Ever fought a very strong mob and thought "Man I can use a power boost right now,"?
Then this is for you.
If not ignore this post completely and utterly.Intrested?
Whats the plan boss?
The titan mod is a player upgrade.
Players will have to obtain special amulets (expenssssiiiveee) and will have to equip them. Once equipped you will be able to transform into a powerful "titan" with special abilities and a new look to boot! But be careful. Once you equip an amulet a bar will appear (kinda like an energy bar) and will begin to deplete once transformed. If your transformed when it depletes you will turn back to normal and will not be able to transform UNTIL IT IS FULL. But if your turn back before it depletes you just gotta wait till it fills up enough for you to be happy and go rampaging again.
So what kinda titans are there?
Light Titan
Dark Titan
Earth Titan
Fire Titan
Water Titan
Air Titan
Each one will have different abilities and different looks.
The light titan will have one ability called Cleanse. This sends out a wave instantly killing any zombies, spiders, skeletons, creepers, endermen, and dealing massive damage to other hostile mobs. The dark titan will have an ability named Call of the Darkness. This summons Shadows (new mob that will be added) to aid the player. The amount can range from 3 to 10. Fire titan may have an ability named Burn Them All which sets ALL mobs and players in a certain range around the player. Earth will have Quake which sends waves of blocks that damage and knocks up whomever or whatever is hit. I haven't thought of one for air and water right now. But there may be 4-8 skills per titan! So if you do have an idea post it! In addition to activated abilities there will be passive ones as well. One of course will be a health and damage boost. Water will have water breathing. Air can fly and will not take fall damage. Dark will have a wither aura that affects all nearby passive mobs and non-light players. Light will have a regeneration aura for all nearby passive mobs and non-dark players. Fire will be fully fire resistant and lava resistant. Along with every step they leave a path of fire. Cant think of one for earth.
Amulets are created with essence collectors. You must place one to begin the collection process. WARNING! When it begins to collect mobs will be drawn to it! If it takes too much damage it will SHUT DOWN AND SOME OF THE ESSENCE WILL BE LOST!!!!!! You must protect it to successfully gather enough essence to create your amulet! How does the collector work? Once placed it will begin to generate all of the essences. Some faster than others some slower. If deep enough underground Earth will generate faster. If in the nether fire and darkness will generate faster. If in the end dark will only generate. If nearby water, water essence will generate faster. If high up enough air will generate faster. If in direct daylight light will generate faster. Once you have enough essence of your choosing you will have to then convert the essence into a crystal (by clicking a convenient button in the collector gui) which will be placed in the amulet. Then equip the amulet and voila! Press P to go nuts!
Possible amulet recipe:
G=Gold ingo
Player: But but but I killed someone who was in titan mode!!!
Well good job! You are rewarded with a piece of titan armor or sword! ooooooooo! This armor and sword set will be stronger than diamond and will reward players with passive boosts that will become more potent as they add to their set! For instance lets say you have a light chestplate and helmet you may have regeneration 2 instead of 1. But add in a fire legging you will be rewarded with not only regeneration 2 but fire protection 1 as well! The swords will give the player access to one of the titan's abilities. Fire sword will give access (right click and it does use a bit of durability) to Burn em all. That's just an example! Imagine the combos (warning dark armor does NOT remove the wither effect of dark titans unless they have full set of armor.)
Also there will be ways to upgrade your energy bar. Haven't thought of ways we can do so.
So if you have an idea let me know!
If interested pm me. I can do models myself but I need coders and texturers
.Also I should have some draft models ready in the future if you guys like this.
Posting ideas. Great!
Giving no supporting information or even a path of how the mods works. Bad!
People cannot read minds. (Yet) You need to give a structure to an idea and make sure you have something planned out or how do you expect anyone to create it?
From this all anyone can get is
You're timed in this thing form stuff.
You have a cool down depending on how long you used it for some time in space.
It's powerful and "(expenssssiiiveee)"!
and theres a ton of differently named things with apparently the same powers and look?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Contact me via tweet (@Clay_corp) for even quicker responses!
Posting ideas. Great!
Giving no supporting information or even a path of how the mods works. Bad!
People cannot read minds. (Yet) You need to give a structure to an idea and make sure you have something planned out or how do you expect anyone to create it?
From this all anyone can get is
You're timed in this thing form stuff.
You have a cool down depending on how long you used it for some time in space.
It's powerful and "(expenssssiiiveee)"!
and theres a ton of differently named things with apparently the same powers and look?
Thanks for the feedback! I did add more to the OP since it became clearer in my own head ha ha.
