Hey to all you modders out there, I really enjoyed the cauldron back in 1.9 pre release 3 and I was wondering if anyone of you out there could bring its use back and possibly add a few potions if its not to much trouble. I know i could find a download of pre release 3 but there are new features that I enjoy. That's all I would like and if you do add potions I don't care what potions, it's up to you.
Thank you for your time if you decide to take on this request. for the modder who makes this.
People who play in peaceful mode might want to do brewing too. Cant get a blaze rod in peaceful, so cant build a brewing stand. So yeah, we should definitely be able to use the cauldron for brewing. Especially now that there are witches in the game. Who ever heard of witches using brewing stands?? They make potions in cauldrons!
Thank you for your time if you decide to take on this request. for the modder who makes this.