Disclaimer: I am (edit: not entirely) new at this. Thank you.
Onto my ideas, aka. my goals. I want to work with any willing mod developers, or even standard laymen, to develop a (huge) series of compatible (cross compatible, SMP compatible) mods that re-work Minecraft into a full- fledged game. With enough time, hard work, and support, the final product would be the Fleshed Pack, a fleshed out version of Minecraft that keeps the vanilla feel without grinding and without a lack of motivation. Instead, the mod pack would encourage constant adventure, more discovery, and better defined goals, so there is never nothing to do
To start out, I have come up with a small list of mods to start on. If you feel like helping with a specific mod, or just helping in general, just PM me or leave a comment. Even if you don't want to help, leave a comment so I can get feedback. If your idea is worth reading, I'll add you as a contributor! Thx!!
I know. Everyone's doing it. However, very few people do it right. This is about finding a ton of mobs that belong in Minecraft. I've seen fairies with big heads, ponies, ogres, aliens, and about anything that you can fit into a 16 bit game. I say yes to horses, dragons, and small fairies, but some mobs really just don't fit.
-Horses: mount with a standard saddle, multiple types, breedable
-Dragons: red (red dragons might be added to vanilla), becomes hostile when player gets close, spawns in high altitude caves. Could be boss, with special treasure cave, drops dragon egg that has a chance of hatching into a baby dragon when thrown near fire/ lava. Tamed baby dragon would be blue (during which time, must be protected, even though it will attack nearby hostiles), and grows very slowly into adult blue dragon , which may build a cave near player's spawn point. After that, dragon will become independent, but much stronger, as you can pay it gold to fight and fly for you.
-Zelda-style fairies: fly, fully passive, may heal player when nearby, only spawn in forest biomes
-Ghosts: transparent distortions that are damaged by even low light levels.
-Gremlins: One block high, furry thing that messes with your redstone. Mwahaha!!
-As this is not a very inspired mod, need help!
Major Contributors: travellingmanthe
Minor Contributors: none
2) Biome Crazy
Again, very popular, but I'm talking about more than just replacing a few blocks. Biomes should be smaller, and have more variety, while remaining sensical. Towns spawn in almost any biome, and have structures unique to that biome. More dungeons/ structures that spawn randomly. Thinking about tundras and cave biomes, where hills look like swiss cheese.
-Smaller biome sizes, less travel time from one to another.
-Towns in all biomes, contain biome specific buildings
-More dungeons
-Tundra: snowy flatland
-Cave: hills filled with exposed cave systems
-Volcano: Fiery hills, perhaps water in this area steams and can hurt you?
-Canyon: Raised flatland with rivers flowing through frequent ravines
-Mesa: flatland filled with stone, bare dirt, and sand. Natural arches and raised mesas
-Paradise: Hills full of flowers, sparse trees, high spawn of peaceful mobs, floating gardens
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
3) Nethermore
Adds more mobs in Nether, each with their own "faction" castles. Will fight each other until player comes into range, at which point... well, good luck. Castles hold chests, traps, and concealed spawners. Nether becomes flatter and layers become more distinct to accommodate castles. Several new ores found exclusively in nether, as rare as diamond or emerald.
-Mob specific castles
-Mobs fight each other
-Other new structures
-Flatter, less (environmentally) dangerous nether
-New ores used in crafting recipes
-Nether biomes?
-Fire dogs: Stronger, reskined wolves, not tameable, hostile
-Bombies: Think creeper. One block high, red bomb on four legs
-Lava squid: Squid that swim in lava. Fires projectiles and cannot be combated w/o arrows because of lava.
-Nether Roc: Fire Bird that does a dive attack
-Daemon: Demons that are attracted to the nether portal, causing more to teleport to the overworld
-Even more new mobs!
Major Contributors: travellingmanthe
Minor Contributors: none
4) Village Geniuses?
Villagers offer greater variety of trades (and more per villager), and will slowly build their town on their own as you trade more. Buildings become become more useful to both player and villager, and villagers will wander through nether portal and build villages there (if they can survive).