Ever fought a very strong mob and thought "Man I can use a power boost right now,"?
Then this is for you.
If not ignore this post completely and utterly.Intrested?
Whats the plan boss?
The titan mod is a player upgrade.
Players will have to obtain special amulets (expenssssiiiveee) and will have to equip them. Once equipped you will be able to transform into a powerful "titan" with special abilities and a new look to boot! But be careful. Once you equip an amulet a bar will appear (kinda like an energy bar) and will begin to deplete once transformed. If your transformed when it depletes you will turn back to normal and will not be able to transform UNTIL IT IS FULL. But if your turn back before it depletes you just gotta wait till it fills up enough for you to be happy and go rampaging again.
So what kinda titans are there?
Light Titan
Dark Titan
Earth Titan
Fire Titan
Water Titan
Air Titan
Each one will have different abilities and different looks.
The light titan will have one ability called Cleanse. This sends out a wave instantly killing any zombies, spiders, skeletons, creepers, endermen, and dealing massive damage to other hostile mobs. The dark titan will have an ability named Call of the Darkness. This summons Shadows (new mob that will be added) to aid the player. The amount can range from 3 to 10. Fire titan may have an ability named Burn Them All which sets ALL mobs and players in a certain range around the player. Earth will have Quake which sends waves of blocks that damage and knocks up whomever or whatever is hit. I haven't thought of one for air and water right now. But there may be 4-8 skills per titan! So if you do have an idea post it! In addition to activated abilities there will be passive ones as well. One of course will be a health and damage boost. Water will have water breathing. Air can fly and will not take fall damage. Dark will have a wither aura that affects all nearby passive mobs and non-light players. Light will have a regeneration aura for all nearby passive mobs and non-dark players. Fire will be fully fire resistant and lava resistant. Along with every step they leave a path of fire. Cant think of one for earth.
Amulets are created with essence collectors. You must place one to begin the collection process. WARNING! When it begins to collect mobs will be drawn to it! If it takes too much damage it will SHUT DOWN AND SOME OF THE ESSENCE WILL BE LOST!!!!!! You must protect it to successfully gather enough essence to create your amulet! How does the collector work? Once placed it will begin to generate all of the essences. Some faster than others some slower. If deep enough underground Earth will generate faster. If in the nether fire and darkness will generate faster. If in the end dark will only generate. If nearby water, water essence will generate faster. If high up enough air will generate faster. If in direct daylight light will generate faster. Once you have enough essence of your choosing you will have to then convert the essence into a crystal (by clicking a convenient button in the collector gui) which will be placed in the amulet. Then equip the amulet and voila! Press P to go nuts!
Possible amulet recipe:
G=Gold ingo
Player: But but but I killed someone who was in titan mode!!!
Well good job! You are rewarded with a piece of titan armor or sword! ooooooooo! This armor and sword set will be stronger than diamond and will reward players with passive boosts that will become more potent as they add to their set! For instance lets say you have a light chestplate and helmet you may have regeneration 2 instead of 1. But add in a fire legging you will be rewarded with not only regeneration 2 but fire protection 1 as well! The swords will give the player access to one of the titan's abilities. Fire sword will give access (right click and it does use a bit of durability) to Burn em all. That's just an example! Imagine the combos (warning dark armor does NOT remove the wither effect of dark titans unless they have full set of armor.)
Also there will be ways to upgrade your energy bar. Haven't thought of ways we can do so.
So if you have an idea let me know!
If interested pm me. I can do models myself but I need coders and texturers
.Also I should have some draft models ready in the future if you guys like this.
Check out my mod idea! http://www.minecraft...r-with-bending/
Giving no supporting information or even a path of how the mods works. Bad!
People cannot read minds. (Yet) You need to give a structure to an idea and make sure you have something planned out or how do you expect anyone to create it?
From this all anyone can get is
You're timed in this thing form stuff.
You have a cool down depending on how long you used it for some time in space.
It's powerful and "(expenssssiiiveee)"!
and theres a ton of differently named things with apparently the same powers and look?
Thanks for the feedback! I did add more to the OP since it became clearer in my own head ha ha.
Check out my mod idea! http://www.minecraft...r-with-bending/
Much better than it was before.
Could make an quite an interesting mod if you keep working on it
Plus find someone to make it.
Check out my mod idea! http://www.minecraft...r-with-bending/
Check out my mod idea! http://www.minecraft...r-with-bending/
Check out my mod idea! http://www.minecraft...r-with-bending/
Check out my mod idea! http://www.minecraft...r-with-bending/