This has Not been released yet! don't ask for downloads, its only WIP
Once you attract the Tardis to your location using Huon Energy,
We figure it will have a regenerating bar, and would be useless if you drain it completely. Otherwise it SHOULD be fully functional.
Powers redstone
Opens doors
May be required to damage new mobs(daleks)- more likely just to push mobs backwards aka snowball. Effects on Mechanical and electronic Mobs are Only possible at VERY close range (1-3 blocks) (Playtest first)
Activates any redstone powered device without redstone (aka pistons dispensors etc.)
Range of basic effects (powering redstone/devices normally powered by said dust) 10 Meters.
Disable power on redstone
If applying sonic stimulation to redstone for to long of time with out proper technique (pressing control?) the redstone will will "pop off" do to sonic vibrations slowly dislodging the redstone by keeping a constant frequency
It can activate creeper timers and can detonate Tnt by using the right combo of buttons (ctrl, alt, or e)
The Tenth Doctor's Screwdriver:
The Eleventh Doctor's Screwdriver:
Lime dye over already constructured sonic. Also extends the range by 2 or 3 blocks.
(crafting picture)
(sprite picture)
Smelting glowdust and adding the result to water creates Huon Particles. Drinking it will cause some flucuations in the time space continuum and the tardis will spawn near by. Now if only you had a key...
Huon Particles: Place Glowdust in furnace
huon Energy: (crafting picture)
Huon Particles
Huon Energy FOBWATCH
Always in the player's inventory until it opens and cannot be lost. It will spawn with player if they die, and will return to inventory if lost. A bar at bottom will slowly fill up. If you die, the bar will reset. When it is full, it can be opened to unlock a memory of who you really are with the key to your tardis.
Dalekanium can be used to make armor that allows limited flight/hovering.
Galifrey wait how would you get there?um pretend in the minecraft dimmension it was never time locked?
(Silurian-same planet different eons)
Please give us more ideas for this!
Daleks would run around saying exterminate.They travel on the ground normally but will fly if they can't reach you (I.e You are on a mountain)
Weapon: Laser (faster version of ghast fireballs) (Might Break all but Obsidian, Diamond Blocks, and Iron Blocks (And of course Adminium))
Drops: dalekanium
Metal Men who can shoot lasers at you from a distance and attack you physically at close range. It is possible to wear their armor if collected.
Cat People
Friendly creatures that will heal you a couple of hearts (One minute delay between heals).
Ganger 'Flesh' pools in nether. They are friendly until you attack them. They either carry a Sword or a bow, and if you fall into the flesh it will spawn gangers of you. Susceptible to being Sonic'd
Weeping Angels (we are using a_dizzle's Weeping Angels)
The creatures that cannot move when you look at them. They either kill you or telepport you far away from the spot of death. They Drop weeping stone which you can craft a weeping pickaxe with, the only way to kill them. Also they Drop weeping stone when sonic'd.
We are looking into using Matmos as a base for situation(ish) aware dr who soundtrack for the mod and better sound effects. Also one or two music disks :smile.gif:
Occurs on death allowing the player to continue their life in a different form after near death experiences.
On death, orange particles will emit from you at a low amount, and you will find 4 orange hearts in your heart bar. Slowly more particles will emit from you until your screen is obscured and with a flash they are gone, your hearts are healed. and you have a new skin. Welcome to your second regeneration. you only have 12 regenerations, after which you die, or in hardcore mode, you lose your world. There will be a way to gain more regenerations. There is a chance that damageable items in your inv will lose some durability and some items might scatter, launched out of your inv on regeneration.
