The Realism Survival Mod would make Minecraft survival challenging, fun, and more as though you actually didwake up on a beach!
No more punching trees!
While punching trees is an iconic part of Minecraft, this is a realism mod. And well... Go try it IRL and see how well you do. So instead, you can break the branches off (punch leaves) to get sticks, and leaves (not leaf blocks, actual leaves). Now your first way of getting wood is to go find some flint, attach it to stick with cord made of vines, and make a flint axe!
Found randomly here and there on the ground, and very abundant near gravel patches and caves, you can find rocks on the ground you can simply pick up. You can take rocks in your hand, and either throw them inaccurately as a weapon, or throw them at the ground to make them break. If your lucky, you can break one into a sharp shape. If you take a sharp rock, or a flint, and poke it through a stick (branch), you can make a primitive stone knife! Pretty realistic, and very useful! Also, smooth stone is only obtainable by mining all around a single stone block, so that nothing supports it. Stone block carving!
Realistic tool making!
So in Minecraft, take 3 blocks of planks that amount to be taller, wider, and deeper than your whole body, attach 'em to 2 sticks by fusing them with your hands, and presto. A handheld-size pickaxe. Again, I don't think that would go too well IRL. And wood is too soft and splintery anyway. But I bet if you took any large rock and started hitting stone/ore blocks with it, it would start to chip away. Rock; your first "pickaxe"! After you've gotten some iron with your rock, you can go ahead and make a real pick!
Scared animals!
Starvation is absolutely NO problem when you start a game. Pork chops, steak and chicken, and they aren't even afraid when they watch you kill their peeps! Well, in this mod, a bow is actually going to be an essential! Since you can make cord from vines, you don't even need find giant spiders to make a bow. If you walk straight up to an animal, it will run straight away from you, VERY quickly before you are even able get within 10 blocks of it. They will avoid dead ends and holes, but you can craft a pit trap with sticks and leaves. You could sneak up behind an animal and kill it, although you have to be very careful. If you kill an animal, any animals around it will flee for at least 30 blocks, even if they can't see you. Food now runs!
Better animals!
All animals need to eat, so now cows will also eat grass, chickens will peck at tall grass to get the seeds, and pigs will look around for mushrooms. All animals will now act a lot like ocelots, and will slowly consider to walk over to you if you hold what they eat and walk very slowly. If you can gain it's trust, it won't just follow because you fed it, but you can tie a rope to it and lead it wherever you wish. Except for chickens... You can just right click on them to pick them up, since they are much lighter than the rest. All tamed animals will require feeding. Cows and sheep are easy, just place them in a pen which will grow grass back as they eat. Chickens will eat when seeds are dropped (as an entity) by them, and pigs will eat when any food item are dropped next to them. To make animals breed, cows and sheep will eat whole wheat, chickens will eat wheat grains, and pigs will eat red mushrooms. If not fed once a day, animals will starve. This makes live-stock a somewhat challenging, yet rewarding resource.
Carrying mountains in a not even visible backpack... Need i say anything more? IRL, unless your carrying styrofoam, you can pretty much carry anything of any size, as long as it's not too heavy. Many may think this would add an annoying inconvenience, but a new mechanic would add a familiar, interesting way of digging and mining. You can still dig and mine the classic way, but you can't carry a whole lot. But now, if you right click on a chunk of dirt/stone with a shovel/pickaxe, you will break it up and pick up the resources in your hand, then you can turn any direction you like and right click again to throw it, creating an entity like falling sand. Wherever it lands it will place itself, again like falling sand, breaking torches in it's way instead of the torch breaking it. Dig holes like you would IRL, throwing the dirt out of your way with each scoop! You can hold up to 80 pounds when you start, but you can craft backpacks which will let you carry weight more efficiently, thus letting you carry more weight over all.
Energy and thirst!
You can be completely well fed and hydrated, but if you just ran a marathon, you probably won't be able to go and dig a huge hole without some kind of break. So, Energy Meter! It will slowly fill up at all times, will fill up a little quicker when mostly full, and will fill up even quicker if fully hydrated. Every significant action, or carrying too much weight will drain your energy, and sleeping will fully restore your energy. Thirst can be quenched by drinking ANY water, however, if you drink water straight out of a lake/pond, you risk being poisoned which CAN now kill you. If you drink straight from a river, you'll almost always be fine. If you drink from an ocean, you will always become poisoned. Poison can last anywhere from half a second, to two minutes, enough to kill without treatment. The oceans contain a different type of water from any others, saltwater. You cannot make saltwater safe, however you can heat up a bucket of salt water to evaporate the water off, and leave you with salt. Other water you can just heat up to make safe.
Plants and herbs!
In Minecraft, wild plants include 4 types of trees, tall grass, vines, cocoa beans, pumpkins, cactus, lily pads, flowers, sugar cane, and mushrooms. Pretty good, however there are NO natural remedies or herbs, and only 1 readily edible plant product; apples. The answer to this is coffee trees, berry bushes, another use for pine trees, aloe vera, ginger and bamboo. Coffee trees provide coffee, which will replenish energy, berry bushes are a quick source of food when you start, and farm-able later on, breaking pine leaves will drop pine-needles which can be brewed into tea which will quench some thirst and slightly increase health regen for 20 seconds, aloe vera's liquid can be squeezed into a bottle, which you can drink for 1.5 hearts instantly restored, ginger can be eaten for a small amount of hunger restored, and to cure poisoning and bamboo can be used for crafting.
