This thread is under development, so expect changes.
I am looking for coders to help with this overhaul. Please note it needs to be compatible with MCPatcher.
New Blocks:
- Smooth Netherrack
*worn-down netherrack
*found in Fissure Canyons biome
- Boulderstone
*dark grey colored stone. Tougher than normal stone.
*found in boulder-shaped deposits on surface in Badlands biome
*when broken, drops 3-8 Boulderstone Pieces
- Living Sharpstone
*deals heavy contact damage to all mobs including player
*brittle... breaks upon contact
*regrows into spires
*found in Pinnacles biome
- Boulderstone Bricks
*made by smelting Boulderstone Pieces
*when broken, drops 2-4 Boulderstone Pieces
- Netherwood Trees
*tall fence-thin trees with many branches
*very light-colored wood on inside, dark on outside
*drops netherwood splinters
- Netherwood planks
- Netherwood Barrel
*holds water
- Drygrass
*found in all Nether Biomes
- Quicksilver (liquid)
- Powercrystal
*provides power to all blocks in an 8-block spherical radius
*light level 5 emitted from it
New Items:
- Malfruit
*transforms you into zombie for 60 seconds. (30sec cooldown)
*useful for escaping from raging zombie pigmen
*warning: if used in pigmen encampment, you WILL be attacked.
- Sharpstone tools (same speed and damage as diamond, but 1/5 the durability)
- Netherwood Splinters
*can be crafted into netherwood items e.g planks, barrels, etc.
- Boulderstone Pieces
*can be smelted into Boulderstone Bricks
New mechanics:
- Quicksilver pits
*when mobs enter, they are sucked down until suffocation occurs
- Pigmen Encampments
*fortified with Living sharpstone spires
*no hostile mobs can enter
- Ore occurrence
*some ores now spawn in netherrack
+Lumin (when broken, gives 2-4 glowstone dust)
- Obsidian occurrence
*obsidian now spawns in the nether in Fissure Canyons biome
New Mobs:
- Netherwood Beetle Swarm
*1/8 chance of appearing upon break of netherwood tree block
- Nether
Would be quite fun, though there are mods like it, just not as cool I don't think this would go well with MCPatcher though, because MCPatcher is for fixes.
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Would be quite fun, though there are mods like it, just not as cool I don't think this would go well with MCPatcher though, because MCPatcher is for fixes.
I'd consider it a fix... the nether is a pretty lame place as it currently stands. There really isn't much reason to go there in the current state of things
I'd consider it a fix... the nether is a pretty lame place as it currently stands. There really isn't much reason to go there in the current state of things
Yeah, the only reason ive ever gone is for glowstone for tekkit :/ Awesome idea if you could find someone
I could do *some* of the modding. And possibly somehow tweak the generation codes. I can do mobs if someone supplies me with a model.
I can make ores and stuff generate too. Just give me a pm about it. Will nether plank be compatible with normal plank goods? Hopefully not. <.<Btw, like my sig?I also make incredibly good looking "vanilla" textures so I can pretty much sit at my computer all day coding and texturing.EDIT: Just re-read. I definitely want to do this. If this succeeds then I may be able to make other "enhancing" mods.
The only thing I definately cannot do is trees. What a nightmare. Unless anyone has the codes for a tree?
Yup. I'll be back and post it around Wednesday next week. I can do much more than that in the time I'll have. :DCompatible with mcpatcher though? Wasn't mcpatcher a texture pack fix?
If you want to have this mod work with hd texture packs it already will if you have a hd fix.P.S. Malfruit may be unpossible. But I can make it give you a potion effect.But yeah, I'll be needing a giant beetle texture. I bags making the textures for the mod!
Compatible with MCPatcher as in not conflicting with any of its class files
Send me a PM with progress as you go
That isn't a problem in modding usually. And I can try. But I'll be at a house without Internet all weekend. But it's friday afternoon after school now!
Fixed up the idea list:
T=I can
F=I can't
New Blocks:
T- Smooth Netherrack
*worn-down netherrack
*found in canyons
T- Boulderstone
*dark grey colored stone. Solid.
