These Origins are all Bedrock Edition exclusive! They come along with the other 9 from Java (Avian, Feline, Blazeborn, Merling, Phantom, Enderian, Arachnid, Elytrian, and Shulk)
(this mod is unofficial since i don’t know how to code. it’ll be pretty epic if someone who does found this)
+Flies infinitely
+Immune to lava and fire
+Can shoot fireballs every 30 seconds
-Can't stop flying
=You are 5 blocks wide and 5 blocks tall
+Infinite Slowness Arrow
+Faster in the night
+No mobs attack you, even boss mobs
+You get night vision in dark spaces
-Infinite Hunger
-Blinded by the daylight (gets blindness in bright areas)
=Arrows sometime shoot as normal arrows
+Very Strong
+6 Additional Hearts
+ +5 Reach
+Stones drop when mined with fist (ores included)
-Very slow
-Can't sleep
-Can only wear diamond and netherite armor
=4 Blocks Tall
+Can’t take fire damage
+Is able to walk on lava
+Very fast in the nether
+Can wear horse armor and normal armor (gives you a full suit of that type)
-Very slow in the overworld and end
-Natural spawn is in the Nether
-Takes damage in water and rain
=People can mount you at all times
+Inventory is double the size
+All tools are better when crafted (Wooden is Stone when crafted, Stone is iron, ect)
+Always has +3 armor bars
+No experience needed to use an anvil and enchant table
-1 Less Heart
-Mines slow
-Walks slow without boots
=Can’t receive effects
Elder Guardian
+You can breathe underwater
+You can project lasers every 30 seconds (doesn’t grief, just does damage)
+You always have the Thorns 3 enchantment when you craft armor
+You have night vision underwater
+5 Additional Hearts
-You can’t leave the water without losing 4 hearts every second
- -10 Inventory space
=You give Mining Fatigue 3 on the touch
+You can fly very fast
+Every player is outlined in red to you
+You are very strong in flight
-All colors are shades of red to you
-You can’t walk on land
-Can’t wear helmets (only color glasses)
=1/4 Blocks T all
Light Monster
+Is brighter than every light source in the game combined
+Very fast in light
+Mobs can’t see you in a 3 block radius
-Fire resistant (still takes damage in lava)
-Slow and weak in the night
-Forever hungry
=You can light up an entire chunk
+Very Strong
+All blocks are slippery like ice blocks to you
+ +2 Reach
-You take a lot more fire damage
=Always has Frost Walker (can walk on water with ice)
=2 ½ blocks tall
Thunder Master
+You can summon lightning in all weather when you hit an entity
+Fire from your lightning doesn’t burn anything
+You’re able to fly during thunderstorms
+Takes no fall damage
-You can only fly for 50 seconds or you get hurt majorly
-You take damage from mobs easier
-VERY slow when the weather is rain
=If you smite someone, it has a 1/150 chance to clear their inventory
------New Craftable Items-----
Origin Resetter
Once crafted, you can pick a completely new origin!
Ice Boat
Allows the Yeti Origin to boat on any block as if it were ice *YETI EXCLUSIVE*
Color Glasses
Allows the Gnat Origin to see all colors while wearing this item *GNAT EXCLUSIVE*
These Origins are all Bedrock Edition exclusive! They come along with the other 9 from Java (Avian, Feline, Blazeborn, Merling, Phantom, Enderian, Arachnid, Elytrian, and Shulk)
(this mod is unofficial since i don’t know how to code. it’ll be pretty epic if someone who does found this)
+Flies infinitely
+Immune to lava and fire
+Can shoot fireballs every 30 seconds
-Can't stop flying
=You are 5 blocks wide and 5 blocks tall
+Infinite Slowness Arrow
+Faster in the night
+No mobs attack you, even boss mobs
+You get night vision in dark spaces
-Infinite Hunger
-Blinded by the daylight (gets blindness in bright areas)
=Arrows sometime shoot as normal arrows
+Very Strong
+6 Additional Hearts
+ +5 Reach
+Stones drop when mined with fist (ores included)
-Very slow
-Can't sleep
-Can only wear diamond and netherite armor
=4 Blocks Tall
+Can’t take fire damage
+Is able to walk on lava
+Very fast in the nether
+Can wear horse armor and normal armor (gives you a full suit of that type)
-Very slow in the overworld and end
-Natural spawn is in the Nether
-Takes damage in water and rain
=People can mount you at all times
+Inventory is double the size
+All tools are better when crafted (Wooden is Stone when crafted, Stone is iron, ect)
+Always has +3 armor bars
+No experience needed to use an anvil and enchant table
-1 Less Heart
-Mines slow
-Walks slow without boots
=Can’t receive effects
Elder Guardian
+You can breathe underwater
+You can project lasers every 30 seconds (doesn’t grief, just does damage)
+You always have the Thorns 3 enchantment when you craft armor
+You have night vision underwater
+5 Additional Hearts
-You can’t leave the water without losing 4 hearts every second
- -10 Inventory space
=You give Mining Fatigue 3 on the touch
+You can fly very fast
+Every player is outlined in red to you
+You are very strong in flight
-All colors are shades of red to you
-You can’t walk on land
-Can’t wear helmets (only color glasses)
=1/4 Blocks T all
Light Monster
+Is brighter than every light source in the game combined
+Very fast in light
+Mobs can’t see you in a 3 block radius
-Fire resistant (still takes damage in lava)
-Slow and weak in the night
-Forever hungry
=You can light up an entire chunk
+Very Strong
+All blocks are slippery like ice blocks to you
+ +2 Reach
-You take a lot more fire damage
=Always has Frost Walker (can walk on water with ice)
=2 ½ blocks tall
Thunder Master
+You can summon lightning in all weather when you hit an entity
+Fire from your lightning doesn’t burn anything
+You’re able to fly during thunderstorms
+Takes no fall damage
-You can only fly for 50 seconds or you get hurt majorly
-You take damage from mobs easier
-VERY slow when the weather is rain
=If you smite someone, it has a 1/150 chance to clear their inventory
------New Craftable Items-----
Origin Resetter
Once crafted, you can pick a completely new origin!
Ice Boat
Allows the Yeti Origin to boat on any block as if it were ice *YETI EXCLUSIVE*
Color Glasses
Allows the Gnat Origin to see all colors while wearing this item *GNAT EXCLUSIVE*
Where do I download this?
Minecraft Origins mod for bedrock
[by ShadowSharkPVP]
1. click link
2. if the forums tells you that you are leaving the website, click the button
3. click download
4. click on the file to boot up Minecraft and import it
Note: if you want to create a world with this, make sure to add the origins mod behaviour pack
i cant walk forward in any of the orgins