First off, when it rains it will no longer sound like T.V. static. We all know how annoying it can be, and real sounding rain will actually make rain something to look forward to! That, and because rain will speed up all plant growth! Rain can also be collected in bowls/buckets to get free fresh water. However, like most people, Steve doesn't like getting wet in the rain... Especially not while carrying lots of stuff in a big backpack, so walking around in rain will make you walk a bit slower.
Food spoiling!
Ever wondered how 64 raw pieces of meat can sit in an un-refrigerated chest and never go bad? Well not any more! Almost all foods now spoil. Spoiling shows up as a durability bar on the food, and therefore, food will no longer stack. But, food now fills you up more. No longer will eating a whole chicken fill you up less than a single pork chop! Meats last two hours in real time, fruits last three hours in real time, vegetables last five hours, wheat items last 6 hours, pie lasts 4 hours, mushrooms and herbs last forever. Now I know mushrooms don't last long IRL, but being able to thrive in the nether, these obviously aren't normal mushrooms... Meats can be dried, or smoked to preserve them forever and enable stacking, but lower the hunger restored. An ice box can be built with wood and cords, and will let you place snow blocks inside to keep food frozen and preserved, forever... As long as it stays cold.
Real Mining!
Mine carts are now very useful, due to weight being added. Chest carts now only have 9 slots, but can carry infinite weight, like single chests will now have. Of course carts aren't required, but having something to carry tons and tons of weight for you over large distances will make strip mining bearable. Until then, cave mining is the best option. The catch about carts, though, is powered rails and powered carts are now disabled. To make carts go anywhere, you have to let gravity do it for you, or tie a horse to your cart to haul it. Ores now drop an item, not a block, which is good because that means less weight. You just can't place it down as a block again. Torches now require sap, obtained by processing wood, or by tapping trees, and will burn out in 15 minutes, real time. Burnt out torches can be refueled with sap, then re-lit with another torch. Torches will now provide light when held, so you can explore without having to waste tons and tons of torches! Jack-o-lanterns will also run out over time, and turn into a normal pumpkin again when the torch inside burns out. Lava can't be carried in buckets anymore, for obvious reasons. Now near lava, you can find Sulfur Ore, and in jungle caves, you can find Niter Ore. Also, on the note of digging, you will still be able to dig with your hands, it will just take a lot longer. If Minecraft condenses 24 hours into 24 minutes for a full day, then 60 minutes of digging a square meter of sand/dirt/gravel/clay will turn to 60 seconds.
Smelting and smithing!
Iron takes a lot hotter of a fire to melt than you could get from burning coal in a small hollow stone block. Furnaces are still good for cooking, boiling, clay firing and drying, but not for melting metal, unless you have bellows that take nails to make anyways. To smelt your first metal, you need to fire a clay crucible, and make a bonfire. If you place a crucible on the ground, you can place ore into it and light wood blocks on fire around the crucible. As long as at least four fire blocks exist within a 3x3x3 area around the crucible, the ore will melt. Once the ore has melted, a mould made from fired clay can be used on the crucible to pour the metal into, and an ingot is formed. Although a bonfire is required to melt metal, only a furnace is required to make it soft enough to work with. Using a stone block as a weak makeshift anvil, and a hammer and chisel, you can shape metal into any tool head or material you need. A stone anvil will break after a few uses, but a stronger anvil (replaces vanilla anvil) made by melting iron into a clay anvil mould will last for 30 or so uses. Due to having a chisel, you can make holes in the tool heads, so you no longer need to use cord to secure them to sticks. Gold follows just about all these guidelines, except you can not make a gold anvil. Using Graphite you can find as a medium/rare ore close to, but not quite at diamond level, you can add it to your iron ore in a bonfire/stoked furnace to create steel ingots! Steel can be used to make tools almost as strong as vanilla diamond tools, but not quite.
But what about redstone, diamonds, and all the unrealistic magic type stuff?
Well, there's room in this mod to keep magic and such, but mainly because the methods here no one has ever tried, IRL. Redstone occurs near lava level, which no one has really gotten to, so for all we know it may actually exist beneath us. Diamonds can't be used for tools anymore, because although diamonds are possibly the hardest material found in nature, the truth is diamond is very brittle. They can still be used to make an enchanting table though, and now steel can mine obsidian. Again, no one has ever tried to make a huge portal out of 14 blocks of obsidian before, so for all we know if you did it IRL, it may work. So the nether stays, and due to their supernatural nature, netherrack still burns forever, and glowstone still glows forever. All the Nether pretty much stays the same, and Netherrack is very light compared to the weight of stone. As for all the unrealistic mobs, there is a difficulty added to change that. Now, the difficulty levels will be peaceful, easy, normal, hard, realistic. Realistic isn't necessarily harder than hard, it's just a different gamemode, pretty much. In realistic, zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders and endermen do not spawn, but environmental damage is much much higher. Because i don't think you could make a quick, full recovery from a 3 story drop IRL, at least not in the wild. Now, if you want to get to a stronghold and then The End, you need eyes of ender. Since there are no endermen in realistic mode, you can get enderpearls and eyes of ender from a special new mob in a Nether Fortress!
More crafting!
