Surely this already exist? I have no idea where to find mods, or how to install them. I'm sick of these damned things deleting my world. Just now, I got hopelessly lost in some mines. I wondered aimlessly for HOURS to find a way out. Do you know how it ended? A creeper came up behind me while I was occupied dealing with some zombies and KILLED ME. Keep in mind, this is probably the only time i ever died to those things. Unsurprisingly, I struggled to find my way back to my stuff. When I did, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get to it. I ended up having to mine through stone with my bare fist to get back to my stuff. By the time I did, it all had despawned. I had over 100 iron ore. I had mined my area clean. Now, I had nothing at all and no more iron I could get. I deleted that world unsurprisingly.
Or how about this: a mod that stops your stuff from dropping when you die. Or how about a mod that makes the ****ing options actually apply? I did tick everythning I wanted in the menu, but it would make no difference no matter how many times I tried. If that worked, I wouldn't be here.
This game is an unplayable travesty. I wish I never bough it. I also wish I had other games to play too. NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM STEAM. They will tear everything you love away from you and there's not a damned thing you can do stop them. Not to mention the countless scam games with tutorials over 2 hours long just to ensure you can't return the thing once you realize what the game actually is.
This game is unplayable as-is. If I can't remove creepers, and stop my inventory from dropping on death LIKE HARDCORE TERRARIA WHICH I CAN'T PLAY ANYMORE EITHER EVEN ON THE LOWEST DIFFICULTY AFTER THE 1.4 VIRUS.
I did that, and the options did nothing no matter how many times I tried. I even started new worlds, and they still did nothing. They kept reverting every time I opened the menu. Why has that not been fixed??????
You've make like 10 threads (deleted) by now all saying the same things (how creepers are deleting the entire world and there is no way to stop them at all, no matter how well you lit up the area, or walled it in; now you claim that game rules don't even work? Granted, there seems to be no such thing as "destructiveMobs", maybe they meant "mobGriefing", and no, there is no such bug being reported that game rules aren't working, unless you misspelled it, e.g. keepinventory with a lowercase "i". You do need to change them for every new world).
Also, Minecraft isn't on Steam (it even has a splash saying this), so yet other suspicious point; curious that none of the other people here have reported any of the issues you claim to be experiencing? Are you even playing Minecraft (and I mean vanilla, not some twisted mod that makes the game impossibly difficult)? How did this person even do all that if creepers are constantly spawning and destroying everything ("mined stone with bare hands", because you've previously claimed they destroyed every single tree so you literally had nothing left? Just does not sound right, you've also refused to post any screenshots showing what you're claiming; press F2 and they will be saved to (by default) %appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots, you can then upload them with "upload an image")?
The thought of harvesting wood to make another pickax didn't cross my mind. I immedietly rushed to try and find where I died. I wasn't expecting to find it, and when I did, I wasn't expecting to have to mine to get back to where I was. I walked there, why would I need to mine? I never once thought I may need a pickax, and since all your progress vanishes after a set amount of time, I opted to rush to try and salvage my world.
And when did I say I was playing the game through steam? I bought all my games through steam, and steam tore them away from me. Minecraft is literally the only game on my machine that didn't come from steam. If it wasn't for steam, I would have better things to play than minecraft. I would still be playing terraria 1.2 rather this piece of HARDCORE GARBAGE. I would have over a dozen games I could be playing instead of minecraft. Now, all I have to play is Skyrim LEGENDARY EDITION. Yeah, its something, and I do enjoy, but playing the same game and no other has really gotten old. So here I am trying to play something else. Though in the case of minecraft, I confess I just bought it for the money. I didn't get it because it interested me. I was actually highly opposed to buying it because I would have to give cash to worthless microsoft. I broke down because I'm desperate for money. So here I am, beating my head against the world with a barely functioning game that I obviously can't play and can't figure out for the life of me how.
Why not just tell me what to do? What can I do? All I've gotten is get some high-level enchantment that I've never been able to find. Or get a cat, which I've never gotten to work either (I've literally fed an entire stack of fish to a cat and it still refused to follow me). Besides, I doubt cats would do anything anyway, given the rampant misinformation on the net.
Yeah, I could play on easy mode or w/e its called, but my problems aren't damage. My problem is creepers deleting my world, me getting hopelessly lost all the ****ing time, or having nether mobs knock me into the lava. How would reducing damage affect any of that? I'm not getting killed by mobs left and right. I'm struggling with everything the difficulty does not affect. How am I supposed to make money on a worthless program I can't even play? I thought minecraft was supposed to be a ****ing casual game? It has mechanics that TERRARIA ONLY HAS ON ITS HIGHEST DIFFICULTY, and its most certainly not a casual game. In fact, its so hardcore now even on the lowest setting I can't play it anymore (**** THE 1.4 VIRUS TO HELL). So, a casual game that's more merciless than a hardcore game on its highest setting? Casual my ass.