-More trades per villager
-More trade variety
-Trading resources cause villagers to expand village
-New blocks that serve functions in homes
-Villagers can start new towns in nether
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
5) Achievement Get!
Yep! I love a good achievement, and that's something Minecraft lacks- a good variety of achievements. More achievements for building, mining, and anything that moves. Possible rewards for achievements, and a separate backup file for achievements, so that they aren't lost every other update.
-Revamped achievement system
-More achievements!!!
-Rewards for achievements?
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
6) A Whole New Level
An activity based leveling system for abilities, such as woodcutting and swimming that give a permanent buff. Run faster, jump higher, die less. Also, standard exp. needs another use in something other than enchantment. Perhaps, if reaching certain levels unlocked new recipes? Hmmm.......
-Level up abilities by doing related actions
-Higher level abilities give better permanent buff
-Leveling may unlock new recipes (would work in conjunction with recipe book mod)?
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
7) Quasi-Dimensions
I drool every time I think of my short-lived time with the Aether Mod. Although it had shortcomings in the installation, it had everything I look for in a mod (aka. an entirely new experience and some pure, polished entertainment). Now imagine several of those, with all the massive features but not the massive world size. Yeah. Epic.
-Multiple dimensions with unique resources and properties. Have size limits to reduce lag.
-Portals require either rare earth materials, rare materials from other dimensions, or very specific conditions to limit immediate entry due to increasingly difficult (and rewarding) mobs and dungeons.
-Air dimension: AKA Aether ripoff. Sorry.
-Water dimension: Floating islands, with most of the upper layers filled completely with water. Under the water, there are expansive but shallow caves that can be freely entered and exited because of water blocking techniques. Mobs would include the fish-like creatures in the caves and the hostile swimming mobs
-Earth dimension: world filled with various forms of caverns. with almost no room to build above the earth. Mobs would be things like dwarves, bats, and massive worms that burrow through the earth
-Lightning dimension: similar to normal world, but there are constant storms with huge amounts of lightning, setting things on fire and charging creepers.
-The Nimbus: Kinda like heaven; filled with temples, angels that attack when they feel that you are too close, and clouds that will slow your fall, negating fall damage. Due to the fact that the cloud temples are filled with riches, the only way to get to the Nimbus is to mine a rare mineral in the End.
-Nightmare/Pipe Dream: No spoiler for you! It's obvious!
-Others, as they are suggested (or thought up)
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
8) Y no fly?
I'm thinking abilities. Not game changers, but mild ones like reduced fire/lava damage, increased air when underwater, things like that. Almost like free potions, you could have two or three abilities at once, and use them after a cool-down.
-Abilities that require a cool down
-Craftable magic bench allows selection of (two or three?) abilities
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
9) Timber!!
Will automatically cut down trees when single block is cut. Unlike the TreeCapitator Mod, the effect is only good with iron and higher grade axes, and cutting down a tree will do damage to the axe equal to the the damage done by cutting the all wood and leaves. If durability is insufficient, random blocks (that couldn't be cut because axe broke) are left uncut. This way, it is not as OP, and using the old fashion way can be more efficient.
-Automatically cuts trees when a single block is cut
-Only effects iron and higher grade axes
-Does damage to axe according to blocks cut
-When durability is insufficient, random blocks are left, decreasing efficiency
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
10)That's So Fad......
More blocks for decoration (such as furniture), as well as utility blocks. This would remove some limitations on your house personalization, and also cause village houses to serve a purpose.
-Tables, chairs, shelves, dressers, more lighting options
-Dressers that open forward instead of upwards (chests)
-Adds pipes that are used to transfer liquids or items
-Sink connected to pipe will transfer water up or items down
-Stove (cooks food only) transfers flowing for energy
-Carpeting, that uses dying process based on leather armor
-Paint can be made with dye and paint base, only available from villagers
-Paint will dye all armor except leather and chain
-Armor must be chrome plated before being painted
-Diamond Re-skinned to differentiate from gold
-Double Piston and Ballistic Piston
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
11) Chain and Steel
The armor and weapons pack that includes all weapons included in the Fleshed Pack. Although I am not a big fan of new armor and weapons (most are either useless, make no sense, or make you OP), it is a must.