You can craft a mortar and pestle with two stones, a hammer, and a chisel. A mortar and pestle can be used to turn wheat grains into flour, after taking the grains out of the bundle, and can be used to grind all the ingredients for gunpowder together. The mortar and pestle is also used to grind about anything down, you now need it to make bone meal, blaze powder, etc. If you find cacti, you can collect them and take the needles out of them. A needle plus a feather will make a dart, which can be shot out of a blow gun, weaker but more accurate and farther shooting than a bow. A dart gun is made by a piece of bamboo, and a knife. TNT is replaced by Powder Charge, which is crafted with cord, paper, and gunpowder.
Active Villagers!
So, villagers can build houses, farms and even find diamonds (as seen in blacksmiths' chests sometimes), but they can't defend themselves from even a single zombie? Very realistic! NOT! So now, farmers will actually collect crops, replant them, and re-till soil as needed, blacksmiths actually use their anvil and forge, every villager will at least punch zombies if they can't run, and there are 3 new types of villagers! The first of which, the Hunter. The hunter will leave his house every dawn and hunt for animals with a bow and a pet wolf, and come back to the village no later then when 3/4 of the day is over. The Miner will spend almost all of his time in the village's mines, coming up now and then to re-supply, and drop off the mined goods at the blacksmith. And lastly, the Knight will patrol the entire village at night, armed with chain or better armor, and stone or better sword, and a bow. Farmers will also act as builders, and expand the village slowly as it advances.
Electricity is realistic! You should add machines and stuff!
Well, is electricity in Minecraft realistic? Yes and no. Yes, it certainly does exist in real life, but it's not realistic for one person who woke up in absolute wilderness to be able to create controlled, usable electricity, or any functional
machines to use it for that matter, within their span of life. The power of electricity wasn't harnessed in a single
human generation in real life, much like Rome wasn't built in a day.
So, that's what I have so far. This would make a very interesting fun mod, where survival really is survival. If anyone likes this idea, wants to make the mod, wants to make a banner for it, or wants to add their own idea, by all means leave a reply! I would like to see everyone's and anyone's opinion on this idea!
And if anyone wants to make this mod, I have already made 90% of the (originally planned) textures, and they all fit in with vanilla textures.
We could use a nice, simple, to-the-point banner if anyone would like to make one.
I might try to do this mods but its gonna be very hard to start off but i need to get my modding rep up so i might do it.
Though i may change some things around that you have suggested. The recipes i may change around because like a Dart being made from a needle does make sense but it will be a Mark I version of the dart like the best dart but the one that doesn't go as far could be a diamond tipped dart you say how diamonds won't be used for tools anymore is okay with me but using it to tip items would be ok because if you think about it since diamond chips easily then the diamond darts could have a durability. And i few other things i will take a look at. i also may do some textures if that is ok but other then that i will try to start the mod up.essentially what you are doing though is reconfiguring minecraft so basically you have to make a mod that redoes minecraft though soo ya
its gonna be tough
I'm very much in favor of a mod that makes survival more about surviving. I'd really like minecraft to be harder when your in survival on the hardest difficulty and I don't mean harder as in new mob types with lots of health that come kill you all the time.
In particular I like these ideas:
Adding weight so that minecarts are needed for mining efficiently. Very good idea!
Making animals run away so you need a bow. I really like the idea of making hunting a challenge.
Adding energy and thirst.
Making smelting metals like iron a more complex and difficult thing to do.
Making food spoil.
I think its a bit much to:
Remove all the current mobs and replace them with new ones in realistic difficulty just because thats a lot of work for the modder and doesn't really add much.
Remove diamond as a tool [and I assume armor] material because I think there should be a rare, high end tier beyond iron. Maybe steel?
Anyway, if it gets written I'll try it out. Good luck, its a tall order due to the sheer amount of new stuff.
Minus "the really dull grass, ton of different types of trees that are no more useful than regular trees, at least 15 different kinds of dirt and sand, each taking their own inventory slot, only difference between all of which is a slightly different shade of color, thirst isn't even thirst, just jump in any old water to re-hydrate, no actual drinking, it doesn't add weight". Also, 'TerraFirmaCraft' doesn't add realistic animals, herbs, energy, tools that require you actually fix them to the handle somehow, or food spoiling. Sure, a few same concepts, but it's more different than it is same. And part I REALLY don't want to have broken that that mod does, is building... At least if you intend to have a roof. Not because making a roof is hard, but because I could literally go outside at ANY time, break a few young trees down with no tools, and build a better more rain proof shelter than can be built in an in game week of TFC progression.
I'm very much in favor of a mod that makes survival more about surviving. I'd really like minecraft to be harder when your in survival on the hardest difficulty and I don't mean harder as in new mob types with lots of health that come kill you all the time.
In particular I like these ideas:
Adding weight so that minecarts are needed for mining efficiently. Very good idea!
Making animals run away so you need a bow. I really like the idea of making hunting a challenge.
Adding energy and thirst.
Making smelting metals like iron a more complex and difficult thing to do.
Making food spoil.
I think its a bit much to:
Remove all the current mobs and replace them with new ones in realistic difficulty just because thats a lot of work for the modder and doesn't really add much.
Remove diamond as a tool [and I assume armor] material because I think there should be a rare, high end tier beyond iron. Maybe steel?
Anyway, if it gets written I'll try it out. Good luck, its a tall order due to the sheer amount of new stuff.
Thanks for the post! After going over my ideas again, I have to agree with the animals, I put in a better alternative. As for replacing diamond with something, good idea. Now you could find somewhat rare graphite ore, near diamond level, to turn iron to steel with. Let me know if you get any more ideas, i like em so far!