The Team
SageofShadow- Leader; Ideas
Kolipoki- Coder
alpha112358- Coder Suskeyhose- Coder
Scizor- Ideas
Sade1212- Texture Artist
LstClockMaker- Ideas
minecraft_snuffysam- sprites
Avalanchetter- ideas
Doctor_Mothoid - ideas
Roxas nightwing- Modeler
I love Doctor Who, I even had a 11th Doctor skin. You could have Daleks. They could be flying around (but very rare to be seen). They would only be killed if you trap and smother them. They could drop Dalekanium. Which is the ultimate fuel source. And the TARDIS should just teleport you to random locations on your map. You could make a Sonic Screwdriver like this:
I love Doctor Who, I even had a 11th Doctor skin. You could have Daleks. They could be flying around (but very rare to be seen). They would only be killed if you trap and smother them. They could drop Dalekanium. Which is the ultimate fuel source. And the TARDIS should just teleport you to random locations on your map. You could make a Sonic Screwdriver like this:
Yeah I thought of Daleks too, and their AI would be simple lol, but I figured just start with this, but if somehow this was made, i could see an entire Dr. Who mod adding items and enemies.
I love Doctor Who, I even had a 11th Doctor skin. You could have Daleks. They could be flying around (but very rare to be seen). They would only be killed if you trap and smother them. They could drop Dalekanium. Which is the ultimate fuel source. And the TARDIS should just teleport you to random locations on your map. You could make a Sonic Screwdriver like this:
How's this:
= redstone torch
= redstone dust
And it could power things like redstone does to make it more like the actual sonic screwdriver.
The TARDIS however is almost impossible... sorry man...
Well the idea is good in theory but actually making the tardis like that would be hard to do but not imnpossible just take a very good modder but i would have it when u enter the door u get teleported to a room somewhere in the world u made hte tardis or found it cause if u understand wat i mean it would be possible.
also the regeneration thing is possible as well cause there is a mod i have that lets u change ur ingame skin and u would just have to connect it the the health bar and make it automatic whish wouldnt be easy.
also like said earlier it would be a good idea having dalek and all those things and i suggest for flying ones just have them different from normal ones like their just rare and the screwdriver actually does damage to it
Well the idea is good in theory but actually making the tardis like that would be hard to do but not imnpossible just take a very good modder but i would have it when u enter the door u get teleported to a room somewhere in the world u made hte tardis or found it cause if u understand wat i mean it would be possible.
also the regeneration thing is possible as well cause there is a mod i have that lets u change ur ingame skin and u would just have to connect it the the health bar and make it automatic whish wouldnt be easy.
also like said earlier it would be a good idea having dalek and all those things and i suggest for flying ones just have them different from normal ones like their just rare and the screwdriver actually does damage to it
This is what I saw a good theory, but in actual coding, it might be Impossible. I know it is possible, although the minecraft engine might not be up to it , but in portal 2 they created these 'world portals' to allow them to connect to different levels so thy didn't have to worry about one hallway running into another hallway etc. Here is a video of a mapper messing around with world portals.
Which of course in a game about portals so the coding was already baked in, but even though this is named the tardis mod idea, it would be cool to make a doctor who themed mod with the things that are possible to create.
And it could power things like redstone does to make it more like the actual sonic screwdriver.
If you closely read the first post I already mentioned that it should do that lol. Unless you did read it and are agreeing, but it seems you are just stating it as an idea.
QUESTION: Do you guys think if a sonic screwdriver should be made of current ores and items, or should it add its own ores required to build it?
I think the sonic screwdriver is a good idea but I think it should be able to open metal doors as if they were wooden ones
Very good idea! I hadn't thought specificity about that but it could go under what I wrote about it being able to activate any redstone powered device without redstone.
it would be a good idea maybe you could set the were the tardis take's you
If somehow we could figure out how to make a tardis, one feature would be that it would take you to the x,y,z coords of your choice. Which of course since its the tardis it can't ALWAYS take you to exactly where you want it :wink.gif:
Sorry for the dp, but I updated the thread. I am now looking if we have support to make this a WIP. I am going to see if someone can make the sonic screwdriver item, but for the actual coding and he creation of mobs, etc I will need help.
