Ars Magica 2 - Ideas
Poll: If I were to implement an API, would you make use of it? (able t
Ended May 15, 2014
Poll: If I were to make the code for this mod available on GitHub, wou
Ended May 15, 2014
Poll: What specific mod integration would you like to see the most?
Ended May 15, 2014
There really is no need for that. We have meteors and boss guardians already, along with pretty flowers. What more could you want?!
A release dateLol J/k, *waiting patiently*.. Besides, I still haven't decided whether I need to send the bill for my new F5 key to Azanor, Mith, or KingLemming.
All three, triple the payment and some left over for the F2 key.
And hase compendium, under shapes, a "condition: death" part. If you add a heal effect, does it keep you from dieing once? Failing that, could you use recall to make sure your inventory spills at home instead of wherever you happen to be?
If not, I would like a "nearly but not quite dead" conditional.
Doublepost edit: Maybe not as its own shape, but as a "lessen spell" modifier, that otherwise reduces the power of the spell in exchange for a smaller mana cost. Like a lesser fireball that is ten percent weaker than what you are capable of, but also costs ten percent less.
On that note, a "greater" modifier that has the opposite effect.
And has anyone suggested a device that casts spells slotted into it?
There was the Caster from AM1. Dunno if it's coming back or not. Haven't seen it in any Forgecraft videos yet.
Personally, I couldn't care less whether you like the textures or not. I'm doing what I like, and what I think looks good, and that's the end of it. And if you want to share in that, great! If not, that's fine by me too. I know this mod isn't for everyone.
However, this whole "not minecraft-y enough" thing is just ridiculous. It's a circle. Get over it.
You're shoving 512x512 textures into a 16x16 game. The repair structure from the original mod looked amazing but also so incredibly out of place as to be almost not something I wanted to set down. It also gave a few of my friends a performance hit.
You should include the large textures, sure, but you should also include a 16x16 bare-bones version within it. I wanted to edit the files myself but they are confusing and split into parts and I couldn't tell what part corresponded to what when I looked at it (and don't tell me to look closer, every single gray bar with runes looked like every other gray bar with runes).
I'd have a lot more respect for your "my mod, my rules" attitude if you included some separate downloadable or some option to enable a native minecraft resolution for your included structures. Otherwise, all I hear is, "I like huge out of place textures and circles and you should deal with it, nerd. B|"
The man is making what he likes because he likes it. We are likewise given the opportunity to make stuff of our own that we like. Anyone can research, learn, and create if they actually want to. Mithion is perfectly entitled to enjoy making what he likes, and each one of us are entitled to either choose to use this free work or not use this free work. Simple as. Whether or not he gets more users from one of his choices isn't the point.
If it was something that I was *forcing* you to use, then maybe your argument might have a leg to stand on. But that isn't the case. Make a resource pack if you hate it so much, and it goes away.
I do like the hi-res textures and circles that I use. Who are you to tell me that it's wrong or that I can't? Or that I should do all my work twice just because you don't like it?
So yeah, I am saying "deal with it".
That's a really good idea. Thanks for the suggestion. Especially because renaming with the anvil doesn't work quite right with spell scrolls.
@sin_ister6 that is a good idea!
Don't worry about texture whiners, the vast majority of us love your textures and your mod and are bursting with anticipation for a release! I for one am incredibly stoked... I must wonder though.. Who will be first, Azanor, Mithion, or KingLemming?
P.s. mith the animations and textures are awesome but something's like the spell book don't look like they belong in the mod but you'll make this mod with the power of no b****yness and it it in my top 3 mods of favoritizim right next to the morph mod and thaumcraft which looks like it was also made by you........was it?????????And mith will you (and I'm just asking because I'm an RPG style gamer) add a good side and an evil side and neutral to put a little bit of more of a variety into the mod and I'm not saying you have to or that you should I'm just saying that it would add about 1% or so more variety into the mod even though it has about 99999999% of variety already.
I am going to have a server running (privately. Not open to public only among friends irl) and we are going to put mods on it.
I might record on the server sometimes for youtube videos.
Is it okay if I have Ars Magica 2 on the server? Like do I have the permissions?
Really looking forward to having some difficult bosses in Minecraft. Out of curiosity, if you fight them as a group, does only the person who lands the killing blow get the upgrade points?
Of course, go ahead.
I was disappointed too, but I still have some tricks up my sleeve. Everyone who participates in the fight gets an orb. Think of it kind of like XP, you need to have hit the boss somewhat recently.
That wasn't specifically directed at you, but that phrase really does grind my gears.
However, perhaps I was a little harsh in my replies. You have as much right to voice your opinions as anyone.
Tell you what: if you make a low-res resource pack for the mod, and care to share it, I will put a link to it on the OP for the mod when it's released so that others who don't care for the textures can make use of it too. I do plan to upgrade all textures to 32x, but I will hang on to what 16x ones I do currently have and you can include them in that pack as well. But I won't do any extra work on them, and I still am going to make the default textures something I personally enjoy.
I hope you weren't disappointed in the Arcane Guardian's performance. Dire's latest went up a little over half an hour ago and it was one-shotting him every time he glanced at it, and it took, I think, four of them to take it down. I was really quite impressed.
As a side note I will be retexturing this mod in the vonDoomCraft style ( once this is released. So it will be even more hi-res.
I don't think that Dire got that you need to stay out of it's melee range, which was pretty clear to me immediately. It made me laugh when he went up to hit it with a sword and got zapped.
Though that does raise the question of how you can summon it without getting instagibbed...