I might try to do this mods but its gonna be very hard to start off but i need to get my modding rep up so i might do it.
Though i may change some things around that you have suggested. The recipes i may change around because like a Dart being made from a needle does make sense but it will be a Mark I version of the dart like the best dart but the one that doesn't go as far could be a diamond tipped dart you say how diamonds won't be used for tools anymore is okay with me but using it to tip items would be ok because if you think about it since diamond chips easily then the diamond darts could have a durability. And i few other things i will take a look at. i also may do some textures if that is ok but other then that i will try to start the mod up.
essentially what you are doing though is reconfiguring minecraft so basically you have to make a mod that redoes minecraft though soo ya
its gonna be tough
Yeah, I kind of thought this idea was a little big. It is pretty big, but it doesn't hugely change anything, which makes this a good task for a modder between beginner, and pro. Thanks for taking interest, please let me know how it goes, and i'll gladly play test the mod if/when you get far enough into it.
Everyone keep the ideas coming! If someone likes this idea, I would really appreciate a banner! Again, if anyone wants me to make textures, should you chose to take this on, I will gladly.
Would you like to try and spread the idea with the banner? This topic has been up for a while, just kind of inactive. But all it takes is to show it to one modder who likes the idea!
Hm...I have also begun modding and if your serious about this than I would say we make a team. Sinavestia looks interested, I wouldn't mind helping either.
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A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Darwin
Hm...I have also begun modding and if your serious about this than I would say we make a team. Sinavestia looks interested, I wouldn't mind helping either.
I am up for it, I had another guy helping but he seems to be busy for a few weeks.
My problem was I kinda overwhelmed myself by the time I started to make tools, I wanted to kill myself. Java is one helluva drug.See what I did there? Java. Coffee. Coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. I was comparing Java to drugs...ah, Nevermind.
But Yeah, If we could get 3 or 4 people with interest in a team. We could do it, Get a skype call going, Get a general idea put together, get a list and we can all work on different things and upload it to dropbox.
Wow sounds awesome! Maybe i could get my friend to help???
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Click him or he will die!
Oh and: GENERATION 36: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. This is a Social experiment. I like pie
Hm...I have also begun modding and if your serious about this than I would say we make a team. Sinavestia looks interested, I wouldn't mind helping either.
I am up for it, I had another guy helping but he seems to be busy for a few weeks.
My problem was I kinda overwhelmed myself by the time I started to make tools, I wanted to kill myself. Java is one helluva drug.See what I did there? Java. Coffee. Coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. I was comparing Java to drugs...ah, Nevermind.
But Yeah, If we could get 3 or 4 people with interest in a team. We could do it, Get a skype call going, Get a general idea put together, get a list and we can all work on different things and upload it to dropbox.
Sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately I don't have any modding experience, but I can make textures and test the mod if you want. My skype is also on my profile, please, add me if you like!
Umm i like a lot of this! But some of it is a bit overkill for my desired minecraft experience. I love the idea of starting with a flint knife to get sticks and stuff, to eventually make some sort of axe(stone axe?) and then be able to get wood to make shelter. i think you should make stone tools to have the worst durability available so that we dont just dig down and strip with stone tools, maybe even disable them to break stone, and instead we go in search for iron in caves( or even copper if u got compatibility with "Simple Ores Mod"-that'd be great.). I love the Scared & Better animals ideas, the energy and thirst idea( dont make energy to intrusive tho) , plants and herbs ideas(make more plants too for a lot more diversity), the weather idea and the best one i think the smelting and smithing.
However the weight idea is bit overkill it'd become too much of a chore in my relaxing minecraft experience. Also i'd really like to keep all the diamond stuff, i find them really nice and it has such a mine craft feel to them, and i'm sure if the money was put into it someone could develop some sort of diamond armour. and if u guy really dont like it how about changing it to carbonfiber? dont know how it's found in the wild tho or even if its just lab developed, but maybe make it carbonfiber tools and armour, that'd be awesome
Maybe make it very modular, so u can add exaclty which pieces of the mod u want? and of course make it compatible with FORGE, and try to add compatibilities with some of these mods:
Mo Creatures- maybe make goats and some other domesticable animals in it hungry and scared and whatnot.
Biomes-o-Plenty- so whatever new blocks u add generates in the new biomes. ALSO have a look at the mud armour in that mod, maybe u guys can make use of that.
Camping Mod- very good for early game fun before you settle.
Thirst Mod- not sure how u guys will add thirst but this is a mod that does it very well.
Simple Ores Mod- pls make this compatible with that, much more diversity.
And have a look at the TerraFirmaCraft mod, this mod idea is a lot like it except for the few extras. Id like a mod to be like this but not as complex.
This is just one man's opinions, and it can be completely ignored. thnx for the time
The adding of weight is quite an important feature to this mod! Nothing is completely set in stone, but I really think weight is one of the core parts, and it adds a lot to the realism. Unfortunately I don't know how to code, but if a group gets going pretty well, maybe there would be options to, say, Enable/Disable weight, thirst, energy, and things like that.
"If the money was put into it someone could develop some sort of diamond armour." .....This is supposed to be a realism mod, in which your alone in the wild. Now, not even with the best technology IRL could someone manufacture diamond tools or armor. I know what you mean about the feel of finding diamonds, and you still can find them, they just have different uses now (still quite important though). Truthfully, carbon fiber would probably make pretty weak tools. It's strong as a sheet or plate, but not in tools. Not many people know this, but steel is actually much much stronger than plain iron, so it really is a big upgrade, and realistic to make.
