This is a simple mod that allows you to make an army in minecraft. Not of humans, but of PUMKIN GRUNTS!
edits made of this mod:
version one:added kamikazes, grunts, and marines
version two: added snipers and cleaned up the forum, and added the terms of using concept (see below)
This is a pumpkin grunt, a strange but effective troop
They are crafted like this:
The wood represents a wood sword
They do 2.5 hearts of damage and have 15 hp
They slowly regen it
This is the pumkin Kamikazie
They are crafted like this:
Wood is wood sword
They only do 1.5 hearts of damage, Scince they dont have as much combat trainging. But they can place up to 3 land mines that only hurt hostile mobs, only hostile mobs can set them off, and dont destroy terrain.
When low on health or surronded by enemies, they EXPLODE!
There are also Snow Golem Marines
They use a gun that they make themselves from matiral, made from this junk:
Then u craft the uniforms
Then put them together
dispenser is the gun, chestplate is uniform
Note:In futer versions the uniforms and guns will have more uses than crafting.
Armed with a uniform and home made 4.5 S.M (The name of the gun, The letters and numers stand for 4.5 heart snow machine gun) The snow golem marine is by far the best unit.
They have 30 hearts of damage and do 4.5 hearts at range and, if given an iron sword (drop on ground and he picks it up) he gets a melee of 4 hearts
He can also earn Medals that improve his stats:
Purple heart:increases hp by 5 hearts and adds a regen skill
gotten for taking 10 hearts of damage
Medal of valor:Increases all damage by half a heart
gotten for 5 kills
Medal of Courage:Increases all damage by 1 heart
Gotten for 15 kills
Medal of Honor:Increases all damage by 3 hearts
Gotten for 30 Kills
The medals are seen on the golem
By kills and damage taken, I mean what the golem has taken (sorry if it is obviuse, just making sure.)
Next is the snow golem sniper
They use sniper rifles crafted like this:
(note: dispenser may or may not represent snow golem gun, that is being worked on)
then you craft special new armor for them
put them together like with the snow golem marine but with the new gun and armor
they use a homemade 68-HS (6 to 8 heart sniper) that is slower but shoots far, acurate and does
50% 6 hearts
30% 7 hearts
20% 8 hearts
of damage
They dont have as good melee or armor, so keep em guarded!
Thats all for now!
NOTE:If you are a modder and want to make this mod, we make it as a team. I make ideas, you program, we share credit 50-50.
when I saw this post on the list, I was wondering what you were talking about. Then I realized from my vast knowledge of history and anti-communism that you meant Americans who fought in Vietnam. they didn't have kamikazes.
when I saw this post on the list, I was wondering what you were talking about. Then I realized from my vast knowledge of history and anti-communism that you meant Americans who fought in Vietnam. they didn't have kamikazes.
What the crap are you talking about?! this is letting you have pets who happen to be made with pumkins! thus the name! There is nothing about communism in here at all!
edits made of this mod:
version one:added kamikazes, grunts, and marines
version two: added snipers and cleaned up the forum, and added the terms of using concept (see below)
This is a pumpkin grunt, a strange but effective troop
They are crafted like this:
The wood represents a wood sword
They do 2.5 hearts of damage and have 15 hp
They slowly regen it
This is the pumkin Kamikazie
They are crafted like this:
Wood is wood sword
They only do 1.5 hearts of damage, Scince they dont have as much combat trainging. But they can place up to 3 land mines that only hurt hostile mobs, only hostile mobs can set them off, and dont destroy terrain.
When low on health or surronded by enemies, they EXPLODE!
There are also Snow Golem Marines
They use a gun that they make themselves from matiral, made from this junk:
Then u craft the uniforms
Then put them together
dispenser is the gun, chestplate is uniform
Note:In futer versions the uniforms and guns will have more uses than crafting.
Armed with a uniform and home made 4.5 S.M (The name of the gun, The letters and numers stand for 4.5 heart snow machine gun) The snow golem marine is by far the best unit.
They have 30 hearts of damage and do 4.5 hearts at range and, if given an iron sword (drop on ground and he picks it up) he gets a melee of 4 hearts
He can also earn Medals that improve his stats:
Purple heart:increases hp by 5 hearts and adds a regen skill
gotten for taking 10 hearts of damage
Medal of valor:Increases all damage by half a heart
gotten for 5 kills
Medal of Courage:Increases all damage by 1 heart
Gotten for 15 kills
Medal of Honor:Increases all damage by 3 hearts
Gotten for 30 Kills
The medals are seen on the golem
By kills and damage taken, I mean what the golem has taken (sorry if it is obviuse, just making sure.)
Next is the snow golem sniper
They use sniper rifles crafted like this:
(note: dispenser may or may not represent snow golem gun, that is being worked on)
then you craft special new armor for them
put them together like with the snow golem marine but with the new gun and armor
they use a homemade 68-HS (6 to 8 heart sniper) that is slower but shoots far, acurate and does
50% 6 hearts
30% 7 hearts
20% 8 hearts
of damage
They dont have as good melee or armor, so keep em guarded!
Thats all for now!
NOTE:If you are a modder and want to make this mod, we make it as a team. I make ideas, you program, we share credit 50-50.
What the crap are you talking about?! this is letting you have pets who happen to be made with pumkins! thus the name! There is nothing about communism in here at all!