-Dozens of new armor and weapons
-Each provide small advantages, as not to break the game
-Higher tier weapons require higher tier forges and fuels to make
-Also new types of weapons, such as new bows, hammers, daggers- all the standard stuff, in materials specific to the Flesh Pack
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
12)The Earth is Flat
A mod that makes maps more useful, instead of using a mini-map. Simple enough, right?
-Maps no longer have to be held to map, but must be in quick-select bar
-Pressing key ("P"?) marks color-coded point on held map and uses a GUI to label it
-Another key brings up color-coded map key in text box
-Points are also shown when placed in an item frame
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
2) TBA- The only real spoiler
These are unplanned/ unannounced mods. I MIGHT put something good in here (????), but it will mainly be an acknowledgement center
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
Here I place all potential sources for coding. Note that I will only ask permission from the mod owner as soon as a team (or even a single modder) is willing to work on that project. Almost all sources (if not all) need major work to become finished project in each mod. If it were not so, I would have just asked for a simple mod pack to be put together.
I know there was more I wanted to say, but for now, thank you for taking the time to read this, and please don't steal my our ideas . I need them intact. Also, check in once in a while! I might just be able to get this up and running someday! Comment!!
It might be better just to make a modpack with existing mods, instead of creating an entirely new mod.
Some of those ideas are good though
I was thinking about that too, but I there is also a lot of work in cobbling several mods together. Would it be worth the time to deal with SMP vs single player coding, different minecraft versions, and mod incompatibility? I thought it might be better to have the mods natively compatible with each other and with SMP, even though that might be harder to manage.
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--Brothernichols "I lost the game!!" *gets punched* O.o.....
(Bump) Made text more interesting, added ideas I've had over the last week, added possible code sources. I still need help with this. I will be brainstorming ideas and making an attempt at learning Java until this is finished. Having a team of modders would help. A LOT.
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--Brothernichols "I lost the game!!" *gets punched* O.o.....
Added concept art section and hid the (long) list of mods. Made (even better looking) banner and separate development forum. I've started leaning java and have done some experimenting with Techne.Also planning to aggressively look for modders as soon as the 1.4 update comes out, with the modding API.
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--Brothernichols "I lost the game!!" *gets punched* O.o.....
hi not to be mean but here are some recomdations u should think of doing
1:if you don't want it to make it op don't add a new stuctures to all biomes and make them smaller u should 1 or the other
2:Nethermore that is changing he nether to much just make a new demision 3: the timber mod just ask the guy that made treecapatator to mess with the settings a bit 4: the lightning daminsion ask the guy that made the apacalips mod to just make it a new damnision 5: MOST OF ALL DONT JUST TAKE PEOPLES STUFF AWAY ITS THERE CODE ASK FIRST MOST MODDERS LIKE ME WON'T WANT TO HELP IF YOU DO THAT.
hi not to be mean but here are some recomdations u should think of doing
1:if you don't want it to make it op don't add a new stuctures to all biomes and make them smaller u should 1 or the other
2:Nethermore that is changing he nether to much just make a new demision 3: the timber mod just ask the guy that made treecapatator to mess with the settings a bit 4: the lightning daminsion ask the guy that made the apacalips mod to just make it a new damnision 5: MOST OF ALL DONT JUST TAKE PEOPLES STUFF AWAY ITS THERE CODE ASK FIRST MOST MODDERS LIKE ME WON'T WANT TO HELP IF YOU DO THAT.
1)sorry, but how is that OP? The mod would add the small chance to generate a larger variety of structures, and make biomes slightly smaller, so that it would be easier to explore. It would add the excitement of adventure, but not really give mass amounts of any item.
2)That would kinda be redundant, and possibly harder. I want to work with already existing resources.