Some of your reasoning doesn't make much sense to me. You don't like Minecraft... but yet you bought it for the money (?) and you're playing it and finding yourself frustrated? I mean... the source of the issue should be apparent, no? You don't like it. If you don't want to be unhappy... stop spending your time doing something you don't like?
Creepers are honestly easy to deal with. Get a shield, get better armor (and enchantments), and most of all, be aware of your surroundings. Creepers are an "awareness check". If they blow up (and if that was because they were targeting you), then you failed that check. And that's fine because sometimes you will, but that's where the armor and shields come in. Their damage to terrain usually isn't severe either unless it's to dirt, and even then it's like, what, a two or three sphere block radius? They're honestly tame, but my perception will be biased by playing for over a decade and being careful of my surroundings... the later of which is often the best way to deal with almost anything in Minecraft.
You've make like 10 threads (deleted) by now all saying the same things (how creepers are deleting the entire world and there is no way to stop them at all, no matter how well you lit up the area, or walled it in; now you claim that game rules don't even work? Granted, there seems to be no such thing as "destructiveMobs", maybe they meant "mobGriefing", and no, there is no such bug being reported that game rules aren't working, unless you misspelled it, e.g. keepinventory with a lowercase "i". You do need to change them for every new world).
TileEntity was probably referring to it by its description in the game rules list to make it easier to find.
Change those two.
But yeah, I thought I was having deja vu with this thread because I wear I've read similar threads, even replied to one I think, but the lower post count had me unsure if someone else was just similarly disliking creepers.
If there's truly been like ten threads, and since these complaints seem to expand to other games and platform policies, then this is comes across more as some sort of user error as opposed to "Minecraft isn't working right". Those game rules work for me, so unless something else is wrong on the thread starter's system which is preventing them from working right, then they do work.
I was looking to make money on youtube. Minecraft vids, even from obscure channels, get far more views than anything I would be interested in. I was planning on using the minecraft channel for money and doing vids on what I actually enjoy on the side. Obviously, that plan's not working so well. Keep in mind, the types of videos I would like to make, only get at best a few hundred views PER YEAR. Clearly that's not much for income. I have a hard time finding channels that uploaded more than a few videos because it just doesn't make nearly enough to justify.
And no, I don't own a better option. Even Skyrim doesn't make much views unless you have freaking bethesda making your vids for you. How am I supposed to compete with that degree of production quality? Nobody else can pull it off. Minecraft was a purely business decision that clearly isn't working out. Fml.
Surely this already exist? I have no idea where to find mods, or how to install them. I'm sick of these damned things deleting my world. Just now, I got hopelessly lost in some mines. I wondered aimlessly for HOURS to find a way out. Do you know how it ended? A creeper came up behind me while I was occupied dealing with some zombies and KILLED ME. Keep in mind, this is probably the only time i ever died to those things. Unsurprisingly, I struggled to find my way back to my stuff. When I did, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get to it. I ended up having to mine through stone with my bare fist to get back to my stuff. By the time I did, it all had despawned. I had over 100 iron ore. I had mined my area clean. Now, I had nothing at all and no more iron I could get. I deleted that world unsurprisingly.
Or how about this: a mod that stops your stuff from dropping when you die. Or how about a mod that makes the ****ing options actually apply? I did tick everythning I wanted in the menu, but it would make no difference no matter how many times I tried. If that worked, I wouldn't be here.
This game is an unplayable travesty. I wish I never bough it. I also wish I had other games to play too. NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM STEAM. They will tear everything you love away from you and there's not a damned thing you can do stop them. Not to mention the countless scam games with tutorials over 2 hours long just to ensure you can't return the thing once you realize what the game actually is.
This game is unplayable as-is. If I can't remove creepers, and stop my inventory from dropping on death LIKE HARDCORE TERRARIA WHICH I CAN'T PLAY ANYMORE EITHER EVEN ON THE LOWEST DIFFICULTY AFTER THE 1.4 VIRUS.
Without mods, you can enable Gamerules with the world creation
Disable destructiveMobs and enable keepInventory
>> Link to Curseforge <<
I did that, and the options did nothing no matter how many times I tried. I even started new worlds, and they still did nothing. They kept reverting every time I opened the menu. Why has that not been fixed??????
Try mods like InControl and Corpse
>> Link to Curseforge <<
You've make like 10 threads (deleted) by now all saying the same things (how creepers are deleting the entire world and there is no way to stop them at all, no matter how well you lit up the area, or walled it in; now you claim that game rules don't even work? Granted, there seems to be no such thing as "destructiveMobs", maybe they meant "mobGriefing", and no, there is no such bug being reported that game rules aren't working, unless you misspelled it, e.g. keepinventory with a lowercase "i". You do need to change them for every new world).
