Lego IronIngot Lego
Lever Gunpowder Lever =Lego Halo (Make an animation)
Lego IronIngot Lego
Now what you can do with these legos is that you can place them on the ground and you'll get a random set!To get another one if you don't like the one that you get is just destroy it and it'll give you the lego whatever back!
That is the lego mod and i hope someone will make this. Pay attention to the recipes and have fun making it!
First one is the LEGO
(The Flower and rose is not dye)
Obsidian Dirt Obsidian
Flower blank Rose = LEGO (Make up an animation)
Glass Glass Glass
Next is:Lego Harry Potter
Lego Wood Lego
Paper Stick Paper =LEGO Harry Potter (Make up an animation)
Lego Wood Lego
Next is:Lego Minecraft
Lego String Lego
Dirt Gunpowder Dirt
Lego RottenFlesh Lego
Next is:Lego Spongebob LOL
Lego WhiteWool Lego
Sponge YellowWool Sponge = Lego Spongebob (Make an animation)
Lego WhiteWool Lego
Next is:Lego Halo
Lego IronIngot Lego
Lever Gunpowder Lever =Lego Halo (Make an animation)
Lego IronIngot Lego
Now what you can do with these legos is that you can place them on the ground and you'll get a random set!To get another one if you don't like the one that you get is just destroy it and it'll give you the lego whatever back!
That is the lego mod and i hope someone will make this. Pay attention to the recipes and have fun making it!