3-5)I'M NOT JUST STEALING CODING. I put the source links in as a reference. I would ask permission once a modder needs the coding, so that some of the basic concept and coding could be used.
Sorry if this all sounds kinda forceful (rude, etc.), I'm just kinda trying to get a point across.
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--Brothernichols "I lost the game!!" *gets punched* O.o.....
may i apply for this? i have experience as a coder but not much, and i really would only like to do this if i may use Minecraft Forge for my API. PM me yes or no, dont post a comment, i might not read it. if yes i'll get started on whatever you want me to do! please include something you want me to code so i can get started... i also have a few ideas so... yea.
edit: i made an account on your website...maybe too early... now what?
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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you should make a wasteland dimension/biome that is filled with zombies, skeletons, creepers, and sand. also there should be radioactive pits that give you poison when you go into them. eternal night. description = flat and sandy.
Onto my ideas, aka. my goals. I want to work with any willing mod developers, or even standard laymen, to develop a (huge) series of compatible (cross compatible, SMP compatible) mods that re-work Minecraft into a full- fledged game. With enough time, hard work, and support, the final product would be the Fleshed Pack, a fleshed out version of Minecraft that keeps the vanilla feel without grinding and without a lack of motivation. Instead, the mod pack would encourage constant adventure, more discovery, and better defined goals, so there is never nothing to do
To start out, I have come up with a small list of mods to start on. If you feel like helping with a specific mod, or just helping in general, just PM me or leave a comment. Even if you don't want to help, leave a comment so I can get feedback. If your idea is worth reading, I'll add you as a contributor! Thx!!
1) Mod list (mostly comprehensive)
1) Mobs of Mobs
-Horses: mount with a standard saddle, multiple types, breedable
-Dragons: red (red dragons might be added to vanilla), becomes hostile when player gets close, spawns in high altitude caves. Could be boss, with special treasure cave, drops dragon egg that has a chance of hatching into a baby dragon when thrown near fire/ lava. Tamed baby dragon would be blue (during which time, must be protected, even though it will attack nearby hostiles), and grows very slowly into adult blue dragon , which may build a cave near player's spawn point. After that, dragon will become independent, but much stronger, as you can pay it gold to fight and fly for you.
-Zelda-style fairies: fly, fully passive, may heal player when nearby, only spawn in forest biomes
-Ghosts: transparent distortions that are damaged by even low light levels.
Major Contributors: travellingmanthe
Minor Contributors: none
2) Biome Crazy
-Smaller biome sizes, less travel time from one to another.
-Towns in all biomes, contain biome specific buildings
-More dungeons
-Tundra: snowy flatland
-Cave: hills filled with exposed cave systems
-Volcano: Fiery hills, perhaps water in this area steams and can hurt you?
-Canyon: Raised flatland with rivers flowing through frequent ravines
-Mesa: flatland filled with stone, bare dirt, and sand. Natural arches and raised mesas
-Paradise: Hills full of flowers, sparse trees, high spawn of peaceful mobs, floating gardens
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
3) Nethermore
-Mob specific castles
-Mobs fight each other
-Other new structures
-Flatter, less (environmentally) dangerous nether
-New ores used in crafting recipes
-Nether biomes?
-Fire dogs: Stronger, reskined wolves, not tameable, hostile
-Bombies: Think creeper. One block high, red bomb on four legs
-Lava squid: Squid that swim in lava. Fires projectiles and cannot be combated w/o arrows because of lava.
-Even more new mobs!
Major Contributors: travellingmanthe
Minor Contributors: none
4) Village Geniuses?
-More trades per villager
-More trade variety
-Trading resources cause villagers to expand village
-New blocks that serve functions in homes
-Villagers can start new towns in nether
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
5) Achievement Get!
-Revamped achievement system
-More achievements!!!
-Rewards for achievements?
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
6) A Whole New Level
-Level up abilities by doing related actions
-Higher level abilities give better permanent buff
-Leveling may unlock new recipes (would work in conjunction with recipe book mod)?