Well something you could do but it would be rather annoying to come in and out of the tardis is that you could make the inside of the tardis another world? I know that in the jurassicraft mod there is another world where the Dinosaurs actually are. Like i said it would be really annoying comming in and out though.
There could be some really unique things you could do with the sonic screwdriver. It's pretty useful in the show (unhooks fences, checks for brain tumors, locks doors).
I would love to help you out, I'm in the computer science field and have studied java for almost a whole year now. I'm currently working on another mod i've promised to do, but when I'm done (it shouldn't be too long) I would love to offer my support.
Rather than having the added difficulty of making new ores the screwdriver should just be made as suggested in ops post and above. The T.A.R.D.I.S. could be like the CCTV and portal Gun mod which transports you to tardis A which would be at your spawn point and massive, once inside you could use user commands to to run a script which changes the portal guns coordinates and time of day/weather and once you step out its somewhere else.
Well something you could do but it would be rather annoying to come in and out of the tardis is that you could make the inside of the tardis another world? I know that in the jurassicraft mod there is another world where the Dinosaurs actually are. Like i said it would be really annoying comming in and out though.
There could be some really unique things you could do with the sonic screwdriver. It's pretty useful in the show (unhooks fences, checks for brain tumors, locks doors).
I would love to help you out, I'm in the computer science field and have studied java for almost a whole year now. I'm currently working on another mod i've promised to do, but when I'm done (it shouldn't be too long) I would love to offer my support.
Great! What I plan to be made first is the sonic screwdriver as its the easiest of the lot so when you are ready to help, that probably will be the one to work on. Yeah The screwdriver could do a lot of great things. And about the Tardis, yeah I thought of that, but I rather not have the load screen.
Here is another similar ideas thread i made that simply focuses on the TARDIS Door
and the creation of rooms bigger on the inside however it is mostly aimed at the practical usage such as adventure maps
I do very much like the ideas here and thing it would be cool to have dalekanium as a nether oreor something like that
or maybe another dimension totally, such as Skaro (home world of Daleks)? Now that would be cool, and thanks for the thread link i'll look at what you got.
Rather than having the added difficulty of making new ores the screwdriver should just be made as suggested in ops post and above. The T.A.R.D.I.S. could be like the CCTV and portal Gun mod which transports you to tardis A which would be at your spawn point and massive, once inside you could use user commands to to run a script which changes the portal guns coordinates and time of day/weather and once you step out its somewhere else.
Yeah thats what I thought, use premade ores. And thats more or les how I planned to use the CCTV and portal gun mod except I would like if we could figure out how to put the tardis interior out of reach from finding without the tardis exterior, n=but that poses some problems...
You could bury it under bedrock, the tardis door is a good idea too.
I was also just wondering that, if it was possible to put something underneath bedrock. The problem is how would we actually create it? Having people downloading a custom map just seems a little lame.
This is what I saw a good theory, but in actual coding, it might be Impossible. I know it is possible, although the minecraft engine might not be up to it , but in portal 2 they created these 'world portals' to allow them to connect to different levels so thy didn't have to worry about one hallway running into another hallway etc. Here is a video of a mapper messing around with world portals.
Which of course in a game about portals so the coding was already baked in, but even though this is named the tardis mod idea, it would be cool to make a doctor who themed mod with the things that are possible to create.
If you closely read the first post I already mentioned that it should do that lol. Unless you did read it and are agreeing, but it seems you are just stating it as an idea.
QUESTION: Do you guys think if a sonic screwdriver should be made of current ores and items, or should it add its own ores required to build it?
I mean my comment as a rebuttle to a previous comment suggesting it should do damage or push mobs, when in reality, the sonic screwdriver does not damage anything and it doesn't work on wood... So wooden doors shouldn't receive power from it.
Also I like the idea of new ores, but we should research into what metal it would actually be...
I prefer a little realism and research in mods, so if you figure out a bit more, I'd be willing to try to code it.