This idea of this mod was thought up to be stand-alone. While most people would like all mods to be as compatible as they can with others, most other mods out there simply aren't in the same spirit, and I'd rather not just simply add more ores if all they do is add more tools. If they had unique uses, like how vanilla gold is used not only in tools but also booster rails, then that could be a good addition.
Thank you for the opinions, all constructive feedback helps!
What about adding some wooden cups and wooden water collecting crates to that thirst feature? And maybe even some special equipment to make glass and something else to shape the shapless glass chuncks into windows, bottles and other stuff? If you could make that, that would be awesome. Thx.
I think a 'Wooden Bucket' would be a little easier to say than 'Water Collecting Crate', but either way, you mean for rain collecting? Equipment for glass working huh... Hmmm, i like the idea, but it's a little to easy to go over complicated on this idea. I'll think through something simple but effective and realistic. Thanks for the ideas! If you ever feel like thinking up a bit more, I could use a creative idea on how to obtain enderpearls without endermen spawning.
I think endermen should be left in peace but all the other mobs(creepers, skeletons, zombies, witches...) should be removed. Fun fact: witches were actually aliens(green face, houses with one "chicken" leg, "magic" powers). As I was saying, ender pearls should be obtainable from endermen, but about the blaze rods I'm not sure. Maybe we should leave all monsters in the Nether except the ghast. Only they should be removed. I also thought that the zombies should be moved to the Nether and zombiepigmen should be made vulnerable to fire and lava. Also water should be placeable in the Nether and mobs and animals should be able to go under water. Villagers should have armor and weapons to defend themselves from other villages. Villages should also be made bigger and have city walls and maybe even their own dogs. Different villager "teams" should have different helmet colors(only their helmets are leather but everything else can vary). Their dogs should also have different collar colors. Animal breeding should need time similar to the horses in the mocreatures mod. Pigs should be able to eat almost any food(plants, meat) and the other animals should also be able to eat more types of food that they can now. Thx for reading.
Well, you know... This is REALISM and all so, i don't think endermen should be left in. Maybe though, they could spawn rarely, only at night in taigas. They would kind of be like the slenderman, only possible to kill, and there's more than one. Everything in the Nether can stay exactly the same, for reasons mentioned in the main post. Villagers, having made entire villages, should be improved but probably remain peaceful to other villages. Animals should be able to eat more than one specific food, but still with only one type of food per type animal that will get them to breed. The main post will be edited soon.
I looked at this topic and this is a REALLY good idea. I would like to be a beta tester or something once someone has made it at least a stable version but still not released. One time I used a bunch of mods and made something like this, and yeah. There is ONE thing missing from this. ONE thing. And that is ducks. Yes, ducks. Just, IDK, make them have different textures from chickens but same model and have their drops be the same except that the duck meat is named the same as the chicken meat. Also, you could add a feature with the chicken and duck eggs that make them cookable. Eggs have pretty much no use except for hatching chickens and breeding just completely makes eggs useless.
I looked at this topic and this is a REALLY good idea. I would like to be a beta tester or something once someone has made it at least a stable version but still not released. One time I used a bunch of mods and made something like this, and yeah. There is ONE thing missing from this. ONE thing. And that is ducks. Yes, ducks. Just, IDK, make them have different textures from chickens but same model and have their drops be the same except that the duck meat is named the same as the chicken meat. Also, you could add a feature with the chicken and duck eggs that make them cookable. Eggs have pretty much no use except for hatching chickens and breeding just completely makes eggs useless.
Uuuuummmmm..... Ducks? Which have no new uses, and that still drop raw chicken? Seems a little pointless... While I do agree that eggs should be cookable, don't forget eggs are also used in cakes and pumpkin pies, not JUST hatching chickens.
Oh and btw can you post me a less detailed list of what you want in this mod
Sure thing!
-Can't punch trees anymore
-punch leaves to get sticks and leaves
-rocks found randomly on the ground
-you can throw rocks as a weapon/to break them into sharp rocks (maybe 20% of getting a sharp rock)
-sharp rock/flint + stick = crude knife
-can carve a stick into a pickaxe head
-pickaxe requires head, stick, knife and cord to craft
-animals run from you VERY quickly, and will run when any animals near them are killed
-stick and leaf covered pit traps
-wolves run VERY fast
-animals act like ocelots, slowly walk to you if you sneak and hold their food
-animals can be made non-afraid of you by feeding, but won't follow you automatically, lead them around with rope
-all animals NEED to eat, or they will starve
-pigs eat any food item, chickens eat any seeds, sheep and cows eat grass off the ground, wolves eat other animals
-pigs breed when fed red mushrooms, chickens "breed" when fed wheat grains (one of the chickens drops a 'fertile' egg) cows and sheep breed when fed whole wheat stalks
-weight, carrying too much makes you walk very slow, backpacks can be made to hold more weight
-right click a block with it's tool to pick it up in your hand, right click again to throw the block where your facing (like digging IRL)
-energy and thirst meter, energy drains with each significant action, thirst can be refilled by drinking lake water (chance of poison) or river water (little chance of poison) and drinking seawater makes you more thirsty. Make water safe by boiling, seawater only produces salt from boiling.
