I've yet to see anything quite like this, as simplistic as the idea is. Basically, someone needs to design a mod that allows players to generate a new world, and spawn in next to a single predesignated structure (a schematics file of their choosing). For instance, there are a number of crash landing modpacks, either from a spaceship on a desert planet, or a boat/plane onto a deserted island. There should be a mod that allows the packer to assign a structure (a crashed vehicle, for instance) next to the player when the world loads for the first time. This could obviously be a building, as well.
There should be an option to protect the structure from the player breaking it, as well. Just because you've got a crashed shuttle doesn't mean you get free blocks of iron... This option can also include an optional message to the player; "You're thinking of hitting a damaged, nuclear fueled shuttle with a pickaxe? Are you out of your mind?"
S Y S T E M:CPU:total 4 * Memory: 4k page, physical 6157592k(3742924k free), swap 7468312k(3909516k free)*vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.55-b03) for windows-amd64 JRE (1.7.0_55-b13), built on Mar 17 2014 19:45:30 by "java_re" with unknown MS VC++:1600
"Strive not to unravel the twisted intent of one who willingly embraces limitation." -from ElfQuest by Richard Pini
I've yet to see anything quite like this, as simplistic as the idea is. Basically, someone needs to design a mod that allows players to generate a new world, and spawn in next to a single predesignated structure (a schematics file of their choosing). For instance, there are a number of crash landing modpacks, either from a spaceship on a desert planet, or a boat/plane onto a deserted island. There should be a mod that allows the packer to assign a structure (a crashed vehicle, for instance) next to the player when the world loads for the first time. This could obviously be a building, as well.
There should be an option to protect the structure from the player breaking it, as well. Just because you've got a crashed shuttle doesn't mean you get free blocks of iron... This option can also include an optional message to the player; "You're thinking of hitting a damaged, nuclear fueled shuttle with a pickaxe? Are you out of your mind?"
"Strive not to unravel the twisted intent of one who willingly embraces limitation." -from ElfQuest by Richard Pini