M- Living Sharpstone
*deals heavy contact damage to all mobs including player
*brittle... breaks upon contact
*regrows into spires
*found in Pinnacles biome
T- Boulderstone Bricks
T- Netherwood Trees
*tall fence-thin trees with many branches-F
*very light-colored wood on inside, dark on outside
*drops netherwood splinters
*has leaves but they are called branches
T- Netherwood planks
M- Netherwood Barrel
*holds water
T- Drygrass
*found in all Nether Biomes
M- Quicksilver (liquid)
M- Powercrystal
*provides power to all blocks in an 8-block spherical radius
*light level 5 emitted from it
New Items:
T- Malfruit
*gives a potion effect
*falls from Netherwood trees
T- Sharpstone tools (same speed and damage as iron, but 1/5 the durability)
- Netherwood Planks
*can be crafted into Netherwood items
New mechanics:
M- Quicksilver pits
*when mobs enter, they are sucked down until suffocation occurs
M- Pigmen Encampments
*fortified with Living sharpstone spires
*no hostile mobs can enter
T- Ore occurrence
*some ores now spawn in netherrack
+Lumin (when broken, gives 2-4 glowstone dust)
T- Obsidian occurrence
*obsidian now spawns in the nether in Canyons biome
New Mobs:
M- Netherwood Beetle Swarm
*1/8 chance of appearing upon break of netherwood tree block
New Biomes:
T- Netherplains/Badlands
T- Canyons
T- Netherwoods
T- Darkswamps
I can add things too. I will put in a few surprises too. You'll like it.But I can't do structures. I can always try though, right? :DNew idea: Blood orange!
Would like to see a Deep Nether biome that becomes dark and cold, surrounded with ash. If possible; using snow like effects if 'weather' can be implimented. Sorry, I'm roughly referencing the Divine Comedy's 'Inferno'.
Could look into some demonic type of mobs... there just has to be something in all that lava.
I would also like to suggest if you can, look into the mechanics of the Caultron for the Netherwood Barrel. I'm not too keen on programming but I hope I can take a wild swing!
I'd like to see more structures. The Nether seems like a great place to add more mysterious objects and such. Maybe even some lore as to how the Nether came to be?
Just some suggestions. Perhaps...
-Nether Outpost (Small netherbrick outpost with loot)
-Hellforge (Demonic forge with gold tools and the occasional diamond)
-Ghastery (A place on the upper areas where you can find a Ghast harness so you can fly Ghasts? :D)
-More ruins?
Once I get the chance, I might build some of the things above...
Also, there's a very strange lack of obsidian, so maybe add that to the generation of the Nether somehow? Obsidian beaches? >,<
I'd like to see more structures. The Nether seems like a great place to add more mysterious objects and such. Maybe even some lore as to how the Nether came to be?
Just some suggestions. Perhaps...
-Nether Outpost (Small netherbrick outpost with loot)
-Hellforge (Demonic forge with gold tools and the occasional diamond)
-Ghastery (A place on the upper areas where you can find a Ghast harness so you can fly Ghasts? :D)
-More ruins?
Once I get the chance, I might build some of the things above...
Also, there's a very strange lack of obsidian, so maybe add that to the generation of the Nether somehow? Obsidian beaches? >,<
I've already added obsidian to the generation idea, but I like those other concepts!
Would like to see a Deep Nether biome that becomes dark and cold, surrounded with ash. If possible; using snow like effects if 'weather' can be implimented. Sorry, I'm roughly referencing the Divine Comedy's 'Inferno'.
Could look into some demonic type of mobs... there just has to be something in all that lava.
I would also like to suggest if you can, look into the mechanics of the Caultron for the Netherwood Barrel. I'm not too keen on programming but I hope I can take a wild swing!
I love the idea, I just hope you keep it simple. The nether needs help, but what turns me away from a lot of these nether mods is that they are so convoluted. Everything you have so far though sounds awesome!
I love the idea, I just hope you keep it simple. The nether needs help, but what turns me away from a lot of these nether mods is that they are so convoluted. Everything you have so far though sounds awesome!
Yeah that was another reason I wanted to have this one. It's nice to have detail but not overwhelmingly so
I am looking for coders to help with this overhaul. Please note it needs to be compatible with MCPatcher.
New Blocks:
- Smooth Netherrack
*worn-down netherrack
*found in Fissure Canyons biome
- Boulderstone
*dark grey colored stone. Tougher than normal stone.
*found in boulder-shaped deposits on surface in Badlands biome
*when broken, drops 3-8 Boulderstone Pieces
- Living Sharpstone
*deals heavy contact damage to all mobs including player
*brittle... breaks upon contact
*regrows into spires
*found in Pinnacles biome
- Boulderstone Bricks
*made by smelting Boulderstone Pieces
*when broken, drops 2-4 Boulderstone Pieces
- Netherwood Trees
*tall fence-thin trees with many branches
*very light-colored wood on inside, dark on outside
*drops netherwood splinters
- Netherwood planks
- Netherwood Barrel
*holds water
- Drygrass
*found in all Nether Biomes
- Quicksilver (liquid)
- Powercrystal
*provides power to all blocks in an 8-block spherical radius
*light level 5 emitted from it
New Items:
- Malfruit
*transforms you into zombie for 60 seconds. (30sec cooldown)
*useful for escaping from raging zombie pigmen
*warning: if used in pigmen encampment, you WILL be attacked.