-poison can kill you
-coffee trees, berry bushes, pine needles, aloe vera, ginger, bamboo.
-coffee beans + water = coffee (restores energy), pine needles + water = pine tea (slightly higher health regen for 20 sec.), aloe vera + mortar and pestle + bottle = aloe juice (instantly heals 1 1/2 hearts), eating ginger cures poison
-rain no longer sounds like max volume TV-static, speeds up plant growth, can be collected in buckets as fresh drinkable water, you walk a bit slower in rain
-food spoiling; foods no longer stack, but now fill you up quite a lot more. Meats last 2 hours real time, fruits last 3 hours, vegetables last 5 hours, herbs last forever. Meats can be salted or dried to last forever, and enable stacking. an ice box can be built to stop the spoiling of all foods inside it, when provided enough snow to keep cold
-minecarts can carry infinite weight, yet only have 9 slots, powered carts and powered rails disabled, ores drop chuncks, not the entire block, torches are made with 1 stick and 1 tree sap and last 15 mins real time, sap is obtained by tapping trees or by finding deposits on the bark of trees, torches provide light when held, lava can't be carried in buckets anymore, near lava lakes sulfur ore generates, and niter ore generates in jungle caves
-furnace can no longer smelt metals or glass, a crucible can be made with clay then fired in a furnace, when ore is placed in a crucible and there are at least 4 fires in a 3x3x3 cube around it for 20 seconds, the metal melts and can be poured w=either into an ingot mould or an anvil mould (also made of clay, fired in furnace). stone chisel can be made with a piece of flint, heating an ingot in a furnace makes it workable, and you can use a cobblestone block as a weak makeshift anvil that lasts 3 uses until you make an iron anvil, 1 ingot will make any tool head, 2 will make a bucket, 10 rails can be made with an ingot and 2 rails + 1 stick on a work bench = 1 track, graphite can be found as a semi-rare ore near diamond level, can be added to a crucible when melting iron to form steel, used in the same ways as iron but lasts near as long as diamond would in tools and armor, diamond no longer can be used for tools/armor, iron can be made into nails on an anvil, nails + planks + leather = bellows, which you can place next to a furnace to allow it to melt metal.
-steel pickaxe can mine obsidian, The Nether stays exactly the same. New difficulty mode 'Realism' in which monsters do not spawn in the over world, but fall, fire, lava, lightning, drowning, hunger, and thirst damage are all greatly increased, health regens much slower.
-hammer crafted with a stick, a rock, and a cord. 2 stones + hammer + chisel = mortar and pestle, and you get the hammer and chisel back. now anything that is turned into powder (bones to bone meal, grains to flour, charcaol sulfur and niter to gunpowder, blaze rods to blaze dust etc.) requires that a mortar and pestle also be crafted with it (and you always get the mortar and pestle back), blow dart gun can be made from bamboo and a knife, darts can be made from cactus needles and feathers. TNT id=s replaced with powder keg, which is 3 planks, 5 gunpowder, and 1 cord.
-only in a stoked furnace sand can be melted into glass, and can be tinted by adding a dye with it in the furnace, liquid glass is formed into a full glass block when there is no mould present. pane, bottle, and sphere moulds can be made from clay, and used after firing. glass spheres can be used just like rocks, and thrown as weapons, or thrown at the ground for 100% chance of receiving 2 sharp rocks. Or instead of adding a dye, obsidian can be added to make ender items. obsidian +sand + no mould = End Glass which will teleport you to any other random End Glass block you've placed in the world. obsidian + sand + pane mould = One-Way Pane, which will appear to be a normal pane from one side, and will be completely opaque from the other. obsidian + sand + bottle mould = Bottle o' Enchanting. obsidian + sand + sphere mould = Ender Pearl.
-villager farmers will now fully tend to their fields, blacksmiths will actually make metal items, and farmers will also build onto the village from time to time. new villagers, hunter miner and knight. Hunter goes out and hunts for animals during day with a bow and a wolf or two, and returns to the village before night. Miner spends most of his time in the village's mine, coming up now and then to re-supply and drop off mined goods at the blacksmith, and knights roam around the whole village, armed with swords, bows, and armor to protect the villagers from thieves and assassins.
Let me know if there's any more info you need, or if I didn't make some parts clear enough. I'm kind of tired so I may have made a mistake or two, but I'm happy to help as much as i can.
The Realism Survival Mod would make Minecraft survival challenging, fun, and more as though you actually did wake up on a beach!
No more punching trees!
Realistic tool making!
Scared animals!
Better animals!
Energy and thirst!
Plants and herbs!
Food spoiling!
Real Mining!
Smelting and smithing!
But what about redstone, diamonds, and all the unrealistic magic type stuff?
More crafting!
Active Villagers!
Electricity is realistic! You should add machines and stuff!
Well, is electricity in Minecraft realistic? Yes and no. Yes, it certainly does exist in real life, but it's not realistic for one person who woke up in absolute wilderness to be able to create controlled, usable electricity, or any functional
machines to use it for that matter, within their span of life. The power of electricity wasn't harnessed in a single
human generation in real life, much like Rome wasn't built in a day.
So, that's what I have so far. This would make a very interesting fun mod, where survival really is survival. If anyone likes this idea, wants to make the mod, wants to make a banner for it, or wants to add their own idea, by all means leave a reply! I would like to see everyone's and anyone's opinion on this idea!