I was also just wondering that, if it was possible to put something underneath bedrock. The problem is how would we actually create it? Having people downloading a custom map just seems a little lame.
It's impossible to put something under bedrock, the game literally can't do it without changing the entire file system.
It could work like the nether, but that would take too much time.
And what they did in the previous video would be almost impossible with minecraft because of how it renders things and the way the world works.
It's impossible to put something under bedrock, the game literally can't do it without changing the entire file system.
It could work like the nether, but that would take too much time.
And what they did in the previous video would be almost impossible with minecraft because of how it renders things and the way the world works.
Yeah the rendering system would have to be changed. See what I was wondering is if the chunk loading code could be tweaked to where it held an extra few chunks in memory that our 'portal' could connect to So there is no load time, but now that i think of it, it probably couldn't because it would need coordinates that would eventually be used in the world walking one way or another. Anyone confirm this theory? I don't really know how the code works but thats how it appears to work.
This has Not been released yet! don't ask for downloads, its only WIP
Once you attract the Tardis to your location using Huon Energy,
We figure it will have a regenerating bar, and would be useless if you drain it completely. Otherwise it SHOULD be fully functional.
The Tenth Doctor's Screwdriver:
The Eleventh Doctor's Screwdriver:
Lime dye over already constructured sonic. Also extends the range by 2 or 3 blocks.
(crafting picture)
(sprite picture)
Smelting glowdust and adding the result to water creates Huon Particles. Drinking it will cause some flucuations in the time space continuum and the tardis will spawn near by. Now if only you had a key...
Huon Particles: Place Glowdust in furnace
huon Energy: (crafting picture)
Huon Particles
Huon Energy
Always in the player's inventory until it opens and cannot be lost. It will spawn with player if they die, and will return to inventory if lost. A bar at bottom will slowly fill up. If you die, the bar will reset. When it is full, it can be opened to unlock a memory of who you really are with the key to your tardis.
Dalekanium can be used to make armor that allows limited flight/hovering.
Daleks would run around saying exterminate.They travel on the ground normally but will fly if they can't reach you (I.e You are on a mountain)
Weapon: Laser (faster version of ghast fireballs) (Might Break all but Obsidian, Diamond Blocks, and Iron Blocks (And of course Adminium))
Drops: dalekanium
Metal Men who can shoot lasers at you from a distance and attack you physically at close range. It is possible to wear their armor if collected.
Cat People
Friendly creatures that will heal you a couple of hearts (One minute delay between heals).
Ganger 'Flesh' pools in nether. They are friendly until you attack them. They either carry a Sword or a bow, and if you fall into the flesh it will spawn gangers of you. Susceptible to being Sonic'd
Weeping Angels (we are using a_dizzle's Weeping Angels)
The creatures that cannot move when you look at them. They either kill you or telepport you far away from the spot of death. They Drop weeping stone which you can craft a weeping pickaxe with, the only way to kill them. Also they Drop weeping stone when sonic'd.
We are looking into using Matmos as a base for situation(ish) aware dr who soundtrack for the mod and better sound effects. Also one or two music disks :smile.gif:
Occurs on death allowing the player to continue their life in a different form after near death experiences.
On death, orange particles will emit from you at a low amount, and you will find 4 orange hearts in your heart bar. Slowly more particles will emit from you until your screen is obscured and with a flash they are gone, your hearts are healed. and you have a new skin. Welcome to your second regeneration. you only have 12 regenerations, after which you die, or in hardcore mode, you lose your world. There will be a way to gain more regenerations. There is a chance that damageable items in your inv will lose some durability and some items might scatter, launched out of your inv on regeneration.