Also, Minecraft isn't on Steam (it even has a splash saying this), so yet other suspicious point; curious that none of the other people here have reported any of the issues you claim to be experiencing? Are you even playing Minecraft (and I mean vanilla, not some twisted mod that makes the game impossibly difficult)? How did this person even do all that if creepers are constantly spawning and destroying everything ("mined stone with bare hands", because you've previously claimed they destroyed every single tree so you literally had nothing left? Just does not sound right, you've also refused to post any screenshots showing what you're claiming; press F2 and they will be saved to (by default) %appdata%\.minecraft\screenshots, you can then upload them with "upload an image")?
TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.
TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.
Why do I still play in 1.6.4?
The thought of harvesting wood to make another pickax didn't cross my mind. I immedietly rushed to try and find where I died. I wasn't expecting to find it, and when I did, I wasn't expecting to have to mine to get back to where I was. I walked there, why would I need to mine? I never once thought I may need a pickax, and since all your progress vanishes after a set amount of time, I opted to rush to try and salvage my world.
And when did I say I was playing the game through steam? I bought all my games through steam, and steam tore them away from me. Minecraft is literally the only game on my machine that didn't come from steam. If it wasn't for steam, I would have better things to play than minecraft. I would still be playing terraria 1.2 rather this piece of HARDCORE GARBAGE. I would have over a dozen games I could be playing instead of minecraft. Now, all I have to play is Skyrim LEGENDARY EDITION. Yeah, its something, and I do enjoy, but playing the same game and no other has really gotten old. So here I am trying to play something else. Though in the case of minecraft, I confess I just bought it for the money. I didn't get it because it interested me. I was actually highly opposed to buying it because I would have to give cash to worthless microsoft. I broke down because I'm desperate for money. So here I am, beating my head against the world with a barely functioning game that I obviously can't play and can't figure out for the life of me how.
Why not just tell me what to do? What can I do? All I've gotten is get some high-level enchantment that I've never been able to find. Or get a cat, which I've never gotten to work either (I've literally fed an entire stack of fish to a cat and it still refused to follow me). Besides, I doubt cats would do anything anyway, given the rampant misinformation on the net.
Yeah, I could play on easy mode or w/e its called, but my problems aren't damage. My problem is creepers deleting my world, me getting hopelessly lost all the ****ing time, or having nether mobs knock me into the lava. How would reducing damage affect any of that? I'm not getting killed by mobs left and right. I'm struggling with everything the difficulty does not affect. How am I supposed to make money on a worthless program I can't even play? I thought minecraft was supposed to be a ****ing casual game? It has mechanics that TERRARIA ONLY HAS ON ITS HIGHEST DIFFICULTY, and its most certainly not a casual game. In fact, its so hardcore now even on the lowest setting I can't play it anymore (**** THE 1.4 VIRUS TO HELL). So, a casual game that's more merciless than a hardcore game on its highest setting? Casual my ass.
Some of your reasoning doesn't make much sense to me. You don't like Minecraft... but yet you bought it for the money (?) and you're playing it and finding yourself frustrated? I mean... the source of the issue should be apparent, no? You don't like it. If you don't want to be unhappy... stop spending your time doing something you don't like?
Creepers are honestly easy to deal with. Get a shield, get better armor (and enchantments), and most of all, be aware of your surroundings. Creepers are an "awareness check". If they blow up (and if that was because they were targeting you), then you failed that check. And that's fine because sometimes you will, but that's where the armor and shields come in. Their damage to terrain usually isn't severe either unless it's to dirt, and even then it's like, what, a two or three sphere block radius? They're honestly tame, but my perception will be biased by playing for over a decade and being careful of my surroundings... the later of which is often the best way to deal with almost anything in Minecraft.
TileEntity was probably referring to it by its description in the game rules list to make it easier to find.

Change those two.
But yeah, I thought I was having deja vu with this thread because I wear I've read similar threads, even replied to one I think, but the lower post count had me unsure if someone else was just similarly disliking creepers.
If there's truly been like ten threads, and since these complaints seem to expand to other games and platform policies, then this is comes across more as some sort of user error as opposed to "Minecraft isn't working right". Those game rules work for me, so unless something else is wrong on the thread starter's system which is preventing them from working right, then they do work.
I was looking to make money on youtube. Minecraft vids, even from obscure channels, get far more views than anything I would be interested in. I was planning on using the minecraft channel for money and doing vids on what I actually enjoy on the side. Obviously, that plan's not working so well. Keep in mind, the types of videos I would like to make, only get at best a few hundred views PER YEAR. Clearly that's not much for income. I have a hard time finding channels that uploaded more than a few videos because it just doesn't make nearly enough to justify.
And no, I don't own a better option. Even Skyrim doesn't make much views unless you have freaking bethesda making your vids for you. How am I supposed to compete with that degree of production quality? Nobody else can pull it off. Minecraft was a purely business decision that clearly isn't working out. Fml.
Check out badmobs, they already can do that with the proper config.