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
7) Quasi-Dimensions
-Multiple dimensions with unique resources and properties. Have size limits to reduce lag.
-Portals require either rare earth materials, rare materials from other dimensions, or very specific conditions to limit immediate entry due to increasingly difficult (and rewarding) mobs and dungeons.
-Air dimension: AKA Aether ripoff. Sorry.
-Water dimension: Floating islands, with most of the upper layers filled completely with water. Under the water, there are expansive but shallow caves that can be freely entered and exited because of water blocking techniques. Mobs would include the fish-like creatures in the caves and the hostile swimming mobs
-Earth dimension: world filled with various forms of caverns. with almost no room to build above the earth. Mobs would be things like dwarves, bats, and massive worms that burrow through the earth
-Lightning dimension: similar to normal world, but there are constant storms with huge amounts of lightning, setting things on fire and charging creepers.
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
8) Y no fly?
-Abilities that require a cool down
-Craftable magic bench allows selection of (two or three?) abilities
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
9) Timber!!
-Automatically cuts trees when a single block is cut
-Only effects iron and higher grade axes
-Does damage to axe according to blocks cut
-When durability is insufficient, random blocks are left, decreasing efficiency
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
10)That's So Fad......
-Tables, chairs, shelves, dressers, more lighting options
-Dressers that open forward instead of upwards (chests)
-Adds pipes that are used to transfer liquids or items
-Sink connected to pipe will transfer water up or items down
-Stove (cooks food only) transfers flowing
-Paint can be made with dye and paint base, only available from villagers
-Paint will dye all armor except leather and chain
-Double Piston and Ballistic Piston
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
11) Chain and Steel
-Dozens of new armor and weapons
-Each provide small advantages, as not to break the game
-Also new types of weapons, such as new bows, hammers, daggers- all the standard stuff, in materials specific to the Flesh Pack
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
12)The Earth is Flat
-Maps no longer have to be held to map, but must be in quick-select bar
-Pressing key ("P"?) marks color-coded point on held map and uses a GUI to label it
-Another key brings up color-coded map key in text box
-Points are also shown when placed in an item frame
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
2) TBA- The only real spoiler
Major Contributors: none
Minor Contributors: none
Major Contributors: Kovu, I guess.....
Minor Contributors: none
4)Concept Art
Diamond Helm Dyed Reskin
Paint Base
Diamond Set Dyed Reskin
Ballistic Piston
5)Mod Team (updated with official forum)
me (of course)
6) Banners!!
By yours truly
myour ideasBecause I can only do ModLoader...
I just did research and mod loader is built into forge. Does that mean I can say both?
It might be better just to make a modpack with existing mods, instead of creating an entirely new mod.
Some of those ideas are good though
I was thinking about that too, but I there is also a lot of work in cobbling several mods together. Would it be worth the time to deal with SMP vs single player coding, different minecraft versions, and mod incompatibility? I thought it might be better to have the mods natively compatible with each other and with SMP, even though that might be harder to manage.
Thanks! Coffee for you! I'll PM you as soon as I can!
1:if you don't want it to make it op don't add a new stuctures to all biomes and make them smaller u should 1 or the other
2:Nethermore that is changing he nether to much just make a new demision
3: the timber mod just ask the guy that made treecapatator to mess with the settings a bit
4: the lightning daminsion ask the guy that made the apacalips mod to just make it a new damnision
1)sorry, but how is that OP? The mod would add the small chance to generate a larger variety of structures, and make biomes slightly smaller, so that it would be easier to explore. It would add the excitement of adventure, but not really give mass amounts of any item.
2)That would kinda be redundant, and possibly harder. I want to work with already existing resources.
3-5)I'M NOT JUST STEALING CODING. I put the source links in as a reference. I would ask permission once a modder needs the coding, so that some of the basic concept and coding could be used.
Sorry if this all sounds kinda forceful (rude, etc.), I'm just kinda trying to get a point across.
You can now register here if you want to help with the mod! Soon enough I'll have to move this thread to WIP
edit: i made an account on your website...maybe too early... now what?