And if anyone wants to make this mod, I have already made 90% of the (originally planned) textures, and they all fit in with vanilla textures.
We could use a nice, simple, to-the-point banner if anyone would like to make one.
Though i may change some things around that you have suggested. The recipes i may change around because like a Dart being made from a needle does make sense but it will be a Mark I version of the dart like the best dart but the one that doesn't go as far could be a diamond tipped dart you say how diamonds won't be used for tools anymore is okay with me but using it to tip items would be ok because if you think about it since diamond chips easily then the diamond darts could have a durability. And i few other things i will take a look at. i also may do some textures if that is ok but other then that i will try to start the mod up.essentially what you are doing though is reconfiguring minecraft so basically you have to make a mod that redoes minecraft though soo ya
its gonna be tough
In particular I like these ideas:
Adding weight so that minecarts are needed for mining efficiently. Very good idea!
Making animals run away so you need a bow. I really like the idea of making hunting a challenge.
Adding energy and thirst.
Making smelting metals like iron a more complex and difficult thing to do.
Making food spoil.
I think its a bit much to:
Remove all the current mobs and replace them with new ones in realistic difficulty just because thats a lot of work for the modder and doesn't really add much.
Remove diamond as a tool [and I assume armor] material because I think there should be a rare, high end tier beyond iron. Maybe steel?
Anyway, if it gets written I'll try it out. Good luck, its a tall order due to the sheer amount of new stuff.
Minus "the really dull grass, ton of different types of trees that are no more useful than regular trees, at least 15 different kinds of dirt and sand, each taking their own inventory slot, only difference between all of which is a slightly different shade of color, thirst isn't even thirst, just jump in any old water to re-hydrate, no actual drinking, it doesn't add weight". Also, 'TerraFirmaCraft' doesn't add realistic animals, herbs, energy, tools that require you actually fix them to the handle somehow, or food spoiling. Sure, a few same concepts, but it's more different than it is same. And part I REALLY don't want to have broken that that mod does, is building... At least if you intend to have a roof. Not because making a roof is hard, but because I could literally go outside at ANY time, break a few young trees down with no tools, and build a better more rain proof shelter than can be built in an in game week of TFC progression.
Thanks for the post! After going over my ideas again, I have to agree with the animals, I put in a better alternative. As for replacing diamond with something, good idea. Now you could find somewhat rare graphite ore, near diamond level, to turn iron to steel with. Let me know if you get any more ideas, i like em so far!
Yeah, I kind of thought this idea was a little big. It is pretty big, but it doesn't hugely change anything, which makes this a good task for a modder between beginner, and pro. Thanks for taking interest, please let me know how it goes, and i'll gladly play test the mod if/when you get far enough into it.
Everyone keep the ideas coming! If someone likes this idea, I would really appreciate a banner!
Made a simple banner for the idea, copy and paste this in your signature if you want to support it!
Banner no longer exists, sorry.
Heh, i'm guessing you like the idea?
It's currently in pre-predevelopment. I am still going through ideas and putting stuff together. Also learning how to actually mod.
I am up for it, I had another guy helping but he seems to be busy for a few weeks.
My problem was I kinda overwhelmed myself by the time I started to make tools, I wanted to kill myself. Java is one helluva drug.See what I did there? Java. Coffee. Coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is a drug. I was comparing Java to drugs...ah, Nevermind.
But Yeah, If we could get 3 or 4 people with interest in a team. We could do it, Get a skype call going, Get a general idea put together, get a list and we can all work on different things and upload it to dropbox.
Oh and: GENERATION 36: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. This is a Social experiment. I like pie
Sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately I don't have any modding experience, but I can make textures and test the mod if you want. My skype is also on my profile, please, add me if you like! I don't know how you did it, but thanks
The adding of weight is quite an important feature to this mod! Nothing is completely set in stone, but I really think weight is one of the core parts, and it adds a lot to the realism. Unfortunately I don't know how to code, but if a group gets going pretty well, maybe there would be options to, say, Enable/Disable weight, thirst, energy, and things like that.
"If the money was put into it someone could develop some sort of diamond armour." .....This is supposed to be a realism mod, in which your alone in the wild. Now, not even with the best technology IRL could someone manufacture diamond tools or armor. I know what you mean about the feel of finding diamonds, and you still can find them, they just have different uses now (still quite important though). Truthfully, carbon fiber would probably make pretty weak tools. It's strong as a sheet or plate, but not in tools. Not many people know this, but steel is actually much much stronger than plain iron, so it really is a big upgrade, and realistic to make.
This idea of this mod was thought up to be stand-alone. While most people would like all mods to be as compatible as they can with others, most other mods out there simply aren't in the same spirit, and I'd rather not just simply add more ores if all they do is add more tools. If they had unique uses, like how vanilla gold is used not only in tools but also booster rails, then that could be a good addition.
Thank you for the opinions, all constructive feedback helps!
I think a 'Wooden Bucket' would be a little easier to say than 'Water Collecting Crate', but either way, you mean for rain collecting? Equipment for glass working huh... Hmmm, i like the idea, but it's a little to easy to go over complicated on this idea. I'll think through something simple but effective and realistic. Thanks for the ideas!
Thanks for the support!
Also, found this:
Awesome! Let me know if you want me to make textures and/or test early versions, I look forward to seeing how it comes along!
