As we were all taught from an early age, nobody is perfect, everyone has his disability.
I saw an idea by inkybinky3, and thought it's a great idea, but not exactly written well
Disabilities mod
For now, this is just a very early idea, and will be expanded later.
This is a common problem many people have, including me.
When in your normal inventory, stack numbers are rounded to the closest number dividable by 10 (if the last digit is above 5 - rounded downwards, if equals or above 5, rounded upwards), this is visual only, and not in other GUIs, to represent being unfocused, also, 0.5% of the mobs, excluding creepers, are visible only focused on (when the cross is on them), the rest is visible all the time, as usual.
One on demand bonus is being able to have speed or haste 1, 2, or 3 for 10 secs or 20 secs with the cost of having mining fatigue or slowness accordingly after then, 2 times as long, not clearable by drinking milk, the gui for choosing the duration and strength of the buff would be activated when eating sugar, during the buff and debuff the chance for mobs being visible only when focused on is up to 10%, with a cooldown of 3 minutes, during the cooldown you may move slightly, but the character will still respond to keyboard.
More planned later!
A problem causing all sorts of clumsyness.
When falling more than 1 block, you may (1% chance) take up to (randomized) 2 extra health points of damage (including heights less than 4 blocks), this abillity is disabled when naturalHealthRegeneration is off and/or hardcore mode.
When stopping a movement your character has a 5% chance of responding late by 0.5 a second (meaning you'll keep moving the direction you did for 0.5 seconds after you release the key).
When crafting items that are not placeable they have a 2% chance of being dropped (the product, not the ingredients), toggleable in config (in case you have something like ClearLag).
When hunger is full and you walk left or right, the character has a 1% chance of walking the opposite direction until releasing and pressing the key, in that case the chance for responding late (keep moving for 0.5 secs) is 0%
Your character naturally has fortune I (there's a myth here about clumsy people being lucky) using tools not made of stone or wood.
When mining gravel with fortune I shovel (addantional to the natural fortune) you have a 0.01% chance of getting a diamond, and a 0.3% chance of getting a gold nugget.
When trading with a villager you may get a discount of 1 emerald (0.3% chance, since you can keep trying).
May need balancing of chances and more ideas.
A very common problem in the modern world, your weight is above normal.
When jumping your jump has a 2% chance of being only 1 slab high.
Horses take damage slowly when you are on them for over 3 minutes, getting off and waiting 5 seconds (not on the horse) resets the timer.
Fall damage has a 5% chance of being multiplied by 1.5.
Falling on a mob causes it 4 points (2 hearts) of damage as long as you fall for over 3 blocks (not including the mob itself).
Your fist has a 3% chance of damaging like a stone sword (4 points).
You have an extra dull heart - 1 point of health as oppose to a normal heart (2).
You can't ride pigs.
A problem more common in teenagers than older people, your weight is under normal (I am in underweight).
If you take more fall damage than you have lives (meaning your'e normally gonna die from it) you have a 50% chance of surviving with 1/2 a heart, getting slowness II for 5 seconds (unclearable by milk).
When eating you have a 25% chance of the food only giving 1/2 of hunger bars it normally does.
Eating has a 5% chance of slowing you (slowness I) for 2 seconds after you finish eating.
When knocked back, you have a 10% chance of the knockback being twice as strong.
When wearing feather falling IV or V armour, your falling has a 50% chance of actually being like a feather falling (slow and with no damage), also, if you wear those you don't get the chance of surviving the fall with 1/2 a heart.
Your hit has a 40% chance of only doing half the damage it does normally (looting does affect this positively - by reducing the chance to 20%, 10% or totally canceling it according to the level of the enchantment)
If you think something is unbalanced, or missing, please comment!
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There should be a blindness disability that adds the potion effect "blindness" forever
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Now for a limited time you can try Mirkwood for free for a month. Mirkwood is not for everyone, especially children, women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant. Side effects include: nausea, vomiting, loss of bowel control, urges to speak German at random moments, explosive radiation poisoning, mutation, itchy, watery eyes, protein denaturalization, high fever, gooifying, potty-mouth, loss of charisma, and death. You must be 18 or over to be eligible to take Mirkwood. Ask your doctor if Mirkwood is right for you.
