My mod is a bit of an extensive one. It's called the better dimensions mod found here on the forums. Should be in the top few on the first page. I cannot post the like through my smart phone though. Please let me know
i have one that you might find challenging and perhaps it will be incorporated into all the games.
There has been want of making a floatable wood that you could build on to make larger boats that can move through the water. Someone in one of the forums suggested the idea of "sealed wood". Now they wanted to mess with the coal. Not good. But in real life pine resin sealed and waterproofs wood. So we can either modify jungle wood for this or take the jungle wood pattern or create a new tree. Pine can be located in jungle biomes or mountains. It would be a yellow brown color and produce a yellowish processed wood. ( i am not into the lingo of minecraft but i hope you understand me) This wood is good two ways. you can build with it or you can run it through your stone smelting furnace and it will yield an orange brick of resin ingot. when you combine the ingot with ANY wood it produces a sealed wood. Now this will stick to other things but not water. so when you build with it you place it on the bottom where the water it and shallow. It will have the flotation ratios of the boats. you will have to experiment with it find out as you use it what is needed to give enough flotation for the bigger boats or ships. ( i suspect if you build with it below the water line and dont make the draft to deep you will do just fine.) Then a new item will be needed to work with power supply torches to allow you to move it. Keep in mine that it has to be buildable in the minecraft table. If you all can do this then maybe it can become something that even notch will want to somehow incorprorate into the various versions even the xbox. This gives the player a new option to build something a bit bigger to haul chests in.
what do you think? its a pine tree and it produces the resin it combines with wood on the crafting table. the new wood has to have different look about when combined with the resin though. Maybe a filmy looking cover?
I hope you and other modders and coders can pull this off.
i would even love to tell the game's creator.
Hi, I have a mod that should be simple for you. I hope you can do it for me. It's for a big community and if you can do it, we'll be indebted to you. Tell me if you're interested and I'll definitely PM you the details!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Can you make a Pokeball mod? Adds craft able Pokeball crafting recipie Q=quartz B-Button O-Obsidian R=redstone
Pretty much you throw it at any mob (including mobs from all mods if possible) then it captures it throwing it again will release the mob
Also if possible can you make it then waving over a Pokeball with a mob it says name of the mob and its hp eg with creeper at 13 health
Creeper(Hp 13/20)
Also a simple C4 mod with C4 2.5x strength as TNT and detonater c4 can be placed on any side f a block PS for this i dont care about Reicipies
now finally a dual wielding mod (toggle able in pause menu if possible but using this splits hot bar into 2 groups of 4 slots keys 1-4 will control the items for the left hand and 6-8 for right hand left click for left hand and right click for right hand to swing/place blocks of drink potions eat food and draw back bow depending on item in ur hand tool/sword = swing food = eat Potion= Drink shears =shear sheep if pointing at one
Bow = pull back Hoe = till grass and Flint and steel = ignite
I have been thinking of a quantum computing mod. I am a researcher in the field so I could help with all the physics side of things. I made a post of it here.
Do you think you could handle it? There might be some fairly complex parts especially with implementation of qubits. Have you ever made a mod that's similar?
How about a block that when it recieves a redstone signal it breaks the block in front if it as if a pick were used on it. Would be mainly used in automatic cobble generators.
How about a block that when it recieves a redstone signal it breaks the block in front if it as if a pick were used on it. Would be mainly used in automatic cobble generators.
i think somebody may have made this, but could you make a werewolf mod? There would be 2 new mobs, werewolves and hunters.
If you get hit by a werewolf in survival you turn into a werewolf at night. the hunters will kill all werewolves they see, including the player.
villagers run from you after you get bit(hurt by werewolf). as a werewolf you have strength, resistance, and speed. you can prevent the transformation if you sleep. when it nears night, in the chat it will say, "the time draws near...". thats all.
Can you do resource packs? a few of my friends and I are creating a walking dead survival map based on the show, and we thought it would be cool to use guns, like in the show. we have decided to make it a flan's mod based map, but I cannot find a content pack that has what I need in it. i'm not sure if you're familiar with Flans mod, but it enables the usage of vehicles, weapons, and parts to build vehicles. the mod itself has no actual vehicles or guns, it requires content packs. If you are interested in helping, I can explain more about what I would like this content pack to consist of.
PM me some stuff. I know how to code. I just need some clarification on what you need.
There has been want of making a floatable wood that you could build on to make larger boats that can move through the water. Someone in one of the forums suggested the idea of "sealed wood". Now they wanted to mess with the coal. Not good. But in real life pine resin sealed and waterproofs wood. So we can either modify jungle wood for this or take the jungle wood pattern or create a new tree. Pine can be located in jungle biomes or mountains. It would be a yellow brown color and produce a yellowish processed wood. ( i am not into the lingo of minecraft but i hope you understand me) This wood is good two ways. you can build with it or you can run it through your stone smelting furnace and it will yield an orange brick of resin ingot. when you combine the ingot with ANY wood it produces a sealed wood. Now this will stick to other things but not water. so when you build with it you place it on the bottom where the water it and shallow. It will have the flotation ratios of the boats. you will have to experiment with it find out as you use it what is needed to give enough flotation for the bigger boats or ships. ( i suspect if you build with it below the water line and dont make the draft to deep you will do just fine.) Then a new item will be needed to work with power supply torches to allow you to move it. Keep in mine that it has to be buildable in the minecraft table. If you all can do this then maybe it can become something that even notch will want to somehow incorprorate into the various versions even the xbox. This gives the player a new option to build something a bit bigger to haul chests in.
what do you think? its a pine tree and it produces the resin it combines with wood on the crafting table. the new wood has to have different look about when combined with the resin though. Maybe a filmy looking cover?
I hope you and other modders and coders can pull this off.
i would even love to tell the game's creator.
Thank you for your kind services.
Pretty much you throw it at any mob (including mobs from all mods if possible) then it captures it throwing it again will release the mob
Also if possible can you make it then waving over a Pokeball with a mob it says name of the mob and its hp eg with creeper at 13 health
Creeper(Hp 13/20)
Also a simple C4 mod with C4 2.5x strength as TNT and detonater c4 can be placed on any side f a block PS for this i dont care about Reicipies
now finally a dual wielding mod (toggle able in pause menu if possible but using this splits hot bar into 2 groups of 4 slots keys 1-4 will control the items for the left hand and 6-8 for right hand left click for left hand and right click for right hand to swing/place blocks of drink potions eat food and draw back bow depending on item in ur hand tool/sword = swing food = eat Potion= Drink shears =shear sheep if pointing at one
Bow = pull back Hoe = till grass and Flint and steel = ignite
I have been thinking of a quantum computing mod. I am a researcher in the field so I could help with all the physics side of things. I made a post of it here.
Do you think you could handle it? There might be some fairly complex parts especially with implementation of qubits. Have you ever made a mod that's similar?
All specs and details are here: | Armourer's Workshop Skins | MCHeli Content Pack Addons | Resource Packs | YouTube | G+ | Twitter
There are already a few mods out there with this.
If you get hit by a werewolf in survival you turn into a werewolf at night. the hunters will kill all werewolves they see, including the player.
villagers run from you after you get bit(hurt by werewolf). as a werewolf you have strength, resistance, and speed. you can prevent the transformation if you sleep. when it nears night, in the chat it will say, "the time draws near...". thats all.
Hi, how many requests will be accepted and who's? Is it in order of what they posted or you choose what you want to do?
ZallCaTor's Sprite Ordering Service. is awesome too
Is my RPG answerI guess
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