-punch leaves to get sticks and leaves
-rocks found randomly on the ground
-you can throw rocks as a weapon/to break them into sharp rocks (maybe 20% of getting a sharp rock)
-sharp rock/flint + stick = crude knife
-can carve a stick into a pickaxe head
-pickaxe requires head, stick, knife and cord to craft
-animals run from you VERY quickly, and will run when any animals near them are killed
-stick and leaf covered pit traps
-wolves run VERY fast
-animals act like ocelots, slowly walk to you if you sneak and hold their food
-animals can be made non-afraid of you by feeding, but won't follow you automatically, lead them around with rope
-all animals NEED to eat, or they will starve
-pigs eat any food item, chickens eat any seeds, sheep and cows eat grass off the ground, wolves eat other animals
-pigs breed when fed red mushrooms, chickens "breed" when fed wheat grains (one of the chickens drops a 'fertile' egg) cows and sheep breed when fed whole wheat stalks
-weight, carrying too much makes you walk very slow, backpacks can be made to hold more weight
-right click a block with it's tool to pick it up in your hand, right click again to throw the block where your facing (like digging IRL)
-energy and thirst meter, energy drains with each significant action, thirst can be refilled by drinking lake water (chance of poison) or river water (little chance of poison) and drinking seawater makes you more thirsty. Make water safe by boiling, seawater only produces salt from boiling.
-poison can kill you
-coffee trees, berry bushes, pine needles, aloe vera, ginger, bamboo.
-coffee beans + water = coffee (restores energy), pine needles + water = pine tea (slightly higher health regen for 20 sec.), aloe vera + mortar and pestle + bottle = aloe juice (instantly heals 1 1/2 hearts), eating ginger cures poison
-rain no longer sounds like max volume TV-static, speeds up plant growth, can be collected in buckets as fresh drinkable water, you walk a bit slower in rain
-food spoiling; foods no longer stack, but now fill you up quite a lot more. Meats last 2 hours real time, fruits last 3 hours, vegetables last 5 hours, herbs last forever. Meats can be salted or dried to last forever, and enable stacking. an ice box can be built to stop the spoiling of all foods inside it, when provided enough snow to keep cold
-minecarts can carry infinite weight, yet only have 9 slots, powered carts and powered rails disabled, ores drop chuncks, not the entire block, torches are made with 1 stick and 1 tree sap and last 15 mins real time, sap is obtained by tapping trees or by finding deposits on the bark of trees, torches provide light when held, lava can't be carried in buckets anymore, near lava lakes sulfur ore generates, and niter ore generates in jungle caves
-furnace can no longer smelt metals or glass, a crucible can be made with clay then fired in a furnace, when ore is placed in a crucible and there are at least 4 fires in a 3x3x3 cube around it for 20 seconds, the metal melts and can be poured w=either into an ingot mould or an anvil mould (also made of clay, fired in furnace). stone chisel can be made with a piece of flint, heating an ingot in a furnace makes it workable, and you can use a cobblestone block as a weak makeshift anvil that lasts 3 uses until you make an iron anvil, 1 ingot will make any tool head, 2 will make a bucket, 10 rails can be made with an ingot and 2 rails + 1 stick on a work bench = 1 track, graphite can be found as a semi-rare ore near diamond level, can be added to a crucible when melting iron to form steel, used in the same ways as iron but lasts near as long as diamond would in tools and armor, diamond no longer can be used for tools/armor, iron can be made into nails on an anvil, nails + planks + leather = bellows, which you can place next to a furnace to allow it to melt metal.
-steel pickaxe can mine obsidian, The Nether stays exactly the same. New difficulty mode 'Realism' in which monsters do not spawn in the over world, but fall, fire, lava, lightning, drowning, hunger, and thirst damage are all greatly increased, health regens much slower.
-hammer crafted with a stick, a rock, and a cord. 2 stones + hammer + chisel = mortar and pestle, and you get the hammer and chisel back. now anything that is turned into powder (bones to bone meal, grains to flour, charcaol sulfur and niter to gunpowder, blaze rods to blaze dust etc.) requires that a mortar and pestle also be crafted with it (and you always get the mortar and pestle back), blow dart gun can be made from bamboo and a knife, darts can be made from cactus needles and feathers. TNT id=s replaced with powder keg, which is 3 planks, 5 gunpowder, and 1 cord.
-only in a stoked furnace sand can be melted into glass, and can be tinted by adding a dye with it in the furnace, liquid glass is formed into a full glass block when there is no mould present. pane, bottle, and sphere moulds can be made from clay, and used after firing. glass spheres can be used just like rocks, and thrown as weapons, or thrown at the ground for 100% chance of receiving 2 sharp rocks. Or instead of adding a dye, obsidian can be added to make ender items. obsidian +sand + no mould = End Glass which will teleport you to any other random End Glass block you've placed in the world. obsidian + sand + pane mould = One-Way Pane, which will appear to be a normal pane from one side, and will be completely opaque from the other. obsidian + sand + bottle mould = Bottle o' Enchanting. obsidian + sand + sphere mould = Ender Pearl.
-villager farmers will now fully tend to their fields, blacksmiths will actually make metal items, and farmers will also build onto the village from time to time. new villagers, hunter miner and knight. Hunter goes out and hunts for animals during day with a bow and a wolf or two, and returns to the village before night. Miner spends most of his time in the village's mine, coming up now and then to re-supply and drop off mined goods at the blacksmith, and knights roam around the whole village, armed with swords, bows, and armor to protect the villagers from thieves and assassins.