- Sharpstone tools (same speed and damage as diamond, but 1/5 the durability)
- Netherwood Splinters
*can be crafted into netherwood items e.g planks, barrels, etc.
- Boulderstone Pieces
*can be smelted into Boulderstone Bricks
New mechanics:
- Quicksilver pits
*when mobs enter, they are sucked down until suffocation occurs
- Pigmen Encampments
*fortified with Living sharpstone spires
*no hostile mobs can enter
- Ore occurrence
*some ores now spawn in netherrack
+Lumin (when broken, gives 2-4 glowstone dust)
- Obsidian occurrence
*obsidian now spawns in the nether in Fissure Canyons biome
New Mobs:
- Netherwood Beetle Swarm
*1/8 chance of appearing upon break of netherwood tree block
- Nether
New Biomes:
- Badlands
- Fissure Canyons
- Netherwoods
- Darkswamps
I'd consider it a fix... the nether is a pretty lame place as it currently stands. There really isn't much reason to go there in the current state of things
Yeah, the only reason ive ever gone is for glowstone for tekkit :/ Awesome idea if you could find someone
I can make ores and stuff generate too. Just give me a pm about it. Will nether plank be compatible with normal plank goods? Hopefully not. <.<Btw, like my sig?I also make incredibly good looking "vanilla" textures so I can pretty much sit at my computer all day coding and texturing.EDIT: Just re-read. I definitely want to do this. If this succeeds then I may be able to make other "enhancing" mods.
The only thing I definately cannot do is trees. What a nightmare. Unless anyone has the codes for a tree?
I'd love to see what you can do! If you want to create the new blocks first, that would be ideal so we can texture them so as to be able to view them
If you want to have this mod work with hd texture packs it already will if you have a hd fix.P.S. Malfruit may be unpossible. But I can make it give you a potion effect.But yeah, I'll be needing a giant beetle texture. I bags making the textures for the mod!
Compatible with MCPatcher as in not conflicting with any of its class files
Send me a PM with progress as you go
That isn't a problem in modding usually. And I can try. But I'll be at a house without Internet all weekend. But it's friday afternoon after school now!
Fixed up the idea list:
T=I can
F=I can't
New Blocks:
T- Smooth Netherrack
*worn-down netherrack
*found in canyons
T- Boulderstone
*dark grey colored stone. Solid.
M- Living Sharpstone
*deals heavy contact damage to all mobs including player
*brittle... breaks upon contact
*regrows into spires
*found in Pinnacles biome
T- Boulderstone Bricks
T- Netherwood Trees
*tall fence-thin trees with many branches-F
*very light-colored wood on inside, dark on outside
*drops netherwood splinters
*has leaves but they are called branches
T- Netherwood planks
M- Netherwood Barrel
*holds water
T- Drygrass
*found in all Nether Biomes
M- Quicksilver (liquid)
M- Powercrystal
*provides power to all blocks in an 8-block spherical radius
*light level 5 emitted from it
New Items:
T- Malfruit
*gives a potion effect
*falls from Netherwood trees
T- Sharpstone tools (same speed and damage as iron, but 1/5 the durability)
- Netherwood Planks
*can be crafted into Netherwood items
New mechanics:
M- Quicksilver pits
*when mobs enter, they are sucked down until suffocation occurs
M- Pigmen Encampments
*fortified with Living sharpstone spires
*no hostile mobs can enter
T- Ore occurrence
*some ores now spawn in netherrack
+Lumin (when broken, gives 2-4 glowstone dust)
T- Obsidian occurrence
*obsidian now spawns in the nether in Canyons biome
New Mobs:
M- Netherwood Beetle Swarm
*1/8 chance of appearing upon break of netherwood tree block
New Biomes:
T- Netherplains/Badlands
T- Canyons
T- Netherwoods
T- Darkswamps
I can add things too. I will put in a few surprises too. You'll like it.But I can't do structures. I can always try though, right? :DNew idea: Blood orange!
Could look into some demonic type of mobs... there just has to be something in all that lava.
I would also like to suggest if you can, look into the mechanics of the Caultron for the Netherwood Barrel. I'm not too keen on programming but I hope I can take a wild swing!
Just some suggestions. Perhaps...
-Nether Outpost (Small netherbrick outpost with loot)
-Hellforge (Demonic forge with gold tools and the occasional diamond)
-Ghastery (A place on the upper areas where you can find a Ghast harness so you can fly Ghasts? :D)
-More ruins?
Once I get the chance, I might build some of the things above...
Also, there's a very strange lack of obsidian, so maybe add that to the generation of the Nether somehow? Obsidian beaches? >,<
I've already added obsidian to the generation idea, but I like those other concepts!
What do you mean?
Sounds good!
Will do! should they be in a new .png?
Yeah that was another reason I wanted to have this one. It's nice to have detail but not overwhelmingly so