truly,
that's only gonna last for like half the page before someone compleatly disregards reading one to two page before posting something compleatly dumb and stupid even when I was newly spawned I did not ask such stupid questions
Uhh...something weird happened, i went onto to minecraft 1.1 today WITHOUT tales of kingdoms and a new world appeared labeled "wizard's workshop" where I spawned in some random house with a hole in the ground and redstone under the door, and outside was a path leading to a guild IDENTICAL to the one in tales of kingdoms even weirder, there was a hot air balloon in the background. WHERE THE &%$#@ DID THIS COME FROM???!!!!
one question... why do reficules spawn even though im not playing with tale of kingdoms? (i clicked cancel at the beginning.)
Because you have the mod turned on(you still have it in your mods folder). Clicking cancel at the beginning only prevents the guild from spawning. The villages, holes and reficuls will still be there.
I was wondering if you could work on the pathing issues of the builder and the rescued villagers, I am finding they get lost too easily or stuck in trees/behind rocks etc. The pathing for the hunters and knights is perfect... but I am turning around every couple of steps to make sure that the villagers or the builder are still following me, and as soon as I sprint they stop entirely and don't follow me.
The Guild itself was attacked in my save and the dark warriors have ruined it completely! All wooden parts are burned and i cant get upstairs anymore, almost everybody have died...
Why are the attacks so ludicrous? There are huge well's into the deep ground and everything has turned to hell... I just wanted to play until i got called to defend the guild and this was waiting for me there... Died atleast 10 times...
So could you remove those attacks or make them less chaotic :smile.gif:
I really like this mod!
when you defeat them talk to the guild master and hele say to get 64 wood and then go back to him and itle repair it... and the guild master can not die in the battle
Please fix this bug! I recently made a creative mode world in 1.0.0, to get achievements and ect. I started playing then I realized that the hole's to the void where starting to spawn (even though it's creative, which doesn't allow you to start a conquest.). I panicked :ohmy.gif: and quickly backed up my whole Minecraft before I had downloaded the mod, so my other worlds could not be harmed. I also noticed before that the guild members would spawn in my world around my spawn point. but no other npcs sometimes, though I think you have since fixed that bug. So please fix this bug so I can continue to play my Kingdom world! (The holes to the void started to spawn in Minecraft 1.1 if that means anything...)
Really it 1.1 just came out today and you're asking if it has updated already :dry.gif:
First off, if you are here to ask for an update I IMPLORE you to read this:
If you still want to ask go ahead. please, I encourage it. Im looking forward to seeing your total disregard for the obvious 15+ pages of that same question from members JUST LIKE YOU who DONT want to read the CLEARLY POSTED forum and subforum RULES. Just dont cry when staff decide to check the 20+ reports on YOU and decide a temp/perm ban is in order.
I cant name them but people who sit here and post 'Update to MC X.X.X' have lead to MANY modders jumping ship and abandoning their projects permanently. Some I assume even go as far as removing all copies of their mod. So if you don't wish to see another mod go down the metaphorical toilet, READ and FOLLOW the rules.
Thank you for your time. I expect many that NEED to read this wont but anyhow I hope this dose have an IMpact on those that bother to follow the age old rule: 'read first and last two pages,' but anyhow I thank you.
Yours truly,
that's only gonna last for like half the page before someone compleatly disregards reading one to two page before posting something compleatly dumb and stupid even when I was newly spawned I did not ask such stupid questions
Because you have the mod turned on(you still have it in your mods folder). Clicking cancel at the beginning only prevents the guild from spawning. The villages, holes and reficuls will still be there.
Divine smoker mod - Hookah in Minecraft: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1689980-172splanspdivine-smoker-water-pipe-modhookahshisha-11/
how come when i load a minecraft map hell hole generate everywhere its runing my world it already burnted down my house can help me fix this please!!
It's not updated for Minecraft 1.1
I was wondering if you could work on the pathing issues of the builder and the rescued villagers, I am finding they get lost too easily or stuck in trees/behind rocks etc. The pathing for the hunters and knights is perfect... but I am turning around every couple of steps to make sure that the villagers or the builder are still following me, and as soon as I sprint they stop entirely and don't follow me.
when you defeat them talk to the guild master and hele say to get 64 wood and then go back to him and itle repair it... and the guild master can not die in the battle
Get a life much?
do you know how to read?