The Team
SageofShadow- Leader; Ideas
Kolipoki- Coder
alpha112358- Coder
Suskeyhose- CoderScizor- Ideas
Sade1212- Texture Artist
LstClockMaker- Ideas
minecraft_snuffysam- sprites
Avalanchetter- ideas
Doctor_Mothoid - ideas
Roxas nightwing- Modeler
or this one
Yeah I thought of Daleks too, and their AI would be simple lol, but I figured just start with this, but if somehow this was made, i could see an entire Dr. Who mod adding items and enemies.
I would just like to let you know I've reported your post as offensive to both the topic owner and several posters.
How's this:
= redstone torch
= redstone dust
And it could power things like redstone does to make it more like the actual sonic screwdriver.
The TARDIS however is almost impossible... sorry man...
also the regeneration thing is possible as well cause there is a mod i have that lets u change ur ingame skin and u would just have to connect it the the health bar and make it automatic whish wouldnt be easy.
also like said earlier it would be a good idea having dalek and all those things and i suggest for flying ones just have them different from normal ones like their just rare and the screwdriver actually does damage to it
This is what I saw a good theory, but in actual coding, it might be Impossible. I know it is possible, although the minecraft engine might not be up to it , but in portal 2 they created these 'world portals' to allow them to connect to different levels so thy didn't have to worry about one hallway running into another hallway etc. Here is a video of a mapper messing around with world portals.
Which of course in a game about portals so the coding was already baked in, but even though this is named the tardis mod idea, it would be cool to make a doctor who themed mod with the things that are possible to create.
If you closely read the first post I already mentioned that it should do that lol. Unless you did read it and are agreeing, but it seems you are just stating it as an idea.
QUESTION: Do you guys think if a sonic screwdriver should be made of current ores and items, or should it add its own ores required to build it?
Very good idea! I hadn't thought specificity about that but it could go under what I wrote about it being able to activate any redstone powered device without redstone.
If somehow we could figure out how to make a tardis, one feature would be that it would take you to the x,y,z coords of your choice. Which of course since its the tardis it can't ALWAYS take you to exactly where you want it :wink.gif:
There could be some really unique things you could do with the sonic screwdriver. It's pretty useful in the show (unhooks fences, checks for brain tumors, locks doors).
I would love to help you out, I'm in the computer science field and have studied java for almost a whole year now. I'm currently working on another mod i've promised to do, but when I'm done (it shouldn't be too long) I would love to offer my support.
Great! What I plan to be made first is the sonic screwdriver as its the easiest of the lot so when you are ready to help, that probably will be the one to work on. Yeah The screwdriver could do a lot of great things. And about the Tardis, yeah I thought of that, but I rather not have the load screen.
or maybe another dimension totally, such as Skaro (home world of Daleks)? Now that would be cool, and thanks for the thread link i'll look at what you got.
Yeah thats what I thought, use premade ores. And thats more or les how I planned to use the CCTV and portal gun mod except I would like if we could figure out how to put the tardis interior out of reach from finding without the tardis exterior, n=but that poses some problems...
I was also just wondering that, if it was possible to put something underneath bedrock. The problem is how would we actually create it? Having people downloading a custom map just seems a little lame.
I mean my comment as a rebuttle to a previous comment suggesting it should do damage or push mobs, when in reality, the sonic screwdriver does not damage anything and it doesn't work on wood... So wooden doors shouldn't receive power from it.
Also I like the idea of new ores, but we should research into what metal it would actually be...
I prefer a little realism and research in mods, so if you figure out a bit more, I'd be willing to try to code it.
It's impossible to put something under bedrock, the game literally can't do it without changing the entire file system.
It could work like the nether, but that would take too much time.
And what they did in the previous video would be almost impossible with minecraft because of how it renders things and the way the world works.
Yeah the rendering system would have to be changed. See what I was wondering is if the chunk loading code could be tweaked to where it held an extra few chunks in memory that our 'portal' could connect to So there is no load time, but now that i think of it, it probably couldn't because it would need coordinates that would eventually be used in the world walking one way or another. Anyone confirm this theory? I don't really know how the code works but thats how it appears to work.