I saw an idea by inkybinky3, and thought it's a great idea, but not exactly written well
When in your normal inventory, stack numbers are rounded to the closest number dividable by 10 (if the last digit is above 5 - rounded downwards, if equals or above 5, rounded upwards), this is visual only, and not in other GUIs, to represent being unfocused, also, 0.5% of the mobs, excluding creepers, are visible only focused on (when the cross is on them), the rest is visible all the time, as usual.
One on demand bonus is being able to have speed or haste 1, 2, or 3 for 10 secs or 20 secs with the cost of having mining fatigue or slowness accordingly after then, 2 times as long, not clearable by drinking milk, the gui for choosing the duration and strength of the buff would be activated when eating sugar, during the buff and debuff the chance for mobs being visible only when focused on is up to 10%, with a cooldown of 3 minutes, during the cooldown you may move slightly, but the character will still respond to keyboard.
More planned later!
When falling more than 1 block, you may (1% chance) take up to (randomized) 2 extra health points of damage (including heights less than 4 blocks), this abillity is disabled when naturalHealthRegeneration is off and/or hardcore mode.
When stopping a movement your character has a 5% chance of responding late by 0.5 a second (meaning you'll keep moving the direction you did for 0.5 seconds after you release the key).
When crafting items that are not placeable they have a 2% chance of being dropped (the product, not the ingredients), toggleable in config (in case you have something like ClearLag).
When hunger is full and you walk left or right, the character has a 1% chance of walking the opposite direction until releasing and pressing the key, in that case the chance for responding late (keep moving for 0.5 secs) is 0%
Your character naturally has fortune I (there's a myth here about clumsy people being lucky) using tools not made of stone or wood.
When mining gravel with fortune I shovel (addantional to the natural fortune) you have a 0.01% chance of getting a diamond, and a 0.3% chance of getting a gold nugget.
When trading with a villager you may get a discount of 1 emerald (0.3% chance, since you can keep trying).
May need balancing of chances and more ideas.
When jumping your jump has a 2% chance of being only 1 slab high.
Horses take damage slowly when you are on them for over 3 minutes, getting off and waiting 5 seconds (not on the horse) resets the timer.
Fall damage has a 5% chance of being multiplied by 1.5.
Falling on a mob causes it 4 points (2 hearts) of damage as long as you fall for over 3 blocks (not including the mob itself).
Your fist has a 3% chance of damaging like a stone sword (4 points).
You have an extra dull heart - 1 point of health as oppose to a normal heart (2).
You can't ride pigs.
If you take more fall damage than you have lives (meaning your'e normally gonna die from it) you have a 50% chance of surviving with 1/2 a heart, getting slowness II for 5 seconds (unclearable by milk).
When eating you have a 25% chance of the food only giving 1/2 of hunger bars it normally does.
Eating has a 5% chance of slowing you (slowness I) for 2 seconds after you finish eating.
When knocked back, you have a 10% chance of the knockback being twice as strong.
When wearing feather falling IV or V armour, your falling has a 50% chance of actually being like a feather falling (slow and with no damage), also, if you wear those you don't get the chance of surviving the fall with 1/2 a heart.
Your hit has a 40% chance of only doing half the damage it does normally (looting does affect this positively - by reducing the chance to 20%, 10% or totally canceling it according to the level of the enchantment)
If you think something is unbalanced, or missing, please comment!
Now for a limited time you can try Mirkwood for free for a month. Mirkwood is not for everyone, especially children, women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant. Side effects include: nausea, vomiting, loss of bowel control, urges to speak German at random moments, explosive radiation poisoning, mutation, itchy, watery eyes, protein denaturalization, high fever, gooifying, potty-mouth, loss of charisma, and death. You must be 18 or over to be eligible to take Mirkwood. Ask your doctor if Mirkwood is right for you.